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Digitized Learning Packet (DLP)



Hello,Paulinian Learner!

The College of CASE/ CBM/BSN/BMME

of St. Paul University Manila warmly welcomes you to P.E SWIMMING. This course will be
deliveredthroughaModified Hybrid Remote Learning Approach via our LMS (Learning
Management System), FLOW – Flexible Learning Online Workstations. This means that
some sessions will be done online, and some will be done offline – or what we can call remote

I am Dr. Cynthia Salazar, you call me Doc Cynch may contact me at on Wednesday and Friday. While I will be making every effort to
respond to your questions as soon as I could, it might take me 9-11 am 2-4 pm to send my

This DLP is designed to help you find your way through the course. This packet is a guide. I
may make adjustments if I feel it’s going to help yo

u learn better, or if you feel (and tell me) that thereis another way for you to learn better.

Before you start working on this packet, I hope you have seen the video on creating a learning
space at home and have received an orientation on the FLOW. If you have not, the video can
be found here: [insert link here}

This learning packet has four sections:

1. Your learning plan – This section is your map in navigating the course.
2. Your learning modules – The items in this section will assist you in constructing your
own knowledge.
3. The appendices – This section has our course calendar, the evaluation rubrics for the
course outputs, and other materials which I feel will be helpful to you.
4. The agreements – This is the last page of the packet. It shows you that there is an
agreement between me, our Program Chair, and our Dean with regards the contents of
this packet. It also asks you to agree to two (2) things: The Data Privacy and Intellectual
Property clause, as well as the Honesty and Academic Integrity clause. You will need to
sign this page, take a picture of, and send to me on or before the first day of class.

I hope you are safe at home and in good health. Should you need someone to talk to, the
counselors of SPU Manila are ready to listen. You may reach them at with the subject COUNSELING – [your name]. Help them help
you by stating your full name, course/section & year level, and your age when you write.
Let’s have a look at what’s in store for us in this:

DLP for [insert subject / program here] Property of SPU Manila

Part 1: What it’s all about

Course Description: This course is an introduction to TAEBO (Taekwondo-Boxing) wherein

students will get familiarized with some basic Martial Arts techniques
such as kicks and punches combined with aerobic dance movements.
This primarily focuses on cardio endurance, strength, flexibility and
coordination where creative and choreograph routine is expected as
culmination of the activity.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the college student is expected to have
developed the following competencies:

1. Critical analysis of various legal cases involving students, faculty, and

other personnel (IEO3. EPE3)
2. Integration of Paulinian values in the critical analysis of cases (IEO 1.
EPE 1.4)
3. Accurately describe the knowledge and skills that adept career professionals
in their field consistently demonstrate, and evaluate whether theirs compare
favorably (IEO4)
4. Devote their time, talents, and resources to improving and maintaining the
well- being and health of peoples, especially the less privileged and
underserved (IEO5)

Outcome of At the end of the goal course is for the students todevote their time,
Significance: talents, and resources to improving and maintaining the well- being and
health of peoples, especially the less privileged and underserved

Credit units: 2

My consultation Wednesday From 9-11 am


Part 2: What you will need

Course Delivery This will be provided to us by Ms. Cachero and Ms. Negradas

Course Materials: You will need the following to successfully complete the course:

DLP for [insert subject / program here] Property of SPU Manila

Wener W.K. Hoeger, Sharon A. Hoeger. Health and Fitness. Cengage

Learning, 6 Jan 2012

Wener W.K. Hoeger, Sharon A. Hoeger.. Lifetime Physical Fitness and

Wellness: A Personalized Program


Instructional Materials:

Power point presentation

Teacher’s own video via studio arc ( for demonstration )

Links: YouTube, google form, activity sheets

Part 3: What you will submit

You will be submitting only three (3) major outputs for this course. These major outputs which
we will callEssential Learning focus on the experiences, content and outcomes to make this
course relevant despite the situation we are in.

ESSENTIAL EXPERIENCE- what will make learners enjoy despite the distance?
ESSENTIAL CONTENT- what will make learners more inquisitive and engaged?
ESSENTIAL OUTCOME- what will make learners qualified in the world of work?

The Essential Learning topics will also require face to face sessions.

DLP for [insert subject / program here] Property of SPU Manila
Supplemental Learning will be also be done to help you better understand the course but may
be done at your own pace within the semester through learning briefs (LBs), library sources,
articles, and other remote modes of learning.

The modules will discuss your outputs in detail.

Part 4: How you will be assessed

Assignments / Each of the three (3) assignments / course requirements will be assessed
Course following the rubrics on Appendix A.
The passing grade for every requirement is _____. The dates of
submission are found in the specific modules.

CourseAssessment The three assignments / course requirements you submitted are each
: equivalent to your Midterm, Pre-final, and Final Grade, respectively.

Your grade (or Final Cumulative Average) for this course will be
computed following this formula:

F CA =
MG+ 2 ( PFG2+ FG )

Part 5: Course Norms

As in any classroom, I expect the following behavior from everyone:

Participation: This DLP contains both online and remote modes of learning, so you may
choose to do any mode. Please inform me of your preferred mode and
reason for your preference.

For face to face online classes (F2F), press the “Raise hand” button when
you want to share something or ask a question.

For discussions and sending requirements through FLOW, make sure you
write a note to your teacher or classmates, and not just attach a file.


Netiquette: Please watch the video on netiquette before the start of the semester. You
may watch it as many times as needed.


 Make sure that you are properly attired.

 Be on time. Always check you class calendar for online sessions
 Mute your audio during Input-based Instruction and unmute when

DLP for [insert subject / program here] Property of SPU Manila
you want to share during Interactive Reinforcement.
 If your bandwidth is a problem, you may turn off the video camera
but please inform the teacher and make sure you are still present in
the synchronous/online sessions


Part 6: Commitment to continuous and conscious learning.

As an online Paulinian learner, you direct your own learning while learning with others
(Community). You do this with a strong sense of self-motivation and persistence to study
(Charism), a strong commitment to devoting time and effort in active learning and self-discovery
(Commitment to mission), and a heightened awareness and respect of academic integrity
(Christ centeredness).

Now that you know all this, you’re ready to start learning. Enjoy!

DLP for [insert subject / program here] Property of SPU Manila

Only Module 1 is included in this DLP. The other modules will be given as we progress.

Module No. 1: Introduction of Swimming

Learning outcome(s): After this module, you will be able to:

 Critical analysis of various legal cases involving students, faculty, and other personnel
(IEO3. EPE3)
 Integration of Paulinian values in the critical analysis of cases (IEO 1. EPE 1.4)
 Accurately describe the knowledge and skills that adept career professionals in their field
consistently demonstrate, and evaluate whether theirs compare favorably (IEO4)
 Declare and affirm the values and principles of honesty, transparency, responsibility,
accountability, and fairness in their professional lives and endeavors (IEO2)

Minimum time for completion:Reading / Research 4 hours/ Face to Face 2 Hours


Swimming is the sport or activity of propelling oneself through water using the limbs.
Swimming can be both an individual or team sport. There are a number of different Swimming
styles including breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke and butterfly.

History. Archaeological and other evidence shows swimming to have been practiced as early as
2500 BC in Egypt and thereafter in Assyrian, Greek, and Roman civilizations. In Greece and
Rome swimming was a part of martial training and was, with the alphabet, also part of
elementary education for males.

Learning activities:

1. Input-based Instruction [Paulinian Identity: Simple]

Lecture and Power point presentations will be utilized to discuss to students.

2. Interactive Reinforcement [Paulinian Identity: Warm]

Students freely discuss using the Zoom, Google Meet and group chat

3. Independent Learning [Paulinian Identity: Active]

DLP for [insert subject / program here] Property of SPU Manila
Students will create a dry land core exercises for swimming towards lifelong fitness and
wellness using rubrics for assessment.

Learning activities for offline learners:

1. Input-based Instruction [Paulinian Identity: Simple]

[insert instructions here]

Students will create a video on dry land core exercises for swimming

2. Interactive Reinforcement [Paulinian Identity: Warm]

[insert instructions here]

Students can freely create their own concepts and creativity through videos.

3. Independent Learning [Paulinian Identity: Active]

[insert instructions here]

Creation and practice of own core dryland exercises for swimming

Expected Output: Combination of Upper and lower body movement (whole routine
presentation) Video Presentation
Due dateFor students attending the online class: same day as class.
For offline learners: two days after F2F class was done

Supplemental Learning Resources to help you understand the topic:

Watch and review the uploaded videos
Practice routines

Module No. 2: Freestyle and Backstroke Dry land Swimming at Home Exercises
Learning outcome(s): After this module, you will be able to:
• Critical analysis of various legal cases involving students, faculty, and other personnel
(IEO3. EPE3)
• Integration of Paulinian values in the critical analysis of cases (IEO 1. EPE 1.4)
• Accurately describe the knowledge and skills that adept career professionals in their field
consistently demonstrate, and evaluate whether theirs compare favorably (IEO4)
• Declare and affirm the values and principles of honesty, transparency, responsibility,
accountability, and fairness in their professional lives and endeavors (IEO2)
Learning activities:
1. Input-based Instruction [Paulinian Identity: Simple]
Lecture and Power point presentations will be utilized to discuss to students.

DLP for [insert subject / program here] Property of SPU Manila
2. Interactive Reinforcement [Paulinian Identity: Warm]
Students freely discuss using the Zoom, Google Meet and group chat

3. Independent Learning [Paulinian Identity: Active]

Students will create a video on dryland exercises for freestyle and backstroke using rubrics for

Learning activities for offline learners:

Minimum time for completion: Reading / Research 4 hours/ Face to Face 2 Hours
1. Input-based Instruction [Paulinian Identity: Simple}
Write a short essay describing how you felt during your training experience in dry land or

2. Interactive Reinforcement [Paulinian Identity: Warm]

Fitness Activities in Swimming, Identify and why those exercises are important in Swimming?
3. Independent Learning [Paulinian Identity: Active]

Module No. 3: Swimming Total Body Work Out

Learning outcome(s): After this module, you will be able to:
• Critical analysis of various legal cases involving students, faculty, and other personnel
(IEO3. EPE3)
• Integration of Paulinian values in the critical analysis of cases (IEO 1. EPE 1.4)
• Accurately describe the knowledge and skills that adept career professionals in their field
consistently demonstrate, and evaluate whether theirs compare favorably (IEO4)
• Declare and affirm the values and principles of honesty, transparency, responsibility,
accountability, and fairness in their professional lives and endeavors (IEO2)
Learning activities:
1. Input-based Instruction [Paulinian Identity: Simple]
Lecture and Power point presentations will be utilized to discuss to students.
2. Interactive Reinforcement [Paulinian Identity: Warm]
Students freely discuss using the Zoom, Google Meet and group chat

3. Independent Learning [Paulinian Identity: Active]

Students will create a total body workout alternative for survival swimming lifelong fitness and
wellness using rubrics for assessment.
- Create total body workouts towards.
Learning activities for offline learners:
Minimum time for completion: Reading / Research 4 hours/ Face to Face 2 Hours
1. Input-based Instruction [Paulinian Identity: Simple}
Write a short essay describing how you felt during your training experience in a total body
workout alternative in swimming?

DLP for [insert subject / program here] Property of SPU Manila
2. Interactive Reinforcement [Paulinian Identity: Warm], Identify and Why those exercises
are important in Swimming
3. Independent Learning [Paulinian Identity: Active]
Total Body Workout in Swimming: (Finals)
INSTRUCTIONS: Please choose one from the options below. Whatever you choose, make a
video of this activity, and write a short reflection and send it to me via email. Should you have
questions and clarifications do not hesitate to send me a message, so that I can help/ assist
Choice # 1
Direction: Do the following exercises with precise body movements
1. 10 cts Jumping Jacks
2. 10 cts Push ups
3. 10 ctsBurpees
4. 10 cts High Knees
5. 20 Squat Jumps
6. 20 Sit ups
7. 20 Leg Raises
8. 1 Minute Plank
9. 20 Jump Lunges
10. 20 Mountain Climbers

Choice #2
Biking for 30 minutes
Treadmill 30 minutes
Seated Twists with or without a Medicine Ball.
Toe Touches.
Opposite Arm-to-Leg Toe Touches.
Cable Twists.
Core Exercises-"A strong core is very important in all swimming strokes. These exercises work
all parts of your abs and core for good stability in the water," (Lezak , 2019)

Appendix A: Rubrics for Evaluation

Rubrics for Written and Oral Outputs


(18-19) (14-15)
CONTENT Information Information Information Information
presented/discusse presented/discusse presented/discusse presented/discusse
d is complete and d is complete and d is complete and d is incomplete and
consistently accurate. Relevant accurate in most shows inaccuracy in
accurate. applications are parts. some parts.

DLP for [insert subject / program here] Property of SPU Manila
Application of included. Little attempt is Little attempt is
concepts is very Output is aligned made to tie theory to made to tie theory to
clear with the expected practice. practice.
Output is aligned outcome and Alignment between There is no clear
with the expected graduate attribute. the output and the link between the
outcome and expected outcome output and the
graduate attribute. and graduate expected outcome
attribute is lacking. and graduate
CLARITY OF Focus of discussion Focus of discussion Focus of discussion Focus of discussion
IDEAS and intent are and intent are and intent are and intent are not
clearly described. clearly described for generally clear. clearly expressed.
Output presented is most parts. A few minor points Output presented is
clear, logical, and Output presented is may be confusing. not well organized
well organized clear, logical, and Words are generally and may lead to
Words are well organized well chosen but confusion.
chosen and Words are well expression of the Enough
express the chosen and express intended meaning is grammatical errors
intended meaning the intended limited are made to distract
clearly meaning clearly Grammar is correct the reader/listener.
Grammar is Grammar is correct with minor errors.
consistently correct with very minor
CREATIVITY Output shows Output shows Output shows Output shows
ingenuity and ingenuity and limited ingenuity and typical work and
imagination that is imagination that is imagination. does not reflect
relevant to the somehow relevant Expected outcome imagination
expected outcome to the expected is similar to most. Includes limited
Includes elements outcome Includes limited elements in the
in the output that is Includes some elements in the output that is
engaging, unique elements in the output that is engaging and
and novel that is output that is engaging and unique
well researched engaging and unique. Lacks No research to back
unique that is well research to back up up work
researched work
CITATION All evidence is All evidence is Some sources are Very minimal use of
properly cited. properly cited but unreferenced or evidences or
Evidence used with some minor inaccurately resources, mostly
comes from a wide errors in citation. referenced. personal sharing.
range of sources, Evidence used Evidence used No attempt is made
locally and comes from a wide comes from a to cite references or
internationally, and range of sources but limited range of evidences.
used in the not all were used sources.
discussion. properly. Some references
References are References are are relevant but
relevant and relevant and current most are outdated.
current. with a few outdated
CORE There was a clear There are some There was very here was no
VALUE manifestation of the manifestations of limited manifestation manifestation of the
expression of the the expression of of the expression of expression of the
core values in the the core values in the core values in core values in the
output, whether as the output whether the output output.
direct reflection of as direct reflection The identity of being The identity of being
the activity or in the of the activity or in warm, simple and warm, simple and
discussion where the discussion active was limited. active was not

DLP for [insert subject / program here] Property of SPU Manila
one can see that where one can see evident.
the student that the student
considered the considered the 5Cs.
5Cs. The identity of being
The identity of warm, simple and
being warm, simple active was
and active was somehow reflected
evident in the in the output.


Swimming: (Final Activity) Scale, Equivalence, and Interpretation


5 95 %-100 % You showed excellent
competency in all gross and
fine motor skill and precise
body movement.
4 88 %-94% You did a very good
performance and showed
enthusiasm and a good
overall effort ,but you
committed few errors in a
gross and fine motor skill
3 81%-87% You did a good performance.
Try to exert more effort in
getting a higher-grade next
performance Good luck!
2 75 %- 80% Your grade through passing
shows that you did not exert
so much effort tries to exert
more effort in getting a higher-
grade next performance.
Good luck!
1 Below 75% You got a failing grade in this
activity. I am sure this is not
what you are aiming for.


CRITERIA 5 4 3 2 1

EXECUTION Performed Most of the Some of the Performance Performance

DLP for [insert subject / program here] Property of SPU Manila
the complete routine was routine does display was
routines with delivered with appeared some of the unprepared
enthusiasm preparedness. practiced. elements and
and displayed needed. unfocused
for routines
ENERGY Perform high Perform with Perform with Less energy No energy
energy in the energy in the low energy in to show applies at the
presentation presentation the during the performance
and move but does not presentation performance at all.
freely. move with no with no
confidently. coordination coordination
of the body of the body.
ENTHUSIAS Facial Facial Facial Very little use Made no
M expressions expressions expressions of facial effort to show
and body and body and body expressions enthusiasm.
language language language are or body
generate a sometimes used to try to language.
strong generate a generate Did not
interest and strong interest enthusiasm generate
enthusiasm in and but seem much interest
the enthusiasm in somewhat in
performance. the faked. performance
performance. being

KNOWLEDG Have Have not Seen some Seen few of Not have
E knowledge to much of the total the total body knowledge in
precisely knowledge in body workout workout in performing
perform the performing in the the the total body
total body the total body performance. performance. workout.
workout. workout.

DLP for [insert subject / program here] Property of SPU Manila

[Our projected schedule for this subject – The faculty and students may make changes
as needed. Friday schedules may be scheduled for remote learning, no F2F. This
calendar may also be done in FLOW.

MONTH January/February
Jan 16
Kamustahan/DLP Orientattion
Lecture Discussion Introduction of Swimming
Activity 1&2 FLOW

Jan 23
Due Date Output 1
Until 11 am
University Week Celebration
Classes Resume January 30,2021

Jan 30
Synchronous Am
Asynchronous PM
Read and Start Module 2

Feb 6
Synchronous Am
Asynchronous Pm
Complete Module 2 or Read LB2

Feb 13
Synchronous Am
Asynchronous Pm
Due Output 2
Read and Start Module 3
Feb 20
Synchronous Am
Recap/Reminders on Deadlines
Practice and Make a videos on final requirements

DLP for [insert subject / program here] Property of SPU Manila
Feb 27
Submission of Final Requirement
Total Body Workouts
Reflective Journal

Faculty with same blocks must work together so that NO TWO ONLINE CLASSES are done on the
same day.


The Program Chairperson and Dean approved this Digitized Learning Packet for use by the
students in the course [insert subject here] at least one week before dissemination.

Faculty: Program Chair: Dean:

Dr. Cynthia V. Salazar Mrs. Eva Navarro Dr. LournaTagay

Signature over Printed Name Signature over Printed Name Signature over Printed Name

Date signed December 10, 2020 Date signed Date signed


A. Data Privacy and Intellectual Property

ThisDigitized Learning Packet is owned, developed, and monitored by the Office of the
Vice President for Academic Services of St. Paul University Manila. It is covered by the
Data Privacy Act of 2012 (RA 10173) and the Intellectual Property Code of the
Philippines (RA 8293). All information contained in this packet, including its template, is
intended for use by the SPU Manila academic community only. Unauthorized
reproduction and sharing of information, as well as of the template, is illegal and strictly
I also understand that the personal information I released in relation to this packet will be
destroyed after [insert duration here] of [insert condition here].

B. Honesty and Academic Integrity

Having read this Digitized Learning packet, I promise to work on all the learning activities
on my own. I know that as an ethical Paulinian leader, I will be honest, transparent and
fair. And as a reliable and productive implementer and expert, I will meet and exceed

DLP for [insert subject / program here] Property of SPU Manila
standards ensuring accuracy of information and output at all times. I understand that the
rules set forth in the SPU Manila Student Handbook still apply to me while I am studying

Student: Silvestre B. Sanchez

Having fully understood the statements above, I voluntarily agree and will comply with
them. May the Charity of Christ impel us
January 19, 2020

Silvestre B. Sanchez
Signature over Printed Name Date signed

Note: Please take a picture of this page and send it to your professor on or before the first day of class.

DLP for [insert subject / program here] Property of SPU Manila

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