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The Creation of Island of Cebu

Miss Melody Remorca

Sun God, Nymph of the Sea, and Lupa.

Earth (World), Cebu Island


Beginning: The Sun God, on one of his journey across the sky, saw
a beautiful maiden, a sea nymph, floating on the crest of the foam-
flecked and fell deeply in love with her. Their union made the
gods of the sky and earth so pleased that they added their
blessings to the marriage.
Middle: And so the son born to them was exceedingly handsome, and
was named Lupa (also known as Yuta). The Sun God wanted only the
fairest for a home to his son, Lupa.
End: So he created the island of Cebu- lush and verdant with plants
and flowers, graceful animals and peopled with spirited folk. To
this day, Cebu is such a blessed isle.


The island of Cebu was created for Lupa/Yuta, and

was inhabited graceful creature and people of strong spirit.

The myth touches some subtle truths in the culture of Visayan

people especially around the area of Cebu. It captured the
liveliness of the people of Cebu as described in the story. It
also showed how the island is inhabited by diverse flora and fauna
(plants and animals). As for the culture, the regard to animals in
the story is very telling of the farm or agricultural part of the
region. Moreover, the inclusion of the sea element tells us of how
fishing is also part of the lives of the people.
Perigrina (Filipino Cinderella)

Miss Melody Remorca

Perigrina, Nong Binoy, Anzat (stepmother), Pukay &

Kikay (step sisters), Motherly Fish.

Island of Matataog

Forgiveness & Kindness

Beginning: Long, long time ago, in the island of Mantataog there

lived a widower, Nong Binoy with young daughter named Perigrina.
She was a little girl so sweet and gentle but with a mature mind
that faced any situation. Perigrina was popular to the town folks
and was well loved. Her father was a traveller. He found it hard
to leave his daughter alone so he thought of marrying again to
give Perigrina companions while he was travelling. Perigrina was
so happy upon hearing the news from her father.
Middle: Several months had passed, and she now lived with her
stepmother Anzat and her step sisters Pukay and Kikay. They were
jealous of Perigrina’s beauty and alluring qualities and so they
were always mean to her. Perigrina carried her burdens patiently.
She would sometimes escape and seek refuge to the peaceful sea. As
days passed, Perigrina grew lonelier. One night, when Perigrina
was along the shore. A motherly fish talked to her and offered to
help her. Perigrin’s stepmother wanted her to catch fish for
supper, but it was impossible. The fish offered herself for
Perigrina to bring home. With a heavy heart, she brought the fish
home for her evil stepmother and sister’s supper. After supper,
she buried the remains of the fish in her garden. That night, she
dreamt that the remains grew a tree that bore precious items like
gems and jewelries.
End: The next morning, she saw that her dreams had come true. She
saw a tree that bore precious items and gathered the fruits with
great care. Anzat found out about the amazing tree and grabbed the
fruits Perigrina gathered, but she instantly turned into a stone
statue. Pukay and Kikay begged Perigrina to bring their mother
Man vs. Man—as Perigrina struggles from her evil
stepmother and sisters.

Perigrina forgave them. Anzat regained her old self

but they learned a lesson to be always kind and good.

The story of Perigrina tells us a lot about the culture and people
of Cebu. The story has wonderfully mirrored the high regard of the
people in the island for kindness and forgiveness despite of many
adversities in life. These characteristics were embodied by the
main character in the story, Perigrina. Moreover, the rural island
setting also captures the simple living in the Cebu Island. The
subtle elements in the setting of the story tells us that people
in the island value the sea and the abundance it gives them as
seen in the part where Perigrina was talking to the motherly fish.
Fatherly love and care was also vividly seen at the beginning of
the story, which is also a reflection of Cebu’s strong filial
bonds. Finally, the story also showed how closely knitted people
are in the island. People know everyone. This is seen in the
narration and description of Perigrina being well-liked and
popular in their place. People are welcoming and are very social.

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