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Problem 12 2 SI Chilled water piping


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Problem 12.2 SI A chilled water system is to be designed as laid out below. The supply temperature is 5 C, the design load
on the first coil is 100 kW and that on the second is 150 kW. The temperature rise through each coil is 5 C. The take-off

to the first coil is located 25 m from the pump, and that to the second coil is 50 m from the first. The sum of the loss

eH w
coefficients is 7 for each section of the supply and return flows, and the loss coefficients for the coils are included in the

coil pressure drop. The loss coefficient for the tee is 0.4 with the velocity pressure that of the common (combined) stream.

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At rated conditions the pressure drop across the evaporator is 75 kPa, and across each coil is 25 kPa. The pressure drop at
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off-design conditions is proportional to the square of the mass flow rate. Assume a value for the friction factor of 0.025.
The flow through the section of the pipe with the relief valve is 5 % of the design value.
a. Determine the required pipe sizes, the design pressure drop, the pressure drop across the valve for coil 1, and the design
pump power.

b. Determine and plot the pressure drop-flow rate characteristics of the system as the loads on the coils decrease from the
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design values to zero.

c Draw some conclusions from your results.
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Assume a minimum pressure at the pump sunction of 100 kPa

pt7 = 100 kPa (1)
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Tw = 5 C (2)
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ρ = ρ (W ater, p = pt7 , T = Tw ) kg/m3 (3)

cp = cp (W ater, p = pt7 , T = Tw ) kJ/kg-C (4)

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DT coil = 5 C (5)

DP coil,des = 25 kPa (6)

DP evap,des = 75 kPa (7)

f = 0.025 (8)

Ksum = 6 (9)

Ktee = 0.4 (10)

Q̇1,des = 100 kW (11)

Q̇2,des = 150 kW (12)

Determine the flow rates through the coils and the relief valve for design conditions.
Q̇1,des = ṁ1,des · cp · DT coil kW (13)

Q̇2,des = ṁ2,des · cp · DT coil kW (14)

ṁvalve = 0.05 · (ṁ1,des + ṁ2,des + ṁvalve ) kg/s (15)

A preliminary calculation indicates that for a velocity of 2 m/s the diameters for the pipes would be greater than 50 mm,
and so the system will be designed to the friction pressure drop criteria of 0.4 kPa/m
DP spec = 0.4 kPa/m (16)

a) For design conditions the following statements are used for the pressure drops and flows through the coil and evaporator
These are commented out for off-design conditions
Main Supply and Return, and through coil 1
DP coil = DP coil,des kPa (17)

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DP evap = DP evap,des kPa (18)

eH w
ṁ1 = ṁ1,des kg/s (19)

ṁ2 = ṁ2,des kg/s (20)

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For all conditions
L1 = 25 m (21)

DP 1 = f · (L1 /D1 ) · V P 1 kPa (22)

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V1 kPa
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V P1 = ρ · · 0.001 kPa (23)
2 kg/m · s2

(ṁ1 + ṁ2 + ṁvalve ) = ρ · A1 · V1 kg/s (24)

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A1 = π · m2 (25)
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Coil 2 Supply and Return

L2 = 50 m (26)
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DP 2 = f · (L2 /D2 ) · V P 2 kPa (27)


V2 kPa
V P2 = ρ · · 0.001
kPa (28)
2 kg/m · s2

(ṁ2 + ṁvalve ) = ρ · A2 · V2 kg/s (29)

A2 = π · m2 (30)

The pipe diameters for the two sections are D1 =96 mm and D2 =79 mm. These are rounded off to 100 mm and 80 mm.. The
specifications for the pressure drop are then commented out.
D1 = 0.100 m (31)

D2 = 0.080 m (32)

The pressure drops are determined for each section

pt1 − pt2 = (Ksum + f · L1 /D1 ) · V P 1 kPa (33)

pt2 − pt3 = Ktee · V P 1 + (Ksum + f · L2 /D2 ) · V P 2 kPa (34)

pt3 − pt4 = DP coil kPa (35)

pt4 − pt5 = (Ksum + f · L2 /D2 ) · V P 2 kPa (36)

pt5 − pt6 = (Ktee + Ksum + f · L1 /D1 ) · V P 1 kPa (37)

pt6 − pt7 = DP evap kPa (38)

DP pump = pt1 − pt7 kPa (39)

Ẇ = DP pump · (ṁ1 /ρ) kW (40)

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At design conditions the valve at the entrance to coil 1 is provides flow resistance and allows the flow to be set at the design

eH w
value. The valve pressure drop is 532 kPa

pt2 − pt5 = DP coil + DP valve kPa (41)

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At design conditions the pressure rise across the pump is 184 kPa and the power is 0.9 kW
b) At off design conditions the pressure drops for the coils and evaporator are determined from the Part Load Ratio. The
PLR is a direct measure of the coil load, and the mass flow rate is directly proportional to the load. The coil and evaporator

pressure drops can then be represented as follows. These statements are commented out foroff- design conditions
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ṁ1 = ṁ1,des *PLR

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ṁ2 = ṁ2,des *PLR

DPcoil = DPcoil,des *PLR2 DPevap = DPevap,des *PLR2
The pressures through the system at design conditions are
1 284
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2 268
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3 242
4 217
5 191
6 175
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7 100
The pressure decreases continuously throughout the system, and the pressure drops for each segment and component are

about the same. There is no section with a very large or small pressure drop.


A1 = 0.007854 [m2] A2 = 0.005027 [m2]

cp = 4.2 [kJ/kg-C] DP 1 = 7.957 [kPa]
DP 2 = 18.67 [kPa] DP coil = 25 [kPa]
DP coil,des = 25 [kPa] DP evap = 75 [kPa]
DP evap,des = 75 [kPa] DP pump = 183.9 [kPa]
DP spec = 0.4 [kPa/m] DP valve = 52.18 [kPa]
DT coil = 5 [C] D1 = 0.1 [m]

D2 = 0.08 [m] f = 0.025 []
Ksum = 6 Ktee = 0.4
L1 = 25 [m] L2 = 50 [m]
ṁ1 = 4.762 [kg/s] ṁ1,des = 4.762 [kg/s]
ṁ2 = 7.143 [kg/s] ṁ2,des = 7.143 [kg/s]
ṁvalve = 0.6266 [kg/s] Q̇1,des = 100 [kW]
Q̇2,des = 150 [kW] ρ = 1000 [kg/m3]
Tw = 5 [C] V P 1 = 1.273 [kPa]
V P 2 = 1.195 [kPa] V1 = 1.596 [m/s]
V2 = 1.546 [m/s] Ẇ = 0.8757 [kW]

Parametric Table: T able 1

Run P LR DP pump Ẇ
[kPa] [kW]
1 1 183.9 0.8757

2 0.9 150 0.6429

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3 0.8 119.6 0.4555

4 0.7 92.57 0.3086

eH w
5 0.6 69.04 0.1973
6 0.5 48.96 0.1166

7 0.4 32.34 0.06161
8 0.3 19.18
rs e 0.0274
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9 0.2 9.471 0.009021
10 0.1 3.216 0.001532

Plot Window 1: P lot 1

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