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Meeting 14

 Leadership isn’t only organizational or

structural matter, but also something
that develops through education and
upbringing in the family. There is
psychological background of the
leadership’s traits or even leadership’s
style of a leader.
 The psychodynamic approach tries to
reveal the correlation between that
psychological background and
someone’s leadership.
 According to this approach leadership trait or style
originates in familial context of a person:
 1. Highly authoritarian parents induce a very
submissive or a very resistant attitude in the child.
The individual who develops his personality in such
context can be either an autocrat or an
revolutionary type of person.
 2. A laissez faire parent is possibly the origin of a
leader who has no clear value orientations.
 It depends on the familial background that
the followers may react to a leader in the
following ways:
 1. Dependent (from the authoritarian parents)
 2. Counterdependent (also from the
authoritarian parents)
 3. Independence (from moderate parents)
 According to C.G. Jung we have unacceptable and
denied part of our personality. We repress it into
our sub- consciousness. It functions as our shadow
 Someone who thinks himself as a weak person to
his wife rejects this self image and behaves
contrarily as a strong leader in his office. He
represses his shadow self, but this part of his
personality expresses it self as the adversary form.
Ego States


Authoritarian Leader

Egalitarian Leader Adult

Child Child
Please, collect your Reflection-Sheet to be signed by
the lecturer!
Join to your team to prepare your project proposal
Assignments for the Next Meeting
 1. The 3rd team recaps this lecture and
report it in the next meeting.
 2. Please, read the text on Servant
Leadership and summarize the content
in 10 sentences. Write them on your
Reflection Portfolio.
 Hughes, Leadership. Enhancing the Lessons of Experience, McGraw-Hill,
Singapore, 2006
 Hughes, R. L. Ginnet, R. C. &Curphey, G.J. Leadership: Enchancing the
lessons of Experience, Homewood, IL : Irwin., 1993
 Koutzes, James M and Posner, Barry Z., The Leadership Challenge, Jossey-
Bass Publisher, San Francisco, 1995
 Nanus, Burt, Visionary Leadership, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1992
 Mark Miller, “The Heart of Leadership, Becoming A Leader People Want to
Follow”, Integreat Leadership.
 Mark Miller & Randy Gravitt, “Win the HEART”, Integreat Leadership.
 Northouse, P.G., Leadership, Theory & Practice, &th edition, Sage
Publication Inc., Michigan, 2016

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