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Vegan Keto recipes

Vegan Keto

Vegan Keto recipes

Week 1
Calories: 1641
Net Carbs: 34.2g
Protein: 74.1g
Fat: 69%

Breakfast: Coconut “Cereal” w/ Berries

1 ounce (¼ cup) unsweetened coconut
1 ounce (¼ cup) chopped pecans
¼ cup fresh or frozen raspberries
½ unsweetened cup non-dairy milk of choice
Cinnamon and stevia to taste (optional)

Mix “cereal” ingredients together in a bowl, and top
with milk.

Vegan Keto recipes

Snack 1 : 1 x celery & almond butter

Lunch: Spinach Salad with 2 tbsp Lemon Garlic Dressing

Salad: Dressing:
3 loose cups mixed greens 1⁄2 cup lemon juice
1 cup spinach 1⁄2 cup olive oil
1⁄2 cup shredded red cabbage 1 tsp garlic powder, or two fresh grated cloves
½ cup mushrooms 1⁄4 tsp fresh ground pepper (optional)
2 oz olives of choice A pinch of salt (optional)
¼ cup pumpkin seeds

Mix the salad ingredients together. Place all ingredients for the dressing in a
container and shake until blended.

Vegan Keto recipes

Snack 2 : 1 oz pumpkin seeds

100g celery
2 tbsp almond butter
Salt and Pepper to taste (optional)

Eat the celery sticks with almond butter on top. Celery is a surprisingly filling and water-rich veggie, and the almond butter provides
some solid protein.

Dinner: Tofu Taco Stir Fry

1 package cauliflower rice (or 3 cups of homemade cauliflower rice – put cauliflower in a food processor, and pulse until little rice-sized
pieces are left)
1 block extra firm tofu
2 tbsp taco seasoning
6 tbsp nutritional yeast lime & cilantro (optional)
3 tbsp olive oil
1 cup guacamole (either store bought or homemade → fold avocado, tomatoes, onion, garlic and lemon together)

1. Drain and press tofu, then cut into cubes and sprinkle with taco seasoning, making sure to coat the tofu. Set aside for 15 minutes.
2. Heat olive oil in a large pan (with a lid!) on medium heat, and sauté the seasoned tofu until it starts to brown.
3. Add in cauliflower rice, mix thoroughly and cover. Continue cooking, stirring occasionally, for about 5-10 more minutes.
4. Stir in nutritional yeast, and finish with lime juice and chopped cilantro. You can serve this as is, or in little romaine lettuce “boats”
that serve as taco shells.
5. Top with 1⁄3 cup of guacamole per serving, and enjoy.

Vegan Keto recipes

Calories: 365
Carbs: 20.8g
Protein: 12.6g
Fat: 24.85%

Breakfast: Chocolate Almond Butter Smoothie

1/3 cup canned coconut milk
3 handfuls fresh spinach
2 tbsp almond butter
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1 cup crushed ice or water

Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. Add more water if necessary.

Snack 1 : 2 oz sunflowers seed

Vegan Keto recipes

Lunch: Tofu Taco Stir Fry (leftovers)

Definitely make use of the day before

Snack 2: 20g dark chocolate

Dinner: Zucchini “Pasta” w/Pesto

1⁄4 cup pesto
→ Easy Vegan Pesto :
2 cups basil leaves, washed
1⁄4 cup hemp seeds
1⁄2 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp nutritional yeast
1-3 cloves of garlic, or 1.5 tsp garlic powder
1 medium zucchini
2 tbsp hemp seeds

Use a veggie peeler to make “noodles” out of the zucchini.
Put all ingredients for the pesto in a blender or food processor. Blend.
Top the zoodles with tapenade or pesto and toss, then add on seeds.

Vegan Keto recipes

Calories: 1641
Net Carbs: 24.6g
Protein: 67.og
Fat: 69%

Breakfast: Scrambled tofu with walnuts, roasted green pepper and romanian caraway

90g tofu
10g walnuts
150g green pepper
10ml olive oil

Use a fork to chop the tofu and start roasting it in the olive oil. Add green pepper and let it brown for a bit. Finally, chop
the walnuts and sprinkle them over the dish. Enjoy!

Snack 1 : Strawberry cocktail and pumpkin seeds

Vegan Keto recipes

25g Pea protein powder, strawberry
250 ml Unsweetened almond milk
10g pumpkin seeds

Blend and enjoy!

Lunch: Zucchini “Pasta” w/Pesto (leftovers)

Snack 2 : Handful of almonds

Dinner: Cauliflower pizza

1 large head cauliflower
3 tablespoons ground chia or flax seeds
3 to 6 tablespoons water (as needed)
1/2 cup ground almonds powder
Salt, pepper, oregano
Sliced cherry tomatoes, raw spinach
leaves, sliced olives
Tomato sauce [passata]

Vegan Keto recipes

cook the cauliflower first, then process it into a cauliflower “mash” in a food processor or blender (squeeze out the excess water at
this stage)
mix together 3 tablespoons of flax seeds ( leaving 1 tablespoon for later) with 6 tablespoons of water. Let this mix sit for a few
minutes to thicken.
add into a bowl the cauliflower mash, the flaxseeds, the aground almonds the additional tablespoon of ground flax ,salt, garlic and
dried oregano. Add more water as needed to mix the dough. Turn the oven on 180 Celsius and let it bake for cca 30min or until the
crust is crisp and dry. If it is still soggy turn it over and do another 10 minutes on the other side. Add the vegetables and tomato
sauce and enjoy!

Calories: 1659
Net Carbs: 30.7g
Protein: 57.1g
Fat: 75%

Breakfast: Chocolate Almond Butter Smoothie

Snack 1 : 1 x Celery & Almond Butter

Vegan Keto recipes

Lunch: Mushrooms in creamy sauce with pumpkin seeds and konjac noodles

80g Mushrooms
50 ml soy cream
100g konjac noodles
20g pumpkin seeds
1 TbS [15 ml] olive oil

Follow the instructions on the package to prepare the konjac noodles. Start roasting the mushrooms in olive oil and slowly add the pumpkin
seeds. Add water and soy cream and spice it with salt and pepper. Finally, sprinkle basil over the dish. Enjoy!

Snack 2 : 1 oz roasted edamame

Vegan Keto recipes

Dinner: Creamy Brussels Sprouts Zoodles

1 medium courgette, spiralized (or use a potato peeler)
1 1/2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp vegan cream cheese
2 tbsp water
2 tbsp nutritional yeast
¼ cup shredded/sliced brussels sprouts
1/2 tsp garlic powder
Salt & pepper, to taste (optional)

In a saucepan, add in all ingredients except zucchini noodles and slowly stir until thoroughly combined into a sauce, then add the brussels
sprouts. You may need to add a little more water, depending on how dry your cream cheese is! Once the sauce is creamy, add in the
noodles and stir until they are completely coated in sauce. Heat for another minute, to make sure the zucchini and brussels sprouts are

Vegan Keto recipes

Calories: 1601
Net Carbs: 34.5g
Protein: 61.7g
Fat: 69%

Breakfast: Coconut “Cereal” w/ Berries

Snack 1 : 2 oz sunflower seeds

Lunch: Spinach Salad with 2 tbsp Lemon Garlic Dressing

Snack 2 : 1 oz pumpkin seeds

Vegan Keto recipes

Dinner: Sauteed Veggies w/Tahini Sauce

1 cup baby spinach
½ cup Brussels sprouts, roughly chopped
2 oz olives, chopped
1 1/2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp tahini
1/2 tbsp water
¼ tsp garlic powder
1 tsp lemon juice
2 tbsp nutritional yeast
salt & pepper to taste (optional)

Combine all ingredients in a sauce pan and saute until the spinach and brussels sprouts are tender. If things seem to be clumping,
add in a little water until everything smoothes out.

Calories: 1587
Net Carbs: 29.8g
Protein: 70.9g
Fat: 68%

Breakfast: Almond Butter Pancakes w/Chocolate Sauce

Vegan Keto recipes

Pancakes: Sauce:
½ tbsp coconut oil for frying 1 tbsp coconut oil
2 tbsp almond butter 1 tbsp cocoa powder
1 tbsp ground flax Stevia, to taste (optional)
1 tbsp coconut flour Cinnamon (optional)
½ tsp baking powder
¼ cup unsweetened non-dairy milk of choice

Heat your skillet on medium low heat, and grease with ½ tbsp coconut oil. In a small mixing bowl, combine almond butter, flax, non-dairy
milk and stir until thoroughly combined. Next, stir in the dry ingredients and mix completely. Let this sit for a minute or two to thicken up.
Gently spoon the batter onto your skillet and spread it into pancakes. Cook until tiny bubbles start to form on the top, and the pancake is
golden on the bottom. Flip and cook for another 2 minutes.

To make the sauce, melt 1 tbsp of coconut oil, and stir in cocoa powder and stevia to taste. Pour over pancakes, and then sprinkle some
cinnamon on top if desired!

Snack 1 : 1 x celery & almond butter

Lunch: Kale Avocado Salad w/Lemon Garlic Dressing

2 cups mixed greens
2 cups chopped kale
¼ cup cauliflower
½ Hass avocado
1 tsp lemon juice
3 tbsp hemp hearts
2 tbsp Lemon Garlic Dressing

Start with massaging 1 tbsp of dressing into the kale, let it sit for a few minutes, and then toss everything together. The acid in the dressing
helps to tenderize the kale a bit, which makes for an overall more pleasant eating experience. Then dump everything in a bowl and eat it.

Snack 2 : 20g dark chocolate

Vegan Keto recipes

Dinner: Creamy Brussels Sprouts Zoodles

1 medium zucchini, spiralized
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp vegan cream cheese
2-3 tbsp water
2 tbsp nutritional yeast
¼ cup shredded/sliced brussels sprouts
Garlic, salt & pepper, to taste

In a saucepan on medium low heat, add in all ingredients except zucchini noodles and slowly stir until thoroughly combined into a sauce
and cook the brussels sprouts. You may need to add a little more water, depending on how dry your cream cheese is! Once the sauce is
creamy, add in the noodles and stir until they are completely coated in sauce. Heat for another minute or so, to make sure the zucchini and
brussels sprouts are tender.

Calories: 1647
Net Carbs: 34.6g
Protein: 66.4g
Fat: 69%

Breakfast: scrambled tofu with walnuts

90g Tofu
1 TbS olive oil
5g fresh Parsley
10g chopped

Chop the tofu and start roasting it in olive oil. Add chopped walnuts, parsley, salt and pepper. Enjoy!

Snack 1 : Strawberry cocktail and pumpkin seeds

Lunch: Spinach Salad with 2 tbsp Lemon Garlic Dressing

Snack 2 : 1 oz dry roasted edamame

Dinner: Sauteed Veggies w/Tahini Sauce

Vegan Keto recipes

Week 2
Calories: 1600
Net Carbs: 29.8g
Protein: 57.0g
Fat: 74%

Breakfast: Keto Crispbread w/Tapenade & Tomatoes

½ cup pumpkin seeds
½ cup sunflower seeds
½ cup flaxseeds
¼ cup hulled hemp seeds (soaked overnight)
½ tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 cup of water
2 tbsp olive tapenade (To make your own tapenade : blend 1 cup of kalamata olives
in a food processor until relatively smooth)
A few cherry tomatoes or ½ medium tomato, sliced
Salt and pepper to garnish

Vegan Keto recipes

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Toss all the seeds, salt, and baking powder into a food processor or blender, and pulverize until
everything is in a fine powder.

If you start to make a paste stop immediately.

Stir in the water, and mix until a uniform batter forms. Let this sit for ten minutes.

Everything will thicken, and becomes a dough. Pour the dough onto a cookie sheet that is lined with either parchment paper, or a
silicon baking mat. Spread the dough/batter evenly over the pan. It should be about 1/4” thick all around. Bake in the oven for at
least 75 minutes.

Remove when everything is firm (including the center). If the edges start to darken, remove immediately. Once out of the oven, score
into 10 equal pieces with a knife or pizza cutter. Let the crispbreads cool for about a half hour, and then break apart on the scored
lines. Spread 1 tbsp of tapenade on each piece of crispbread and top with tomatoes.

Snack 1 : 0.5 oz pumpkin seeds

Lunch: Spinach Salad with 2 tbsp Lemon Garlic Dressing

Snack 2 : 1 oz roasted edamame

Dinner: Coconut Cauliflower Rice

3 cups ‘riced’ raw cauliflower
1 package extra firm tofu
2/3 cup full-fat coconut milk
1-2 tsp chili paste
1-2 cloves garlic)
salt to taste
fresh coriander to garnish (optional)

Vegan Keto recipes

Drain and press excess moisture out of tofu, and then cube up into ½” pieces. Add all ingredients to a frying pan (except coriander and
‘rice’) on medium-low heat, and stir once until thoroughly combined. Cook for about 5-10 minutes with the lid on, stirring every minute
or so. Do not stir often as the tofu will crumble with repeated handling. Then remove the lid, and continue cooking until the excess liquid
cooks off. Serve on the cauli rice and garnish with the coriander. Keep the leftovers to eat the next day.

Calories: 1674
Net Carbs: 29.9g
Protein: 71.0g
Fat: 67%

Breakfast: Cinnamon “Noatmeal”

2 tbsp coconut flour
1 tbsp ground flax
2 tbsp hemp seeds (soaked overnight)
2 tbsp coconut butter
⅓ cup full fat canned coconut milk
½ cup boiling water
Pinch Cinnamon
Stevia, to taste

Put all ingredients into a bowl, with the exception of the water and stevia. Pour the water over the ingredients slowly, mixing
after the first ¼ cup. Let sit for a few minutes to thicken. Add stevia to taste and enjoy!

Snack 1 : 1 oz sunflower seeds

Vegan Keto recipes

Lunch: Coconut Cauliflower Rice (leftover)

Snack 2 : 20g dark chocolate

Dinner: Carrot Soup w/2 servings Flax Crackers

1 1/2 cups chopped carrots, ~200g
1 1/2 cups chopped, peeled kohlrabi (or cauliflower!), ~200g
1/2 cup hemp seeds, ~80g
3 cups vegetable stock (use 1 tbsp veggie bouillon in 3 cups water)
2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp garlic powder (or 2 minced cloves of garlic)
1/2 tsp onion powder 1 tbsp herb blend of choice
salt and pepper to taste

Flax crackers:
1.5 cups (around ~250g) of flax seeds, ground in blender
1 cup warm water
1 tsp salt plus 1 tsp of desired seasoning

Flax crackers:
Preheat your oven to 350 F, and prep your pan with a silicon baking mat. In a mixing bowl, th oroughly combine ground flax seeds,
salt and whatever seasoning you’d like - chilli or garlic powder or zatar powder. Stir in water, and let the mixture sit for about 5
minutes to thicken into a dough. Spread the dough out on your prepared pan evenly at a thickness of about 1/8 of an inch. It’s
important that the dough is even so that it cooks all the way through. Start to spread with your hands and then use a rolling pin to
get it even. Score lightly into however many little pieces you want. Bake for 25-30 minutes, checking to see if they are done (dry)

Add olive oil to a pot on medium heat. Toss in carrots, kohlrabi, seasoning of choice, garlic and onion powders. Cook this for about
5 minutes, stirring frequently. Pour stock over this mixture, and continue to cook, covered, until the carrots and kohlrabi are soft.
Remove from the heat and let cool for a few minutes, add in the hemp seeds. Either blend with an immersion blender, or carefully
pour into a blender and puree. Enjoy!

Vegan Keto recipes

Calories: 1551
Net Carbs: 24.1g
Protein: 66.1g
Fat: 68%

Breakfast: Keto Crispbread w/Tapenade & Tomatoes

Snack 1 : 1 oz roasted edamame

Lunch: Carrot Soup w/2 servings Flax Crackers (leftover)

Snack 2 : 1 handful of almonds

Dinner: Coconut Cauliflower Rice (leftover)

Calories: 1605
Net Carbs: 28.0g
Protein: 60.5g
Fat: 65%

Breakfast: Cinnamon “Noatmeal”

Snack1 : 0.5 oz pumpkin seeds

Lunch: Carrot Soup w/2 servings Flax Crackers (leftover)

Snack 2 : 20g dark chocolate

Vegan Keto recipes

Dinner: Spaghetti Squash Bolognese

3 cups cooked spaghetti squash (yields from 1 small squash)
1 ½ cup marinara sauce
3 cups of raw spinach
3 tbsp olive oil
6 tbsp hemp seeds
3 tbsp nutritional yeast (optional)

To cook the spaghetti squash, split, de-seed and roast at 375 F for about 45 minutes. Combine all the other ingredients in a pan,
and heat on medium low until the spinach wilts. Plate ⅓ of the sauce on top of ⅓ of the squash, or mix all together and dish up ⅓
of that. Top each serving with 2 tbsp hemp seeds and 1 tbsp nutritional yeast!

Vegan Keto recipes

Calories: 1757
Net Carbs: 26.8g
Protein: 67.6g
Fat: 145.7%

Breakfast: Blended Tea

16 fl oz (475 ml) steeped black tea
1 tablespoon coconut oil

Place all ingredients into the jug of your high-powered blender and blend on high for 1 minute. Transfer to a mug and enjoy!

Snack 1 : Strawberry protein cocktail and pumpkin seeds

Vegan Keto recipes

25g Pea protein powder, strawberry
250 ml Unsweetened almond milk
10g pumpkin seeds

Blend and enjoy!

Lunch: Falafel Noodles

1 tablespoon Mayonnaise,
2 teaspoons lemon juice
Pinch fresh dill, chopped
Pinch gray sea salt
Pinch ground black pepper
1 serving Paleo Falafel,crumbled 1 medium
zucchini, spiral sliced
1 small cucumber, chopped

Place mayo, lemon juice, dill, salt and pepper in a large bowl. Whisk to combine. Add remaining ingredients and toss to coat. Serve!

Snack 2 : 1 oz roasted edamame

Vegan Keto recipes

Dinner: Spinach Curry over Cauliflower Coconut Rice

1 teaspoon cumin seed
¾ cup (53 g) raw spinach
Pinch fresh cilantro leaves
3 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon chia seed
2 teaspoons coconut oil
1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon Curry Powder Spice Mix
2 cups (475 ml) water
1 small head cauliflower, florets removed and grated
⅓ cup (30 g) unsweetened shredded coconut Pinch
gray sea salt
Pinch ground black pepper

Place cumin seed in a frying pan and cook on low heat until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add spinach, cilantro, water and chia seed.
Cover and cook just long enough to wilt spinach, about 1 minute. Transfer the mixture to a blender and blend until smooth. Set
aside. Meanwhile, place the water to a small pot and bring to a boil. Add shredded cauliflower and boil for 1 minute. Drain
completely before adding back to the empty pot, and add shredded coconut, salt, and pepper. Transfer to a plate, top the rice
with the spinach curry, and enjoy!

Vegan Keto recipes

Calories: 1624
Net Carbs: 28.4g
Protein: 72.3g
Fat: 65%

Breakfast: Avocado w/Tahini & Hemp Seeds

Snack 1 : 1 x celery & amond butter

Lunch: Carrot Soup w/2 servings Flax Crackers (leftover)

Snack 2 : 1 oz sunflower seeds

Dinner: Easy Keto Crispbread Pizzas 2 squares

Vegan Keto recipes

4 pieces Keto Crispbread (see recipe Monday)
1 cup tomato sauce
4 tbsp nutritional yeast (or 0.5 cup non-dairy cheese)
Desired seasoning to garnish

Spread 2 tbsp of tomato sauce on each piece of crispbread and top with nutritional yeast or “cheese”.

Calories: 1617
Net Carbs: 28.1g
Protein: 61.8g
Fat: 69%

Breakfast: Natural soy yogurt with flax seeds and blueberries

100g soy yogurt
10g flax seeds
50g blueberries

Place all ingredients in a bowl and enjoy!

Snack 1 : handful of almonds

Lunch: Easy Keto Crispbread Pizzas 2 squares

Snack 2 : 20g dark chocolate

Dinner: Spaghetti Squash Bolognese (leftover)

Vegan Keto recipes

Week 3
We gave you guidance for the first two weeks. Now you can mix your own vegan keto days. Simply choose the recipes you find the most appealing
and enjoy! You can even go for one of the recipes from the last two weeks if you really enjoyed one. The only thing you have to take into
consideration is the proportion of fat, protein and carbs. Every day should have approximately 75% Fat, 20% Protein and 5% carbs. The recipes
are divided into breakfast, snacks and main meals (lunch,dinner). For snacks you can either choose one as well or just go for a handful of any nuts
or seeds.

Breakfast : Raspberry Chia Bowl

Calories: 332
Net Carbs: 16g
Protein: 21g
Fat: 22%

1 tsp Whole Chia Seed
1 Tbsp Shelled Hemp Seed
33g Pea Protein Powder
50g frozen raspberries
0,33 cup coconut milk

HIGH POWERED BLENDER: Add all ingredients and some ice to a blender and puree

REGULAR BLENDER: Soak the chia in the coconut milk overnight or at least for about 20 mins to soften first. I like to keep a few of
the ingredients back to add to the top as a garnish.

TIP: If you’re avoiding sweeteners make sure you’re using a really good quality, great tasting coconut milk. It makes soooooo much

Vegan Keto recipes

Breakfast : Vanilla Keto Smoothie

Calories: 566
Net Carbs: 5.1g
Protein: 34.6g
Fat: 45.2%

2 tbsp chia seeds or 2 tbsp coconut butter
½ cup coconut milk (120 ml/ 4 fl oz)
¼ cup whey protein or egg white protein powder (25 g/ 0.9 oz) or hydrolyzed gelatin powder
1 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil
1 vanilla bean or 1 tsp vanilla extract
3-5 drops Stevia extract (optional)
¼ cup water + few ice cubes

Place the coconut milk, eggs, whey or egg white protein powder, water, vanilla, stevia and ice into a blender. Pulse until smooth and serve
immediately! TIP: You can use vanilla beans or sugar-free vanilla extract. If using vanilla beans, cut them lengthwise and scrape the tiny
seeds out to be used in this recipe. Discard the vanilla bean.

Breakfast : Chocolate Keto Smoothie

Calories: 570
Net Carbs: 6.2g
Protein: 34.5g
Fat: 46%

2 tbsp chia seeds or 2 tbsp coconut butter
¼ cup coconut milk (60 ml/ 2 fl oz)
¼ cup whey protein or egg white protein powder (25 g/ 0.9 oz)
1 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil
1 tbsp cacao powder, unsweetened
3-5 drops Stevia extract (optional)
¼ cup water + few ice cubes OPTIONAL:
½ tsp cinnamon or vanilla extract, sugar-free (or other such as cherry, almond and orange)

Place the chia seeds/coconut butter in a blender. Add coconut milk, water, cacao, stevia and ice. Use clear or chocolate flavored stevia extract. Add
the coconut oil and whey or egg white protein powder. Pulse until smooth and serve immediately!
NB: When you use coconut oil, blend it well.

Vegan Keto recipes

Breakfast : Pumpkin Spice Smoothie

Calories: 399
Net Carbs: 10.3g
Protein: 21.8g
Fat: 32.6g

1⁄4 cup pumpkin purée, unsweetened (50 g/ 1.8 oz)
¼ cup almond milk, unsweetened or water (60 ml/ 2 fl oz)
½ tsp pumpkin pie spice mix
1 scoop whey protein powder (25 g/ 0.9 oz)
¼ cup coconut milk (60 g/ 2.1 oz)
2-3 drops liquid stevia
1 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil
¼ cup coconut cream on top

Place all the ingredients into a blender and pulse until smooth. Top with whipped cream or coconut cream and
sprinkle with cinnamon. Enjoy.

Vegan Keto recipes

Breakfast : Strawberry Keto Shake

Calories: 275
Net Carbs: 8.4g
Protein: 2.5g
Fat: 27.4%

¼ cup coconut milk (60 ml / 2 fl oz)
¾ cup almond milk or water (180 ml / 6 fl oz)
½ cup strawberries, fresh or frozen (72 g / 2.5 oz)
1 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil
½ tsp sugar-free vanilla extract OPTIONAL:
3-5 drops Stevia extract
1 tbsp chia seeds for a thicker consistency + 0.4 g net carbs per serving
coconut milk on top

Place the coconut milk, almond milk, strawberries, and stevia into a blender. Pulse until smooth and serve
immediately! OPTIONAL: Add a tablespoon of chia seeds for a thicker smoothie consistency and pulse until smooth.
NB: coconut oil will boost fat burn and work great in this recipe just make sure you blend it well!

Breakfast : Pumpkin Granola

Calories: 434
Net Carbs: 14.6g
Protein: 16g
Fat: 37.2%

1 cup almonds, whole (140 g/ 4.9 oz) ½ cup pumpkin puree (100 g / 3.5 oz)
½ cup macadamia nuts (65 g / 2.3 oz) ¼ cup extra virgin coconut oil, melted (55 g / 1.9 oz)
½ cup pecan nuts (50 g / 1.8 oz) 10-15 drops liquid Stevia extract
1 cup shredded dried coconut (75 g / 2.6 oz)
1 cup flaked dried coconut (60 g / 2.1 oz)
½ cup pumpkin seeds (60 g / 2.1 oz)
¼ cup chia seeds (30 g / 1.1 oz)
½ cup whey protein powder (50 g / 1.8 oz)
¼ cup Stevia (40 g / 1.4 oz)
1 tbsp + 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice mix/flavouring
¼ tsp salt

Vegan Keto recipes

1. Preheat the oven to 150 C / 300 F. Roughly chop the almonds, macadamia nuts and pecans and place them in a mixing bowl.
2. Add the shredded and flaked coconut, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, protein powder and Erythritol.
3. Add the pumpkin spice mix and salt. Pour in the melted coconut oil and add stevia. Mix until well combined.
4. Add the pumpkin puree and mix well. If using canned pumpkin puree, make sure you opt for BPA-free product like this one.
5. Place the granola mixture on a baking tray and spread evenly over the surface.
6. Place in the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes until crispy. The longer you bake it, the crispier it will get.
7. Once done, remove from the oven and set aside on a cooling rack. Once chilled, transfer into a jar or airtight container and keep at room
temperature. Serve with cream, yogurt, almond milk or coconut milk and enjoy!

Breakfast: Nut Crunch

3 tbsp (30g) hulled hemp seeds
3 tbsp (30g) Vegan Protein
2 tbsp (15g) ground flax seeds
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
180ml hot water
Just mix all together

Breakfast: Spirulina truffles

Optional Toppings
Hulled hemp seeds
Chia seeds
Unsweetened medium-shredded
1 ½ cups (140 g) unsweetened medium
shredded coconut
1 tablespoon Spirulina powder
½ cup (120 ml) coconut oil, at room temp
¼ cup (20 g) cacao powder

Line a small baking sheet with parchment paper. If you’re going to add toppings to your truffles, place a couple of tablespoons of topping
ingredients in separate small bowls and set aside. Add the shredded coconut and spirulina to the bowl of your food processor. Mix until
coconut is covered in spirulina, before you add the coconut oil. Mix until everything is combined and holds together when pinched. Scoop
the dough, about 1 tablespoon at a time, into the palm of your hand. Roll lightly into a ball shape and then roll again to coat with the toppings
of your choosing, if using. Place on the prepared baking sheet. Repeat with remaining dough. Once completed, transfer baking sheet to the
fridge to cool for 15 minutes. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for 5 days, or freezer for 2 months.

Breakfast: Yum Yum Bars

½ cup (140 g) nut or seed butter
½ cup (50 g) shredded unsweetened coconut
2 large eggs
⅓ cup Protein Mix
¼ cup (38 g) hulled hemp seeds
1 tablespoon cacao powder or carob powder
1 tablespoon ground chia seed
2 to 4 drops of stevia
¼ cup (65 g) melted coconut butter

Vegan Keto recipes

Preheat oven to 350°F (177°C) and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking sheet. Add all ingredients except
coconut butter to a medium sized bowl and stir until mixed. The dough should be pretty dense. Divide the dough into 6 sections, shaping
each into bars and placing on the prepared baking sheet. Once all the dough has been shaped into bars, bake in the preheated oven for
10 to 15 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Allow the bars to cool for 5 minutes before transferring to a cooling rack
and drizzling with coconut butter.

Snack : Green Goodness Shake

Calories: 220 Sodium: 25mg
Calories from Fat: 96.5 Total Carbs: 14.5g
Total Fat: 10.8g Sugars: 9g
Saturated Fat: 2.1g Fiber: 3.6g
Cholesterol: 0mg Protein: 17.3g

1½ cup (350ml) water or non-dairy milk
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons protein powder
½ Hass avocado
1 cup (70g) spinach
4 ice cubes

Place all of the ingredients into the jug of your blender in the order they’re listed in the recipe. Blend on high for 1 to 2 minutes,
until smooth. Serve immediately.

Vegan Keto recipes

Snack: 1 cup unsweetened soy milk with coffee

Calories: 82
Net Carbs: 4
Protein: 7
Fat: 4

Snack : Low-Carb Cappuccino

Calories: 113
Net Carbs: 2.4
Protein: 1.3
Fat: 12.2g

Vegan Keto recipes

1/3 cup espresso (80 ml/ 2.7 fl oz)
¼ cup coconut milk (2 fl oz/ 60 ml)
pinch cinnamon or raw cocoa powder (unsweetened)
3-6 drops liquid Stevia extract

The basic make-up of a cappuccino is roughly 1/3 coffee, 1/3 hot milk and 1/3 frothed / foamed milk. Before you open the
box with coconut milk, shake it well for about 30 seconds. [If you have a milk frother do use it!] Prepare the required amount
of espresso usually 1/3 of a normal coffee cup. Pour some hot coconut milk into the espresso until the cup is filled up to 2/3.
Sprinkle some cocoa powder or cinnamon and enjoy!

Snack : Keto Coconut Balls

Calories: 1o4
Net Carbs: 2.6
Protein: 1.9
Fat: 9.6

INGREDIENTS (makes 12)

1 ½ cup desiccated, shredded coconut or flaked coconut, unsweetened (112 g/ 4 oz)
¼ cup extra virgin coconut oil (55 g/ 2 oz)
¼ cup ghee softened to a liquid or more coconut oil (55 g/ 2 oz)
¼ tsp cinnamon or vanilla bean powder
pinch salt
15-25 drops Stevia extract

Preheat the oven to 175 C / 350 F. Spread the shredded (or flaked) coconut on a baking sheet. Place in the oven and toast for
5-8 minutes until light golden. Mix once or twice to prevent burning. Transfer into a blender and pulse until smooth. You will get
a smooth and runny consistency. Add the softened ghee and softened coconut oil (room temperature).
Add cinnamon or vanilla, stevia (if used), salt and mix well. Pour into mini muffin forms or an ice cube tray to get 12 servings.
Place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes and allow to solidify. Keep refrigerated. Coconut oil and ghee get very soft at room
temperature. Enjoy!

Vegan Keto recipes

Snack: Thyme and Onion crackers

½ medium onion, coarsely chopped
1 small garlic clove, minced
2 tablespoons avocado oil
2 teaspoons dried thyme leaves
¼ teaspoon gray sea salt
Pinch ground black pepper
¾ cups (96 g) roughly ground flax seeds
2 tablespoons sunflower seeds, finely ground

Preheat oven to 225°F (108°C) and set aside a large baking sheet. Place onion, garlic, oil, thyme, salt and pepper in the bowl of your
food processor. Pulse until onion is completely pureed. Add flax seeds and ground sunflower seeds and pulse just until combined.
Place a 10-inch (25 cm) wide piece of parchment paper on the counter and scoop the cracker dough out on to it. Place another piece
of parchment on top, and roll the dough between the two pieces of parchment until it’s about ¼-inch (6 mm) thick. Remove the top
piece of parchment paper and score the crackers into 1-inch (2.5 cm) cubes. Keeping the crackers on the same sheet of parchment,
transfer to a baking sheet. Bake for 2 hours, flipping halfway through and removing the parchment paper. The baking time will vary
greatly depending on how thick/thin you make the crackers. You want the end result to be crisp and crunchy with no moisture left.
Remove from the oven and allow the crackers to cool on the baking sheet for 15 minutes.

Snack : Coconut yogurt with pumpkin seeds

Calories: 235
Net Carbs: 4.2
Protein: 5.25
Fat: 23

125g Coconut
5g pumpkin seeds

Vegan Keto recipes

Snack: Strawberry & Pumpkin Smoothie

Calories: 256
Net Carbs: 6.15
Protein: 25.5
Fat: 17.6

25g Pea protein powder, strawberry
250 ml Unsweetened almond milk
10g pumpkin seeds

Blend and enjoy!

Main dish : Keto Greek Salad

Calories: 323
Net Carbs: 11.3
Protein: 9.3
Fat: 27.8

4-5 medium tomatoes (400 g / 14.1 oz)
1 large cucumber (300 g / 10.6 oz)
1 medium green pepper (120 g / 4.2 oz)
1 small red onion (60 g / 2.1 oz)
16 olives, ideally kalamata (48 g / oz)
4 tbsp capers or more olives (35 g / 1.2 oz)
1 tsp oregano, dried
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (¼ cup / 54 g / 1.9 oz)
Add salt, pepper, fresh oregano to taste

Wash and slice the tomatoes.
Peel and slice the cucumber.
Halve, deseed and slice the green pepper. Peel and slice the red onion.
Place everything into a bowl and add the capers, olives, oregano and drizzle with
extra virgin olive oil.
Serve immediately and enjoy!

Vegan Keto recipes

Main Dish: Spiced pumpkin soup

Calories: 604
Net Carbs: 14.3
Protein: 26.1
Fat: 49.6

2 tablespoons coconut oil
1 cup (225 g) pumpkin puree
1½ cups (350 ml) broth
½ teaspoon gray sea salt
½ teaspoon ground pepper
½ teaspoon freshly minced ginger
¼ teaspoon garlic powder
¼ teaspoon onion powder
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ground coriander
⅛ teaspoon ground nutmeg
⅛ teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 bay leaf
½ cup (120 ml) full-fat coconut mil

Place the coconut oil in a large saucepan and heat over medium heat. Add pumpkin puree and sauté for 3 minutes.
Pour in broth and all spices, including bay leaf. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes. Stir in
the coconut milk and serve!

Main dish: Paleo falafel

Calories: 506
Net Carbs: 12.3
Protein: 14.9
Fat: 48.2

½ cup (56 g) raw walnuts ½ clove garlic
½ cup (80 g) raw almonds ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
1½ tablespoons sesame seeds ¼ teaspoon gray sea salt
¼ cup (15 g) packed fresh cilantro leaves ¼ teaspoon ground pepper
¼ cup (16 g) packed fresh parsley leaves
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon dried mint leaves
1 teaspoon ground cumin
½ teaspoon nutritional yeast
½ teaspoon dried oregano leaves

Vegan Keto recipes

Place the walnuts, almonds and sesame seeds into a large glass bowl. Fill with water, cover and refrigerate for 12 hours. After
soaking, strain and rinse. Add cilantro, parsley, olive oil, lemon juice, mint leaves, cumin, nutritional yeast, oregano, garlic, cayenne
pepper, salt and ground pepper to the bowl of your food processor. Pulse mixture until smooth. Add soaked nut and seed mixture
to the pureed mixture.
Pulse until nuts are the size of sesame seeds. Roll the dough, 2 tablespoons at a time, into balls. Press and rotate as you go to allow
the mixture to stick. Repeat with remaining dough. Place completed balls on food dehydrator racks. Dehydrate at 110°F (43°C) for
10 hours, rotating halfway through. If you do not have a dehydrator, the recipe can be cooked at the lowest temperature your oven
can be set to for 3
hours, rotating halfway through. Allow the balls to cool completely before storing in a container in the fridge for up to 3 days, or in
the freezer for up to 2 months.

Main Dish: Harissa roasted cauliflower salad

Calories: 336
Net Carbs: 22.6
Protein: 5.2
Fat: 27.4

1 medium cauliflower, florets removed
2 tablespoons avocado oil
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
¼ cup (60 ml) Mayonnaise
2 tablespoons flax seed oil
1 tablespoon harissa
¼ teaspoon gray sea salt
Pinch ground black pepper
½ cup (32 g) chopped fresh parsley leaves
¼ cup (15 g) chopped fresh cilantro leaves
¼ cup (15 g) chopped fresh mint leaves

Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C). Place cauliflower florets, oil, cumin seeds and turmeric on a baking sheet and toss to combine. Roast
in preheated oven for 15 to 20 minutes, until cauliflower begins to brown. Remove from the oven and allow the mixture to cool
completely. Meanwhile, combine the mayo with flax seed oil, harissa, salt and pepper. Pour over the cooled cauliflower. Toss in fresh
herbs and serve. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days.

Vegan Keto recipes

Main Dish: Peanut Tofu curry

Calories: 436
Net Carbs: 25
Protein: 27
Fat: 26

100g Tofu, extra firm
1 Tbsp Red curry paste
0,33 cup coconut milk
100g Zucchini
100g Cauliflower
100g Broccoli
Peanut sauce

1.Cube extra firm tofu and bake in oven until golden (you can toss them in a little peanut sauce here too or a
mix of soy sauce and rice vinegar)
2. Add curry paste to pan and saute briefly until fragrant
3. Add coconut milk and bring to a boil
4. Add 2 tbsps peanut sauce and veggies and simmer until veggies are al dente
5. Add baked tofu and top with cilantro

Recipes without Macros:

Breakfast: Avocado Protein Pudding

2 Hass avocados
¼ cup cocoa powder
½ cup hemp seeds
¼-½ cup non-dairy milk of choice
stevia, to taste

In a food processor or blender, combine all ingredients (starting with a ¼ cup of the non-dairy milk). Blend until smooth, scraping
down the sides where necessary. Add in more non-dairy milk as you blend until you achieve a texture you are happy with.

Vegan Keto recipes

Main meal: Tofu “Butter” Masala (made ahead)

3 tbsp olive oil (or you can use a vegan spread for a more buttery taste)
1 can full fat coconut milk
1 package extra firm tofu, drained and cubed
1 package (3 cups) cauliflower rice
2 tbsp curry powder of choice
salt, to taste (if spice blend doesn’t already contain it)

Heat oil in a pan on medium heat. Stir in spice blend and let sit for a minute. Add in coconut milk. Stir until completely combined.
Add in cubed tofu, cover the pan and simmer for about 10-15 minutes. You want the sauce to have nicely permeated the tofu, and
for the tofu to cook. Add in the cauliflower rice and continue cooking until the rice is soft. This time will depend on whether you are
using frozen or fresh cauliflower. Fresh takes a little bit longer. Basically, you’ll want to check on this every five minutes or so and stir
it each time.

Main meal: Krack Keto Slaw

4 cups shredded green cabbage
1 cup macadamia nuts, chopped
½ cup hemp seeds
1 tsp chili paste, kimchi paste (make sure it’s vegan!), or sriracha
1 tsp lemon juice
2 tbsp tamari or soy sauce (or more, depending on taste preferences)
1 tbsp olive oil or coconut oil
1 tsp garlic powder

Toss cabbage in a pan with the tamari, lemon juice, oil, garlic powder and chili paste/kimchi paste/sriracha on medium low heat. Cover
and let sit for about 5 minutes, until the cabbage starts to soften. Stir everything in the pan so that it is thoroughly combined. Add in
nuts and seeds. Cook for another 5 or so minutes, until the nuts soften from absorbing some of the extra liquid in the pan.

Main meal: Easy Pesto Flatbreads

1 batch of Flax Wraps
¼ cup Easy Vegan Pesto
2-3 handfuls of baby spinach

Evenly distribute pesto across wrap(s). Sprinkle spinach across the pesto. Fold, and enjoy

Vegan Keto recipes

Dinner: “Cheesy” Broccoli Soup

1 can, full-fat coconut milk
2 tbsp coconut or olive oil
2 cups kohlrabi or cauliflower, chopped 2 cups broccoli florets, chopped 2 cups veggie stock (or veggie bouillon in 2 cups of
water, according to the package) ¼ cup nutritional yeast 1/2 tsp garlic pepper salt and pepper to taste 9 tbsp pepitas

Add everything but pepitas to a pot on medium heat (minus salt and pepper). Cook for about a half hour, until the celery and
broccoli are soft. Carefully transfer the soup to your blender and process until it reaches the smoothness desired. You could also
use an immersion blender! Garnish each serving with 3 tbsp pepitas before eating.

Breakfast: Lemon Raspberry “Noatmeal”

2 tbsp coconut flour
1 tbsp ground flax
2 tbsp hemp seeds
2 tbsp coconut manna/butter
⅓ cup full fat canned coconut milk
¼ cup raspberries
2 tbsp lemon juice
~½ cup boiling water
stevia, to taste

Put all ingredients into a bowl, with the exception of the water and stevia. Pour the water over the ingredients slowly,
mixing after the first ¼ cup. Let sit for a few minutes to thicken. Add stevia to taste and enjoy!


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