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I. Read the article about two sisters. Are the sentences ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’? If there is not enough information to
answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’, choose ‘Doesn’t say’

Down the rabbit hole

Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the river bank, and of having nothing to do. Once or
twice she looked into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it. "What is the use of a
book without pictures or conversations?", thought Alice.
So she was considering (as well as she could, because the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the
pleasure of making a daisy chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies. Suddenly a white
rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her. There was nothing so very remarkable in that, nor did Alice think it very much
out of the way to hear the rabbit say to itself " Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late! "(When she thought about it
afterward, it occurred to her she ought to have wondered about this, but at that the time it all seemed quite natural). But
when the rabbit actually took a watch out of its pocket, and looked at it, Alice realised she had never before seen a
rabbit with either pocket, or a watch to take out of it.
She ran across the field after the rabbit, and was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit hole under the hedge. In
another moment, down went Alice; never once considering how in the world she was to get out again.
From Alice in Wonderland. Lewis Carroll.

1 - At the start of the story Alice was bored. TRUE / FALSE / DOESN’T SAY
2 – Alice’s sister was reading a story. TRUE / FALSE / DOESN’T SAY
3 - Alice was probably younger than her sister. TRUE / FALSE / DOESN’T SAY
4 - The girls were out in the country. TRUE / FALSE / DOESN’T SAY
5 - Alice was very surprised to see a rabbit talking to itself. TRUE / FALSE / DOESN’T SAY
6 - The heat was making Alice want to go to sleep. TRUE / FALSE / DOESN’T SAY
7 - The rabbit was in a hurry. TRUE / FALSE / DOESN’T SAY
8 - The rabbit was wearing a watch on his hand. TRUE / FALSE / DOESN’T SAY
9 - The rabbit hole was in the field. TRUE / FALSE / DOESN’T SAY
10 - Alice did not think properly about what she was doing. TRUE / FALSE / DOESN’T SAY

II. Correct the mistakes:

1. Jenny and Mark goes to their friends every afternoon..

2. My parents have lived in Bucharest since five years..
3. My son staies at home every Saturday night.
4. She doesn’t have any friends, has she?
5. You are looking for some tickets, don’t you?
6. My father always teachs me how to behave myself..
7. I have had this coat for July..
8. They should to learn harder for this exam.
9. She has written two letters to her mother a week ago.
10. Dan is much more smarter than Mike.

III. Complete each of the following sentences using the word in bold so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence. You must use between two and five words including the word given: (10 points)

1. It's the most beautiful sculpture I've ever seen. SEEN 

I …………… beautiful sculpture.
2. The exam wasn't as easy as I'd expected. MORE 
The exam ……….I’d expected.
3. Is she Australian? COME
4. The last time I spoke to him was three years ago. SPOKEN
They haven’t _______________ for three years.

5. How much did that jacket cost? PAY

How much _______________that jacket?

IV. Fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold.

1. Artists must be……, otherwise they just repeat what they see or hear. CREATE
2. Why are you so ………. of his work? He's just doing his best. CRITIC
3. Have you made up your mind? We need to know your …….. as soon as possible. DECIDE
4. Have they put the Christmas ……….. yet? DECORATE
5. Why don't you call the ………. if the lights don't work? ELECTRIC
6. The electric company admitted their …………. RESPOND
7. Music and television are forms of ……….. ENTERTAIN
8. I don't like those trousers, no matter how they are ……………….. FASHION
9. ……… is everything for a teenager. FREE
10. I think it was very …… of you to laugh at Sarah's new dress. Go and apologize! KIND

V. Write a composition about a person you admire. 8-15 lines

P1: name of the person; reason for choosing him/her
P2: physical appearance (height/build; age; facial features; hair; clothes)
P3: personality characteristics and justifications
P4: hobbies, interests or any activities he/she takes part in
P5: comments and feelings about the person

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