Instructions: Kindly Answer Depending On What The Question Entails. Thus, If The Question Asks You

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By:  Judge  Nelson  G.  Leyco  
Instructions:  Kindly  answer  depending  on  what  the  question  entails.  Thus,  if  the  question  asks  you  
to  fill-­‐‑in  the  blanks  or  identify  the  answer,  write  down  the  correct  answer.  If  the  question  gives  you  
options  to  choose  from  (e.g.,  true  or  false;  yes  or  no;  public  or  private;  etc.),  write  down  the  correct  
1.   __________  may  be  defined  as  anything  which  is  or  may  be  the  object  of  appropriation.  
2.   True  or  False.  The  provision  of  blood  for  transfusion  is  a  not  only  a  medical  service  but  also  a  sale  of  
3.   If  things  owned  in  common  by  the  general  public  are  termed  as  res  communes,  what  is  the  term  for  
things  without  any  owner?  __________  
4.   Movable   property   which   can   be   used   in   a   manner   appropriate   to   their   nature   without   their   being  
consumed  is  called  __________  
5.   A   stranger   discovered   by   chance   on   the   property   of   another,   a   gold   ring   with   a   rare   diamond  
belonging  to  a  certain  Manuel  Sy  as  shown  in  the  engraving  thereon.  In  this  case,  the  stranger  will  not  
be  entitled  to  any  share  of  this  discovered  treasure.  True  or  False.  
6.   When  the  sea  advances  and  private  properties  are  permanently  invaded  by  the  waves,  it  can  be  said  
this  is  a  case  of  __________  eminent  domain.  
7.   Accion  reivindicatoria  is  an  action  to  recover  property  based  on  who  has  a  better  right  of  possession  or  
possession  de  jure.  True  or  False.  
8.   An  attribute  of  ownership  which  refers  to  the  right  to  use  the  property  is  called  Jus  __________  
9.   True  or  False.  The  mere  fact  that  the  building  and  the  land  on  which  it  stands  do  not  belong  to  the  
same  owner  does  not  make  the  building  movable.  
10.   A   __________   is   the   power   belonging   to   a   person   over   a   specific   thing   or   right,   without   a   passive  
subject  individually  determined.  
11.   Rider  Taxi  Co.  placed  in  a  building  that  it  owned,  equipment  for  repairs  and  service  of  its  fleet  of  taxi  
cabs.  In  this  case,  the  equipment  are  considered:  Movable  properties  or  Immovable  properties?  
12.   This   is   a   requisite   or   element   of   property   which   refers   to   the   capacity   to   satisfy   human   wants.  
13.   Shares  of  stock  in  real  estate  companies  are  considered  personal  properties.  True  or  False.  
14.   The  right  of  the  owner  of  a  thing  to  everything  which  is  produced  thereby  or  incorporated  or  attached  
thereto  is  called  __________  
15.   The  products  of  animals  in  a  farm  which  are  produced  with  the  aid  of  human  labor  are  considered  to  
be  natural  fruits  and  not  industrial  fruits.  True  of  False.  
16.   A  land  owner  in  bad  faith  makes  use  of  the  materials  of  another  in  building  on  his  (i.e.,  land  owner’s)  
property.  In  this  case,  the  land  owner  can  never  become  the  owner  of  the  materials.  True  of  False.  
17.   __________  refers  to  a  promise  under  oath  made  by  a  usufructuary  to  take  care  of,  and  restore,  the  
furniture  given  in  usufruct  and  coupled  with  a  request  for  its  delivery  to  him  despite  the  absence  of  
any  security  given  by  said  person.  
18.   A  building  of  X  was  found  to  be  encroaching  upon  the  land  of  Y.  The  situation  came  about  upon  X’s  
belief  that  he  owned  the  land  where  he  constructed  his  building  since  that  was  what  the  prevailing  
circumstances   have   shown.   In   this   case,   Y   has   the   right   to   compel   X   to   remove   the   encroaching  
building.  True  of  False.  
19.   Crops   were   sown   on   the   land   of   A   by   B.   Both   parties   are   in   good   faith.   The   value   of   the   crops   is  
Php100,000  while  the  value  of  the  land  is  Php101,000.  In  this  case,  A  cannot  compel  B  to  buy  the  land.  
True  or  False.  
20.   Acts   merely   __________,   and   those   executed   clandestinely   and   without   the   knowledge   of   the  
possessor  of  a  thing,  or  by  violence,  do  not  affect  possession.  
21.   X,   in   bad   faith,   builds   on   the   land   of   Y   using   the   materials   of   Z.   Y   and   Z   are   in   good   faith.   Y  
appropriates  the  building,  and  Z  sues  X  for  the  value  of  the  materials.  However,  X  is  insolvent.  In  this  
case,  Z  cannot  run  after  Y  for  the  value  of  the  materials  considering  that  both  of  them  are  in  good  faith.  
True  or  False.  
22.   The  owner  of  real  estate  which  is  fronting  or  next  to  a  river  bank  is  also  called  a  __________  owner.  
23.   Patrimonial   property   of   the   State   is   considered   to   be   more   in   the   nature   of:   PUBLIC   property   or  
PRIVATE  property?  
24.   Property  that  can  be  substituted  by  another  thing  of  the  same  kind,  quantity  and  quality  are  called  
25.   The  second  element  of  possession  (aside  from  the  first  element  of  occupation)  the  absence  of  which  
can  be  used  as  a  defense  in  a  prosecution  for  illegal  possession  of  an  unlicensed  firearm,  is  known  as  
26.   Possession  in  the  concept  of  a  holder  can  ripen  into  ownership.  True  or  False.  
27.   If  the  possessor  of  a  movable  lost  or  which  the  owner  has  been  unlawfully  deprived,  has  acquired  it  
in  good  faith  at  a  __________,  the  owner  cannot  obtain  its  return  without  reimbursing  the  price  paid  
28.   Good  faith  can  be  invoked  even  if  the  person  was  mistaken  in  understanding  a  difficult  provision  of  
law.  True  or  False.  
29.   __________  is  the  division,  between  2  or  more  persons,  of  property  held  by  them  in  common  so  that  
each  may  exclusively  enjoy  his  sole  estate.  
30.   A  usufructuary  may  not  sell  the  thing  in  usufruct  but  may  lease  it  to  another  person.  True  or  False.  
31.   An  unauthorized  person  can  also  acquire  possession  of  a  property  in  favor  of  another.  True  or  False.  
32.   Z   is   a   person   who   honestly   believes   that   he   owns   the   car   he   is   driving.   He   drives   it   in   a   negligent  
manner  which  causes  its  damage.  Later  on,  another  person  X  sues  Z  and  is  able  to  prove  that  he  is  the  
true  owner  of  the  car.  Is  Z  liable  to  X  for  the  damage  to  the  car?  Yes  or  No.  
33.   When  one  employs  the  materials  of  another  in  whole  or  in  part  in  order  to  make  a  thing  of  a  different  
kind,  this  accession  of  movables  is  known  as  __________  
34.   Under  the  law  on  accession,  if  both  parties  are  in  bad  faith,  they  shall  not  be  considered  in  pari  delicto.  
Thus,  a  land  owner  may  still  enforce  certain  rights  as  against  the  builder  on  his  land.  True  of  False.  
35.   This  refers  to  the  accretion  which  takes  place  whenever  the  current  of  a  river  segregates  from  an  estate  
on  its  bank  a  known  portion  of  land  and  transfers  it  to  another  estate.  __________  
36.   For   as   long   as   a   person   can   prove   that   he   was   unlawfully   deprived   of   his   cellular   phone,   he   may  
recover  it  from  a  third  person  in  possession  of  the  same  even  if  the  latter  is  in  good  faith.  True  or  False.  
37.   An   action   to   quiet   title   is   a   proper   action   where   there   is   a   boundary   dispute   arising   from   the  
encroachment  of  one'ʹs  building  in  another  person'ʹs  land  even  if  their  respective  certificates  of  title  are  
consistent  with  each  other.  True  or  False.  
38.   Repair  needed  to  fix  the  seat  cover  of  a  car  given  in  usufruct,  and  which  seat  cover  was  damaged  due  
to   wear   and   tear   arising   from   normal   use,   is   considered   ordinary   repair   rather   than   extraordinary  
repair.  True  or  False.  
39.   The   following   are   immovable   property:   (10)   Contracts   for   public   works,   and   servitudes   and   other  
__________  rights  over  immovable  property.  
40.   An  action  to  quiet  title  is  imprescriptible  when  the  plaintiff  is  not  in  possession  of  the  subject  property.  
True  or  False.  
41.   In  order  that  a  co-­‐‑owner  may  entrust  to  another  the  management  or  administration  of  his  share  in  the  
co-­‐‑owned  property,  he  needs  the  consent  of  at  least  a  financial  majority  of  his  other  co-­‐‑owners.  True  
or  False.  
42.   Repairs  needed  to  fix  the  tires  of  a  car  given  in  usufruct,  and  which  tires  were  damaged  due  to  wear  
and  tear  arising  from  normal  use,  are  considered  ordinary  repairs  rather  than  extraordinary  repairs.  
True  or  False.  
43.   When   a   father   was   in   bad   faith   in   possessing   a   parcel   of   land,   his   son   that   succeeded   him   in   such  
possession  is  also  deemed  to  be  in  bad  faith  at  the  beginning  of  the  son'ʹs  possession.  True  or  False.  
44.   When  a  condominium  unit  in  Manila  is  delivered  to  a  tenant  by  handing  over  its  keys  in  Cebu,  it  can  
be  said  that  the  tenant  has  acquired  possession  thereof  by  the  fact  that  said  unit  is  now  subject  to  the  
action  of  the  tenant'ʹs  will.  True  or  False.  
45.   No  __________  shall  run  in  favor  of  a  co-­‐‑owner  or  co-­‐‑heir  against  his  co-­‐‑owners  or  co-­‐‑heirs  as  long  as  
he  expressly  or  impliedly  recognizes  the  co-­‐‑ownership.  
46.   For  as  long  as  a  person  can  prove  that  he  was  unlawfully  deprived  of  his  money,  he  may  recover  it  
from  a  third  person  in  possession  of  the  same  even  if  the  latter  is  in  good  faith.  True  or  False.  
47.   Repairs  needed  to  fix  the  stereo  speakers  of  a  car  given  in  usufruct,  and  which  speakers  were  damaged  
due   to   wear   and   tear   arising   from   normal   use,   are   considered   ordinary   repairs   rather   than  
extraordinary  repairs.  True  or  False.  
48.   __________  fruits  are  those  produced  by  lands  of  any  kind  through  cultivation  or  labor.  
49.   Just   like   in   the   law   on   lease,   once   a   usufructuary   assigns   to   another   his   right   of   usufruct,   his  
relationship  with  the  naked  owner  ceases.  True  or  False.  
50.   The  usufructuary,  before  entering  upon  the  enjoyment  of  the  property  in  usufruct,  has  the  obligation  
to  give  security  and  make  an  __________.  
51.   __________  fruits  are  deemed  to  accrue  daily,  and  belong  to  the  usufructuary  in  proportion  to  the  time  
the  usufruct  may  last.  
52.   All  works,  sowing,  and  planting  are  presumed  made  by  the  __________  and  at  his  expense,  unless  the  
contrary  is  proved.  
53.   In  co-­‐‑ownership,  the  co-­‐‑owners  are  unable  to  physically  pinpoint  their  respective  shares  since  these  
remain  to  be  ideal  shares.  True  or  False.  
54.   The  following  things  are  deemed  to  be  personal  property:  (3)  __________  which  are  brought  under  
control  by  science.  
55.   A  co-­‐‑owner  of  a  party  wall  may  ask  for  partition  at  any  time  as  he  may  not  be  compelled  to  stay  in  the  
co-­‐‑ownership  longer  than  he  desires.  True  or  False.  
56.   Property  is  either  of  public  dominion  or  of  __________  ownership.  
57.   Only   the   possession   acquired   and   enjoyed   in   the   concept   of   __________   can   serve   as   a   title   for  
acquiring  dominion.  
58.   Apart  from  occupation,  another  original  mode  of  acquiring  ownership  is  __________.  
59.   The  __________  thing,  as  between  two  things  incorporated,  is  deemed  to  be  that  to  which  the  other  
has  been  united  as  an  ornament,  or  for  its  use  or  perfection.  
60.   Every  owner  may  __________  or  fence  his  land  or  tenements  by  means  of  walls,  ditches,  live  or  dead  
hedges,  or  by  any  other  means  without  detriment  to  servitudes  constituted  thereon.  
61.   Two  co-­‐‑heirs  may  validly  stipulate  that  their  share  in  the  benefits  produced  by  the  inherited  and  co-­‐‑
owned   property   shall   be   in   the   proportion   of   70%-­‐‑30%   even   if   their   share   when   they   inherited   the  
property  was  50%-­‐‑50%  provided  that  their  share  in  the  charges  would  also  be  70%-­‐‑30%.  True  or  False.  
62.   Any  one  of  the  co-­‐‑owners  may  bring  an  action  in  __________  
63.   River  beds  which  are  abandoned  through  the  natural  change  in  the  course  of  the  river,  and  where  the  
new  course  invades  private  property,  are  considered:  Public  land  or  Private  land?  
64.   Donation   by   the   donor,   and   acceptance   by   the   donee,   of   an   engagement   ring   worth   Php   350,000  
through  a  mere  private  written  instrument  is  valid.  True  or  False.  
65.   Ownership  of  unregistered  land  can  be  acquired  through  occupation.  True  or  False.    

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