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1987 Constitution ARTICLE II: State Principles and Policies intergenerational responsibility which the courts view as
Section 15 something with transcendental importance. It also imposes the
“The state shall protect and promote the right to health of the correlative duty to refrain from impairing the environment as
people and instill health consciousness among them.” provided in Sections 15-16 Art II of the 1987 Constitution.

1. Oposa vs Factoran Vocabs:

Doctrine: ​The Supreme Court declared that this provision Sec. 15 Health​- state of being or having complete physical, mental, and
is self-executing, meaning that the right to health of the people is social well-being, and not merely an absence of a disease or
now demandable and enforceable where the violation of which is infirmity.
justiciable. Transcendental Importance​- (Judicial Inquiry)- Courts will decide
when there is locus standi or when there is a grave violation of
Facts: 44 children who are minors, represented by their parents, the Constitution. Can be filed by any person or in a citizen’s suit.
filed a suit against Fulgencio Factoran, Secretary of DENR, to stop Synonym: Paramount importance.
the issuance of licenses to cut timber. The petitioners invoke
their right to a healthful environment. Petitioner further asserts 2. MMDA vs Manila Bay Concerned Residents
that they “represent their generation as well as those that are
unborn”. They also claim that the Secretary committed grave Nature:​ ​Environmental Law, Mandamus, PD1152
abuse of discretion in granting Timber license agreements. Facts: Respondents filed a complaint before the RTC against
several government agencies, among them the petitioners, for
Issue: ​Is there cause of action. the cleanup, rehabilitation, and protection of the Manila Bay. The
complaint alleged that the water quality of the Manila Bay had
Held: ​Yes. There is a cause of action. fallen way below the allowable standards set by law, specifically
-The court held that the petitioners, although minors, have the PD 1152. Respondents, as plaintiffs, prayed that petitioners be
locus standi. With this, they have a cause to assert their right to a ordered to clean the Manila Bay and submit to the RTC a
sound environment which also constitutes the performance of concerted concrete plan of action for the purpose.
their obligation to ensure the protection of the right of the
generations to come. Such obligation is called the

Topic​ ​laws​ ​Note ​definitions ​ ​enumeration


RTC rendered a Decision in favor of respondents, ordering the obligation to future generations of Filipinos to keep the waters of
defendant-government agencies to clean up and rehabilitate the Manila Bay clean and clear as humanly as possible.
Manila Bay. Issue 2:
Petitioners, before the CA, argued that PD 1152 relates only to Yes, petitioners may be compelled.
the cleaning of specific pollution incidents and do not cover The MMDA’s duty in the area of solid waste disposal is set forth
cleaning in general. Apart from raising concerns about the lack of not only in the Environment Code (PD 1152) and RA 9003, but in
funds, petitioners also asserted that the cleaning of the Manila its charter as well. This duty of putting up a proper waste
Bay is not a ministerial act, which can be compelled by disposal system cannot be characterised as discretionary, for, as
mandamus. earlier stated, discretion presupposes the power or right given by
The CA denied petitioners’ appeal and affirmed the Decision of law to public functionaries to act officially according to their
the RTC in toto. Hence, this petition. judgment or conscience.
Issues: A perusal of other petitioners’ respective charters would yield to
1. Does PD 1152 include a cleanup in general or is it limited the conclusion that these government agencies are enjoined, as a
only to the cleanup of specific pollution incidents? matter of statutory obligation, to perform certain functions
2. Whether or not petitioners may be compelled by relating directly or indirectly to the cleanup, rehabilitation,
mandamus to clean up and rehabilitate the Manila Bay? protection, and preservation of the Manila Bay. They are
Held: precluded from choosing not to perform these duties. The
Issue 1: petition is DENIED.
PD 1152 does not in any way state that the government agencies
concerned ought to confine themselves to the containment,
removal, and cleaning operations when a specific pollution
incident occurs. The underlying duty to upgrade the quality of
water is not conditional on the occurrence of any pollution
Even assuming the absence of a categorical legal provision
specifically prodding petitioners to clean up the bay, they and the
men and women representing them cannot escape their

Topic​ ​laws​ ​Note ​definitions ​ ​enumeration


contract with Jancom was not binding because it was not signed
3. MMDA vs Jancom by the President, the conditions precedent to the contract were
not complied with, and there was no valid notice of award. The
Nature: ​Petition for review on certiorari Supreme Court ruled that MMDA should have filed a motion for
Facts: Jancom won a contract for the MMDA’s San Mateo waste appeal instead of for certiorari, because a certiorari would only
management project. A BOT contract for the waste to energy apply in cases where there was grave abuse of jurisdiction,
project was signed on Dec 19, 1997, between Jancom and the something which the petition did not allege. Correction may be
Philippine Government, represented by the Presidential Task obtained only by an appeal from the final decision. Since the
Force on Solid Waste Management through DENR Secretary decision was not appealed, the Court said it has become final and
Victor Ramos, CORD-NCR chair Dionisio dela Serna, and MMDA “gone beyond the reach of any court to modify in any
chair Prospero Oreta. substantive aspect.”
The contract, however, was never signed by President Ramos as Though saying it was unnecessary to discuss the substantive
it was too close to the end of his term. He endorsed it to issues, the court took it up just the same, “if only to put the
President Estrada, but Estrada refused to sign it, for ​two reasons: petitioner’s mind to rest.”
the passage of RA 8749, or the Clean Air Act of 1999 and the The Court said that the lack of notice was the government’s fault;
clamor of San Mateo residents for the closure of the dumpsite. though the President did not sign, his alter-ego did; and anyway
When the MMDA published another call for proposals for solid his signature was only necessary for the effectivity of the
waste management projects for Metro Manila, Jancom filed a contract, not its perfection; and that the two-month period
petition with the Pasig RTC asking the court to declare as void the within which Jancom should comply with the conditions had not
resolution of the Greater Metropolitan Manila Solid Waste yet started to run because the contract had not yet taken effect,
Management Committee disregarding the BOT contract with precisely because of the absence of the President’s signature.
Jancom, and the call for bids for a new waste management
contract. Issue: ​Did the court erred in declaring the agreement valid and
On May 29, 2000, the lower court decided in favor of Jancom. executory.
Instead of appealing, the MMDA filed with the Court of Appeals a
petition for certiorari and a TRO. When the CA dismissed the Held: ​The Court of Appeals did not err when it declared the
petition, the MMDA went to the Supreme Court, arguing that the existence of a valid and perfected contract between the Republic

Topic​ ​laws​ ​Note ​definitions ​ ​enumeration


of the Philippines and Jancom. The MMDA cannot revoke or

renounce the same without the consent of the other. Although
the contract is a perfected one, it is still ineffective or
unimplementable until and unless it is approved by the

Build–operate–transfer (BOT) Contract - is a form of ​project
delivery method​, usually for large-scale infrastructure projects,
wherein a private entity receives a ​concession from the ​public
sector (or the private sector on rare occasions) to finance,
design, construct, own, and operate a facility stated in the
concession contract.

Topic​ ​laws​ ​Note ​definitions ​ ​enumeration


4. Technology Developers vs Court of Appeals concerning the plant’s pollution. Another argument brought
forward in the decision was that the petitioner had made no
Nature/ Topic:​ Right to clean environment effort in mitigating the emissions coming from its plant despite
being made aware of the negative effects they have on the
Facts: ​The petitioner was a private manufacturer and exporter of residents. Furthermore, the Court noted that the health and lives
charcoal briquettes. A letter was sent to them by the mayor of a of citizens need to be protected from negative effects of
nearby town stating that the pollution emitted by the petitioner pollution and that this is more important than the need to
negatively affected the local residents’ health. On these grounds, contribute to economic growth.
the letter ordered the private corporation to shut down their
operations as well as requested the manager to present a
building permit, a mayor’s permit and an anti-pollution permit.
However, the corporation did not manage to secure a mayor’s

The petitioner’s plant was then shut down following an order to

the municipality’s station commander to padlock the premises.

The corporation filed a petition arguing that the shutting down of

their plant was unlawful. A lower court granted them a
preliminary injunction to prevent the closing of the plant.
However, this injunction was later dissolved again by the lower
court, because the petitioner was unsuccessful at trial and on
appeal. The petitioner then contested the order to dissolve the
preliminary injunction before the Supreme Court.

Issue:​ Is the court correct in dissolving such injunction.

The Court held that dissolving the injunction was the correct
course of action and that shutting down the plant’s operations
was lawful due to the lack of a permit and the investigation

Topic​ ​laws​ ​Note ​definitions ​ ​enumeration


5. AC Enterprises vs Frabelle discomfort and annoyance to a person of ordinary sensibilities

rendering adjacent property less comfortable and valuable.
Nature:​ Petition for review for certiorari

Facts: AC enterprises, petitioner herein, is a corporation who

owns a 10-storey building in Makati City. On the other hand,
Frabelle, respondent herein, is a condominium corporation who's
condominium development is located behind petitioner.
Respondents complained of the 'unbearable” noise emanating
from the blower of the air-conditioning units of the petitioner.

Issues: WON the “unbearable noise” in the case at bar is a

nuisance as to be resolved only by the courts in the due course of

Held: Yes. It is a nuisance to be resolved only by the courts in the

due course of proceedings; the noise is not a nuisance per se.
Noise becomes actionable only when it passes the limits of
reasonable adjustment to the conditions of the locality and of
the needs of the maker to the needs of the listener. Injury to a
particular person in a peculiar position or of especially sensitive
characteristics will not render the house an actionable
nuisance–– in the conditions of present living, noise seems
inseparable from the conduct of many necessary occupations.
The determining factor is not its intensity or volume; it is that the
noise is of such character as to produce actual physical

Topic​ ​laws​ ​Note ​definitions ​ ​enumeration


6. Alexandra Condo vs LLDA discharge. TACC entered into an agreement with World Chem
Marketing for the construction of the STP for P7,550,000. In an
Philippine Realty and Holdings, Inc. (PhilRealty) developed, Order dated 19 July 1999, LLDA stated that the daily penalty was
established, and constructed The Alexandra Condominium imposed upon TACC for the pollutive wastewater discharge, and
Complex from 1987 to 1993. On 2 September 1987, the Human to condone the penalty would be tantamount to tolerating the
Settlements Regulatory Commission issued a Development pollution of the river bodies and the Laguna de Bay which is
Permit to PhilRealty to develop its project. In the Development contrary to LLDAs mandate. On 1 April 2002, TACC requested
Permit, PhilRealty was required to submit its condominium plans LLDA to dismiss the water pollution case against it because of the
to the Building Official of Pasig City. Architect Perez, then favorable analysis undertaken by the LLDAs Pollution Control
Building Official of Pasig City, reviewed the Site Development and Division. TACC requested LLDA to condone the imposition of the
Location Plan as well as the Sanitary/Plumbing Plans and penalty of P1,000 per day since March 1999 in recognition of the
Specifications of the project. Architect Perez issued a Building remedial and corrective measures it undertook to comply with
Permit and a Sanitary/Plumbing Permit acknowledging the government standards. On 4 September 2003, LLDA issued an
fixtures to be installed but without indicating the System of order requiring TACC to pay a fine of P1,062,000 representing
Disposal including a Waste Water Treatment Plan. PhilRealty the penalty from 26 March 1999 to 20 February 2002.
turned over the project to TACC. On 24 June 1998, Laguna Lake
Development Authority (LLDA) advised TACC that its wastewater TACC filed a petition for certiorari before the Court of Appeals
did not meet government effluent standards provided in Sections with a prayer for the issuance of a temporary restraining order.
68 and 69 of the 1978 National Pollution Control Commission The CA ruled that the petition for certiorari was prematurely
Rules and Regulations (NPCC) as amended by DENR filed. Pointed out that TACC failed to file a motion for
Administrative Order No. 34. LLDA informed TACC that it must reconsideration of the 4 September 2003 order. Also the Court of
put up its own Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) for its effluent Appeals ruled that due to the transfer of LLDA to the DENR under
discharge to meet government standards. In a Notice of Violation Executive Order No. 149 (EO 149), TACC should have first
LLDA directed TACC to submit corrective measures to abate or resorted to an administrative remedy before the DENR Secretary
control its water effluents discharged into the Laguna de Bay. prior to filing a petition for certiorari hence the petition with the
LLDA likewise imposed upon TACC a daily fine of P1,000 from 26 Supreme Court.
March 1999 until full cessation of pollutive wastewater

Topic​ ​laws​ ​Note ​definitions ​ ​enumeration


7. Universal Robina Corp vs LLDA enhance the right of the people in Caloocan City to a balanced
ecology within its territorial jurisdiction. This order would render
Nature:​ Right to clean environment any LLDA Cease and Desist Orders against the City Government
of Caloocan null and void. The trial court and the Court of Appeal
Facts: The City Government of Caloocan disposed of granted the City Government of Caloocan this order and ruled
approximately 350 tons of garbage daily in Tala Estate, Barangay that the Lake Laguna Development Authority had no power and
Camarin against the wishes of local residents, who were authority to issue a cease and desist order enjoining the dumping
concerned about the environmental and health impact of the of garbage. The LLDA appealed to the Supreme Court.
dumpsite. In March 1991, the Task Force Camarin Dumpsite of
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish filed a complaint with the Laguna Held: ​The Court held that the LLDA had the authority to issue a
Lake Development Authority (LLDA). The complaint sought to cease and desist order enjoining the dumping of garbage in Tala
end the operation of the dumpsite, because of the dumpsite’s Estate. Republic Act No. 4850 explicitly authorized the LLDA to
“harmful effects on the health of the residents and the make, alter or modify order requiring the discontinuance or
possibility of pollution of the water content of the surrounding pollution. While the LLDA was not expressly granted a power to
area. An LLDA investigation found that the City Government of make ex parte Cease and Desist Orders, such a power was
Caloocan was maintaining the dumpsite without a legally necessarily implied from its broad powers to make orders
required Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC). stopping pollution. Otherwise, the LLDA would “be reduced
Subsequently, the LLDA issued a Cease and Desist Order to the to a paper agency.
City Government of Caloocan, asking them, the Metropolitan
Manila Authority, and any contractors or other entities to stop The Court also emphasized that Article II, section16 of the
operating the Camarin dumpsite. The dumping stopped for a few Constitution guaranteed a right to a balanced and healthful
months, but resumed again in August 1992. The LLDA filed ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature,and
another Cease and Desist Order that month, and in September that there was a declared state policy to protect and promote
went so far as to prohibit entry of all garbage dump trucks into the right to health, which had been recognized as a fundamental
Tala Estate. In September of 1992, The City Government of right in both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the
Caloocan filed a petition seeking to be declared “the sole Declaration of Alma-Ata.
authority empowered to promote the health and safety and

Topic​ ​laws​ ​Note ​definitions ​ ​enumeration


Eventually said lots were bought by defendant. Lot 5 directly

8. Ortigas and Co vs Feati Bank from Chavez and Lot 6 from Republic Flour Mills by deed of
exchange, with same restrictions. Plaintiff claims that restriction
Facts: Plaintiff is engaged in real estate business, developing and is for the beautification of the subdivision. Defendant claimed of
selling lots to the public, particularly the Highway Hills the commercialization of western part of EDSA. Defendant began
Subdivision along EDSA. On March 4, 1952, plaintiff, as vendor, constructing a commercial bank building. Plaintiff demand to
and Augusto Padilla and Natividad Angeles, as vendees, entered stop it, which forced him to file a case, which was later
into separate agreements of sale on installments over two dismissed, upholding police power. Motion for recon was denied,
parcels of land of the Subdivision. On July 19, 1962, the said hence the appeal.
vendees transferred their rights and interests over the aforesaid
lots in favor of one Emma Chavez. Upon completion of payment Issue: ​Whether or Not non-impairment clause violated.
of the purchase price, the plaintiff executed the corresponding
deeds of sale in favor of Emma Chavez. Both the agreements (of Held: ​No. Resolution is a valid exercise of police power. EDSA, a
sale on installment) and the deeds of sale contained the main traffic artery which runs through several cities and
stipulations or restrictions that: municipalities in the Metro Manila area, supports an endless
stream of traffic and the resulting activity, noise and pollution
1. The parcel of land shall be used exclusively for residential are hardly conducive to the health, safety or welfare of the
purposes, and she shall not be entitled to take or remove soil, residents in its route. Health, safety, peace, good order and
stones or gravel from it or any other lots belonging to the Seller. general welfare of the people in the locality are justifications for
2. All buildings and other improvements (except the fence) which this. It should be stressed, that while non-impairment of
may be constructed at any time in said lot must be, (a) of strong contracts is constitutionally guaranteed, the rule is not absolute,
materials and properly painted, (b) provided with modern since it has to be reconciled with the legitimate exercise of police
sanitary installations connected either to the public sewer or to power.
an approved septic tank, and (c) shall not be at a distance of less
than two (2) meters from its boundary lines.

Topic​ ​laws​ ​Note ​definitions ​ ​enumeration


9. La Bugal B'laan Tribal Association vs DENR Sec Ramos Issue:​ Is the agreement valid.

Take note: Held:​ No. SC voided the contract / FTAA

R.A. No. 7942 ​- Philippine Mining Act of 1995 -In January 27, 2004, the Supreme Court voided the FTAA
FTAA -​ Financial and Technical Assistance Agreement entered into by PH and WMCP as it is deemed unconstitutional
WMCP - Western Mining Corporation PH (Listed as one of the on the grounds that “Service Contracts” are not allowed in the
major mining and exploration companies of Australia) 1987 Constitution. The court further clarifies that the Act, which
Land covered in the case: gave rise to the contract, is in the nature of a service contract,
● 99, 387 hectares in total considered as concession or lease, both not allowed in the
● Includes South Cotabato, North Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Constitution.
Davao del Sur
Capital alleged: -The purpose to deny service contracts is to uphold posterity, the
● 50 MILLION USD beginning of nationalizing and conserving national and natural
resources which was intended to be for the Filipino people and
Doctrine: ​Article 12 Section 2 of the 1987 Constitution “...natural to prevent foreign control through peaceful and subtle economic
resources shall be under FULL CONTROL AND SUPERVISION of the intrusion.
-Court held that the ​WMCP is in its nature as SERVICE CONTRACT
Nature:​ Petition for mandamus and prohibition although named as FTAA - which is an evil sought to be avoided
by the framers of our Constitution.
Facts: ​The signing of DENR AO 96-40 implements the R.A. 7942
or the Philippine Mining Act of 1995. With the implementation of Vocabs:
the said act, an agreement was entered into by former President Service contract ​- Grants beneficial ownership to foreign
Ramos and WMCP in the form of an FTAA. Allegedly there were contractors contrary to the fundamental law. The primary
about 164 FTAA applications applied in lieu of the signing of the feature of a service contract is one in which the management
act. and operation of contractors or companies like mining activities

Topic​ ​laws​ ​Note ​definitions ​ ​enumeration


by foreign companies are in their full control. Such gives them

exclusive rights to explore and exploit the resources - which is
the evil we sought to avoid.

Concession system​- direct equity investment for the purpose of

exploiting the natural resources of a particular area.

Topic​ ​laws​ ​Note ​definitions ​ ​enumeration


10. Metro Iloilo Water District vs Court of Appeals otherwise known as the Water Code of the Philippines (Water
In addition, private respondents Emma Nava and Rebecca
Petitioner is a water district organized under the provisions of Berlindenied having extracted or withdrawn water from the
Presidential Decree No. 198 (P.D. 198), as amended. It was ground, much less sold the... same. Private respondent Carmen
granted by the Local Water Utilities Administration Conditional Pangantihon likewise denied having constructed any waterworks
Certificate of Conformance No. 71 on January 12, 1979. Its system in her area but admitted that she had constructed her
service... areas encompass the entire territorial areas of Iloilo own deep well, unaware that she needed to get a permit to do
City and the Municipalities of Ma-asin, Cabanatuan, Santa the same.
Barbara and Pavia.
Private respondent Rufino Sitaca maintained the petitioner's
Sometime between April and May of 1993, petitioner filed nine source of water are reservoirs from rivers and are thus not
(9) individual yet identical petitions for injunction with prayer for affected by his well. Moreover, he claimed that his water permit
preliminary injunction and / or temporary restraining order application was deemed approved, and thus he is entitled to use
against herein private respondents the pertinent portions of... the water from his... well.
which read:
Private respondent Benito Go admitted that he extracted water
“That pursuant to the provisions of section 31 (a) of P.D. 198, as from the ground, which he claimed to be his private property,
amended, the petitioner as a Water District was authorized to and used the water for his lumberyard and domestic purposes.
adopt laws and regulations governing the drilling, maintenance
Additionally, he alleged the petitioner's rules and regulations
and operation of wells within its boundaries for purposes other
were... not published in the Official Gazette and hence petitioner
than single family... domestic use on overlying land, with then
had no cause of action. Private respondent Charles Kana-an
provision that any well operated in violation of such regulations
asserted that he had complied with the requirements for the
shall be deemed an interference with the waters of the district;...
approval of his water permit application. He claimed that he was
private respondents uniformly invoked the lack of jurisdiction of
extracting... and selling water with petitioner's knowledge, and
the trial court, contending that the cases were within the original
without damage and injury to the latter.[14] Meanwhile, private
and exclusive jurisdiction of the ​National Water Resources
respondent Gerry Luzuriaga claimed that he was not the real
Council (Water Council) under Presidential Decree No. 1067,
party in interest, but Shoemart, Inc. which has the control and

Topic​ ​laws​ ​Note ​definitions ​ ​enumeration


possession of the... property where the alleged withdrawal of within petitioner's service areas;... that the unauthorized
ground water was taking place Petitioner now contends that the extraction or withdrawal of ground water by private respondents
extraction or withdrawal of ground water as well as the sale without the necessary permit was in violation of petitioner's
thereof within its territorial jurisdiction is a violation of its rights prescribed rules, and constitutes interference for which
as a water district. petitioner may commence, maintain, intervene in, defend and
compromise... actions or proceedings under Sec. 31 of P.D. No.
198;... that the extraction or withdrawal of ground water without
DID THE REGIONAL TRIAL COURT OF ILOILO HAVE JURISDICTION the corresponding permit was a violation of Art. 13 of the Water
OVER THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THE PETITIONS? Code; and... that great damage and prejudice will be suffered by
petitioner if private respondents' extraction and withdrawal of
ground water, as well as the selling thereof be allowed to
We find merit in the petition. continue.
The petitions file before the trial court were for the issuance of In essence, the petitions focus on the violations incurred by
an injunction order for respondents to cease and desist from private respondents by virtue of their alleged unauthorized
extracting or withdrawing water from petitioner's well and from extraction and withdrawal of ground water within petitioner's
selling the same within its service areas.[34] The petitions... service area, visa-a-vis petitioner's vested rights as a water
contained factual allegations in support of the prayer for district. At issue is whether or... not private respondents'
injunction, to wit:... the grant to petitioner of a Conditional extraction and sale of ground water within petitioner's service
Certificate of Conformance by the Local Water Utilities area violated petitioner's rights as a water district. It is at once
Administration over areas from which water was allegedly obvious that the petitions raise a judicial question.
extracted or withdrawn by private respondents, by virtue of
The instant case certainly calls for the application and
which its Board of Directors promulgated rules governing...
interpretation of pertinent laws and jurisprudence in order to
ground water pumping within its service areas;... abstraction or
determine whether private respondents' actions violate
withdrawal of water within the territorial jurisdiction of
petitioner's rights as a water district and justify an injunction.
petitioner by private respondents without first securing a permit
This issue does not so much provide... occasion to invoke the
from the Water Council, or registering their well drillers, and sale
special knowledge and expertise of the Water Council as it
of said water so extracted to commercial and other consumers...

Topic​ ​laws​ ​Note ​definitions ​ ​enumeration


necessitates judicial intervention. While initially it may appear

that there is a dimension to the petitions which pertains to the
sphere of the Water Council, i.e., the appropriation of water...
which the Water Code defines as "the acquisition of rights over
the use of waters or the taking or diverting of waters from a
natural source in the manner and for any purpose allowed by
law," in reality the matter is at most merely collateral to the main
thrust of the... petitions.

Thus, we declared that the trial court's jurisdiction must be

upheld where the issue involved is not the settlement of a water
rights dispute, but the enjoyment of a right to water use for
which a permit was already... granted.

In like manner, the present petition calls for the issuance of an

injunction order to prevent private respondents from extracting
and selling ground water within petitioner's service area in
violation of the latter's water permit. There is no dispute
regarding petitioner's... right to ground water within its service
area. It is petitioner's enjoyment of its rights as a water district
which it seeks to assert against private respondents.

Topic​ ​laws​ ​Note ​definitions ​ ​enumeration


11. Montreal Protocol agreed individual targets. The Convention itself only asks those
countries to adopt policies and measures on mitigation and to
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone report periodically.
Layer (the Montreal Protocol) is an international agreement The Kyoto Protocol is based on the principles and provisions of
made in 1987. It was designed to stop the production and import the Convention and follows its annex-based structure. It only
of ozone depleting substances and reduce their concentration in binds developed countries, and places a heavier burden on them
the atmosphere to help protect the earth's ozone layer. under the principle of “common but differentiated responsibility
and respective capabilities”, because it recognizes that they are
The Montreal Protocol sits under the Vienna Convention for the largely responsible for the current high levels of GHG emissions
Protection of the Ozone Layer (the Vienna Convention). The in the atmosphere.
Vienna Convention was adopted in 1985 following international The Kyoto Protocol sets binding emission reduction targets for 37
discussion of scientific discoveries in the 1970s and 1980s industrialized countries and economies in transition and the
highlighting the adverse effect of human activity on ozone levels European Union. Overall the targets add up to an average 5 per
in the stratosphere and the discovery of the ‘ozone hole’. Its cent emission reduction compared to 1990 levels over the five
objectives are to promote cooperation on the adverse effects of year period 2008–2012 (the first commitment period).
human activities on the ozone layer.

12. Kyoto Protocol

The Kyoto Protocol was adopted on 11 December 1997. Owing to

a complex ratification process, it entered into force on 16
February 2005. Currently, there are 192 Parties to the Kyoto
In short, the Kyoto Protocol operationalizes the ​United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change by committing
industrialized countries and economies in transition to limit and
reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions in accordance with

Topic​ ​laws​ ​Note ​definitions ​ ​enumeration


13. Paris Agreement

The ​Paris Agreement is a landmark international accord that was

adopted by nearly every nation in 2015 to address ​climate
change and its negative impacts. The agreement aims to
substantially reduce global greenhouse gas emissions in an effort
to limit the ​global temperature increase in this century to 2
degrees Celsius above pre industrial levels, while pursuing means
to limit the increase to 1.5 degrees. The agreement includes
commitments from all major emitting countries to cut their
climate pollution and to strengthen those commitments over
time. The pact provides a pathway for developed nations to
assist developing nations in their climate mitigation and
adaptation efforts, and it creates a framework for the
transparent monitoring, reporting, and ratcheting up of
countries’ individual and collective climate goals.

Topic​ ​laws​ ​Note ​definitions ​ ​enumeration


14. IPRA law 15. Phil Clean Air Act

R.A. No. 8371 or the Indigenous People’s Rights Act of 1997
The Philippines Clean Air Act of 1999 (​Republic Act No​. 8749)
Ancestral domain outlines the government's measures to reduce air pollution and
● All areas belonging to Indegenous Cultural Community or incorporate environmental protection into its development
IPs, comprising lands, inland waters, coastal areas, natural plans. Principle include: " the right of the people to a balanced
resources, and shall include ancestral lands, forests, and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of
pasture, whether alienable or disposable or otherwise. nature. The State shall promote and protect the global
Note: Such lands cannot be exclusively occupied but used environment to attain sustainable development while
for sustenance. recognizing the primary responsibility of local government units
to deal with environmental problems.”
Ancestral lands
● Land occupied, possessed, and utilized by clans, families, What can you do to help clean the air?
or individuals of ICCs / IPs since time immemorial by
themselves or predecessors in interest. 1. Maintain your vehicle by changing oil regularly (every
Note:​ ​ancestral domain > ancestral lands 5,000 kilometers).
2. Keep the engine well-tuned following the owner's
Ecology manual.
● From the word “OIKOS” which means place to live or 3. Keep tires properly inflated.
dwelling (Earnst Haeckel). Branch of Biology which deals 4. Plan trips and observe proper driving habits.
with the relations of organisms to one another and their 5. Remove unnecessary things from the trunk.
physical surroundings.

Topic​ ​laws​ ​Note ​definitions ​ ​enumeration


What is covered by the Philippine Clean Air Act? 17. National Water Resources Board
All potential sources of ​air pollution (mobile, point and area
The NWRB is the government agency which manages and
sources) must comply with the provisions of the ​law​. All
emissions must be within the ​air quality standards. Mobile regulates all water resources and services in the Philippines. It
integrates and coordinates all water related activities that have
sources refer to vehicles like cars, trucks, buses, jeepneys,
tricycles, motorcycles, and vans. social, environmental and economic impacts in the country.

It has three mandated functions as follows:

16. Pollution Adjudication Board
1. Policy formulation and coordination within the framework of
The Board shall be composed of the Secretary as Chairman, two Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM);
(2) Undersecretaries as maybe designated by the Secretary, the
Director of the Environmental Management, and three (3) others 2. Water resource regulation through the issuance of Water
to be designated by the Secretary as members. Permit (WP) and resolution of water use conflict; and

The board shall assume the powers and functions of the 3. Regulation of water service providers through the issuance of
Commission/Commissioners of the National Pollution Control Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC)/Certificate of Public
Commission with respect to the adjudication of pollution cases Convenience and Necessity and setting ​of water tariffs.
under Republic Act 3931 and Presidential Decree 984,
18. Fisheries Code
particularly with respect to Section 6 letters e,f,g,j,k and p of P.D.
984. The Environmental Management Bureau shall serve as the
Republic Act No. 8550 otherwise known as ​the ​Philippine
Secretariat of the Board. These powers and functions maybe
Fisheries Code of 1998 was enacted into law to achieve food
delegated to the regional officers of the Department in
security; limit access to the fishery and aquatic resources of the
accordance with rules and regulation to be formulated by the
Philippines for the exclusive enjoyment of Filipino citizens;
ensure the rational and sustainable development, management
and conservation of the fishery and aquatic resources in
Philippine waters including the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ); to
protect the rights of fisher folk, especially of the local

Topic​ ​laws​ ​Note ​definitions ​ ​enumeration


communities with priority to municipal fisher folk, in the 6. Ban on Coral Exploitation and Exportation. - It
preferential use of the municipal waters; to provide support to 7. Ban on Muro-Ami Other Methods and Gear Destructive to
the fishery sector, primarily to the municipal fisher folk, including Coral Reefs and Other Marine Habitat.
women and youth sectors, through appropriate technology and 8. llegal Use of Superlights.
research, adequate financial, production, construction of 9. Conversion of Mangroves
post-harvest facilities, marketing assistance, and other services; 10. Fishing in Overfished Area and During Closed Season.
to manage fishery and aquatic resources, in a manner consistent 11. Fishing in Fishery Reserves, Refuge and Sanctuaries.
with the concept of an integrated coastal area management in 12. Fishing Or Taking of Rare, Threatened or Endangered
specific natural fishery management areas, appropriately Species.
supported by research, technical services and guidance provided 13. Capture of Sabalo and Other Breeders/Spawners.
by the State; and to grant the private sector the privilege to 14. Exportation of Breeders, Spawners, Eggs or Fry.
utilize fishery resources under the basic concept that the 15. Importation or Exportation of Fish or Fishery Species.
grantee, licensee or permittee thereof shall not only be a 16. Violation of Catch Ceilings.
privileged beneficiary of the State but also active participant and 17. 17. Aquatic Pollution. - Aquatic pollution, as defined in
partner of the Government in the sustainable development, this Code shall be unlawful.
management, conservation and protection of the fishery and 18. Violation of the provision of this section shall be punished
aquatic resources of the country. by imprisonment of six (6) years and one (1) day to twelve
(12) years and/or a fine of Eighty thousand pesos
The following are the Prohibitions: (P80,000.00) plus an additional fine of Eight thousand
pesos (P8,000.00) per day until such violation ceases and
1. Unauthorized Fishing or Engaging in Other Unauthorized
the fines paid.
Fisheries Activities.
2. Poaching in Philippine Waters
3. Fishing Through Explosives, Noxious or Poisonous
Substance, and/or Electricity.
4. Use of Fine Mesh Net
5. Use of Active Gear in the Municipal Waters and Bays and
Other Fishery Management Areas

Topic​ ​laws​ ​Note ​definitions ​ ​enumeration


The ​Congress may, by law, allow small-scale utilization of natural

19. Section 2, Article XII, 1987 Constitution resources by Filipino citizens, as well as cooperative fish farming,
with priority to subsistence fishermen and fishworkers in rivers,
lakes, bays, and lagoons.
The President may enter into agreements with foreign-owned
Section 2. All lands of the public domain, waters, minerals, coal, corporations involving either technical or financial assistance for
petroleum, and other mineral oils, all forces of potential energy, large-scale exploration, development, and utilization of minerals,
fisheries, forests or timber, wildlife, flora and fauna, and other petroleum, and other mineral oils according to the general terms
natural resources ​are owned by the State. With the exception of and conditions provided by law, based on real contributions to
agricultural lands, all other natural resources shall not be the economic growth and general welfare of the country. In such
alienated. The exploration, development, and utilization of agreements, the State shall promote the development and use of
natural resources shall be under the full control and supervision local scientific and technical resources.
of the State. The State may directly undertake such activities, or
it may enter into co-production, joint venture, or The President shall notify the Congress of every contract entered
production-sharing agreements with Filipino citizens, or into in accordance with this provision, within thirty days from its
corporations or associations at least sixty ​per centum ​of whose execution.
capital is owned by such citizens. Such agreements may be for a
period not exceeding twenty-five years, renewable for not more Notes:
than twenty-five years, and under such terms and conditions as ● Above provision embodies the concept of the Regalian
may be provided by law. In cases of water rights for irrigation, Doctrine.
water supply fisheries, or industrial uses other than the ● 60% of capital should be owned by Filipinos
development of water power, beneficial use may be the measure ● Period of an agreement under FTAA can only be up to 25
and limit of the grant. years, renewable for another 25 years.
● Cannot grant foreign contractors licenses, concessions,
The State shall protect the nation’s marine wealth in its lease for exploration, or exploitation of natural resources.
archipelagic waters, territorial sea, and exclusive economic zone, ● Participation in Nation’s natural resources is exclusively
and reserve its use and enjoyment exclusively to Filipino citizens. reserved to the Filipino people

Topic​ ​laws​ ​Note ​definitions ​ ​enumeration


g. Natural biotic areas; and

When can the state undertake exploration, development, and h. Other categories established by law, conventions or
international agreements which the Philippine Government is a
utilization of natural resources
1. Directly entering into an agreement through:
i. Joint venture - equity shares
ii. Co- production - shared risk
Iii. production sharing
2. With Filipino Citizens or corporations
3. 60% of the capital is owned by the Filipino

20. NIPAS, R.A. 7586

National Integrated Protected Areas System Act of 1992

NIPAS is the classification and administration of all designated

protected areas to maintain essential ecological processes and
life-support systems, to preserve genetic diversity, to ensure
sustainable use of resources found therein, and to maintain their
natural conditions to the greatest extent possible.

The following categories of protected areas are hereby


a. Strict nature reserve;

b. Natural park;
c. Natural monument;
d. Wildlife sanctuary;
e. Protected landscapes and seascapes;
f. Resource reserve;

Topic​ ​laws​ ​Note ​definitions ​ ​enumeration

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