Pile Capacity For Eccentric Inclined Load in Clay

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Pile capacity for eccentric inclined load in clay

Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University ofNova Scotin, P.O. Box 1000, Hnlifnw, N.S., Canada B3J 2x4
Received November 3, 1983
Accepted February 2, 1984
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In connection with the design of offshore structures and bridge foundations, the ultimate bearing capacity of rigid piles and pile
groups in clay has been determined under various combinations of eccentricity and inclination of the load varying from the
vertical to horizontal directions. The results of load tests on single rigid model piles and freestanding groups are compared with
theoretical estimates. 'The influence of eccentricity and inclination of the load on the ultimate bearing capacity can be represented
by simple interaction relationships between the ultimate loads and moments and between the axial and normal components of the
ultimate load. The effect of a pile cap resting on the soil in piled foundations and the influence of pile flexibility on the ultimate
load are examined briefly.
Key words: bearing capacity, clay, eccentric load, inclined load, pile groups, pile-soil interaction, rigid piles, ultimate load,
ultimate moment.
Dans le cadre du dimensionnement des structures en mer et des fondations de ponts, la force portante i la rupture des pieux
rigides et des groupes de pieux dans l'argile a CtC determinee pour differentes combinaisons d'excentricitt et d'inclinaison de la
charge entre les directions verticale et horizontale. Les rksultats d'essais de chargement sur des modbles de pieux rigides isolts et
de groupes de pieux libres en t&tesont comparCs avec les Cvaluations thtoriques. L'influence de llexcentricitC et de l'inclinaison
de la charge sur la force portante i la rupture peut &trerepr6sentCe par de simples relations d'interaction entre les charges ultimes
et les moments et entre les composantes axiale et normale de la charge 2 la rupture. Les effets d'un massif de t&tede pieux en
contact avec le sol et l'influence de la flexibilitk du pieu sur la force portante sont bribvement examinks.
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Mots cle's: force portante, argile, charge excentrCe, charge inclinCe, groupe de pieux, interaction sol-pieu, pieu rigide, charge
limite, moment limite.
Can. Geotech. J. 21,389-396 (1984)
[Traduit par la revue]

Introduction complex. Accordingly, only a semiempirical analysis

Pile foundations of engineering structures, such as can be developed on the basis of test results on single
bridges, offshore structures, and retaining walls, are piles and pile groups subjected to various combinations
frequently subjected to eccentric and inclined loads. A of eccentricity and inclination of the load.
theoretical analysis of the corresponding ultimate Tests
bearing capacity was published previously (Meyerhof
Soil data
1960, 1979a). This analysis has been confirmed by the
The saturated clay used for the model pile tests had a
results of model tests on rigid piles and pile groups under
medium plasticity (liquid limit = 43%, plastic limit =
eccentric vertical loads in sand (Kishida and Meyerhof
21%), average water content of about 30%, and was
1965) and in clay (Saffery and Tate 1961). In subsequent
made more brittle by the addition of 2% lime. After
papers the bearing capacity of rigid piles under central
being packed into the test boxes the clay was allowed to
inclined loads was presented for vertical and batter piles
cure for about 1 week before testing, as indicated
and for pile groups in sand (Meyerhof and Ranjan 1972,
previously (Meyerhof and Sastry 1978). Unconfined
1973; Meyerhof et al. 1981b) and similarly for clay
and triaxial compression tests were carried out on
(Meyerhof 198 1). The corresponding uplift capacity of
samples taken from the test beds to obtain the undrained
vertical and inclined anchors and piles was treated in two
shear strength, which varied from about 15 to 30 kPa
further papers (Meyerhof 1973a, b).
(soft consistency). The average shear strength of vertical
More recently the ultimate bearing capacity of rigid
samples from the test beds was about 20 kPa compared
model piles and pile groups in sand has been investi-
with about 24kPa for horizontal samples, which
gated for the general case of combined eccentricity and
indicates a small degree of anisotropy of the clay.
inclination of the load (Meyerhof et al. 1983). The
present paper summarizes the results of the continuation Model tests
of this work as applied to the pile capacity under The model piles used in this investigation were
combined eccentric and inclined loads in clay. The vertical rough steel piles of 12.5 mm diameter and
behaviour of piles under nonaxial loads depends to a 190 mm embedded length (depthldiameter ratio D I B =
considerable extent on the deformation characteristics of 15). In the small pile groups of 2 X 2 piles the
the piles and soil, and the failure mechanism is rather freestanding piles had a centre spacing of 38 mm (three
CAN. GEOTECH. J . VOL. 21, 1984

3 o0 0O 3 0'
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( 190 mm)

150 100 50 0 50 100 150

FIG. 1. Polar bearing capacity diagrams for single piles under eccentric inclined loads

pile diameters) at the steel cap. The piles were pushed curves for various eccentricities e of the load are,
For personal use only.

fairly rapidly into the clay and were then immediately approximately, geometrically similar to those for a
loaded to failure by a load that was generally applied at central load. Figure 2, which compares the experimental
the pile head or cap near the ground level. Some vertical component Q,, = Q, cos a of the eccentric
additional tests were made by applying a horizontal load inclined failure load Q, with the ultimate value Q,, of a
to the piles at various heights above the soil surface. pile under an eccentric vertical load for different load
The different eccentricities of the load varied from inclinations a, indicates that the decrease of the ratio
0 to 150 mm (maximum eccentricity/pile depth ratio Quv/Qevwith an increase of a is practically independent
e/D = 0.8), and in some special tests the were of the load eccentricity to pile depth ratio e/D.
subjected to a simple moment at the pile head or cap In order to study the effect of the ultimate moment Mu
without vertical load. The different inclinations of the = Quv.e at the pile head on the ultimate load Q, for
load comprised the whole range between vertical and various load inclinations a, it is convenient to use an
horizontal directions. The load was applied at a interaction diagram plotted in terms of ultimate loads as
displacement rate of about 2.5 mm/min with measure- ordinates and ultimate moments as abscissas. The
ments of horizontal and vertical disulacements and corresponding relationships for the test results on single
rotation at the head or cap of the Details of the piles are shown in Fig. 3 and indicate the rapid decrease
testing procedures used were given previously (Meyerhof of the ultimate load with greater moment and inclination
and Ranjan 1972, 1973). The load-displacement and of the load. These interaction diagrams are normalized
moment-rotation curves of the piles were similar to by using the ratios of Q,/Qo as ordinates and Mu/Mo as
those found previously for eccentric inclined loads in abscissas, where Qo and Mo are the maximum values of
sand (Meyerhof et al. 1983). The ultimate load at which Q, and Mu, respectively, for different load inclinations.
the increase in the rate of dis~lacementfirst reached the Figure 4 shows that the experimental ultimate load-
maximum occurred at a displacement of the resultant moment relationships depend on the inclination of the
load at the pile head of about 2-4% of the pile length and load. A similar interaction diagram for ultimate load and
at a rotation of about 1-2" under eccentric inclined moment at the pile head is given in Fig. 4 for the special
loads. tests in which a horizontal load was applied to single
The test results for single piles under various piles at various heights h above the ground surface.
eccentricities and inclinations of the load are shown in These test results show that the horizontal failure
Fig. 1 in the form of polar bearing capacity diagrams, load Q, decreases linearly with greater applied moment
which give the ultimate loads of the piles for different Mu = Q;h.
directions of the applied load. While the ultimate The test results for the 2 x 2 model pile groups are
bearing capacity e l - d o e s not vary much with the shown in Fig. 5 in the corresponding polar bearing
inclination a of the load, it is of interest to note that the capacity diagrams. It is found that the ultimate bearing
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FIG. 2. Effect of load inclination on ultimate bearing
- "
capacity of single piles and pile groups (0), for FIG. 4. Effect of moment at pile head on ultimate bearing
tests. capacity of single piles (@, a = On; X , a = 27"; + ,a = 63"; *,
or = 90") and pile groups ( 0 , a = 0"; A, a = 27"; 0,a = 90°),
For personal use only.

for tests.

Fig. 4 do not differ significantly from those of single

The experimental results of the failure load of the pile
groups have been analysed in terms of a group efficiency
defined as the ratio of the ultimate group resistance to the
sum of the single pile resistances under the same
LU eccentricity and inclination of the load as for the group.
I- The observed group efficiency is shown in Fig. 7 in the
50 form of a polar efficiency diagram. It is found that the
3 group efficiency varies considerably with the load
3 inclination and decreases somewhat with greater eccen-
0 tricities of the load to a minimum for a simple moment.
0 5 10 15 20 25 The group efficiency is roughly unity under a vertical
ULTIMATE MOMENT M U ( ~ - m ) load and it is smaller than unity under a horizontal load
and simple moment when the overlap of shear zones in
FIG.3. Interaction diagram for ultimate load and moment at the soil leads to pier failure of the pile group.
head of single piles. Tests: @, e > 0, h = 0; x , e = 0, h > 0. The influence of combined eccentricity and inclina-
Theory: --, eq. [6], ci = 0"; ---,eq. [13], a = 90". tion of the load on the ultimate bearing capacity of piled
foundations in which the pile caps rest on the soil has not
capacity Q, of the pile groups varies with the yet been investigated by load tests. However, compara-
eccentricity e and inclination of the load a in a manner tive model tests on small pile groups under central
similar to that of single piles. This is also shown in Fig. 2, inclined loads (Meyerhof 1981) have shown that for
where the observed vertical component of the failure piled foundations the influence of the pile cap on the
load Q,, under a load inclination a is expressed in terms ultimate bearing capacity is a maximum under vertical
of the ultimate value Q,, of a similar group under an load and decreases rapidly, with greater load inclination
eccentric vertical load. Furthermore, the shape of the becoming negligible for a horizontal load, as would be
interaction diagrams of the ultimate loads Q, and expected. Moreover, the corresponding experimental
moments Muat the cap of the pile groups, shown in Fig. relationships between the load inclination a and the
6, and the corresponding normalized relationships in ultimate load ratio Qu,/Qev of piled foundations were
CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 21, 1984

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c = 20 kPa

600 400 200 0 200 400


FIG.5. Polar bearing capacity diagrams for pile groups under eccentric inclined loads.
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FIG.6. Interaction diagram for ultimate load and moment at cap of pile groups. Tests: 0 , e > 0, h = 0; x , e = 0, h > 0.
Theory: --, eq. [6], a = 0"; ---,eq. [13], a = 90".

found to be practically identical to those of similar . addition, the adhesion forces C l and C2 act
1 9 8 1 ~ )In
freestanding pile groups. on the shaft, while the point resistance Q, is mobilized at
the toe of the pile (Fig. 8). The forces P1 and P2 act in a
Analysis of test results horizontal direction and the resistance Q, is inclined at
Single piles an angle 6 to the vertical. As the load inclination cx
If a rough rigid vertical pile with a free head and partly increases, the forces P1 and P2 increase, while the
embedded in clay is subjected at the head (at a distance h forces C 1and C2decrease and the angle 6 increases. The
above the ground surface) to an ultimate load Q, with an values of the forces and of 6 depend also on the
eccentricity e and inclination cx to the vertical (Fig. 8), movements of the pile and the deformation characteris-
the net lateral earth pressures P , and P2 on the tics of the soil. An estimate of the ultimate load Q, has
embedded shaft of the pile can be assumed to have so far only been obtained for a central inclined load in
roughly rectangular and triangular distributions, respec- clay (Meyerhof 198 1) and for a vertical eccentric load in
tively, as for a horizontal applied load (Meyerhof et al. sand (Kishida and Meyerhof 1965). However, on the

0O 30'
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FIG. 7. Polar efficiency diagram for pile groups under
eccentric inclined loads. @, tests; --, theory.
For personal use only.

FIG. 8. Forces at failure of single rigid pile under eccentric

basis of the present experimental interaction diagrams inclined load.
for eccentricity and inclination of the loads, the previous
analyses can be extended to estimate, approximately,
the ultimate bearing capacity of piles under eccentric
inclined loads in clay.
Thus, for a central inclined load on the head of a rigid where B is the pile diameter, D is the depth of
fully embedded pile ( h = 0) the limits of the vertical and embedment of the pile, and Kc is the coefficient of net
horizontal components, Q,, and Quh, respectively, of passive earth pressure for zero adhesion, approximately,
the ultimate pile capacity Q , can be approximated by the on the pile. Comparison of the above relationships with
semiempirical relationship of (Meyerhof and Ranjan the present test results for central inclined loads ( e = 0)
1973) shows that the corresponding estimates based on an
undrained shear strength c of 20 kPa of the clay are in
fair agreement with the observations (Fig. 1). It was also
where Q, and Q , are the ultimate pile capacities under shown that for the vertical component Q,, of the
axial load and normal load to the pile axis at ground ultimate load the semiempirical reduction factor for load
surface, respectively. The ultimate load Q , of an axially inclination CY is roughly given by (Meyerhof 1981)
loaded compression pile is the sum of the point
resistance Q p and shaft resistance Q,. In clay the
ultimate load is usually expressed by (Meyerhof 1976) which can also be used for eccentric inclined loads,
where Qev is the ultimate load on the pile under an
eccentric vertical load. Comparison of this relationship
with the present test results shows (Fig. 2) that the
reduction factor is reasonable.
where A, and A, are the areas of pile point and shaft, Further, for an eccentric vertical load Q , on a rigid
respectively, cp and c, are the average undrained shear fully embedded pile (subjected at the pile head to an
strength of the clay near the pile point and along the equivalent moment of Mu = Q;e) the interaction
shaft, respectively, and r is an empirical reduction factor between the limits of the ultimate load Qo without
depending mainly on the magnitude of c, and the moment and of the ultimate moment Mo without vertical
method of pile installation (Terzaghi and Peck 1967). load can conservatively be approximated by the
The ultimate lateral resistance Q , of a rigid fully semiempirical relationship of (Fig. 4) (Meyerhof et al.
embedded pile can be expressed by (Meyerhof et al. 1983)
394 CAN. GEOTECH. 1. VOL. 21, 1984

et al. 1981a) that the ultimate horizontal load is,

theoretically, given by
In this equation Qo is given by [3]for an axial load, and
the ultimate moment Mo is given by (Meyerhof et al.
[7] Mo=0.2c~~2~c
with symbols as before. It is convenient to set where Q, is given by [4].The corresponding interaction
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relationship between the ultimate load Qu and moment

Mu = Qu.h can be obtained by substituting [8]into [12],
where m is the moment coefficient, and trial computa- which gives
tions using [3] and [8] have shown that rn = 0.5,
For a given pile geometry, the values of Kc and rn in
[7]and [8]depend also on the average adhesion forces where Qn and Mo are given by [4]and [ 7 ] ,respectively.
C , and C2 on the pile shaft. As indicated above, the This simple interaction relationship agrees well with the
values of C , and C2 decrease from a maximum for a present test results (Figs. 3 and 4).
vertical load Qo to a minimum for a simple moment Mo Although no test results for partly embedded rigid
without vertical load. Analysis of present test results for piles subjected to an eccentric inclined load at the free
piles subjected to simple moment at the head shows that head at a distance h above ground level (Fig. 8) are
about one-half of the above-mentioned maximum available at present, an approximate overall interaction
adhesion occurs at Mu = Mo. On this basis, the relationship may be suggested for this general case by
semiempirical relationship of [6] compares reasonably combining [ l o ]and [ 1 3 ] ,which gives
For personal use only.

well with the present test results for eccentric vertical

loads (Fig. 3). Trial computations have shown that, in
practice, for most load inclinations of less than about 45"
the reduction factor for moment is roughly given by

where Mu, = Q,;e and Muh = Quh.h and other symbols

as before. Alternatively, the corresponding vertical
component Quv of the ultimate eccentric inclined load
Finally, the semiempirical interaction relationship for may be estimated on the basis of an approximate overall
a rigid fully embedded pile with an eccentric inclined reduction factor, obtained by combining [ l l ]and [12],
load becomes, after combining [I] and [ 6 ] , approxi- which gives
[15] Quv
cos a
Qa ( / m ) ( l + 1 . 9 ; )

Pile groups
from which Qu can be determined in any given case. The above analysis of single piles can be extended to
However, in practice it is often more convenient to use pile groups with a customary pile spacing of about three
the vertical component Quv of the ultimate eccentric pile diameters by considering the smaller ultimate
inclined load with an approximate overall reduction bearing capacity of either the sum of the individual pile
factor, obtained by combining [5]and [ 9 ] ,of capacities and of the pile cap, if resting on the soil, or the

'"I "=dm
Quv cos a
1+ -
ultimate capacity of an equivalent pier consisting of the
piles and enclosed soil mass. General expressions for the
ultimate bearing capacity of rigid pile groups under
eccentric and inclined loads had been derived previously
(Meyerhof 1960 and 1979a) and detailed estimates were
This overall reduction factor for eccentric inclined loads made for the special cases of eccentric vertical loads in
appears to be fairly satisfactory, as shown in Fig. 1 . sand (Kishida and Meyerhof 1965) and central inclined
For the special case of a rigid, vertical, partly loads in clay (Meyerhof 1981). Thus, it was shown that
embedded pile with a horizontal load applied at a height at individual pile failure the ultimate moment of the
h above the ground surface it has been shown (Meyerhof point resistance Q , of the compression piles and of the

for combined eccentricity and inclination of the load a

semiempirical interaction relationship for pile groups
can also be obtained from [lo] and [ l l ] , and these
relationships are approximately supported by the present
test results (Fig. 5). Furthermore, the observed group
efficiency compares fairly well with the theoretical
estimates, as shown in Fig. 7, which is based on Figs. 1
and 5.
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For the special case of a rigid freestanding pile group

under horizontal load at a height h above the ground
surface, the interaction relationship between the ulti-
mate horizontal load Qu and moment Mu = Q;h is
closely given by [13], as shown in Figs. 4 and 6. If an
eccentric inclined load is applied to a rigid pile group at a
height h above the ground level, an approximate overall
interaction relationship can be obtained from [14] and
[15], as for single piles. However, no test results of pile
groups under this general case of loading are available at
present as a check of the suggested general bearing
capacity relationships.
A recent review of analyses of laterally loaded piles of
FIG.9. Forces at failure of rigid pile group under eccentric various stiffnesses in homogeneous elastic soils indi-
inclined load. cates that free-head piles may be considered rigid for
For personal use only.

practical purposes if their relative stiffness K, 2

uplift capacity Q, of the tension piles about the centre of approximately (Meyerhof 1979b),
the group, and the ultimate moment of resistance q, of
the pile cap, if resting on the soil, are added to the
ultimate moment of the lateral resistance due to forces
C1, C2, P I , and P2 of the piles (eq. [7]), as indicated in where Eh = average horizontal soil modulus along pile,
Fig. 9. For pier failure the vertical and horizontal E, = modulus of elasticity of pile, and I, = moment of
ultimate bearing capacities of the group are determined inertia of pile. Moreover, for more flexible piles (K, 5
from [3] and [4], respectively, and the ultimate moment lo-*) under eccentric and inclined loads an effective
is found from [7] together with the ultimate moment of embedment depth is, approximately, given by
the pier base, using throughout the overall width B and
embedded depth D of the group.
As the inclination a of the load increases, the failure
mechanism of pile groups generally changes from and this value of D' should be used in [4], [9]-[ll] for
individual pile failure under vertical load (Meyerhof flexible single piles and similar pile groups under
1963) to pier failure under lateral load and moment eccentric inclined load. However, corresponding load
(Meyerhof er al. 1981a) so that the interaction test data are not yet available for comparison.
relationships may differ from those of single piles. For
rigid freestanding pile groups and piled foundations Conclusions
(pile cap resting on the soil) under central inclined loads The results of model tests on single rigid piles under
it was found previously (Meyerhof 1981) that the eccentric inclined loads in clay show that the eccentricity
semiempirical interaction relationship of [ I ] can be and inclination of the load significantly influence the
used, which is supported by the present test results for ultimate bearing capacity of the piles. The results of
central inclined loads (Fig. 5). Furthermore, the vertical model tests on rigid freestanding pile groups in clay
component of the ultimate load can be estimated by the show that the ultimate bearing capacity varies with
approximate reduction factor for load inclination given eccentricity and inclination of the load in a way similar
by [5], as shown in Fig. 2. to that of single piles, including the contribution of the
The test results for rigid freestanding pile groups under base resistance of the group.
eccentric vertical loads (Fig. 4) indicate that the nor- The ultimate bearing capacity of single rigid piles
malized interaction relationship for ultimate loads and under eccentric inclined loads can approximately be
moments at the head of single piles (eq. [6]) can also, represented by simple semiempirical interaction relation-
approximately, be used for pile groups. Accordingly, ships between the ultimate loads and moments and
396 CAN GEOTECH. J VOL 21. 1984

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