A Hypocrite's Reflection: Is It Moral or Not?: Written By: Gracia B. Abarca, SSCI 1202

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A Hypocrite’s Reflection: Is it moral or not?

Written by: Gracia B. Abarca, SSCI 1202

Morals are the predominant standards of behavior that allows people to live
cooperatively in groups. Technically, it refers to what societies sanction as right
and acceptable and serves as a guide to everyone on how to conduct within a
society. In comparison to the bible, there are two principles in the foundation of
the Christian moral code: love God with everything you have; love your neighbor
the same way you love yourself. According to this code, everything that is good
goes with the two statements, and everything notwithstanding these is wrong. So,
to deeply understand moral, we must start with defining what is 'good.' After all,
that seems to be the focal point of understanding morality. With this comes the
conflict of having a different context of what's good and right. Some people, when
defining 'good,' focus on personal gain, while others believe we should all work
for the betterment of all. Set, for example, a Muslim considers having a
polygamous wedding moral while a Catholic may not, a Filipina may actually
believe pre-marital sex is immoral but an American may not. So if I'm asked what
is moral, I would say it is the collective principles implanted by the environment
we live in, the religion we believe in and culture that we practice and is constantly
nurtured and altered by different circumstances we experience in life.

One viral incident that we could apply the aforementioned topic is a tweet
from a self-described “Naked Philanthropist” Kaylen Ward, 20, saying she would
send a nude photo to anyone who will donate at least $10 for Australian bushfire
aid and provide a proof that they donated. Ward, a Los Angeles-based influencer
and sex worker, estimated that she and a small team of four whom she hired to
respond to the requests have now sent 10,000 nude photos and raised an
estimated total amount of $1 million for the said cause. Unfortunately, because of
the overwhelming demand after the said tweet, they had to stop. In its place, she’s
launched a nude-free charitable campaign to raise $250,000 for the same cause.
The said deed garnered numerous praises and earned respect all through social
media and encouraged most to take action and help Australia, especially
women in line with Ward’s work. One of which who joined the cause and offered
photos for proof of donations is porn actor Riley Reid.

My initial reaction upon seeing this tweet on my feed is admiration, it takes

gut to go against what our society deems fit in terms of behavior. I can only
imagine her horror when I saw tweets regarding her loved ones’ violent and harsh
reactions. All of these troubles, for the sake of helping. Subsequently, I have come
to a realization that no matter who and what you are, if you want to help – you
would, even in the simplest ways you can. Honestly speaking, at first, I did not peg
Ward’s act as immoral but instead heroic as its cause is for the greater good; It is
to help Australian’s victim of bush fire. But the more I think about it, I cannot deny
that it is not conventionally right. In 1 Corinthians 6:18-20, ít says “Flee from sexual
immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually
immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is
a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your
own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.’’ First, because
our bodies are said to be a temple of the Holy Spirit and we are called to take
care of and honor God’s temple. Using her body as bait and temptation for others
to help will never justify her goal. As I am someone who values fairness, I believe
that the ends do not, and never will, justify the means. Even the most heroic aim
is useless if the way to achieve it is wrong. Second, looking at the bigger picture,
this technique of her to use nudes in exchange for help kills the true spirit of
helping. It just encourages people to give in temptations, to be greedy and just
help when there is something they would benefit in return. I can say it is immoral
if I have to use my intellect.

However, it is stated in 1 John 4:16, “And so we know and rely on the love
God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.”
So, I will rely on love more than what is conventionally right. That this is what she
deemed good for Australia, that this was the right thing for her, that this was
executed out of love. Ward’s means of giving help may have undeniable faults
but whose faultless, anyway? Now, I encourage everyone to reflect on this,
Matthew 7:1-5 states that, “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the
judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will
be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but
do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother,
‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye?
You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly
to take the speck out of your brother's eye.” Reflect at yourself, if someone I
tagged as immoral helped by the means she can, and so what am I? Me, who
did nothing but to point out the flaws of other’s decisions? Hypocrite, yes? Yes.
Hale, J. (2020, January 8). After Raising $1 Million. "Naked Philantrophist" Kaylen Ward Closes Nude
Offer, Opens GoFundMe For Bushfire Aid.

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