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Name:_____________________________Date: _____________

Course & Year:_____________ Subject:___________

Activity 8: Pasta and Noodles

Activity 1: Answer the following questions using your own words. Explain your answers.
1.How will you know that the pasta that you are cooking is already al dente? (5 pts.)
2. If you are cooking tuna as your main ingredients for pasta what pasta sauce will you use?
Why? Explain your answer. (10 pts).
3. What are the difference and similarities between miki noodles and mami? Explain your
answer (10 pts)

Read each statement carefully and answer honestly each statement. Write agree if you are
practicing the statement mentioned and disagree if not.
______________________1.I prefer to cook pasta than noodles.
______________________2.I prefer to eat pasta than noodles.
______________________3. I have hard time choosing between pasta and noodles on the
food that I am going to cook and sell.
______________________ 4. I think Filipino prefer noodles rather than pasta..
______________________5. We only cook pasta which are common to us.
______________________6. The only pasta dish that I eat is spaghetti.
______________________7. My family members expect that I can cook all several dishes.
______________________8. I gained more profit from this activity compare from my previous
one. .
______________________9. I have applied all the lessons and experienced that I gained from
my previous laboratory to earn more profit for this activity.
______________________10. I think my target market prefer noodles than pasta dish.

Self – Reflect:
1.What are the difficulties that I have experienced from this activity that I did not encountered
from my last one?

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