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Sub title-it is possible to feed the world by small & big farmers by hard work.
author-balbir singh-pune-india- email tel +91 9766594544 for small farmers in asia,
africa, south america or other countries with less rainfall.

1. since 50 % of Indian farmers are small farmers having land under 5 acres without year round irrigation it has
been suggested that on one third of their land they should grow food crops for self consumption & on one third to
grow CASH CROPS FOR SALE by ORGANIC FARMING like or using minimum chemical fertilizers or pesticides to save
water & the cost of seeds, fertilizers & pesticides. On the third part of the land they may plant local varieties of
fruit trees like aamb [mango]-peru [guava]-sitaphal [custard apple]-jamun [black berry]-anjeer [figs]-chikoo-but I
would grow only NON PERISHABLE FRUITS like nimbu [lemons] are most profitable, amla [gooseberry], imli
[tamarind]-katial [jack fruit]-coconut etc & bamboo

2. WATER THE MOST IMPORTANT- rice is grown during rainy season but where rain is less in many areas the first
step is to build BUNDS around the fields, so the excess rain water is not drained out but led into a ponds dug at
the lowest part of the farm, which should be about 100x50x5 ft deep with plastic sheet lining to prevent seepage
plus cost of digging=IRS 1,35,000/- with zendu [mariegold] flower bushes grown on the edges to reduce
evaporation by the wind]. Also putting 50 discarded tires floating on the water to further reduce evaporation of
water. This water pond with one foot high bunds on all sides from the excavated soil will fill up the 5 feet deep
pond in the rainy season even with low annual rainfall of 25 inches & will be enough to irrigate 2-3 acres in the 4
dry months to grow non perishable items which require less water like seing [peanuts]- makki [corn]- chana
[bengal gram]- bajra/jawari [millets]-pulses-jaun [barley which has a higher price], wheat, chauli [black eyed
beans]- chullai, jeera, spice, isabgol, or vegetables including sweet potatoes, watermelon or quick growing crops
which require less water to be irrigated in the evenings to prevent evaporation in the sun. additional water from
the sloping roof of the house can be channeled into the pond if required. I would grow non perishable high value
crops like gauran lasun [garlic], adrak [ginger], red chillies after drying, singi [drumsticks] etc, small farmers without
a holding capacity should NOT GROW POTATOES as all farmers rush to sell them & prices crash to IRS 2-3 er kg
which is the cause of 4,000 farmer suicides a year which does not happen in any country of the world only due to
greedy political appointees of the CUT THROAT “DALALS” of the APMC which should be abolished to allow free
trade so a farmer can sell direct to cities through a relative as a vegetable vendor & both gain

3. BORE WELLS can be made on each farm upto a depth of 2-300 feet or more costing IRS 50,000/ including a -2
hp pump if found to be feasable by the geologist. Then bore wells which gone dry can be recharged at a cost of
IRS 5,000/ in the rainy season. Without water most small farmers leave their land uncultivated for six months due
to no irrigation in the dry season. Where there are dams or streams 70 % of the water is used to grow sugarcane
for the mills in india owned by politicians which must be discouraged. Then open wells gone dry can be recharged
at zero cost by diverting the surrounding areas rainfall into the well.

4. DRINKING WATER-clean drinking water if unavailable it can be collected from a sloping roof of a poor farmers
hut of size 10x20 feet with channels on the sides after the 1 st flush by filtering through a double cotton cloth into a
5,000 liter plastic tank[never black colour] costing IRS 18,000/- with a copper vessel kept permanently in the tank
to kill harmful bacteria or algea & this water can be used the whole year for by a family of 6, for drinking &
cooking after filtering & boiling. poor farmers can make a bamboo roof covered with a plastic sheet to collect this

5. EXTRA INCOME-the next step is for the farmer to have a additional side income of in case the crops fail due to
insufficient rainfall or bad weather conditions or low prices. these are.
6. DAIRY-Keeping 5 or more female cows/buffalows for sale of milk plus Keeping one MALE KING BULL, feeding
him well to get a additional income from MATING with female cattle [@ IRS 500/each here] of other farmers in
the area for additional income,,
7. POULTRY FARMING –Poultry farming by keeping 300 desi [local breed out of which 250 may survive] chickens
in a shed behind the farmers house which grow in 3 months, after buying chicks from the hatchery or govt
nursery @ IRS 20/ each by feeding them & selling them here @ IRS 300/each here for sale three times a year=250
x3x300=2,25.000/- less cost of feed & medcine=50,000=IRS 1,75,000=60,000/every 3 month as additional income.
Generally poultry farmers make a shed approx. 100x50 ft costing IRS 5,00,000/[with a bank loan] & tie up with a
chain who supply them the chicks, feed, medicine etc & take the grown chickens & pay the farmer for looking after
to earn approx IRS 50,000/ every 2 months,
8. GOATS-Keeping a male strong goat & 2 females which give 2 babies/year plus buy 30 kids to increase gradually
till you have 50 in due course which are made to roam around to find grasses as free feed which when fully grown
to sell whenever cash is needed or at double price in the muslim festival of EID,
9. Buying a TRACTOR-[with bank loan] for self use & hiring out to other farmers plus supplying mud from the farm
to the nearby road building projects or construction sites,

10. in villages around nagar where there is a acute shortage of drinking water they keep a plastic tank of 500 liters
which is filled weekly @ IRS 150/ by a small tanker of 5,000 liters who gets the water from a lab tested farmers
bore well for IRS 2-300 thus giving income to the farmer+ employment & income to the tanker driver/owner
10. SEEDS- wherever possible use your own last year,s LARGER size seeds by preserving them with NEEM leaves
or as practical to save the cost of buying from the market. Dip seeds in cow urine with a little chuna [lime ] to kill
pests if any for 50 minutes for early germination or coat them with a mix of cow dung and soil or coat them with
neem oil & plant
11. FREE FERTILIZER-add cow/chicken/goat dung & cattle urine containing natural UREA collected in a channel in
the cattle shed, mix it with a little ghee [butter] + gur [raw sugar] + powder of the cheapest daal [pulses] as FREE
fertilizer to spread on the soil

10. FREE ORGANIC HERBICIDE-can be made on the farm itself by mixing equal quantities, say of
half kg each of ground garlic, cheap loose tobacco, green chilies, cow dung all heated to boil
in a 20 liter tin & kept overnight then filtered for to spray as a herbicide, in case of need a
little chemical pesticide may also be used. to Increase yield of crops by growing zenda
[mariegold] FLOWERS on the borders of RICE or other crops fields which kills rice PESTS &
also to attract bees to increase pollination & yield of crops. Growing one neem tree/ acre
reduces pests by its fruit & leaves falling on the field,
12. CHECK DAMS-3-5 feet high must be built with concrete in every village on a seasonal
stream with money from the gram panchayat [village council] or local MLA or MP & free
labour of the govts MGREGA [govt subsidised labour] to raise groundwater levels which will
also activate the old dry wells. 20 feet upstream from the dam & 50 ft away from the shore
on each side 2 hand pumps can be installed which will give pure drinking water having been
filtered through 50 ft of natural earth, most check dams built by the previous govt in the
70,000 crore irrigation scam don’t hold water as having been built with more sand & less
cement, the water just seeps through-in a nagar village I advised them that the solution is to
put 2 layers of DAMBAR[ bitumen] on the upstream side of mini dam as it will prevent
seepage of water & their dam will fill up to recharge the groundwater & the open wells in
the area
11. HILLY AREA-if there is a hilly area in your farm, make terrace bunds which will retain the
rainwater where you can grow fruit trees for additional income without watering in the dry
season, also direct the run off water from hilly areas into 1 or 2 ponds as described above,
12. POTATOES & ONIONS-IN INDIA MUST be brought under govts minimum price
procurement scheme as every year prices crash when all small farmers needing cash bring
their produce to the market together & prices CRASH & they go into big losses as they do
not have the holding capacity nor any cold storages in most states to store the same till
prices stabilize. In the old days farmers used to dig a STORE ROOM under their MUD floor
size 5x5x3 feet deep painted with chuna [lime] to prevent kida,s[pests], a cool place & to
sell when the prices stabilized or when cash was needed,
13. BIG FARMERS-with year round irrigation can go in for horticulture of growing fruits and
timber trees like sagwan [teak], bamboo using drip irrigation as higher capital is required in this
business & using a MAGNETIC PUMP which breaks the salts in the water into its IONS which are
more easily absorbed by the roots & also reduces water consumption & increases production of
fruits & other crops,
14. FISH FARMING-is very profitable for a fisherman having 3 acres of land next to a river or lake & a
bore well can start a fish farm by digging 2 water tanks of size 200x100x 3-5 feet sloping bottom
plastered with a mixture of lime & cow dung after checking the suitability of the soil in
consultation with the govt. fisheries dept. with a one time investment for cost of digging the
tanks of 2 lacs[IRS 2,00,000] + 2 lacs expenses to earn up to RS 9 lacs/year [IRS9,,00,000] & IRS
20 lacs in the second year after getting experience by doubling it to farm the fish in 4 tanks.
Details of this business model is with me & can be given on request,
15. BANK LOANS-I can help small farmers anywhere in Maharashtra getting bank loans for bore well,
poly lined water storage tank , open well, starting a poultry, dairy, or goat farming
16. CONCLUSION-no farmers son who has finished college or school will ever do farming due to the
harsh conditions , unseasonal weather, low profitabilIty with no recreations like in cities. But the
son who has failed in school will join his father in the farm work in the old methods with no
improvements here as stated above. regarding the farmer,s daughter she will study hard to get
a job & never marry a villager seeing the hard life & poor conditions of life on a farm,
17. SOLUTIONS-farmers must try to experiment to plant ON A TRIAL BASIS a few non
perishable HIGH VALUE CROPS like coffee, cashew, spices, elachi [cardamon],
jeera[cumin], dalchini [cinnamon], etc. Already daal [pulses ]is being imported in india
& soon more food items will be imported due to-LESS PEOPLE DOING FARMING HERE &
18. LEARN NOW & EARN MORE--if any sensible farmers son after school/college is
not interested in farming & can on 1 acre of land situated within10 kms out of any city
limit i will build 20 industrial sheds of 900 sq feet & rent them out to anybody wanting
to start a agro or other small industry/godown/cold storage/trading business, for a low
rent of RS 15,000 per month where the husband can run the business while his wife
works in the city or vice versa as today even women are taking the initiative in every
field. The income from the rent of 15,000 x 20=3 lacs per month after deducting of
30,000 as expenses=2,70,000/month out of which the farmer will get a additional
1,80,000/month which is a BIG INCOME for a non farmer, while the builder of the sheds
will also get RS 90,000/month. FOR MORE DETAILS OF THIS SCHEME CONTACT ME,
Suggestions are welcome to improve this article.
Balbir singh-pune-india-chem.engg.-tel +91 9766594544

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