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The energy sources, that are either found or stored in nature are

a) Secondary Energy Sources b) Primary Energy Sources
c) both (a) and (b) d) none of the above

Which of the following is commercial energy source?

a) Electricity b) Coal c) Oil d) All the above

Inexhaustible energy sources are known as

a) commercial Energy b) renewable Energy
c) primary energy d) secondary energy

Which country has the largest share of the global coal reserves?
a) Russia b) China c) USA d) India

The % of gas reserves for Russian Federation, when compared to world reserve is
5. considered at
a) 10 % of World reserve b) 20 % of World reserve
c) 30 % of World reserve d)40 % of World reserve

World oil reserves are estimated to last over

a) 45 years b) 60 years c) 200 years d) 75 years

World gas reserves are estimated to last over

a) 45 years b) 65 years c) 200 years d) 75 years

The global primary energy consumption (2002) was equivalent to

a) 21,842 Mtoe b) 15,360 Mtoe c) 9405 Mtoe d) 12,396 Mtoe

The primary energy consumption of India is

a) 1/29 of the world b) 1/16 of the world c) 1/7 of the world d) 1/20 of the world

The world average per person energy consumption is equivalent to _____tonnes of

10. coal
a) 3 b) 2.2 c) 4.5 d) 1.0

Which fuel dominates the energy mix in Indian energy scenario?–

a) Oil b) Natural gas c) Coal d) Nuclear

The fourth largest producer of coal and lignite in the world is ______ (EM/EA)
a) USA b) Russia c) India d) China

Indian per capita energy consumption is ____ of the world average.

a) 4% b) 20% c) 1% d) 10%

Energy consumption per unit of GDP is called as:

a) Energy Ratio b) Energy intensityc) Per capita consumption d) None

India’s energy intensity is ___ times of world average.

a) 1.5 b) 2.5 c) 3.6 d) 10

India’s current percentage peak demand shortage for electricity is: (EM/EA)
a) 1% b) 3% c) 10% d) 14%

Name the Act, which is proposed to bring the qualitative transformation of the
17. electricity sector:
a) Regulatory Commission Act 1998 b) Indian Electricity Act 1910
c) Supply Act 1948 d) Electricity Act 2003

Which of the following is highest contributor to the air pollution?

a) Carbon Monoxide b) Hydro Carbons
c) Sulphur Oxides d) Particulates

Projected temperature increase in degree centigrade 2100 due to climate change is:
a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8 Increase

Acid rain is caused by the release of the following components from combustion of
20. fuels.
a) SOx and NOx b) SOx and CO2c) CO2 and NOx d) H2O

The type of energy possessed by the charged capacitor is

a) Kinetic energy b) Electrostatic c) Potential d) Magnetic

The energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules is called

a) Kinetic energy b) Chemical energy
c) Potential energy d) Magnetic energy

Active power consumption of motive drives AC 3 phase can be determined by using one of
3. the following relations.

a) √3 x V x I b) √3 x V2 x I x cosϕ

c) √3 x V x I2 x Cosϕ d) √3 x V x I x Cosϕ

The grade of energy can be classified as low, high, extra ordinary. In case of electrical
4. energy it would fall under ____ category. (EM/EA)
a) low grade b) extra ordinary grade c) high grade d) none of the above

The portion of apparent power that doesn’t do any work is termed as

a) Apparent power b) Active power
c) Reactive Power d) None of the above

Power factor (PF) is the ratio of (EM/EA)

a) Apparent power & Active power b) Active power & Reactive power
c) Active Power & Apparent power d) Apparent power & Reactive power

kVA is also called as

a) reactive power b) apparent power
c) active power d) captive power

The energy consumed by a 50 kW motor loaded at 40 kW over a period of 4 hours is

a. 50 kWh b) 160 kWh c) 40 kWh d) 2000 kWh

The ratio of maximum demand to the connected load is termed as

a) Load factor b) Demand factor
c) Contract demand d) none of the above

A single phase induction motor is drawing 10 amps at 230 volts. If the operating power
10. factor of the motor is 0.9, then the power drawn by the motor is
a) 2.3 kW b) 3.58 kW c) 2.07 kW d) 2.70 kW

11. The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 OC is termed
a) Specific heat b) Heat capacity c) One Calorie d) Sensible heat
Nameplate kW or HP rating of a motor indicates
12. a) input kW to the motor b) output kW of the motor
c) minimum input kW to the motor d) maximum input kW to the motor
The quantity of heat required to change 1 kg of the substance from liquid to vapor state
13. without change of temperature is termed as
a) Latent heat of fusion b) Latent heat of vaporization
c) Heat capacity d) Sensible heat
The latent heat of condensation of 1 kg of steam at 100 °C to form water at 100 °C, it gives
14. out the heat of
a) 580 kCal b) 540 kCal c) 620 kCal d) 2260 kCal
The specific heat of ____ is very high compared to other common substances listed below.
15. a) Lead b) Mercury c) Water d) Alcohol

The property of viscosity of liquid fuels:

16. a) decreases with decreasing temperature
b) increases with increasing temperature
c) decreases with increasing temperature
d) ) None of the above
The quantity of heat Q, supplied to a substance to increase its temperature depends upon
17. the following.
a) sensible heat added b) latent heat of fusion
c) specific heat of the substance d) heat capacity
Unit of specific heat in SI system is_________.
18. a) joule /kg °C b) kg/cm2 c) kcal/m3 d) kcal/cm2

The change by which any substance is converted from a gaseous state to liquid state is
19. termed as -----
a) condensation b) Evaporation c) Fusion d) Phase change
The method of producing power by utilizing steam generated for process in the boiler is
20. termed as -----
a) Extraction b) Cogeneration c) Both a & b d) Neither a nor b
“The judicious and effective use of energy to maximise profits and enhance
1. competitive positions”. This can be the definition of:
a) Energy conservation b) Energy management
c) Energy policy d) Energy Audit
The energy management function is generally vested in –
2. (a) Senior Management
(b) One energy manager or co-ordinator
(c) Distributed among number of middle manager
(d) (b) & (c) together

The objective of energy management includes

a) Minimising energy costs b) minimising waste
c) Minimising environmental degradation d) all the above

The ratio of current year’s production to the reference year’s production is called
4. as. (EA/EM)
a) demand factor b) production factor
c) utilisation factor d) load factor

Replacement of steam based hot water generation by solar system is an example of

a) matching energy usage to the requirement
b) maximising system efficiency
c) Energy substitution
d) Performance improvement

One unit of electricity is equivalent to ___ kcal heat units.

a) 800 b) 860 c) 400 d) 680

The benchmarking parameter for air conditioning equipment is

a) kW/Ton of Refrigeration b) kW/ kg of refrigerant handled

c) kcal/m3 of chilled water d) Differential temperature across chiller

The percentage of energy saved at the current rate of use, compared to the
8. reference year rate of use, is called
a) Energy Utilization b) Energy Performance
c) Energy Efficiency d) None

Which instrument is used to monitor O2, CO in flue gas? (EA)

a) Combustion analyzer b) Power analyzer
c) Pyrometer d) Fyrite

Lux meter is used to measure…… (EA)

a) Illumination level b) Sound intensity and illumination level
c) Harmonics d) Speed
For a cement plant the parameter, “kWh/MT of clinker “indicates
a) Energy Index parameter b) Utility factor
c) Production factor d) load factor

Energy manger should be well versed with

a) Manufacturing and processing skills b) Managerial and technical skills
c) Technical and marketing skills d) Managerial and commercial skills

An energy policy does not include

a) Target energy consumption reduction
b) Time period for reduction
c) Declaration of top management commitment
d) Future production projection

CO2 measurement of Fyrite kit is based on (EA)

a) Weight basis (dry) b) Volume basis (dry)
c) Weight basis (wet) d) Volume basis (wet)

Non contact speed measurements can be carried out by

a) Tachometer b) Stroboscope
c) Oscilloscope d) Speedometer

The tool used for performance assessment and logical evaluation of avenues for
16. improvement in Energy management and audit is
a) Fuel substitution b) Monitoring and verification
c) Energy pricing d) Bench marking

Infrared thermometer is used to measure

a) Surface temperature b) Flame temperature
c) Flue gas temperature d) Hot water temperature

Find out the ‘odd’ among the following choices for fuel substitution for industrial
18. sector of India.
a) LDO with LSHS b) coal with rice husk
c) natural gas for fertilizer plant d) LPG for soft coke

The various types of the instruments, which requires during audit need to be
a) easy to carry b) easy to operate
c) inexpensive d) all (a) to (c)

Air velocity in ducts can be measured by using ___ and manometer

a) Orifice meter b) Borden gauge
c) Pitot tube d) Anemometer

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