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Catalytic Naphtha Reforming

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Abdullah M. Aitani
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals


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Catalytic Naphtha Reforming

Abdullah M. Aitani
Center for Refining and Petrochemicals , King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals ,
Dhahran , Saudi Arabia

Published online: 12 Dec 2007

To cite this entry: Abdullah M. Aitani . Catalytic Naphtha Reforming. In Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing. Taylor and
Francis: New York, Published online: 12 Dec 2007; 397-406.

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Catalytic Naphtha Reforming
Abdullah M. Aitani
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

INTRODUCTION hydrocarbon molecules. Because naphtha contains many

paraffin and naphthene isomers, multiple reforming
The use of catalytic naphtha reforming as a process to reactions take place simultaneously in the reforming
produce high-octane gasoline continues to be impor- reactors. Naphthenes react rapidly and efficiently to
tant as it has been over the 55 yr of its commercial aromatics, while paraffins react slowly and with poorer
use. The catalytic reformer occupies a key position in specificity. Aromatic compounds pass through the
a refinery providing high value-added reformate for reforming unit relatively unchanged.[5] These reactions
the gasoline pool, hydrogen for hydroprocessing opera- comprise the following:
tions, and, frequently, benzene, toluene, and xylene
aromatics for petrochemical uses. The main objective Dehydrogenation and dehydroisomerization of
of catalytic reforming is to transform paraffins and naphthenes to aromatics.
Aromatization of paraffins.
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naphthenes in naphtha to aromatics-rich products with

as little ring opening or cracking as possible. Aromatics Isomerization of normal paraffins and naphthenes.
have very high octane numbers (>100) and can be Hydrocracking of paraffins and naphthenes to
tolerated in gasoline up to almost 50 vol%. However, lighter saturated paraffins.
because of stringent environmental regulations, the Dealkylation of aromatics.
refining industry has taken significant steps to reduce
the level of aromatic compounds in gasoline by adapt- The above reactions take place concurrently. The
ing its formulation. Many countries have reduced the first two are desirable for the production of aromatics,
total aromatics content in gasoline from 42–35 vol%. while the last two are generally undesirable because of
Naphtha feed to the reformer contains a mixture the production of lower-value light products. The
of C6–C11 paraffins, naphthenes, and aromatic hydro- dehydrogenation of naphthenes proceeds rapidly and
carbons in the temperature range of 85–200 C. Most produces hydrogen as well as aromatics. The reactions
reformers process straight-run naphthas with qualities take place on the surface of the catalyst and are very
that vary significantly depending on the crude oil ori- much dependent, among other factors, on the right
gin and boiling range.[1–3] Typical straight-run naphtha combination of interactions between catalyst ingredi-
contains 65 wt% paraffins, 20 wt% naphthenes, and ents. Most of them are promoted by the dual metal–
15 wt% aromatics. Cracked naphthas, such as vis- acid functions of the catalyst. The majority of these
breaker, coker, and heavy hydrocracked, are another reactions involve the conversion of paraffins and
source of reformer feeds. In motor gasoline applica- naphthenes and result in an increase in octane number
tions, naphtha contains the full range of C6–C11 and a net production of hydrogen. The overall reac-
components to maximize gasoline production. In tions are highly endothermic and require continuous
petrochemical applications, naphtha feed may be supply of heat to maintain reaction temperature.
adjusted to contain a more select range of hydro-
carbons to maximize the production of aromatics.
Currently, there are more than 700 commercial
installations of catalytic reforming units worldwide
with a total capacity of about 11.4 million barrels per
The reforming process is generally classified into three
day (b=d). Table 1 presents a worldwide distribution
of catalytic reforming capacity.[4] About 40% of this
capacity is located in North America followed by
1. Semiregenerative
20% each in Western Europe and Asia-Pacific region.
2. Cyclic (fully regenerative)
3. Continuous regenerative (moving bed).
This classification is based on the frequency and
Several catalytic reactions take place during the mode of regeneration. Table 2 presents a region-wise
naphtha reforming that involve the rearrangement of distribution of catalytic reforming capacity by process
Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing DOI: 10.1081/E-ECHP-120039766
Copyright # 2006 by Taylor & Francis. All rights reserved. 397
398 Catalytic Naphtha Reforming

Table 1 Worldwide distribution of naphtha reforming by capacity and process type

Crude capacity Reforming capacity Reforming as %
Region No. of refineries (1000 b/d) (1000 b/d) crude capacity
N. America 159 20,476 4,193 20.5
W. Europe 104 14,727 2,147 14.6
Asia-Pacific 161 20,695 1,917 9.3
E. Europe 93 10,236 1,520 14.9
Middle East 45 6,472 661 10.2
S. America 67 6,573 429 6.5
Africa 46 3,230 478 14.8
Total 675 82,409 11,347 13.8
(From Ref. .)

type.[4] The semiregenerative scheme dominates the levels has allowed the semiregenerative units to operate
reforming capacity at about 57% of the total capacity at 14–17 bar with similar cycle lengths obtained at higher
followed by continuous regenerative at 27% and cyclic pressures. It is believed that all reforming licensors have
at 11%. Most grassroots reformers are designed for semiregenerative process design options.[6]
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continuous catalyst regeneration (CCR). In addition, The semiregenerative process is a conventional

many units that were originally built as semiregenera- reforming process that operates continuously over a
tive units have been revamped to continuous regenera- period of up to 1 year. As the catalytic activity
tion units. The semiregenerative type requires unit decreases, the yield of aromatics and the purity of
shutdown for catalyst regeneration, whereas the cyclic the by-product hydrogen drop because of increased
process utilizes a swing reactor for regeneration in hydrocracking. Semiregenerative reformers are gener-
addition to regular reactors. The continuous process ally built with three to four catalyst beds in series.
permits catalyst replacement during normal operation. The fourth reactor is usually added to some units to
allow an increase in either severity or throughput while
maintaining the same cycle length. The longer the
Semiregenerative Process required cycle length, the greater the required amount
of catalyst. Conversion is maintained more or less con-
The semiregenerative process is characterized by stant by raising the reactor temperatures as catalyst
continuous operation over long periods, with decreasing activity declines. Sometimes, when the capacity of a
catalyst activity. Eventually, the reformers are shut down semiregenerative reformer is expanded, two existing
periodically as a result of coke deposition to regenerate reactors are placed in parallel, and a new, usually smal-
the catalyst in situ. Regeneration is carried out at low ler, reactor is added. Frequently, the parallel reactors
pressure (approximately 8 bar) with air as the source of are placed in the terminal position. When evaluating
oxygen. The development of bimetallic and multimetallic unit performance, these reactors are treated as though
reforming catalysts with the ability to tolerate high coke they are a single reactor of equivalent volume.[1,6]

Table 2 Distribution of naphtha reforming by process type

Share of reforming capacity by process type (%)
Reforming capacity
Region (1000 b/d) Semiregenerative Continuous Cyclic Other
N. America 4,193 46.4 26.8 22.2 4.6
W. Europe 2,147 54.0 31.5 11.0 3.5
Asia-Pacific 1,917 42.4 44.8 1.6 11.2
E. Europe 1,520 86.4 11.0 1.1 1.5
Middle East 661 63.0 23.1 7.2 6.7
S. America 429 80.4 9.3 0.6 3.5
Africa 478 81.9 0.0 1.8 16.3
Total 11,347 56.8 26.9 11.1 5.2
(From Ref.[4].)
Catalytic Naphtha Reforming 399

The research octane number (RON) that can be cyclic processes. Since its introduction in the early
achieved in this process is usually in the range of 85– 1970s, it has gained wide acceptance in refining and
100, depending on an optimization between feedstock petrochemical industries worldwide.
quality, gasoline qualities and quantities required, as In this process, small quantities of catalyst are
well as the operating conditions required to achieve a continuously withdrawn from an operating reactor,
certain planned cycle length (6 mo to 1 yr). The catalyst transported to a regeneration unit, regenerated, and
can be regenerated in situ at the end of an operating returned to the reactor system. In the most common
cycle. Often the catalyst inventory can be regenerated moving-bed design, all the reactors are stacked on
5–10 times before its activity falls below the economic top of one another. The fourth (last) reactor may be
minimum, whereupon it is removed and replaced. set beside the other stacked reactors. The reactor
system has a common catalyst bed that moves as a
column of particles from top to bottom of the reactor
Cyclic (Fully Regenerative) Process
section. Coked catalyst is withdrawn from the last
reactor and sent to the regeneration reactor, where
The cyclic process typically uses five or six fixed cata-
the catalyst is regenerated on a continuous basis. How-
lyst beds, similar to the semiregenerative process, with
ever, the final step of the regeneration, i.e., reduction of
one additional swing reactor, which is a spare reactor.
the oxidized platinum and second metal, takes place in
It can substitute any of the regular reactors in a train
the top of the first reactor or at the bottom of the
while the regular reactor is being regenerated. In this
regeneration train.
way, only one reactor at a time has to be taken out
Fresh or regenerated catalyst is added to the top
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of operation for regeneration, while the process

of the first reactor to maintain a constant quantity of
continues in operation. Usually, all the reactors are
catalyst. Catalyst transport through the reactors and
of the same size. In this case, the catalyst in the early
the regenerator is by gravity flow, whereas that from
stages is less utilized; therefore, it will be regenerated
the last reactor to the top of the regenerator and back
at much longer intervals than in the later stages. The
to the first reactor is by the gas-lift method. Catalyst
cyclic process may be operated at a low pressure, a
circulation rate is controlled to prevent any decline
wide boiling range naphtha feed, and a low hydrogen-
in reformate yield or hydrogen production over time
to-naphtha ratio.[6] Coke lay-down rates at these low
pressures and high octane severity (RON of 100–104
In another design, the individual reactors are placed
range) are so high that the catalyst in individual reac-
separately, as in the semiregenerative process, with
tors becomes exhausted in time intervals of less than
modifications for moving the catalyst from the bottom
1 week to 1 mo.
of one reactor to the top of the next reactor in line. The
The process design of the cyclic process takes
regenerated catalyst is added to the first reactor, and
advantage of low unit pressures to gain a higher C5þ
the spent catalyst is withdrawn from the last reactor
reformate yield and hydrogen production. The overall
and transported back to the regenerator. The continu-
catalyst activity, conversions, and hydrogen purity
ous reforming process is capable of operation at low
vary much less with time than in the semiregenerative
pressures and high severity by managing the rapid coke
process. However, a drawback of this process is that
deposition on the catalyst at an acceptable level. Addi-
all reactors alternate frequently between a reducing
tional benefits include elimination of downtime for cat-
atmosphere during normal operation and an oxidizing
alyst regeneration and steady production of hydrogen
atmosphere during regeneration. This switching policy
of constant purity (93% compared to 80% in the semi-
needs a complex process layout with high safety
regenerative process). Operating pressures are in the
precautions and requires that all the reactors be of
3.5–17 bar range and design research octane number
the same maximum size to make switches between
is in the 95–108 range.
them possible.

Continuous Regenerative Process COMMERCIAL REFORMING PROCESSES

The CCR process is characterized by high catalyst Several commercial reforming processes are available
activity with reduced catalyst requirements, more uni- for license worldwide. A list of reforming processes
form reformate of higher aromatic content, and high with a summary of key process features is presented in
hydrogen purity. The process can achieve and surpass Table 3. Several commercial processes are available,
reforming severities as applied in the cyclic process but dominated by UOP and Axens Technologies for semi-
avoids the drawbacks of the cyclic process. The contin- regenerative and continuous reforming. Other licensors
uous process represents a step change in reforming included Houdry Division, Chevron, Engelhard, Exxon-
technology compared to the semiregenerative and Mobil, and Amoco, but none of them is currently
400 Catalytic Naphtha Reforming

Table 3 Licensors of naphtha reforming processes

Process type and
Licensor Process name key features Remarks
UOP Platforming Semiregenerative; CCR; CycleMax Over 800 units with 8 million b=d
regenerator; product recovery system
Axens Octanizing; Semiregenerative; CCR; dual Over 100 licensed units
Aromizing forming for conventional process revamp
Houdry Div. of Houdriforming Semiregenerative; high-octane 0.3 million b=d
Air Products gasoline and aromatics
Engelhard Magnaforming Semiregenerative or semicyclic 1.8 million b=d
ExxonMobil Powerforming Semiregenerative or cyclic 1.4 million b=d
Chevron Rheniforming Semiregenerative; low-pressure operation 1 million b=d
Amoco Ultraforming Semiregenerative or cyclic 0.5 million b=d
(From Ref. .)

actively licensing.[6] The processes differ in the type maintain a steady-state reforming operation at opti-
of operation (semiregenerative or CCR), catalyst type, mum process conditions: fresh catalyst performance,
catalyst regeneration procedure, and process engineering low reactor pressure, and minimum recycled gas circu-
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design. lation. The flow pattern through the platforming unit

All licensors agree on the necessity of hydrotreating with CCR is essentially the same as with conventional
the feed to lower the level of poisons for the platinum- fixed-bed units. The effluent from the last reactor is
based reforming catalyst.[2] Temporary poisons are heat exchanged against combined feed, cooled, and
sulfur and nitrogen, while As, Pb, and other metals are phase split into vapor and liquid products in a separa-
permanent poisons. Proper conditions of hydrogen, pres- tor. A schematic flow diagram of the CCR platforming
sure, temperature, and space velocities are able to reduce process is presented in Fig. 1.
these poisons to the acceptably low levels of modern Catalyst flows vertically by gravity down the stack,
catalysts. Numerous process design modifications and while the feed flows radially across the annular catalyst
catalyst improvements have been made in recent years. bed. The predominant reactions are endothermic;
hence, an interheater is used between each reactor to
reheat the charge to reaction temperature. The catalyst
Platforming Process is continuously withdrawn from the last reactor and
transferred to the regenerator. The withdrawn catalyst
Platforming was the first process to use platinum-on- flows down through the regenerator where the accu-
alumina catalysts. The first UOP semiregenerative mulated carbon is burned off. The regenerated catalyst
platforming unit went onstream in 1949. UOP technol- is purged and then hydrogen is lifted to the top of the
ogy is used in over 50% of all reforming installations reactor stack, maintaining nearly fresh catalyst quality.
with more than 750 units in service worldwide.[7] The Because the reactor and regenerator sections are sepa-
platforming process has been adapted to bimetallic rate, each operates at its own optimum conditions.
catalyst and to both semiregenerative and continuous Typical operating conditions for the current design
operations. UOP offers semiregenerative units that of the UOP CCR process are: reactor pressure 6.8
use staged loading of catalyst for increased production. bar; liquid hourly space velocity (LHSV) 1.6 per hour;
New catalysts are continuously aimed at maximizing H2=hydrocarbon (HC) molar ratio 2 : 3; and RON-
hydrogen yield, increasing operating flexibility, and clear 100–107. The CCR unit operates at higher sever-
maximizing C5þ product yield. ity and lower reactor catalyst inventory. In addition,
The total capacity of the semiregenerative units the CCR unit runs continuously compared to 12 mo
exceeded 5.0 million b=d while CCR units reached semiregenerative cycle lengths. Typical product yields
3.8 million b=d. The simultaneous use of CCR technol- for the CCR and semiregenerative platforming units
ogy and bimetallic catalysts has given UOP a unique operating at the same conditions are presented in
position in the field of catalytic reformer process licen- Table 4.[8] Many of the benefits of CCR include
sing. Recent catalyst formulations have improved both higher hydrogen yield and purity as well as higher
aromatic and reformate yields. UOP has improved the octane barrels.
performance of the conventional platforming process One recent development in CCR technology is
by incorporating a CCR system. The process uses second-generation CCR platforming with several
stacked radial-flow reactors and a CCR section to modifications in the reactor and regenerator sections.
Catalytic Naphtha Reforming 401

Fig. 1 Schematic of UOP CCR platforming process.

The high-efficiency regenerator design resulted in an that are arranged in a conventional side-by-side pat-
increased coke-burning capacity with reduced regen- tern. Interheater is used between each reactor to reheat
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eration severity and complexity. CycleMax regenerator the charge to reaction temperature. Treated naphtha
provided easier operation and enhanced performance feed is combined with recycled hydrogen and sent to
over other regenerator designs. The operation at ultra- the reactor section. The effluent from the last reactor
low pressure (3.4 bar) and the use of low-platinum is heat exchanged against combined feed, cooled, and
catalyst ensured the highest yield of the reformate phase split into vapor and liquid products in a separa-
and aromatic product with more cost-effective process tor. The liquid from the recovery section is sent to
operation. The net gas recovery schemes maximized a stabilizer where light saturates are removed from
the yields of reformate and hydrogen. Moreover, the the C6þ aromatic product. Typical cycle lengths are
new regenerator allowed higher regeneration rates 8–10 mo and the units are designed for efficient in situ
to support the coke generation of the low-pressure catalyst regeneration.
operation and high conversion levels.
UOP has developed the RZ platforming process
Octanizing Process
for high aromatics selectivity, in the range of 80%
or higher. The selectivity of conventional reforming
The Axens octanizing reforming technology is based
for benzene and toluene is significantly lower than for
on Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP) and Procatalyse’s
the C8 aromatics. Although UOP CCR platforming
reforming expertise for the upgrade of various types of
is the most efficient means for producing xylenes from
naphtha to produce high-octane reformate, BTX, and
heavy naphtha fractions, its conversion of C6 and C7
LPG. The reforming process can be supplied in either
paraffins to aromatics is normally below 50%, even
semiregenerative or continuous operation.[9–11] The
at low pressure. In general, RZ platforming configura-
Axens semiregenerative version is a conventional
tion is consistent with other UOP platforming systems.
reforming process in which the catalyst is regenerated
The process employs adiabatic, radial-flow reactors
in situ at the end of each cycle. The operating pressure
of this process is in the range of 12–25 bar with low-
pressure drop in the hydrogen loop. The product
Table 4 Typical yields of UOP semiregenerative and CCR
units for a Middle East naphtha feed RON-clear is in the range 90–100. Trimetallic catalyst
formulations for semiregenerative applications offer
Parameter Semiregenerative CCR
higher selectivity and stability.
Catalyst type R-72 R-274 The decrease in the reformate yield during the run
Stream factor (day=yr) 330 360 of the semiregenerative version (in spite of improved
Pressure (kPa) 1380 345 catalyst stability) has led Axens to develop a catalyst
Yield moving-bed system that allows continuous regene-
ration of the catalyst. The octanizing process is an
Hydrogen (scfd) 1270 1690
advanced design that reflects the results of several dec-
C5þ (wt%) 85.3 91.6 ades of research and development efforts. The heart of
RON-clear 100 100 the technology lies in its original catalyst circulation
(From Ref.[8].) and CCR systems. A schematic flow diagram of the
402 Catalytic Naphtha Reforming

Fig. 2 Schematic of Axens octanizing process.

octanizing process is presented in Fig. 2.[12] The overall petrochemical complement to the octanizing process.
process comprises the following: The technology employs an advanced catalyst formu-
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lation to achieve high BTX aromatics yield and offers

A conventional reaction system consisting of a high aromatics yields, low investment and operating
series of four radial-flow reactors using a highly
costs, and high onstream factor. In the octanizing or
stable and selective catalyst suitable for continuous
aromizing process, treated naphtha is mixed with
recycled hydrogen, preheated, and passed through a
A catalyst transfer system using gas lift to carry the
series of adiabatic reactors and heaters, where it is
catalyst from one reactor to the next and finally to
converted to aromatics-rich stream and hydrogen. The
the regenerator.
effluent is cooled by heat exchange, and the liquid pro-
A catalyst regeneration section, which includes a
duct is separated from recycled and hydrogen gases.
purge to remove combustible gases, followed by Axens regenerative technology has been improved to
catalyst regeneration.
allow faster circulation of the catalyst and, as a conse-
The octanizing process features high onstream effi- quence, increased regeneration frequency as required
ciency, flexibility, and reliability. Major improvements, by the more severe operating conditions (low pressure,
compared with previous designs, are the development low H2=HC ratio).
of catalysts of increased activity, selectivity, and hydro-
thermal stability along with substantial increases in the
yields of C5þ reformate and hydrogen. Table 5 presents Houdriforming Process
typical yields of the Axens conventional and regenera-
tive process. The houdriforming process was licensed by the
Aromizing is Axens CCR reforming process for Houdry Division of Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
the selective production of aromatics. It is the It can be used to upgrade various naphtha to aviation
blending stocks, aromatics, and high-octane gasoline in
the range of 80–100 RON-clear. The process operates
Table 5 Typical yields of Axens semiregenerative and in a conventional semiregenerative mode with four
octanizing processes for a 90–165 C cut light Arabian reactors in series for BTX production, compared with
three for gasoline. The catalyst used is usually
Octanizing Pt=Al2O3 or a bimetallic. A small ‘‘guard case’’ hydro-
Parameter Semiregenerative process genation pretreater can be used to prevent catalyst
Pressure (kg=cm2) 10–15 <5 poisons in the naphtha feedstock from reaching the
Yield (wt%) catalyst in the reforming reactors. The guard case is
Hydrogen 2.7 3.8 filled with the usual reforming catalyst but is operated
at a lower temperature. It is constructed as an integral
C5þ 83 88
stage of the houdriforming operation when required
RON-clear 100 102 for the feedstock.
MON-clear 89 90.5 At moderate severity, the process may be operated
(From Ref.[9].) continuously for either high-octane gasoline or
Catalytic Naphtha Reforming 403

aromatics, without provision for catalyst regeneration. Alternatively, the process may be operated to give high
However, operation at high severity requires frequent yields of benzene or other aromatics, or to produce
in situ catalyst regeneration. Typical operating condi- aviation blending stocks. It also produces large quanti-
tions are: temperature 755–810 K, pressure 10–27 bar, ties of hydrogen that can be used to hydrotreat or
LHSV 1–4 per hour, and H2=HC ratio 3 : 6. The total improve other products. The process features a semi-
capacity of houdriforming units is about 250,000 b=d. regenerative or cyclic configuration and proprietary
catalyst system tailored to the client’s specific needs.
Advantages include cost-competitive installations for
Magnaforming Process
units less than 12,000 b=d, 98 RON products achiev-
able, mild severity operations, and long cycle lengths.
The magnaforming process, which was licensed by
The staged catalyst system has high stability, good
Engelhard Corporation, can be used to upgrade low-
selectivity and selectivity maintenance. It uses the high-
octane naphtha to high-octane reformate. The product
activity catalyst with very high stability and benzene=
is a premium blending component or aromatic hydro-
toluene yields. KX-130 is an excellent debottlenecking
carbon source. The feature that most distinguishes the
catalyst or BTX-producing catalyst. The dual catalyst
magnaforming process from other reforming processes
system offers high-activity catalyst, high benzene=
is its use of a split hydrogen recycle stream to increase
toluene yields, and a C5þ yield advantage. ExxonMobil’s
liquid yields and improve operating performance.
catalyst management techniques for hot flue gas regen-
About half of the recycled gas is compressed and
eration in cyclic units, onstream chlorination, and
recycled to the first two reactors, which are operated
analytical tools for monitoring the catalyst help enhance
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under mild conditions. The greater portion of the

the unit’s performance.
recycled gas is returned to the terminal reactors that
Cyclic powerformers are designed to operate at low
operate under severe conditions. It is believed that
pressure, with a wide range of feed boiling point and
substantial compressor power savings can be achieved
low hydrogen-to-feed ratio. The unit has four reactors
by splitting the recycle. It is also claimed[3] that the
in series plus a swing reactor. The use of the swing
lower H2=HC ratio in the first two reactors benefits
reactor allows any of the onstream reactors to be taken
naphthene dehydrogenation, while the higher ratio in
out of service for regeneration while maintaining
the latter reactors provides improved catalyst stability.
continuous operation of the unit. The frequency of
Engelhard does not offer a continuous design, but it
regeneration can be varied to meet changing process
did provide a semiregenerative design and a combina-
objectives as well as to operate under high-severity,
tion of semiregenerative and cyclic regeneration. The
low-pressure conditions, as coke deposition is main-
combination design is made by supplementing the
tained at low levels. Regeneration is generally per-
terminal reactors by a swing reactor that can alternate
formed on a predetermined schedule to avoid having
with the terminal reactors. It can also operate in paral-
two or more reactors regenerated at the same time.
lel with the terminal reactors, permitting these reactors
Usually, the terminal reactors are scheduled for more
to be regenerated without unit shutdown. Smaller
frequent regenerations than the early-stage reactors.
magnaforming units use a conventional three-reactor
Run lengths of up to 6 yr between shutdowns could
system, compared with four reactors in large units.
be achieved. Powerforming has a wide range of poten-
The process was initially designed to operate with
tial refining applications and has been commercially
established monometallic platinum catalysts but was
applied in nearly 50 semiregenerative units and over
adapted to include the newer platinum–rhenium-based
30 cyclic units ranging from 1000 b=d to 65,000 b=d.
catalyst of the E600 and E800 series. The catalysts pro-
vide greater activity and stability, enabling use in units
where high-severity operation and long cycle lengths
Rheniforming Process
are required. A wide range of catalysts have been used
in the magnaforming process to optimize operating
The rheniforming process can be used to convert
performance and to produce the desired product
naphthas to high-octane gasoline blendstock or aro-
specifications. Many units incorporate sulfur guard
matics plant feedstock. The process gained wide accep-
technology to reduce sulfur in reformer feed to ultralow
tance when Chevron patented the bimetallic Pt=Re
levels. There are approximately 150 units totaling 1.8
catalyst in 1968. Rheniforming is basically a semi-
million b=d using the Engelhard reforming technology.
regenerative process comprising a sulfur sorber, three
radial-flow reactors in series, a separator, and a stabi-
Powerforming Process lizer. The process is characterized by the sulfur control
sorber, which reduces sulfur to 0.2 ppm in the reformer
Powerforming is offered by ExxonMobil to produce feed. A new rheniforming catalyst system has been
gasoline blending stocks from low-octane naphthas. used, which permits low-pressure operation. The high
404 Catalytic Naphtha Reforming

resistance to fouling of the catalyst system increases the highly stable and selective IC-30-type catalyst based
yields of aromatic naphtha product and hydrogen due on modified pentasil zeolite is used in the process.[13]
to the long cycle lengths, which reach 6 mo or more. Because of the acid–base shape-selective mechanism
Optimized operating techniques permit maintenance of the hydrocarbon conversion in the zeoforming
of high catalyst activity throughout each cycle and process, the gasoline product has a lower aromatics
return to fresh activity after each regeneration. content compared to the reformate with the same octane
The increased resistance to fouling also provides for number. Reactions proceeding under zeoforming pro-
expansion of existing plants by using higher space cess conditions allow benzene concentration to decrease
velocities, lower recycle ratios, or increased product below 1 vol% and to produce gasoline with low sulfur
octane. Converted units operate with H2=HC ratios content without naphtha hydrotreating owing to
of 2.5 : 3.5 and long cycles between regeneration. It is insensibility of the catalyst to sulfuric compounds in
believed that a total of 73 rheniformers are onstream the feedstocks. The process is based on the catalytic
with a total capacity of more than 1 million b=d. conversion of linear paraffins and naphthenes into
iso-paraffins and aromatics over zeolite-containing
catalysts, which allows the motor octane number
Ultraforming Process
(MON) of naphtha to increase from 45–60 up to 80–85.
Stepanov et al.[13] reported that a small-scale plant
The Amoco’s ultraforming process (now BP’s) can be
of 120 b=d of naphtha was operated successfully in
used to upgrade low-octane naphthas to high-octane
the north of Siberia, Russia in 1992. Catalyst life
blending stocks and aromatics. The process is a
reached more than 1.5 yr. A new industrial plant based
Downloaded by [] at 22:05 17 May 2014

fixed-bed cyclic system with a swing reactor incorpo-

on zeoforming process of 1000 b=d capacity has been
rated in the reaction section that is usually specified
in operation at Glimar Refinery in Poland since 1997.
for aromatic (BTX) production. The system can
be adapted to semiregenerative operation with the
conventional three radial-flow reactors in series. The
process uses rugged, proprietary catalysts, permitting
frequent regeneration and high-severity operations at
In the 1950s, naphtha-reforming catalysts were essen-
low pressures. The catalyst system has a relatively
tially heterogeneous and monometallic and composed
low precious metals’ content, and its estimated life
of a base support material (usually chlorided alumina)
is perhaps 4 yr for cyclic operation vs. 8 yr for semi-
on which platinum metal was placed. These catalysts
regenerative operation. The swing reactor in cyclic
were capable of producing high-octane products; how-
operation replaces any reactor while the catalyst bed
ever, because of quick deactivation as a result of coke
in this reactor is being regenerated. Normally, the
formation, they required high-pressure, low-octane
reactors are of the same size; however, the first reactor
operations. Typically, the time between regenerations
is loaded with half the usual amount of catalyst.
is a year or more.
Ultraformers may be designed to produce high-
In the early 1970s, bimetallic catalysts were intro-
purity xylenes and toluene, which can be separated
duced to meet the increasing severity requirements.
by straight distillation before the extraction step. The
Platinum and another metal (often rhenium, tin, or
benzene fraction can be recovered by extractive distil-
iridium) account for most commercial bimetallic
lation. High yields of C5þ reformate and hydrogen
reforming catalysts. The Pt–Re catalyst has proven to
have been reported for the ultraforming process. The
be reliable and easily regenerable, making it the primary
total capacity of ultraforming is over 530,000 b=d for
catalyst in use today in semiregenerative units.[14] The
39 commercial units worldwide. However, no new
catalyst is most often presented as 1=16, 1=8, or 1=4 in.
ultraformers have been licensed in recent years.
Al2O3 cylindrical extrudates or beads into which Pt
and other metals have been deposited.
Zeoforming Process In commercial catalysts, platinum concentration
ranges between 0.3% and 0.7% and chloride is added
The zeoforming process is a new reforming technology (0.1–1.0%) to the alumina support (eta or gamma) to
for high-octane gasoline production from hydrocarbon provide acidity. Those of CCR are mainly bimetallic
raw material of various origins (straight-run naphtha of Pt–Sn on chlorided alumina in a spherical form. The
gas condensates and crude oils, condensates of accom- advantages include increased activity and selectivity
panying gases, olefin-containing gases, secondary during paraffin aromatization and decreased rate of
hydrocarbon fractions of refinery and petrochemical catalyst deactivation.
plants), boiling up to 200–250 C. The process has been At present, there are six international vendors of
developed by the SEC Zeosit Center of the Siberian reforming catalysts producing more than 80 different
Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A special types of catalysts suitable for different applications
Catalytic Naphtha Reforming 405

and for a variety of feedstocks. The current demand regulations that refiners have been, and will be,
for reforming catalysts is mainly a replacement market required to meet during the coming few years. Table 6
with about 75–80% of it as bimetallics. Reforming presents a compilation of commercial reforming cata-
catalyst vendors continue to develop new catalyst for- lysts that are available by sale or license to refiners.[15]
mulations designed to meet a wide array of challenges. The list provides information on catalyst supplier,
Many of these challenges involve environmental catalyst type, and other selected catalyst properties.

Table 6 List of commercial naphtha reforming catalysts

Catalyst designation Type Application Active agents on alumina
AR-405, -501 Bimetallic spherical Aromatic production Pt–Sn
CR-201, -301, -401 Bimetallic Continuous Pt–Sn
CR-502 Monometallic Cyclic, semiregenerative Pt
CR-701, -702 High stability bimetallic Continuous Pt–Sn
RG-412 Monometallic Semiregenerative Pt
RG-534 Bimetallic Cyclic Pt–Re
RG-492 Skewed bimetallic Semiregenerative Pt–Re
RG-534 Monometallic Cyclic Pt
Downloaded by [] at 22:05 17 May 2014

RG-582, -682 Bimetallic Semiregenerative Pt–Re

Criterion Catalyst Co.
P-15 Mono high activity Semiregenerative Pt–Cl
P-93, -96 Monometallic Semiregenerative Pt–Cl
PHF-43, -46 Monometallic Semiregenerative Pt–Cl
PR-9, -11 Multimetallic Continuous Pt–Sn–Cl
PR-28, -291 Multimetallic Continuous Pt–Sn–Cl
PS-7, -10, -20, -30, -40 Multimetallic Continuous Pt–Sn–Cl
ExxonMobil Research & Engineering
KX-120; KX-130 Multimetallic Semiregenerative, cyclic Pt–Re–Cl
KX-130 Multimetallic Semiregenerative, cyclic Pt–Ir–Cl
KX-160, 170 Multimetallic Semiregenerative Pt–Re–Cl
KX-190 Multimetallic Cyclic Pt–Sn
Indian Petrochemicals Corp.
IRC-1001 Monometallic Semiregenerative Pt–Cl
IRC-1002 Monometallic low Pt Semiregenerative Pt–Cl
IPR-2001 Bimetallic Continuous Pt–Re–Cl
IPR-3001 Multimetallic Continuous Pt–Re
Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo (IMP)
RNA-1 Bimetallic Semiregenerative Pt–Re
RNA-1(M) Bimetallic wider range Semiregenerative Pt–Re
RNA-2 Bimetallic trilobe Aromatics Pt–Re
RNA-4 Bimetallic CCR Pt–Sn
R-50 Bimetallic Semiregenerative Pt–Re
R-55 Monometallic Semiregenerative Pt
R-56 Bimetallic Semiregenerative Pt–Re
R-62 Bimetallic spherical Semiregenerative Pt–Re
R-72 Proprietary spherical Semiregenerative P
R-85 Monometallic Semiregenerative Pt
R-86 Bimetallic Semiregenerative Pt–Re
R-132, -134 Bimetallic Continuous Pt–Re
R-162, -164 High density; bimetallic Continuous Pt–Re
R-232, -234 Low coke; bimetallic Continuous Pt–Re
R-272, -274 High yield; bimetallic Continuous Pt–Re
RZ-100 Monometallic Aromatics Pt
(From Ref.[15].)
406 Catalytic Naphtha Reforming

CONCLUSIONS Antos, G. et al., Eds.; Marcel Dekker: New York,

1995; 79.
Catalytic reforming remains the primary process in the 6. Aitani, A. Reforming processes. In Catalytic
refinery for producing high-octane gasoline to be Naphtha Reforming, Antos, G. et al., Eds.;
blended into the gasoline pool. As the needs for gasoline Marcel Dekker: New York, 1995; 409.
have risen, the demands on the reformer have also 7. Godwin, G.; Moser, M.; Marr, G.; Gautam, R.
increased. The catalytic reformer is one of the few units Latest developments in CCR Platforming catalyst
to provide hydrogen in the refinery to meet clean fuel technology, Presented at the 40th International
requirements. Reforming is also a major source of Petroleum Conference, Slovak Research Institute
aromatics for petrochemical production. Nowadays, of Pertoleum and Hydrocarbon Gases: Bratislava,
the catalytic reformer produces more hydrogen by Sep 2001.
increasing the severity of operation or by improving 8. Dachos, N.; Kelly, A.; Felch, D.; Reis, E. UOP
selectivity to aromatics. New reforming technology, in Platforming process. In Handbook of Petroleum
the form of new catalysts or minimal revamp process Refining Processes, 2nd Ed.; Meyers, R., Ed.;
improvements, has improved the operation of the McGraw-Hill: New York, 1997; 4.3.
catalytic reformer. 9. Refining Handbook 2000. In Hydrocarbon
Processing; Gulf Publishing Company: Houston;
Nov 2000; 97.
10. Clause, O.; Dupraz, C.; Frank, J. Continuing
innovation in catalytic reforming, Presented at the
Downloaded by [] at 22:05 17 May 2014

NPRA Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Mar 1998.

The author acknowledges the support of the King
11. Le Goff, P.; Pike, M. Increasing semi-regenerative
Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran,
reformer performance through catalytic solutions,
during the preparation of the manuscript.
Presented at the 3rd European Catalyst Technol-
ogy Conference, Euro Petroleum Consultants
(EPC): Amsterdam, Feb 2002.
REFERENCES 12. Axens Process Brochures for Octanizing and
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