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Quarter 1 – Module 2 Lesson 1
Values in the Visual Media

Photo by: Cesar D. Albor

English– Grade 6
Quarter 1 – Module 2 Lesson 1: Values in Visual Media

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of
the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or office
wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such
agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties.

Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every
effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their
respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership
over them.

Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Cesar D. Albor
MT-I, Sugod Elementary School, Bacon East District
Editors: Vilma V. Arevalo
MT II, Sorsogon Pilot Elementary School
Precy B. Enaje
Teacher III, Sorsogon National High School
Mylene J. Jeremias
TII, Sorsogon National High School
Reviewers: Cleofe D. Ariola and Masbate City Division
EPS- English
Lay-out Artist : Mark Gregory D. Gacosta
Teacher I, Lydia D. Martinez National High School
Antonio L. Morada
Regional Librarian

Mylene J. Jeresano
Teacher II, Sorsogon National High School
I. Introduction:

Good day learner! This is the starting line of your exciting journey in
learning the wonders of the English language, specifically on identifying
values suggeted in visual media. The ability to evaluate ideas, just like
distinguishing suggested values in any form of visual materials, can improve
your critical thinking skill. Just try to be patient, honest, and enthusiastic in
accomplishing the fun-learning activities. Are you ready? Happy learning!

II. Objective:

In this module, you will learn to:

Identify the values suggested in the visual media.
Specifically, you will:
• Identify the values suggested in photographs and visual arts.

Try to understand and do the exercises you will be asked to aswer.

III. Vocabulary List:

Ooops! Checkpoint!
Read and understand the meaning of the following key words and
phrases. This will help you understand the features of your exciting learning
journey in this module.
* Values - refers to principles, beliefs and practices that are essential to
human relation and behavioral development
*Visual Media - refers to television, movies, photography, painting, print
advertisement and other forms of images that involve the sense of sight
* Photography - is the art, process or job of taking pictures or images
with a camera
*Visual Arts - is any form of art that can be perceived visually such as
paintings, caricature, cartoon and comic sketches as well as drawings,
graphic designs and sculpture

IV. Pre-Test:

Before you sail through this journey, observe closely the details in the
given images and match them with the corresponding values each suggests.
Write the letter of the correct answer in your notebook.

_________1. ________2.

______3. _______4.
Eeeeeeeee ee


______5. A. strong faith in God

B. resourcefulness
C. sociability and friendliness

D. hardwork and creativity

E. commitment

V. Learning Activities:

In your daily encounter with life you are always exposed to different
images. These include pictures in social media, illustrations in books or
magazines, charts and infographics as well as pieces of artworks such as
paintings, graphic arts, and comic or cartoon sketches. These images or
commonly known as visual media are part of your connection with economy,
entertainment and education.

Visual media generally pertains to television, movies, photography,

painting, print advertisement and other forms of images that involve the sense
of sight. Most of these media, however, also appeal to other senses like touch
and hearing. (DLP in English, Q2, W4)

In this module, you will learn to appreciate and acquire ideas clearly
conveyed in two most common visual media, the photographs and visual arts,
specifically paintings and cartoons or comics.

The main purposes of these visual media are commonly to express,

entertain, inform and persuade. This concept is very much evident for all
types of audience, but sometimes the roles of visual media in values formation
and development are oftentimes unnoticed. That is why it is very important
that artists and photographers are always conscious enough to express their
ideas in their masterpieces due to the contribution of their visual media works
in polishing human values.

A Chinese proverb once said that a picture paints a thousand words. It

means that there are several techniques in understanding the ideas and
values suggested in various visual media materials.

Some visual media materials have the ability to clearly suggest to the
viewers the values embedded in them. But let us not forget that there are still
images or work of art that require keen observation and sophisticated analysis
in order to grasp their message. In other words, there are images that can
suggest multiple interpretations and ideas regarding values formation as
rooted in our culture.

You can try to apply these techniques as you work on with the series
of practice tasks provided for you.

VI. Practice Tasks

Practice Task 1
Below is a popular painting from a Filipino painter and a national
artist, Fernando Amorsolo. Observe the details and information that
can be derived from this painting and answer the following
questions. Do it in your notebook.
Guide Questions:

1. What does the picture tell the viewers?

2. What known Filipino values is clearly presented in the image?
3. By looking at the picture, do you understand the meaning of what
“bayanihan” is? What, therefore, is Bayanihan?
4. Describe Bayanihan based on the idea suggested by the given image or in
the context of the Filipino spirit.
5. How do we show “Bayanihan” in modern times?
6. By looking at the painting closely, what other Filipino values can be
interpreted from the scene?
7. What title can you give to this masterpiece? Explain your answer.

8. What title can you give to this masterpiece?
9. By looking at the picture, do you understand the meaning of what
“bayanihan” is? What is Bayanihan?
10. Describe Bayanihan based on the idea suggested by the given image or
in the context of the Filipino spirit.
11. What known Filipino values is clearly presented in the image?
12. What other Filipino values can be interpreted by looking at the painting
13. How do we show “Bayanihan” in modern times?
Practice Task 2
Study the details presented in the given set of visual media materials. For
Oeach image, make a list of possible values suggested in it. Try to determine
also if the identified values are negative or positive. Write your answers in
your notebook.
Image No. 1
Suggested Values Positive or Negative
__________________________ ____________________
__________________________ ____________________
__________________________ ____________________


Image No. 2
Suggested Values Positive or Negative
__________________________ ____________________
__________________________ ____________________
__________________________ ____________________

Image No. 3
Suggested Values Positive or Negative
__________________________ ____________________
__________________________ ____________________
__________________________ ____________________

Practice Task 3
Analyze the ideas and values suggested in the given set of visual media.
Group them in the classification scheme provided by placing the letter
assigned to each image in the proper column.

A. D.

B. E.

C. F.

Visual Media that concentrate on a Visual Media that suggest multiple
single values values/interpretations

*Can you tell the values emphasized on the images you have placed in the
first column? What are these?

* Can you name the multiple/several values suggested by the images you have
included in the second column? Try to name them.

VII-Post Test
Be a keen observer of the details and messages expressed by the
following images. Identify the clearly displayed values suggested by the visual
media presented. Choose the letter of the best answer from the choices below.
Write your answers in your notebook.

______1. _______2.

______3. _______4.

______ 5.

a. Cooperation, unity and perseverance

b. Unconditional love and care
c. Nurturing hands for the environment
d. Patriotism and heroism
e. Greediness and Self-interest
f. Helpfulness and responsiveness
g. Humility and sincerity

VIII. Assignment/ Additional Activities

1. Using your cellular phone camera, take photos of five significant

event in your locality or neighborhood showing distinct values
from your own community.

2. Make an artwork or a painting using any available coloring and

indigenous materials focusing on enhancing and sustaining
unique Filipino values at present times.

IX. Answer Key

1. D 2. A 3. B 4. E 5. C

Practice Tasks:
Practice Task 1:
1. The picture tells the spirit of “Bayanihan” in the lives of the
Filipino people.
2. The title “Bayanihan” is more appropriate.
3. Yes. Bayanihan means helping one another in the community.
4. Bayanihan is a generous act of kindness among the Filipino
people. People in the community who are working and helping
one another is a timeless Filipino values that can be proud of.
5. Being helpful and responsive to the needs of others are values
that were presented clearly in the given image.
6. Other Filipino values such as leadership, cooperation and unity
are also suggested by the painting.
7. Filipino people always involve themselves in Bayanihan whenever
there is a calamity in various forms weather manmade or natural
and even on simple events in daily lives. Modern Filipinos are still
known for being approachable in times of needs and always
willing to lend a hand for help.

Note: Answers may vary. The teacher can consider any form of acceptable

Practice Task 2:

Image No. 1

Suggested Values Positive or Negative

1. Simplicity in lifestyle Positive
2. Extravagant practices during fiesta Negative
3. Creativity and Resourcefulness Positive
4. Gratitude for the blessings received Positive
5. Strong Religious Beliefs Positive

Image No. 2

Suggested Values Positive or Negative

1. Violating Human Rights Negative
2. Concern and Helpfulness Positive
3. Compassion Positive
4. Peace loving and hopeful Positive

Image No. 3
Suggested Values Positive or Negative
1. Resiliency Positive
2. Hopeful Positive
3. Hopelessness Negative

Note: Answer may vary. The teacher can accept and consider
related ideas or responses.

Practice Task 3:

Visual Media that concentrate on a Visual Media that suggest multiple

single values values/interpretations


* B. Respect for elders; D. Friendliness and Trustworthiness/ Dependability;
and E. Equality/ Freedom
* A. Helpfulness and Responsiveness, Compassion; Negligence to
Environment; C. Generosity and Helpfulness, Bayanihan, Cooperation; F.
Love and care from parents, Close Family Ties
Note: Answer may vary. The teacher can accept and consider related ideas or
Post Test:
1. F 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. E

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