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= BOOK FIVE' DR * Ğ* c'ther hańd, Labor Rëlatiaoś PÒličy under

ÂN. /} 'B-õ.f. the Labor CoÒ e. pmvides for;.

1: free cöf/ectivë bãrgair\Brig anõ negotatic›nś..
vö.lunłary arbiiration, medláİïon .anô
Ę,gbO İS the interactiöń$ sëming labor or
Dbtweeń’the i pdustöal
and ernpİöyees or their òispüCës #re‹ekaóe
mechanism by which unionism..
concêmíńğ. fheir

tøó.or Rălat Ofl8 Laws.

define rneüńian îsms thal aFTd wetfáre'î..and
ind'łvlduaI and feÏŚ|İ'Òrj bétweëń employers anö erGpîçiyBÚs.

}jota: Abseńt: ä/n player-:arnğjÖŸeš rëlátiori,. h Parties ta Labor +tetatIons Caeaa:

2. Management,

purposes of œ¡Iečğt.
Lxbor R' olätfons rfiay bë.d!śtInguished.!frorn: kajzoc:

whičhprë.scribesthë .” ïujnÌmüriȚ,İermą ”and conditïońš of employmeńŁ whičh ’tíÎe sîłYłpłòje+r--is



- •. Tłie. proİe¢tion to łsbof .clause in the Ci0nsktúítön !Îa

T '6melopeossocåtoo. ’

.*.odiad in Ser. J; A’rt. '.off’.öf’’’’:thë srbitraïîon as *ähernativê

labor dispute:" ło.the m.ore.
Ïon which tò a0 dtș[e ad:v.drsafîå'l’.stnł‹üš, locgõúts o.i.any mass coriëerted
fi* . amlong, 'ntheii. ::ło¡
1. Șôo.čÎlIatiört i .ă Pr0cøss: There. a ğisiciterësted
*^.8..ce’ful and. conüërtad :Øc. tiyitisłS.
4. ht"to: sŁńhe ïn øir iequeăt or .ôtrierwise , duriaga 1abcjr dÜpnle or
0'.:Œessea aBectng their ńghM and ..benúß äc.
]n collective batgãİńÏńg. coriłùrëńcø whÔreiù by.
ø¿,oIing tempers; ăids the parties in ra.aćhińg en
Ł% WÆøõ ’byraw. øgy.eemønt.

Igedlaaon’b • ppcess wher* for 1. Manager‹a\:

2 'g ervisory'; ar\.d
3. Ögnk-and-Uta.

e?ists in who/a

arbiter’s. decsiori ör äwätd"i6 anfomeabte upo«„.lhe..
dJfiputänts. lfl Wä B


” ” ” R£L4!l0kS’ ---
t, .',nand tory, fof ‹he. dlviSï0n lo’m \.
onaú itat\on.
Tn• conciueion of a divisió n on any whiuh they ó elong. sudmilted’ *o ii ^.òecision s.f iould ò.e.r.eacbcc i
caosvliat •n. bef‹xe tha cà se is al s'gned
Nota: Tha:campositior .of the NLRC

: Pú bltd or goveí•nrnèrjt
Tbd Nrkws.
Certi0ed .ases - case
agenclae. or Ïnatlmdntstitioa amcmg .tfiem. "-

AppOinVBMt TO"#nfl/n .he’SosNiAJ5J"8;NL9G;’

execú ïion proco.edirIg

:I. . ”4 ”.’ ”-7 ” ” ” ”
Al1ocatlen al Pawers a«d G’ú nctïó tftp of NLRC-
. EL Bènd
’.' ”. ”- ”. .”
Promulgaú on oÏ . r.«las ar¿J .regufatiorls. Excïusfve Appellata.

La ó r. Co
n+glona!.br9nchü s. . to.

", , -w»asa.
caaeà withln .the. juetsdicÏiorl ó f any .d iyisian to.-''be h0arò and daciò ed b:y ;à ny . oiher d •iSiO^ . ’rú aneÍary
.el1o\ s”of
Iitïg8inls to U0^ ces6dry'.a0ditlDt›at expepee. . ”/-...fi1ore.Khan @ 5.0: aDd

Rendere ày.
b. ü Ïl other power8i functions arig

Adjudication. of 0a»as: tC*)

1. The NLRC adjudicate6.cases by division.
A onCurranse of two'(2) vat is needed.for
a val<l.judgrrIerit. ThefiÚ ding Qg. facto . ot.a labor

VVh#nB°Br’ Th# Mqui{#A #Ib0mhip ih a

thg . Co/Timissioners tò grrive at è j’udgment or

esfablishments ncg Y
pr'nvided by.

Casesg.”artstng! fr inctud ng questïo^^



J. a»uü . /y. J f,- 2.d.£O}. -”

cIair/is fjx actual, mDfaÏr èXe/T\ÓD/!›efs provÏded by’.labor laws but aÏso ddmaps

.The original and de jurisdiclx›n. of’tfn

. . . Arb‹lar .u a‹ie r ’ Z 24. for m. 'o. ney. claÏrns.ò .
. .. . .. . ' . ' . . . .
/um›d›ct›on .char the a›are›y calm, .Use .OCW ' . only. to thqse aris‹og from statutes or

.Lóbor :.Cada ans‹ng

Note: The jurisdiclàsn of the

JMn$Ólction of k.abór Arbiters

:* -. When the SOLÉ or fhe

dS Give. ÏhouSdnd pe•os (Pè,O0o:0O), sdid provisions of law .do not contemplate nor.covef lñe visitortal and dnfarcemdr›t powers of we
atives. (Er-Befaan Veferéns Secu›ñy

under 0›a
c mr


2D10 C.ÈNT8ALiZ o ftA9:OPg9Ay›ot‹$
h”e Làbor kLiiers
onğirial and

the UìUwing cases

workers, whether
..1..Unfãir läbór practice
casøy; 2.Termination
3.if accompäńîed. with
.’:. reińśtatem’eni;
workers .may
tbe 2ö12 case of

țgndiłIone:of emptayrnen
3.To issue cowğliarice"oidar to givø

emp łôyer-ernpioyee reîattóns.

5.ÜãSØS. ãnSir\g From äriy .violate

9^.8słiõns involving. the łegatily d

r•suIte.dlvpiajudica‹a e Psr‹Ÿ '•
lhfs, Uftsr deregard of. fhe ruf6ß
@q lhe-
exctusive junsdiction of the BLR (Verceles, v.
BLR G.R. No. t52322. February 'f5. 2005). 8LR ilth v u,
t.\nvotv\ng a ¥óember Only
In such case, amy the affected M e lT!ber may fiel
\he comp\aint. Redress must first {jg sought
within the union itself in accordance with its
oonstitution andbylavvt exceptunder anyo!iha Ot
following circumstances: originated (records are iransmi[[6rJ to Secretary witl›in twei ty four (24) hDurs
a. Fu\\lfty of intra-union remedies; of the msmora ndum of appeal)
b. Improper expulsion procedure;
c. Undue de1ay in appeal aa to constitute
substantial injustice:
d. The action is for damages; inter/Intra-Uq¡
e. Lack of jurisdiction of the investigating body:
f. Actton of the administrative agancy is 1 FOr gro‹ nds under Se.c.
patently illegal, arbitrary, and oppressive: any /eg/'/in›a/e /s6or organization { )
g. lssUe is purely a question of law: member(s) thereof specially concerned
h. Where the admlnistfative agency had already 2.her grounds uuder Dec. 2. any-peny-in-intared
prejudged the case; and
i. Wh£2re the £i dministrBtive ag5tfTCy way í Xotg ': Other r eIated labor retetions disputes ch
practica\Iy qivan the opportqntty to act on the . ]ncíude any conflict betwuari a labor Union and ha
case but it did •, ," “, employor òr any lndivldual, entity or group tkal s
nof, not a labor organization or workers' assooaii n.
Effecte of Flllng or Pendency f inter” / In’tra-
Union Di6pute á
* £ . Lamar Rel.ations This includes the following:
Oisputes (1) cancellat íon of registration unions and
1. The rights. relatiortship-s nó ob59a\lans ot tÉe El9SOCiations; and
pai1y-l ft 8g£itÑSt edch olher and otlmr t2) a petition for in!eFpIOader (o.O. 40-o3. eüe

parties-in-if'Iterest pfj to the tautt !'60 of the
petition shall Continue to rerriain durirtg the Seec. 2
pendency Of th€i petitiQn ar\g 1. Regionai Office
of the decision renderad therein. reg1stration tha( issued its cert ñ ! ®
Thereafter, tne ri his or certificate of crsation f çhart¢
obligations of the áft\” litfgants agains sacI1
t reg
ratj ist IQbor u nions with
olher and other parties-la-interesa cha\I be asso on, i‹ chartered loca]$, yi0fk8!
gOV6fTted by tha decision so oróers d. ciaii• n,
2.DirecMY with
2. The living or pendenCg * any *0tsr/int FederalioSi/ IÑational
disputes is not a prejudlciai quesBon to officers, t m6mbers.
getition for certification election and shall
a ground for the dismissal
of a r› tition t be
certifiCation e g\ Ctig/j fof

Pr ocf3 0dings for certification
OJ, stuie *!. S9c. 3}.

Undar oafh
Cons”ist of a rnaftiOrandUm Of appeal
Based on eithe‹ of the
! llowing §fOtJnds;
á. Gravg abuse Of ÓiSCrelion
b. Gross violation of the rulez
With supporting and evidsncq

A • tat• ment fhat the sdmtni5tfgtiv0

p/gvided for in the constitution and by-\awe
/jyye been Exhausted; or such remedies are Appeal to the of
not readily available to the complainants or
through no fault of his/thj2ir own, or
yith such adminstrat ive remedé AR7ICL5 233: COMPROMiSE AGREEMENT
s not apply to CompIafnafJ(S or ! is a conraot whereby the panies, by
petitioners. prayed for; ard making rediprocal concessions, avoid litigation
5. Certificate of non-forum shopping; and or put an and to one already commenced.
Substantial ftaqu/remonta
T. It must be freely enlerod into;
CpveragB Of Other Rei8tad Labor Relations 2. \t must not be col trary to law, morals er public;
a. a labor union and the’errtp/oyér: ' 3. It must be reasonable; and
b. a labor union and a group t alt » xot elabor 4, It must be approved dy tha authority befofe
organiza\\on, or ” wtiom tha case is pending (See discussion on
c. a labor Mnion and an Individual who i nat a Art 22‹”, Pe. Approval of L abas Arbi”ler of as
member of such union; Ar/zc gbie SeltJawant in a case be(ora himj.
2. Cancellation of registration" of unions and
workers associations fñed by individuals Forma\ Requiramgnta
owner tharl its members, or group that is not a 1. In writi,ng; and
labor organization; am 2. Signed in the pros6nce of the ragional
*• A petition for lnterpleadar involving labor director or his auly 8uthor i”ze ó representativ
raIat.ons, ( /QA of the LABOR CODE, Book V, a ¡jy y 7?
/ u/0 XI, Sec. 1(8), as amended by D. O, “” DiepoSilion of Lztbor SlanDords CQ es in Ene
40-F- 03 |2008)j. Regional O///cec, eu/e II. sec. 8).

'^ +^ ry of Ruiea on fntra//nter-Un/on Disputes When '°#¥ Compmm›ee Agwementm be

1. RE2gLl}Qgi@ *I of registration of the labor Unf¢ins; It may be affected at any sfaqe of
and even when Ihers is already a
2. Keep ng of a registry of labor ’ydpmenl (G/UL CODE, On. 2D4D).
3. Maintenance of a file of CBAs;
k tafrltena nce of a file of alt settlements or fine Compromise of a Final Judgment
dsGision6 / tha suP me court, court of RlghtS mgy be Waived through
appeals. NLRG and o thar agencies on labor •8 reem+nt, notwithstahd fr\g a final judgment fhAt
<'spuIes. has already set(lad l v ‹issts of the ccn/racti›
parties. 7o
Ope‹ates as a novation of the )uügment obi‹8›a ion,
The C•Orïsideration must be {reqùired on\y chen entered
q, assistance of DOLE}.
z. Tf›e -old and the new obltgätioûä
incompatible in every jgctint. I tata: The” law look 5t WÏth diSfaVor upoq
and releases by employees whD are

tudgrnerit is alfeady in Oe process ef execahon

(Mesa/va OR. Nœ. 1-1Y92W£ft930
ïUarcff 24, 1959\.

Juügment Based on a Compromise Agreement respectad b.y trie courts aS tha laW
When judgment is based on a compromise parties (Ve/oso y.. OOLE, G.R. No,
agreement., ’1he ]udgrnent becomes immediately S, 1991).
executory, there belng an implieü waiver of the
parties‘ right to appeal. fram the decisiôn. Oire necessity. IS not an acceptable ground
(Philippine J’eurñàîistc, lno. v. NLRC, ..annulling the reieases, especially in the .absence g
G.R. /Vo. Ib.64?’-.1., proof'that' the:: .employees ’were forGed lo exil
5epternbar5,.2006). ,”

Compromise Ag'raements wÏth Acs›s Waiver of Reths?atement

Withou t Asslstan cë vif D OLE ”
” ” -. .
fiaiveg of reinstôtemant. Mke .é”walver ef may
must be ,regardacf’ as. .a personal right
(.yÂtcn "kvæ’-ba.ë rcised. the wo/tec

Vslid änd binding: upon.. Valid ändi,bindi*8 ’,U N

Il cao öe rapudtatod by. Et,.””cas /*xD ENoOesEuENY or cAsEs i*

the parties by going to fepùdlated \. -bemes
Âriding ”upon : Â)I.i66üeS arising ”from lgbor and empIoyme/tt Sh

not subject
cOrf\P!la0@ with the comprorriis,e agreement; or;"îf
evdeoc%’ sdictton over
referred ” cases

(D.O. yd
ARTICLE zzs: i ssu x xc e or The eÜR shait dave tbe appëafance of any person
the paper. dooument, or mafter
. Ît /hu”st be wt{h j}j@
*t ts jurisdiction,
o( the Buæau «t
’Y ^*°'•s›ea paxy.or at.‹tä öa» i
the OOLE, ëng

f0lôfEm Eo B**Oxe + s
Wøhere n@.0t}tlorł IB §ÌIed
senco. notfce or fling ø/
$37: REGISTRY OF Ufiłlofił S MD pe|Gon,
íLE 'enewal bar to certifiCątion øi• ctan.
is fi/
¡g /T\Qre thBn a Contract; Ït IX highIy
an essential łerminaÎion he no f amendment,aIteratiori, or
peace of any ihe provisiørjs
v. Laguesma, G.R. No. 9soıs, arń end, t.o give nołîcq of ong Party's intenfion. to
frèedorn P

.Unn›SÍstersd DBA does ooł ßa n‹r«aü o»

ContfaCÏ-’Bar Rule will not apply in the
unõer Arts, ßf the CBÁ . shall. bø
than three (3) yeara.
speCü c tern›ri•iion õ a/es
rro for Rsgløtratlö ti fë•Mğotlaleá and siğriëd i+'íIhin sÜ ”(6)
t s vs /TtiSSiOn pf copİeS Df thB C ØÄ to the BLR
or t›e¢ome Rpm Iheir tewinatiDn øz expiration
tho regional flees .of Dõ LE effective Ihe day after
wÎthîn thÏ›1y (3o) ” ” their.exp rafiö n:
õb*ing: *t*CŒTl Oieгi by łhe
the. effectivity w4Ï õepend upon tł\ø
a: Vented proof ot*posbng I*. țw0 nşpicyp us. .

2. A¢tion upon the Application fpr registfation

3. The regional
2. It was ratifîëd ğ y ltie dri/on membership;
cally of the .CBA withiri„'five (5)! days from its 3. If is adequate țsl/ Jt: û anfaîns. sobstaniial lerms
submission, and condltions. of employment;
4. The /łU or
employer łor every CBA,”. s .regist’ration fee of
n0t Iess"than P1,000.0o or.”eny amount deemed

certification ó ł I á”.CBA .b y the

agreema It
it s defuric!; ánd
is. duly entered intö ąú d
IBM becomes effective.’ as bet reen 9, ” T : čò û tfaõ țing un‹on is not company-
regardless of whether
certified by It›a BLR
k. Lib8Ry Flour lvlfłl:s, Inc.,
O.e¢ernber29; ï98o).

oN C ommuntcaAon b any statement of

aw exempts tha ğ erson
from the duty to disčłose
nd regislared CPA is subsis
”ò f ç¡vø (5) yeara , tha made at conc8iat‹on
belteotødatprivileged and shall not be used aa evidence
áBȘ+pariod immadiateIy
W periad is called
¡n the .Com ÎS iOn•
ONLY of a. union that ha ț-
Conctliators and SÏÏTlil8r O CùglS ceHJica%om election
regarding añy
Bargai ning

through an independent at,

fOf registration with thy
ROLE.prescribed under

r ’erred
Purpose of the Farmøtion of .“- ” Legitìmatø labor union d ș
To secure fair and just wages andf ' 9 recognized .or oertified as .trt
sole and exclusive bargainńg
repreșentative.or a’gent of all
. . .”: . ’ be
Jytodes of for Labor
Acquiring . Legitimacy. ’Association of ‹re
Orgarsfzdżtorts tRG) organized for the mutual aid
1. Registration with lha BLR tïndependenț Union) and proteGtion óf its. members
2. Chaîteńng or issuan% of a .’fédêràtion” or or for any legitimate purpose
national union of. a change certificate. o\›w
Note: As now amended by R.A. 48 ,
At.”240 a¥æ specific .referencó.. tõ . AssooaGon of wokec
țŁto foI!owihg organfzatìDńs knot mersly Ś organized for ’mutual’ aid are
m@ any”'.ofganiz;ation)! which may .register aa prqteétion of its members of fø
.lağõf orğäniźafion, tò w t: ate purpose. ohm
(F\ktTț ” '^ than’ ’coNecGve baqaC*D
1. Federation; r Aéredwiththe.D..OLE
2. jndustry Uriicin;
3. hlational Union, Classif›cation of Lațîor Organizations
4. Independent Un¡an, ahõ. Ï. ” t *Onal Un”ion/Federatio.n - a*t Y’ !d
5. Trade Union Center ” .. QFgãfțÎ 'OtİOTt Witțł cut I6Bst ï Bfl
}1 \

, certified a ””’ recognized collective ba@d Îß'@

Any union o;
, employees ìn the private saCtor within an ' identified
which exists in whole

ì dustry in the
and r ndittİiO0 of eipl employment policies, stønd
S y DOLE. n such industry
for 3'. Trade u»uø
OčžȘQ0 a\ unions.or
as šuch member
Nc›te: Not eyery Ïeg timale duly
organizatiort car› Дgț.
g geographiCàl aF@ jg. or an
a 2007).
which, in whol€i Or in pgrt,
labs Notg/
ed Or 6mployer-dominated. b8 entitted lo all othar
Ioy8!“ ’” ’” ri
0fl nr \iZ'gt iOn only upoii
equtra fOf/Dw/pg
or Industry or TfQ e Union
1. J ames nf the chaPter's officers, theír
(M Amanded addresses, BOO lh6 pfInc|pgl office of the
fee: chapter;
1. Chapter s Constitution and by-laws; and
pnnc'Çà address officers, fhgir ad0Fe ss»• . the 3. *rovirted, Iha{ where tfte chapter's aOnstitMtiOn
of the labor rganiZg('on, the
fha es of ihe arganÏ Za1tor\at meetings and
and Ü/-ÍBW5 ar9 th9 Same aS thal of the

i st f the workers who pdrtiCípatad in svch faÒeration or ihe national union, this fact shaTl
be indicated élCcordingly
pares of all its members c0mprtsing at la addlti0nal requïr0ments shall be certified under
Püth by the secri tary Or t fe asure‹ of lhe chapter
8(tgst9d by its president(.
t<t more it seeks to operate:
a. If the applicant union has been in existence White to fite apgllcatton fer rag‹stratlon
for tp or more years, copias of its annual 1. Fór regislralion of Independent labor unions.
financial re@rt S; BFId • chartwed locals, or worker's associations, it
5. Four (4) copies ef the constitution and by-laws shn!l be filed with thB Regional Office where
of th applicant union, minutes of ils adoption thg applicant principally operates. It shntl be
or @fication, and the list of the members who processe4 by Ihe Labof Relations Division at
participated in it. p, t ,. , the Regional Qffica.
2. ApplicaLorts fpr registration of federations.
Bute: Crea\ion of a local chapter does not naed t1Qtion6| uniDns or worI‹ers' a.ssociations
bscriplion of at least twenty percent (20%) of thp operating ’in more than one region shell be
mobs. Mihimum numbR£ Of members is filed with the Bureau or the Regional Offices.
applicable one to registration of independent union. but shall be processed by the Buresu.

W Labar Code and its implamenting rulgs do not Note: A labor opan’i?at‹on may be organized
luifa that the number of members appearing under the Cofporation Code aS 9 non-stock
on corporation and Issued a cartificste of
*8 documents in question should compIete\y incorporation by rhe SEC. Belt such incorporation
do›ï2tg)|. É as Hong as the documents à n d has only the effect of giving to it juridi¢al
psrsonalify before regular courts of justice. SuGh
6hd the Incorporation does nat grant the rjght and
pfiviteges of a legitimate labor

jglnÏsterialo uty CompelTable by Mand8mus

The ministerial duly involves only the review of
the application for reg|stration and not the
D CREATJÓN issuancs of a c xiacate of Registration.
HAPTER Amr a labor organizatíon had fited the necessari
papers and documents for regislratton, it
Ad federation or national union may becomas ndato/y for the BLR to check il the
a Iocal chapter by issuing a ch requtrements
indicating the eGtdblishment of the fl der Art. 240 have been S6ÓUl0usly comú\‹ed with.
local Chapter shah acquire legal for registration is vitiared by
& filing
certifi a petition fOf
CdtlOn f lsircation and serious ÍfTegularities, especially
date it was issued a Chüft €/+
I}jose appaar *O on the face of the applicatïon and
e Supporting
documents, a labor organizalion
should be denied recognition &s e legiümate labor
unlon coQt&F CQnnot sreate a chapter ÏSa<
organization (Progmssive •vo/o wf
Hut v. Leguesma, G.R. No.
1997) .
purpose of RaglstrstioJ
pB£atiVe aCt tÈät
Registraton with lie BLR ia fhe o
gives rights to e labor orgBniZBliOfl.
1. I\ is the faet St being ragisterad «a the DOLK
that makesa labor orgsnization i e‹iimate in
Ihf2 ser›se wat it i• dothed wtth legal
parsonaïity to
j;taim repfesentationa\ and bars» ining rights
er›umerated in Arf. gJ0 Of
unäer Art, 278.



\8fith legal persoriality

Requlmments Before a &ideration .Gan

l¢Gued a Cortlflcatn of Rogtstratioii
Charter ertificate issl
by federatlon or ^*
union is filed w tn W


2Oi6 Ccf4zR»LifEo BAfi OPfi»ATie«s

xislence IO 8 !i00 and continued

mem6ers aug /jol tp țĘę
fiş cegifìcale of affiiiation 'ss"• d b
favor •f the !"^ependently
øgistered labor union; and
wrilten police to the eW loyer ęğm
^ emed if
The affiliating union
' "“ ‹^mmbent ION] common bargaining power of
bargaining agent.
the effective enh8noement and
prolection °! their interests (RIiİ|}ppine Skylandem,
***. NŁRc, o.p NO. l273Td, January 31. 2œy).
him operating Wİthin the same
establishment federafior\ or Łlmita!I•^' Disaffiliation 88°u!8 be in accord8nce
amended bŞ R.A. 948 Wİlh fhe ruleț and procedures stated in the by-
ł). laws of the federation.

irąn affiliated. s, iocai 9^8! .. to disąffilìale in The federation's

bOr Union-
'ki.GP. No. 4POSfl,
General Rula: A labbr‘ünion

the CPA /Pu/ès oF 8utØaU of Laõğr RelátionȚ and not with the Labor
Arbiter{Phili|?pine. Şkyleoders,tnc.v.NLRC,

Banner of Disaffi łî atlon! ”“ substitutionery Deotølnè

¥ affiliate may disaffilİafë from a Ifor ledger atÏon ’. The CBA cońfinues ò’ bi?d the members of łŁ+e now
a nationa/ union upon tfîë writląn ressïution • or disaffilial9d ańd , independent union up to the
approved by majority o'т 1We. toial memb+r•hip '.-. CBé s expirat'on d'
"pted al a general m b rstïip meeting called
it be gurqose (Rules of Proğedçre on MødíatÍÖn- site òoonne prnüideş țliat țfta employees cønnoi
lion, Sec. 49 (1992)}, ."• ,. ' the validly executed CBA confract with iheïr
’ .. ..” .. '' ' '. . empîoyeț. by the śïmple expedient act of changing
Petion' Olsaffillation by ba aining agen+ (Benguel Conso/'dated, inc.
Ma}ôrity yypöyeés•' and Wonders Union-PAFLU,
’ befora If\e onset of :the frgedom - periğd,
creaked by a federation or
“ !‘•!'on must be effected óy a ,md nay õf be
merпbeтs ;n the bargaining’u0iŁ -.ÿ ”' , ,etion^'uni°° 'oug# issuance of a charter.
’.' . .
when there is a Federatlon
”” ” '”'' ” ’' '
' j$ÿ serving tń•

to bind the member 8!8d and independenI ur\İON ground”of
date.Acontent the union
be specified
CØA i»tг by the øs the œse maybe.
jțø p/asiden!
"!8n Dieaffilłates to Join New
y¡gyQøy per od in
union withd a•'s from peason
Join a new federaliofl, 8 !* any act\on \aken fly MO BLR
¡on requires Łhat Łh6 of regislration
Primary right ło of
enhancement a"8 protectia8
basis for th8
Hut Food Marks!. !^” '
recognition ur‹der ›t+
veloprnenl Corporation-Piz e Hut v. Laguas
The daCiSiO0 Ot the Regional Office of the g
ificatlonfor requIr\rig *er!
under oath! denying the ap lication for regiStratig/t
To ensure thai the iabor of gaFtiza\io* J with which 1. \n writing:
an emp\oyar is dealing is a bona-fide 2. Stating in Clear terms the reá son yf
OrganizAtiOr\. decision ; and
Applicant iJrilDf\ fT\USD be fumished t
The proper remedy against refu8al to register a
said decision
labor organ\zation which with all the Appeal (D.O• 40&3)
reqqirements is mandamos and not
Cerliorari is not the proper remedy sinc8 the A cases from the Regional Office
approval of application for Bistration i6 FIOt B The decisions of the Regional Ofrca pt p
judicial function. appealable lo lhe BLR

The revocation shall divest ‹he local chapter of The decisions of the BLR on cases appealed
its legal personality upon receipt of the notice by Regional Director ( appellate jurisdiction] art t
the Bureau, unless in the meantime the local and not appealable la the Secretary of Labor t
chapter has acquired independent registration
{/RR of the LABOR CODE, Book V, Rq/e V’///,
Sec. J). B. Cases from the BLR
the decisions of the BLR in the exercise of
his/hs‹ orip/na/ jurisdicI¡on ”may be appealed to
federatfon or national unlbn. shslf operate to d\vest ” Itn Secretary of Labor {Sec. tQ.
r its locals/chapters of their stafus aS legitimate labor
organiza«on unless tha \oca\s/chaptets are Appeal from the Decisions of fhs BLR/SOLE
covered by a duly registered colledive barjjaining Any applicant union may appeal (1) to ke Bureau
agreemenL the denial of registra8on by the Regional Ollie.
(2) tO (he Secretary if the denial ís by the 8uf0a0,
In the latter case, Irte loc ls/chapters shall be
allowed to register as inde»endent unions, failing within ten Gto) calondar days from receipt of
which tkey Shall lose their legitmaie status si decision on grounds of:
1. Grave abuse of discretion; and
the expiration of the CBA (IRR of Ue LABOR 2, .Gross in,competanc e.
CODE, Book \/, Ru/e VIII, 6ac. 6):
Requirements for Appaai
t. The appeal zhall be venfed undei opÍh;
Merger and Consollüation '
Mergar (AbaDrptioq) is the process where a
organization abe» bs mother, resulling in the . 2. lt shail consist of a memorandum Of
cessatton of se absorber labo{" 01 ¡anization's which shall contafn the following:
existerice and thQ C0rltinued exislence of the
¥*” G ounds for appeal;
absorb (e.g. g g@« s‹ a. A
*b. Suppottin$ arguments; end
remains and B dlSappear$ ).
.‘ .. ’ -- ”
ÑffB¢t Qf Mecger: Tu nsters
to thB ábS0rbin
Banizalion a8 a '

Oonaollüatlon (
ÉOfMation of a
neW the unificati
6Dd @ congo/ida/es

Effect of 0one‹›t

ragistration within thirty (30) days from fDr


SAh 8rC'A CGi LEr? or LAW

106 20Ió CEN T 'AtIZED MAR Or£kATlOhS
of Rules

By signing
Of aff iliation
f ederation

2. Statement of the


Memo of Appeal.
D The Burea
u the
receipt of records - ”
decision Of the Bureau may *0
before the Court of Appeals via the expiration of th
! Cerfiora/?.under RLILE 65 0I th GBA. Attsr tne CBA
QA COURT. it w\II loca its

of Labor shall render a

within Rely (20) days !*O!**
continue to be valid
Of the Secretary of Labof If\BY The \Ocal chapter w\\\
before the Court not loca its personality
Certiorari under
The fO§atraïion may be’ Cancelled C TÒ require adequate rœords of Anne and
Re9 jQÇå t ex; enses, "
industry unions and t›aa'
d: To.access financial rвœrds.


Mpa\ign of Ò Ie9ttima!e labO/‘ O ¿janiZgtİo/1

Ote' Ąf l y violaü on of the abov€t rÎghLs and
conditÓ ń s :of nembarship Sf1gIl be: a rCtunĞ fÓ f
two-thirds t Ž ) Ot Ïtь general cancellå tło n ’of uń iö n regisirałîon or .øxpułs a:rt of an
via secret b.also.łir\ğ , ir a õ ffice.r frorп office, whichever is a ppro.y riate . At
young duty ’CAIIEid fDr .țhat purpo?e to. disso.In.a. łeasl. 30.°ó ö f all Lh’e members..df :łhe .urłÖ ri Mr any
ń iemDer or membgr5 speciíi,cully concerned mny
øe orgarзizaliert;
fĞ[yc0Гt..S ’ú h v‹õ 1ä tion io rhe Burèau .tL ØOR CODE.
.Ă n øpp¡icaü ¢în to sa ncøl țeğjstraț›gn” is
.g B t aher subfnitted by the •DO ard ò f. the
V¥hen 30^, ›is •not raquirad:.. Whe'ñ the viołatioń

9„¡g: A pronoun ør rent: Set to the: tIayaİit ó f the . on ..ô r ivies rnerń bers. would bë enough ’to rëporl
stñ kë is nÕ t

Noth: in thë PÒ t-E. Secretary’s or I\is duly

4ATICLÉ 249:.EOUITY OF TłłE i00UMBEłfT ” . autno‹fïcó .reprøśeń tstivê's visłiorial power to
irłQui”rя.. the: fl’na ał actÜ i:iies of any Lä bor

ogäńizatiõnandnöne ” of.thë ””.groundsfõr

œrcełlatiõ n shall. continuë.tò maintain” their ęxistiń g”’

’MEN%1RGNIP ’ :: .’


ßвneral. sr oú pinğ ś at the Rlğ hts t-of'țhe;”UnIon

e by sesrCt"łó ! nght lo bë

OfficersofaLabotOrgań łźatlon
^•8 abe dues equivalent lo union de.
”8^ irte non-union membecs wtio or
*7 nder the C BA.
en resolution ot tgç all me memberg 8! the general meelingduiycallodforthe
1. ror
n•cordoftheminuleg p{ tgg aulfiorization Thecheck.
g is _Part of Irte bargai0ing un‹l:
ee concarn@. iB SOI á mem6er of tfio union.
8. He partook of the Beneflts or ‹hr C8A:
4 Noé a member of ar+o*her Union

No'^. Individual wrilten autnorization is r+ot

CODE, Ari. 2s9fe . Hoy cr0sx or Davgo .
a qglal As sessment v. Check •Oft
” • - . a +'4P/. c. K. No r r000r, Ocuper

- ..-' Union Dues v. A entFee

(Union Du8s)
By obtaining Ifie
gy wrltfen individual wrings
@oTution approved authorization duly
#y cajorily Of all de - signed '” ”‘ °by the
! cembe/s al a. employee whicn rhus me
¡ moeling duly calTed 8geciry Ihe arrjount.
rpose. gnd
' b6neficiary.
hay not be Óeducted
,from 'fije @I0rIes ol tie union n›emders witlJouj

Nof necessary:
1. For marjdatory the wgrTte aflmcted
.attlvdies provldgd
'.ur}der Irte ’.Code; faate: Agency tg'a cannot be imqoeed on
employees airead'y In Iho service and are
members of anotnei union:" If a closed stop
members of the, agreement
úniop avail of ,.cannot % apptied to' Chem, ne\lher ++ay a+ agency
. em .. ,'' as a Ies§ór fdrm óf union security, be imqosed
¿the ' C8A.’’:’
beneñtsof''MB Saidnón•,.' '
except‹on; does not ¢mount to an unjust
dual ¡s to’.avoid discriminaticn beMeon union and Optó.u on rnGmbors (habiana/ 8ro wery n

grey+'oiy. /n‹:.. G.9. ivo. t-T 8 f 70, Augi/sf 3 f, 1963).

Board ResolulT
g mp qy@ - M e m bw e of En oR • r U M on no
opprpvgd by á
rrajgr¡Ty Of th8 gos}demd Fue lder•
mambem in yygg{g {gg t\g¡p$\ bjds tp bo lTAe barg8inigg egenl. it
general •ee!'8g
Risht to Join
LAØOR Employment
ORGANIZATIONS Any employee, whether empIoyg,g
period Or not. shall. beginning
ARTICLE 251: R)GHTS OF LEGITINA TE service, be eligible for m

Rights of a L ea!t!• m 6 c»æ o e••‹••‹iO** ' n OR

g f gąn iz ti° (LA C 2 Zfe)),
(USER•FOE) the bønefił Of Èh8 Persons/Employees Eli@} *! 6 to I ț
1. Undertake activities for a
Organization for Purposøн Oț
organization and iis rr›embers: eargalning (CIA-RCI¥IE-GOCC) CaI¡
2. Sue and be sued;
3. Exclusive representative of all es: 1. all persons employed in OÏT]+ erc›ai,
employe and Agricultural (CIA)
4. gepresent union members;
5. Furnished by er«pIoyars of finapCÏčl) employees
corporation of Government-owned
wlthout original of
statements; charts qygg
6. Çpyn prDperties; and under the Corporation Code:
7. exemption from taxes, In Religious, charitable. Medical Of §duæ
(RCME) institutions whether
Reportońał requi¢ełTi6rits to be submitted by the -‘ Employees of Government-o wned or cø
3. corporatione without originpl charters.
legitirnate labor o/qanÇatipn: (COMA)
1. Constitution anğ by-laws, or amănğrlÎerdś,
thereto, minutes”of“rя‹if‹catio add the list’ of,
members who took part in
constitution and by-Jaws (AIR-SIW)
within thirty {30} days from adopti0n or 1. Ambulant” alkinğ or kłobile Workers);
ratificetiop of be" ćõnstftuiion snd by-laws or 2. Intermittent (Irregular workers);
amendments thert•to;
2. List of Qflicers, minutes oi tte ø1aȚpn„ 3. gural;
officers, and list of within iirțy (3( ).day 4. Șelf-employed paople,
yoters from election, 5. Itinerant workërs \WoNing for a short ér›e
3. List of members ś various places ; and,
whenever required by the 3ureau; and 6. Workers without’tBny’definlte employers.
4. Ąnnual fnancial report‘ wfthin t o nz 30)
days aRer the close of every fisčaJ year. Persons/Employeeè Who øre not Granted W
N• t6: ñBÍłUf6 tO COmply
with heӈ bova-
mentioned Right to Sęlf&rganížation (I-AM-CHARGES)
requirements shall nol be ü‘gfğMnd for
cancellation ”ÿ ,‘1. Employees of ! *Ï ternationaI organizations 1
Of union registrałion but ./ immunities such as UN, lRRl and
9iał(’ subject the erriny
officers or members to suspęnsion, exp•ïsion CatțłõliC MÌgrãtion Commission (
from Catholic , Immigration Commission
membership, or any v. 85Ț50, Septemde ş gB,
9481, Sec. 7}. 1990).
’of . the armed
TFBLE FIVE, COVERAGE Phflİppines, iäčluding poIiœ office 6
fomëß anò jail guards (E.O.
ARTICLE 253: COVERAGE ŃóØ8fjal employees
//HT TO SELF-ORGAI IZATION Whose functions are normalŞ
Extnnt oï Selfoî lab as policy-making or
f’@ã f}lÆtion
and ãSÜlS r organizations manage tot
fOr #b, Whose duties are of a
e purpose Of collective bdrgaining .through highly technical in nature (
representaiiYes of their choosing: and Arf 219a,
ay fd
engageio laJul concenøg
2. T• ^c! vilies fpr 4. COFlfidential employees (
Sžime pq rpose
•r ‹ 0
their and !üü. ’v. Rołdan-Confesor. G.R-
ÏLA8OR Febwa z8, 1996):
C0o/, 5. High•level or mgnageria!
Rfghț 9ğ Organize Can
aef- ńghl to
The »&t be @ãŁgaIned employees (E.O. 1B0, Sec Ğ•
sbsencø 0F g drlłzation *- ! P-nS without valid working P
thecontary, ¥VltÜ Väiİd working permits but aț^ UI
of tion
by a CBA
SOu country which to not g and tO )+’
, «a
Labor v. Phils.
8088Ę April 24, 1989[ G.R. Nø, the right of self-
organization coDE.
labor organizations. ( LAØO
R "9, R•I // se<. 2 ffsgzJ/
8ms.. Inc. v. Opfe,
, ¿o^ "*.$g$g0. July 31. 1984),
Employees,inc|ugtgg t-owned and controlled Q $ porations
charter {Arizala iz. CA, G.q. /\/py
T 4, f 990);
the GOCC created
ori9'na! charters ' under INe Corpsration
cannot Cpde being governed
by tfie Lador Code can
bargain Cth 1fie
Ihe conditions of their government
per's employment. Hoa'ever. concerning the terms
Employees’ Assoc. x. NL pc, G.p
Ihey can negotiate and conditions oF
ggg kg,i‹j@); pg§
those engaged in subversive fthroush coiieciive employment, Thus,
negolia(ion agreemenls they have un{imited•
Ok MOA) with lhe bargaining righls.
government on those
” ... .tamG and cond¿ion of
' ‘ âmp!ây\-nent which are

t¡ t##it Own choosing. for purposes of Rolle.uijq

provide’d. tfiat said alps .ere ilaliQpag ”Cyb
assist labor
organization fOr
purposes of CBA, etc.
in a labor uni
liefs doesI bar m mbcrs Of tl•Iet
g their own Union.e recognition of be lene¥ of that sect .s.KI'd not infringe on the

s P. //o. 829 f4, June 20, Y 8

caflon election in the every of thefr 'rigñt fa -.r,-
^’@8nization {Peyes
’*émp]oyees whase funct+ons are
copsidered as policy-making or
Sr whose d+ities are of a highly
RIGHT OF 180. Sec- 3), and
of the Armed Forces of
. " qgj§pp jpes, including police officers,epoticemen,

N# tg- Empfoyees oF gowmment corpa'alians

the CotgoTation C0de and
registered witfl SEC are governed by lha Labor
key aro allowed to
since: organize

in public sorvice: and

are not fixed by law.
2. t erms of enp k+yn em
/ze CIOI
n‹ ‹a orga seal) nol
sqaTl be subject to the
*°” staging 1. rjol ioin or Gh8ll
in the empDyees’
Secretary o’ Jusăuețæ@

gtąg gg,* lls
gy ‹ha vory n‹ilure ni ihei
ei‹›rs but ‹eqqlres the use of independent
Jam a Labor Organlzotlon
Suporvisory En1pIOyB0s May Form, Aa6i8l. J0În
8 The two 0fIt4<I8 8F8 cumuletlyy,
be mel if an ompI»yoe is te b» and
Loh•‹ Orgnnization on llielr own ond not wllh
ronk-and-filo omployees (RH. 67 I eq 8lTt8fl con(iJontiGl omployae e,g lha
d Lled
by R.A. 9481, Soc. BJ.
reloliunshlp muet u»isI betwr «ft ih»
If* \helr responslbllitias do not inherenlly ep ! and his supemIs•r› and th8
the 0xgFCl9B of disCretion and hanüle iho prescrihed
i• d•
judgMer (or mer0ly labor relations. As such, thu rBliCf îale
f0utinary/Clef lCal IFB
naIure)1hen thay may join the Union composed ineligibility of managerial emp|Qyggg
of assist or joln a lahor
them (Philips In‹:lustriaI
th6 rBhk-ond•fIle employae6, NLRC, G.R. /ŸO. 88957, June 25, ggy)
Note: lt is the nütura of the employee’s
functions and not the nomenclature or title L/ncler th0 DOCtrlfi6 Of N8Cesaary ¡/yip¡¡
gieen to hls |ob which detnrmi/\es whether he confidontial employees are similarly dion›.a
has a rank sn‹J file or managerial s\atus (National Associ’ation of Trade Unions-R8pud’
(Engineering Equ)pmant, y PIantfirs Bank Supervisors Chapier v. î

December 29, f9P4j.

union operating within (he’ same 8stabfishm Note' The phrase ’ïn th8 field of blzz
ent relations’ is important. lt stresses labor
may join the same fedçraÿo»or n fonal union nezus, i,e. confiü8ntiality o/ .//æ position is
ralaieö a linkad to I•bor relations mnalters.
Access to information which il regarded by
Ile emgloyar to be cgnfidentiai from the
provided the buuriess
from 9(aDdpOÏ0t, sUch as financial informé
technical trade secrets, will not rendei zr
employer a cortfidantial employer (Dan
Supervisofs and Exeujpf Union *•

for f/te purpose

position is confideAt Îdl ’
olherwlse t‹nown One doès not Decome a manager
Philippines} gailed the confidence of the appoirl(^9
may be a superVis0Fÿ
1. Confldantlgl Employees yes.
COnfidantial capacity, or
OF ixOUTS ›o x
confdaritial maûeœ ot Pl Ê Ï FSOfÏô WhO . " ARTICLE
managerial functions ÏB th8 field of , labör BARcAJ UNIT
relations, @ such, }Î]6 rBtionale bBhin& the NlNG
Ineligibility of managérial emp!oyees :o The Ij"j of
assist O’ I ** B lÂbOF unïon equaûy p Clusion as union memb £î
tham (Philips lndusirial Developmen PP Outside the bargaining unit shall r{Dt be 8"
June 2s, the cancella tion of the of
›992}. Said employees are
Confidontlal amployees are *Bm0ved f Om the
reason of their positions or
req ired to dssist or aCt jq teacon: Aller 8 certificate of regt5
a manageriaf employaos
to a union, its iegai persOf›ality Pd . *
privy to sensitive and casnOt
ü COllateral üftack. lt may be q
(Metrola Indvstrias, Inc. fOF cancellation. unde+
G.R. No. P£OVidOd in Art z<s (r»s+7°*
108855, for Gotf Club Inc. v. T6§*Ü**

2G16 CE IZ£D gAR Oece T/
1. It refers to acts opposed to
Oígãnlze (Anti’-unionism workers' riqht to
OF THE 2. ThO prohibiłed acts arø rotated to the
rtght to self-organization and Io the
wfuł for any person to: (RCDI) observance of the CBA. Without that element,
the acts, even if unfair, are nol unfair labor

U^d• lr! ° terfere with employees and

workers fheir exercise of the right to self-
also refers to pross violation of CBA
provisions. Gross means the act is malicious
and flagrant
5. ULP cases are not, in view
TITLE SiX. UNFAIR LABOR PRAC oval subject io compro
engco Workers Union
c›tAPTER l. CONCEPT May 30, 1988: AF-P Mutual Bezłafit
AFP-Mutual Benøfit Afifiofi.,lh6.
ARTICLE Z58: COhOEPT OF UNFAIR LABOR E/7/ U'n/on, GR. No. L• 39140, May
PROSECUTION THEREOF . 6. A ULP charge allegedly Commited during a
given period of tima,shòutd include all aCtE
of ULP œmmitted against any and вII
Nalure of Unfair Labor Pra”čtlces: țj’C^U) members of the union duńng tł}tit period—-no
1. Are Inimical to the Isgłgmate interests of both splitting of cau8as of action (DÌonela v, F/R,
labor and management. •IncIuding tbeiм,f‹gtk G.R. No. L- f8334. Augusi 31, 196fi).
-to bargain œllectively and otheMise- deal” 7. However, in another decision, the Supreme
with each other in an atmosphere ot freedom CmJø approved ‘a compromise agreement
and mutual respect; finally settling an Illegal strike case. I! said
2. Disrupt ! ndustriaI peace;
lhat while the Court doe.s not absndon the
rule that unfвir labor practice acts are
beyond and
3. Cńminal offenses against the State {ULP as outaide the sphere of compromises, the
. cńme prescribes in one agreement herein was voluntarily entered
4. \/łOlation of Çivil ńghts *’of both \ãbÔt Ønd aqd,represents,a reasonable settlement, thus it
management; .!. binds the partied (Rpfom ist Union of R.B.
s. Violate the Constitutional @ht of WOfł and Inc- v- NLRC G.R. No. 12048’2, January 27.
¢Øf5 1997).
employeas lo selfe rganízattÖn; and
Civil Case ef ULP v. Criminal Case of ULP
6. Creates Unstable labor-manágem ent
EİØmențs of Unfair Labor Pra0tl’óB•
! Employer-employee reIatİOnShIp›.b the

Offender and the offended; '".í’• .
*. Act dono is in fhe I’m Offće’rs and agents ’1. Agenfs ar›d officers
act of poda of employer: or who participated or
unfair gt Q Labor organization, authorized or ratified
officers and agents. lhe act; and
to the
*ate: Prohibited acts are• D'! related
not 2. Ągents
!. 1*’ e\ernønt of UL does
2. ULP has a teCh0i ! meaning.
to labor, although the
unf8fr MTC/RTC,
be Øn employer or a Iвbor
Test: Whether the emplOyer has
conduct which, it may reasonably be
to interfere with the free
employees' right and ›t is not
Substantial avidertce eyon d be direct evidence that any
Joubt intimidated or coerced by the •tatemgy
threats or the employer if there is a
interference Ihat the anti-union
employer does have an adverse elf •f
organization and collective Wrgainirjg M|f.
or year kom the Insular Lite Assurance Co.. Ltd.
accrual ol the ULP aCt Assoc.-NATU v. Tho Insular Life
(Art 305) Ltd., G.R. /vo. L-2529t, Jann»‹y to, 1sfi
will be suspended
ihe administrative case Totality of Conduct Doctrina - th6 Culpabil›
has been filed and employer's remarks is to be evaluated 0Dt on\y o
would only continue the basis of their implications, but against gt
running Onoe.••“ '1fiB ‹ ” bac@round of and in conjunction with co\\
administraâve pss ’haa, umefianp ds (The Insular Life Assurance
attained filtélhy ›•“ ‘’ •” • ’” ” ¿Id,-E /qployeaa Assoc.-NATU v: The Insp/ar t
Assurance ., (td.. supra).
Final judgment in the
administrative “ ” Example : .‹
a. There is an old ight and unconceded
intimiaation by the mploye .
Committed - is - -a b. The employer subjects the employee t
in filing a questioning regatdtng his/her participation ir
ULP. the union. In order that interrogation word
the: Final jooerrlent In not be deemed coercive:
thd! administrative” The employer must communicate tO the
udinga shall not employee the purpose of questioning;
u" . Aseure him ..that no reprisal would ta*•
be in the
plece; an‹t
criminal Obtain employee participation voluntarily
¢dS6 nor shall ba
considered as an
«id•f\cs Of' gL4t but The employs shows hostility to union
merely as a ptoof of Organizatiana on in
e/ • of the. g- Th6 employer .expresses hts/her opini
‹›4tiiretnents prescribed an intimlda 8ng manner.
by the Cp§g.
CHAPTER II. UNFAIR LABOR PRACT/c es T1éCOLtft }30|d1 iat {rom the employe7s
OF EMPLOYERS tOv - acts of economic inducgM ®’*
resulting in the
.from .the


5. Qiscriminafion,
8. Discrimination Because ofTe4Gmony:
7. Violation of Duty to Bargain;
Peid Negotiatton: or

QLŁe8RREțA1i = .
s. ï»stimony нod ULP: An employer’s stead
To Osmiœ, Io esc|ude a QåWtCUlăt
¿yy lhe union's proposal is no
barga*ni g fepresenlative's p°sevea
includeonethatlheydeem Q #

anØWog undg‹Chg Cgdu.

VVhat is conmdenBd øs ULP lc log em J. 2008J.
°¥® of
țhe subje¢t There is no ULP on the part of thy
гetaiiatory act regardless of øpect,
becauS6 İts adamant insi$tence on
If complaint or testimony. In

a etaliatory aot is aone under Art. ł8, me position to the point wheie the
consequence is ULP vfìdBŁ An'. 254fÇ (Mabeza rea0h an impasse does not establish bad
t ę j{ is bu{ natural thaŁ ał
neg tøt@ mana9emØn) and ìabor
Notø: This ïs the only ULR nOt F6QUåTBd IO bB
ado@ pœiłìpt ø make demands and
related to employee s exercise of the right .to,.
self organization and soilectiv»- ba ga'n!ng
offer proposals
'”cgúntergroposals ț General ń4i/Fig Corp y
v. Philippine Globel
union of Filipro Employees, G.R. No. T9żfit
Jaașary 20, 99'Z). ..
2006) ’/¿ș
the emgloyR a
7. eyen submit
duty to bargaìn collecthely
tHe 'ünon ¿General UJg
”. - .‹ .
Corporation v. Cp, lfi.P. No. 14õ728. Febnłag'
The following ects are held to , 2004.I. , /.. ,” ”
Io bargain:
a. Alïegtng What tne unon Closure of they ,büsïnese and
opening of the. same in bad faîtfi fQ Æ
purpose of čircum,venting the Union’s Æ 8

management which ueușlly. fakes plaœ by

effecting ltte transfer of ğwńersh[p, Łhe plant
itself, or its eguipmenl, òy femporańïy cîosïng
ids business purposely fa óțJst the union or to sAH eeoh coaccr or ¿Aw
” *20 20t6 Czu›RAuZE0 BAe OPrN«TTo s
' evade Ihe payment oÏ' . ïeğifìmate óbÏigatïons
fComp/air Electronics Emplayeeš. Assóciaticn v.
NŁRC, G.R. N . 12 i 315, J•I//8:. 999).' '.

c. delaying negotiations Ś¿
unrelaŁad matters; ” -
d. Rejeot›ng a union’s offer
+•io^ty claim;
e. Engaging in su+face bargaining;

+u°face •6•!^łng means going through lhe

mot ons of negofialing without any legaì

at whe\fi+er or nol the employer’s conduct

demonsfrales an unw‹Ilingness to bargain in
good faith or is merely hard bargaining
Conf•sor G.я'. No. i 49 yr. June j ą y )

^ O^’^ P*OPO ! fO^ CBA nBgOtÏØüOn

ĘGenera/ Milling Corp. v. GĘ GR jø
14ö728. February 11, 200a).
cÏpsure; ànd '” ’
Tim.ïng 'of . ihe. subsequent og¢8@
r@sons ' the subsequent is


8' Bad Neøotauon

*a pay negotalion or aßomeys unon
or ïts ogoaru or agents as
settlement of any issue in
or any ther dîsptes.

8- •!•t*on of CBA
The iatìon must be q‹o•8.
phrasa is an amendment
if the violation is not gross,
grievance under the CBA.

/\jI the aforementioned ac\s (Nos. 1-9) must

q refa\ion to th8 employees’ exercise of their
to self”organization. Anti-union or anti-
motive musl be proved because i\ is
actual elemont of ULP.
Notwithstanding the fam ihat Ihe dismissal was at
fa]Is on tha shoulders of the instance of lhe federation and thaI il undertook
toner to es\ab)iSh OF substantiate claim o( ULP to hold the company free from any liability resufting
yq slantial evidence or such relevant evidence from GuCf dismissal. the company may stili be held
qqyonabje mind might accepl as sulTicient to Tiabte if it was remiss in iI•s duly to acuord the
wou1d•be dismissed employees their righI to be
. heard on the matter (Me!ayang Sama °^•^ n9
mga Menggaciawe sa lvi.‹smnfieid, v. Ramon
. aJ., G/ No. J3907, February 28, 2000/.

Different }ilndo of Uolon 4irIty Arreng•mente

277tc) considers, nien busting” as a QP.’ ” .’ t.
Employees’ Riph| to h’q|I- fiqan›z8|ion) (€UP-A-
. g +) '- . .“ ’ ''
. ,1. Closed-Shop Agreément
tesl of Dlscrtmlnation:’\ {fi6n tho discharge of’ an ' Only union meinbérs can be hired by the
emgoyee was motivated his inyolvement with con pany and musl remain as union
b.e union. Sucfi interéncé rfiust ’ be _ baeed,. or . members to refain employment in tha company
evidence, direct or circumstaptial, rjot upon ” In (2 AZUCENA. .4u§ra gt 3 2 fJ.
# spiciog (2 AZUCENA. s'upfia st 3 2 . 32g}.
"” Ezceptlon4: . .' ”
a. Endpioyees,' belonging to any religious sect
which p‹ohiblt affiliation of their members
'.‘ ; wilh any labar.organization are not covered
-by Fch agreerftent, The fr6g exerysa QF
j :'. '.; religious ”belief ie superior Io conlracl righte
WU?ty rangements - 'stations the CBA ’” . ' - ’ • ./V,! toriao,a ?. / •iza/de Rape Mortars' Union.

^8'!i n for empIoymen} -' or. “ , reteñtion Of Union are not c6vered

#oyment in the company. ‘“ ';“” ,'',
Confid.enttal employees excluded from rank
9d clples of Union Secu ’ ’ Clauses/ ” end file Dargairiing unit, and
*^Nngements •d, ..Employees excluded by express term of fhe
' *8t8ctlon - to shield uni°• a-' 'agreement (2 A2UCD-NA, supra ef 329/.
^8imSica| and abusi’ve exercise

Benefits — an addi‹a••i membership prospective employee must ba a member of the

wi!! BdQttj nal sourca of Inoome lo the union as a condi on of employmenl and has no
union ’ Of union dues and s@* q¡
@sessme member of the 0ontrau i 0g u0i0n in good
3. *•r-evocation - it strengthens the
*’ the basTq or cornrnitmen! and !86"’’

donatingth by enforcing Ihe

deterrriin g Qgd
Non-memhers may Requirement s for a Valid Termlnatio/
becohired but to retain zmpi• yae und•r a ClosBd-Shop y\g
emp\oyment. ÏTl e un iorl members
supra at (OR-PAC)
fTtust be
arter a period (2 AZU NA,
1. It can only be exercised
his right to Due process;
certain of u@mb«rship Shop a. The employer has the right to sat
3. •i t n à nce that there are sufficient bars
Agreement request of the union; and.
No employee is compelled to the union,
but must, b. The termination of the s 2rvi
joln ali present or future employee is not automatic upon the
members as a
in gOOd
conditiort of e fTlpl oym e * *t f el fi
of the union.
standing in the union {2 AZUÇENA, yupfa at
2. It cannot be applied to employees n w
3J0}. already members of the Rival union or g
4. Preferential Shop Agreement is an agreement en ployees based on their religious beliefs:
whereby the employer merely agrees to give 3. The agreement can only have y o
preference to the members of the bargaining applicat ion and cannot be applied relroac t/
union in hiring, promo\ion or filtng varmnci‹PS 4. The Agreement must be expressed in a 0
and retention in case of Iay-off.” The employer and unequivocal way so as not to leave m
has the right tü hire frorri the open market if for interpretation because it is s limitation Ie
union membeis are not. available @ exercise ef the right to self-organization:
(ALCANTARA ard Any doubt must bp resolved Against @
and ALACANTARA, Reviewer in Làbor. an”d, [. “ ” existen e of a Closed-shop agreement.
Socta/ Legislation, 2008

A_gency Shop Agreempnt or Mairitenance o ” LABOR ORGANIZATIONS

Treasury Shop is afj agreement whereby
employees must either join the qniop er ARTICLE 260: UNFAÏR LABOR PRACTICES OF
pay,to the union as exclusive bargaining LABOR ORGANIZATlOkS (GtLADE-V}:
agent a sum equal to that paid by the
AZUCENA, supre at 3#0J.t 1. To Gras8ly
violate. a cotlective barggi
9 agreement;
Note: This is directed against "free rider" 2. To Restrain or coerce employees i0
employees who benafit Iron union activities pxercise of their right to self-organ ^
without contributing support” to the union, to Howeuar, a labor organization shall hàY9
prevant a situation of nDF-UNÎO ù members ""
enriching themselves at the expense of union * right \o’ prescribe its own rutes with respec!
members. ,thq açquisition or retention of membership;

Employee members of another/Rival union are ODE Art. 259) an employer

not considered free riders sirice when the thfough 1n\erference, restraint or
(agent) bids to be the bargalning agent, it’ ,
0 Art, 280, on ULP of labor
.• "intarference
voluntarily assumed the respon•”ib0íty of " is left out.
representing aI| the employeas
appropriate bargaining unit.
Interference by a labor erganiza*>
6. I¥lodifiod Unlon iS a function of self-org
“ provides thàt the
employees who the intigrference amounts tó
time membefs at tha coerc ion then it becomes ULP.
need not join iha
hired thereafter rriugt 3. To Xek for or accept negoliatio3 or
fees from emp ïoyers as part of the se8lem
7, Esclusiv e Bargalning sh p any issue in collective bargaining any
thàt the
union is recogn‹zed as the exclusi dispute;
ve bing
agent for all employees in thB bargain argainin
unit, 4. To cause or aftempt to cause 8^
whether union members Or not (Id. al
z3o) D_iscriminate againsi an employ ®
disCFl mination against an
em ployeü
8. Bargalning for Membre Only p vides that tO Whom membarship in such
the union is rscognized ag the bargaining been denied or to terminate
aaont only for its own members à 8Ï? ¢OUnd glher than the
condïtions undar which


union member ITIdy nö t .bi
min. and h ote:
fe as nns em
0../?. Nö :

empioyer la 'h.
or agree n2tur• of giles
fhings of
.."StdbfiSf t menl

B 2D06).
to (he P‹a«i*e Of tfie uni

yyordelver #nbney
«a6« ror 8eWices which the riä lure of
°socxm$• ›• ca•x•xriu
Or not to be peUomݑd, Coffecry iy
dgrf\ahds lhat fhe goaö (aih for lhe

faatnèr performedno matter usefess ¡f be.
it may and alf etter tnrms

7o /Ä!a|e the du|y'of’ refus%to bargain

duly doGs.”.not cörft pel any .party ’!o agree io d
thë raprese ntaiive of (he erhpfoyea¿ .. ” proposa/ or .la mä”kä .. gny conc’ession (Ld6OR

’sol 9 cfvï)ly ïiable for gLP.

Ern fa mè t Contrast v. .C8A
LaDor orgä nlzoiiori, offi eFs. ä ¿id”agénÏ8›
6ffd rente. and officers 1
Bfiicipet$d or w+0wi ed
orratfed|he a L

organizahori Ïö ask for ö

indïviJu0f.+°/m. II union

on’.:nu to
fifindTg End .eff%ctive.
as long. as nö new
CBA Ïs te•ed 'nto

by taw.

’ky 8argaInI^B y. Whether

!ra1ed ö r

›mined by the
//+aptions: amp\oyor of the sxclusive b argaining tp
1. National Wage9 and Productivity Commission of the employees, incor
and Ragional
Board- az to

2. Nz›tiO0aI Conciliation and Mediation soard and 3. All Other tsrms and co• a›i›
the National Labor Relations Comm\seion- as to in g bafgainif\g Ufïft, ÏnC\uding
Wage distortions {LABOR COOE, Art. f24}; and Bdjustinp any grievance
3. Secretary of Labor and Ptesidant of ‹he agreement {Davao Integrated
Philippines- as to certifœtion and assumption fiQrviçes v. Ab6rquez, G.R. N
. powers over labor disputes {LABOR CODE, ArL 19, 1993) (i.9- mandatory
277(g)). 9^!”•x^nCeS and arbitration rrtach/aeñ es).
Jurisdictional Preconditions for Coliective Note: As a contract and the
governing Bargaining/ Requigites of Co\lecttva Bsrgainlr›g tha parties, the
general rMles (SPED) construction apply in
the jnterpretaIion
1. Possession at the 'gtatus of represanta\ion by . provisions {National Union at
the employees’ representative In accordance Restaurenl and Allied Industries (NUW I /¿/t¡g. .
with any of the mears of se\ection or CLII), Philippine Plaza Chapt•r v. Pfiillpfi¡n
designation pÔvîöe‹i for by the Labor Code /fofdîñgg Inc., G.R. No. 177fi24, July zz, f0t4).
2. P_roof of majoiity representation Certificat on of
the BLR .that .th-e represen ta. tivo '. b. f @ô”ôn@ or adminIstra\ise agenËy or ofticial pg
* .tIte,-|
.. payer td se\ or fb‹ wages, rates of t,
eiT\pIoyees is the so(e and exçlys¿yp ethar .fees and conditions d
bargatrtng, employment excspt,as Öthéfwise provided u‹d‹t
agent having won in a sertificât_o‹i,e .§gq ig
3. Employar•EmpIoyee retattonship
The duty to bargair ’¿olTectiv y anses o y the Labor Codé
between the employer and 1s e loyee.
Where rieither party is än Zipper Clause is a s8pulation in a CBA
that issues that could dave been
r›ego\isted but not oontalhed in the CBA
cannet be raised negotiation when the CBNS
4. Demand to bargsln unüer Agicle PRO (a) of is a\ready in effe¢L
Labor Cède {Kiok Loy ,v LRC, . G.R. No. L-
54334 Janua/y 22, 1986). ’ ,
.. & .^• "
Nota: Whare a majorlty**repfesentative has t.',Ç. . .Check-off Provibion;
been designated, it is am \J\-P for the ,Man.agement.Prerogative Clause;
emP\oyer, a• a refusal of collective ¢argainlng, E nomio Benefits;
to deal and nego\iate with› \he minori\# 6. provision on Ad’m1nistration of AO "
r9pfBSen\attvs to the
exclusion of the majo«ty,repfesentative. (2 7 °WoIuntary &bitfation Clause;
AZL/CENA. supra et 362)- * . No Strike- No”Lowout Clause;

certification of the
employee’s represen\a\iva.
This pe iod unification
year." oampa›gns to achisve
nce t 9165, Sec. 4gj.
ain with the
otwithstanding the Proceduæ tot Coltactlva
majorité of its 1. When a party
one-year penod. agreamsnt, it shall
the allier party with a
2. R_¿gly by the
nt a caiendor days with
of either tha

Sur BEPC Cou cE O• LAW

2016 CENTRALI ZEo F R ORiu T›O»5
must be..held athiń ten
aays from receipt of reqüнøt,

prohibitgd fГÖfT i dõinğ any.

c. Payment of P 1.000
d. Five (5) copies of CBA; a
proof of ratffication

days hefore ils ratification; and

3. A statement that tha collective bar8 'nin8
agreemont was ratified by the majorité o1 the years:
employees in tne üarçaining unit of the . Interpretation and Application Procès
emp\oyer or employers cancemed (IRR of the 1o. ënegottation.
rABOo COoE, Book V, Rule Xx//, bec *
amenôed oy D. 0. 4D Mandator y ProYiblons of tha CBA

Advanti 2. Hours of work;

3. Vacations and Holidays,
5, Pensions and retirement plans:
6. Seniority:
7. Transfer;

9. Employee \/\/brkloads;
, , \O. Work rules and regufatiorté;
11. Rent of company houseâ;
nefii pto9ram 12. i-Union secuftty amazements (2 AZUCEMt,
healtñ supra at 370),”
pl 13. Grievance machinery;
14. Voluntary arbitra\ion:

would be 16. Rates of pay:

Amplement 17. Mutual observance clause; and

beth muCh More lt In addition, the ”Bureau reguires

and to arrive at sing should incI?ôe a clyar statement of the term5 0!
emçiÏDyer contracte CBA.

Note: {Zr nployer's duty to bargafn

Odatöry bargairiing subjectG; CS tO other N^


Il shall be the duty of the P! C lg’
representatives of the amployees !>
Hegottation Process: Collactively,
3. Conference.
4. Exacutio• rocess — slgning •f the RT‹CLE 263: M NixG OF •«
5. _Publlcation for at least five Î ) ÖBY0 b6f ore COLLECTIVELY
ratification (postlng ¡n two (2) conspicuous
places of the company), Where no CBA Existb
f äÏÏ tÈll2 workers iFl The performance of a mutUal Obli@ at
tho bargaininÇ Ur1it {not ^Y union 1¥ TP 8Qt and convene
expeditiovsly to

*- 6 C H
ÏpArlzrU aAR
pny grievances or
.üueslions ch ngraérñent: gnÔ if\ .(h6 gtf}p@ ng an{egpnse
contrast incorporating . u•h (\ rà nsferér) need ndt .bargain
requgsthd by either party.

y to bgigàin colIectiveI.y dos g \ G.OQ )f’dai‹ün
È- Tfunsfcr ‹›I assets leaVg6 intn¢t
de /ífe”ntity of fh«
e,Iò a”Proposal. se›
a conceüSiOn,..d leave 3. Where
f the” mansferring
t Make roòrn fòr "take it it" a.•tu •. fus onüihitity. I barga‹n «n.té emptoyeas safe
cannoï stiputata ferms and
emp(óyrnerit which ar8 helow the
4. WFiere the ¿üfchaser mermiy. .Continuen fhe
ni ni Um fequirements prescribe. d by I w.
business.of the lran*ferring cor I›o‹atiÒn.

qole: ColiectíVa bàrgaining dòes nat em ath tfie: Miss. The duly to b»rgain imposts ”;or\ 1h’8

#ajusfing. any grie.vancús,.ot ques/ión ari:4ng u»daí ” ” wrnnJler ••orpora\ion”s” m!eïúpIoyees lo Ihe largar


subsfan/i6f.c oni/nu/ty o( ideitïJfy iÏj ]hi°' buslnocs

entorçr se befòre./cnò ”attür the change:
fgllure or rafusal to zu‹ecute ” l he CBA. '* 2.. Where the. ünioq” agJndons its Io. aibitfgton by
, laihng totmake.i\s GIarns I‹nown.
2. »adi’hg \he rnandatory subjslts of’.bargeining:
”Note'. Tho.CB4 prpp”osed by .lhe barga‹nlng union
l'nay Ije ”à¢l‹›çte‹J .aS lhe new CBA .if omployar

ÜOt8' .\5olalisnü ol the Acty”not deemd refU8al to bzsrgain:

89*oen›eril, ex«apt th se wúi¢•h
bd. tfeü t0d
n’der lhO'
Collactive Iü. bargain ovet dernanós fou
comrnis:<inn of ULP’:
3.. R.ufusnl !Q Çgrgain during period .of illegel stn sa.
4. ” There.}S j1o rnquosl for br8rqaininÇ;
5. Union saoks recognit on fòr en tnappropriately

!0 òmpToyai has bodn h6ld Ur»on saaks to”rqpnasent soma parsoras who
deni’and.s whe‹e. Ç@ .t5 O am enclüded fmn the Ccde:
Y. Tñtt r1rik-and-6lo un\l .incIudts gupeivisors:
ial g, 7hn démund. fcir r ‹ nitcw and b.wpa ning s
maua. within. .tt e year foliowing a ’certifcntian
! orsl Rule: W i”ierO
eloütton in which .iho cluat choica was. -no
ui;iör›” and no.’ad intar›n significaht changa bäs
taken 'place in ïhe uëit: ond”
of 9. Tho uriidh mnkes un|awful baiyainIf\g darüqnrle.
" and

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