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Roadmap for patent creation - - Unit 5 - Week 1 : ▼

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Unit 5 - Week 1 :
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Outline Instruction: Kindly select a correct option from the four options.

How to access
the portal 1) What is IPR? 1 point

Lecture a) Intellectual possession regulation

b) Intellectual primary rights

Week 0 : c) Intellectual property rights

d) Internal propriety rights

Week 1 :
No, the answer is incorrect.
Lecture 01 :
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Lecture 02 :
c) Intellectual property rights
Property and
Intellectual 2) What is innovation? 1 point

Lecture 03 : a) The act of processing and developing

What is IPR ?
b) The process of copying and repackaging
Lecture 04 : IP
c) The method followed to bring the old ideas into work again
and future
areas to d) Reverse engineering
No, the answer is incorrect.
Lecture 05 :
Score: 0
Patent -
Introduction Accepted Answers:
c) The method followed to bring the old ideas into work again
Quiz :
Assignment 1 3) What is invention? 1 point
Feedback for
Week 1 a) Creating something new and novel

b) Remodeling of already existing machines

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Roadmap for patent creation - - Unit 5 - Week 1 :

Accepted Answers:
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Week 6 :
a) Creating something new and novel

Week 7 : 4) What is exclusive license? 1 point

Week 8 : a) Process by which one can give out his partial rights to more than one entity

b) A process where an individual/entity gives access of own property to third party with
VIDEOS certain restrictions and riders

c) It is a form of legally renting out someone’s own property to more than one party
Text Transcript
d) It is a form of license where someone can share his or her own property with many
Assignment entities/individuals
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Session Accepted Answers:
b) A process where an individual/entity gives access of own property to third party with certain restrictions
and riders

5) What is trademark? 1 point

a) Type of label found on objects

b) Type of sticker found on products

c) Kind of intellectual property

d) All of the above

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
d) All of the above

6) Geographical Indication is? 1 point

a) A type of IPR which may generally suggest geographical location of a product or


b) A type of innovation

c) A form of concept applied in filling patents

d) A way to protect own ideas

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
a) A type of IPR which may generally suggest geographical location of a product or commodity

7) Copyright is a production offered to? 1 point

a) Ideas

b) Expressions

c) Things which are important

d) Anything orally shared

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
b) Expressions

8) Industrial design is? 1 point

a) A kind of IP protected in India

2 of 4 Thursday 02 May 2019 05:52 PM

Roadmap for patent creation - - Unit 5 - Week 1 :

b) A kind of name given to already existing patents

c) A design usually followed to bring changes in industry output

d) A concept widely used in foreign country for property protection

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
a) A kind of IP protected in India

9) What sort of IP protection is offered to plants? 1 point

a) Resource protection

b) Seed preservation

c) Plant varieties and farmers’ right protection

d) All of the above

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
c) Plant varieties and farmers’ right protection

10)What are various kinds of patents? 1 point

a) Process or product

b) Mechanical

c) Mechanical and electrical equipment

d) All of the machines and technologies

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
a) Process or product

11)What are advance areas of IP? 1 point

a) Technology transfer

b) Patent valuation

c) Way of filling patents

d) Only a and b

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
d) Only a and b

12)Who is called as Plastic Man of India? 1 point

a) Rajgoplan Vasudevan; build roads by using plastic waste

b) Balaji BR; build plastic recycling machine

c) Vasudevan RK; a person who developed basic house using plastics

d) VR Rajjappa; a person who revolted and banned plastic in India

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
a) Rajgoplan Vasudevan; build roads by using plastic waste

3 of 4 Thursday 02 May 2019 05:52 PM

Roadmap for patent creation - - Unit 5 - Week 1 :

13)Which day is celebrated as Rasagulla day? 1 point

a) November 14

b) November 04

c) November 24

d) December 14

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
a) November 14

14)Who is inventor and entrepreneur in Genetech example? 1 point

a) Cohen

b) Boyer

c) Both a and b

d) Bob

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
b) Boyer

15)What is the new emerging areas in Patents? 1 point

a) Patent informatics

b) Process patent

c) PCT filling

d) All of the above

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
a) Patent informatics

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4 of 4 Thursday 02 May 2019 05:52 PM

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