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Subject Reviewer/Long Quiz
REED 103 – Fundamental Christian Morality

Escopete, Debbie Jane L.

BSA 301

Instruction: Underline the letter of your answer.

CONCEPT RECALL - Select a letter that uniquely fits the test stem.

1. It is when a person acts according to the basis of escaping punishment or to be accepted or praised.
A. Fear conscience B. Moral conscience C. Christian conscience D. Ethical Conscience
2. Norman thinks the consequences of his action.
A. Conscious beings B. Historical realities C. Embodied spirits D. Open and Relational
3. He stresses that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
A. St. Peter B. St. John C. St. Paul D. St. Augustine
4. Christy attends BEC session and other spiritual activities as a way of nourishing her soul.
A. Conscious beings B. Historical realities C. Embodied spirits D. Open and Relational
5. It is when a person acts on the basis of recognizing values on a certain action.
A. Fear conscience B. Moral conscience C. Christian conscience D. Religious Conscience
6. Our concupiscence manifests itself in certain source or root of sin from which many sins spring.
A. Seven corporal works of mercy C. Seven capital sins
B. Seven spiritual works of mercy D. Eight Beatitudes
7. It is when a person acts on the basis of a personal loving response to the call of God.
A. Fear conscience B. Moral conscience C. Christian conscience D. Childhood
8. Authentic freedom involves following Christ. Authentic freedom has its greatest single obstacle.
A. Unbridled concupiscence B. Ignorance C. Fear D. Sin
9. It is an inner voice calling the person to love and to do what is good and to avoid evil.
A. Conscience B. Freedom C. Human Person D. Moral law
10. In the depth of our conscience, we detect something that we are bound to follow.
A. heart B. soul C. law D. desire
11. This level of conscience is natural for young children and its roots always remain in us to some degree.
A. Fear conscience B. Moral conscience C. Christian conscience D. Ethical Conscience
12. It is the most secret core and sanctuary of a man. There he is alone with God whose voice echoes in his
depths. A. Conscience B. Freedom C. Human Person D. Moral law
13. It is the subjective moral norm.
A. Law B. Conscience C. Ignorance D. Guilt
14. It is the objective moral norm.
A. Law B. Conscience C. Ignorance D. Guilt
15. It is the power to act freely with excellence and perfection.
A. Freedom of Contraries B. Freedom of Choice C. Freedom for Excellence D. Freedom For
16. It is an exceptional sign of the divine image within us. It distinguishes us from the rest of the creation.
A. Intellect B. Conscience C. Concupiscence D. Freedom
17. He is the basis of our moral actions.
A. Prophets B. Parents C. Jesus Christ D. Bible
18. It is defined as the quality of actions manifesting their conformity with the norms or criteria.
A. Christianity B. Morality C. Human Behavior D. Obedience
19. We, human persons, are pilgrims-on-the-way who gradually through time, become our full selves.
We develop as persons in discernible stages.
A. Conscious being B. Historical realities C. Embodied spirits D. Open and Relational
20. It is never just private with no effect on anyone. It is relational always affecting others and the community.
A. Personal Sin B. Social Sin C. Structural Sin D. Mortal Sin
21. It is an evaluative and felt knowledge; one has feeling or awareness of how this action would hurt others.
A. gravity of the matter B. full knowledge C. full consent D. free will
22. It is a turning away from or an act against the will of God.
A. conscience B. freedom C. sin D. ignorance
23. Christ has dignified our Body through his:
A. Resurrection B. Incarnation C. Assumption D. Ascension
24. It is the most precious possession of every human person.
A. Wealth B. Body C. Power D. Dignity
25. As human persons, we are being by others, being with others, being for others.
This is how we have been created by God — as social beings.
A. Conscious beings B. Historical realities C. Embodied spirits D. Open and Relational
26. It is not sin in itself but is rather the “inclination which comes from sin and inclines to sin”.
It is what we inherit from Adam’s “original sin”.
A. Concupiscence B. Original Sin C. Dichotomy D. The fall
27. It is a virtue which counteracts the vice of lust.
A. Temperance B. Kindness C. Chastity D. Patience
28. It is a magnitude of sin when a person rejects God and His laws or when sins committed are grave sins.
A. Capital Sin B. Mortal Sin C. Venial sin D. Original sin
29. He says, “What I do, I do not understand. For I do not do what I want, but I do what I hate.”
B. A. St. Peter B. St. John C. St. Paul D. St. Augustine
30. There is the personal interior dimension of original sin, the “heart of darkness within us’ which is “in all
men, proper to each” (Trent, ND 510). We experience this aspect of original sin especially in one of its
effects that remains even after Baptism.
A. Concupiscence B. Original Sin C. Dichotomy D. The fall
31. It is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit wherein we overcome our fear and are willing to take risks to stand up
for what is right in the sight of God, even if it means accepting rejection, verbal abuse, or physical harm.
A. Wisdom B. Counsel C. Fortitude D. Piety
32. It refers to existing structures that condition society in a harmful and unjust way.
A. Personal Sin B. Social Sin C. Structural Sin D. Mortal Sin
33. It refers to negative moral attitudes and acts or failures to act that are common to a community or society.
A. Personal Sin B. Social Sin C. Structural Sin D. Mortal Sin
34. It is an element essential to the moral evaluation of an action. It indicates the purpose pursued in the
actions. A. Object chosen B. intention C. circumstances D. consequences
35. It contributes to increasing or diminishing the moral goodness or evil of human acts. It can make neither
good nor right an action that is in itself evil.
A. Object chosen B. intention C. circumstances D. consequences
36. It is a violation against freedom and conscience.
A. law B. morality C. sin D. norms
37. Sin enslaves us in a contagious, pathological habit of vice that acts like a virus, infecting social attitudes
and structures such as family and social groups.
A. Spiral B. Addiction C. Sickness D. Circular
38. It refers to the involvement of the person in the act.
A. Gravity of the matter B. Full knowledge C. Full consent D. Temptation
39. It determines the depth of the moral good violated or destroyed.
A. Gravity of the matter B. Full knowledge C. Full consent D. Temptation
40. This is one of the dimensions of sin in which a person becomes powerless, obsessive and compulsive.
A. Spiral B. Addiction C. Sickness D. Circular
41. The Kingdom demands a total personal conversion, a change of life-style and of priorities.
A. Repentance B. Discipleship C. Love D. New Law
42. Christ commissioned his disciples to carry on his work (cf. Mt 28:19f), allowing no interference: “Let the
dead bury their dead. But you, go and proclaim the Kingdom of God. . . Whoever puts his hand to the plow
but keeps looking back is unfit for the Kingdom of God” (Lk 9:60-62).
A. Repentance B. Discipleship C. Love D. New Law
43. The basis for moral living, then, is not our good intentions or efforts, but rather the incredible fact of God’s
love for us. A. Repentance B. Discipleship C. Love D. New Law

II. DISCRIMINATION. Select the statement that reflects a virtuous counterpart to each capital sin.
Write the letter of your answer on the answer sheet provided.

C 44. Pride is an unlimited appreciation for one’s own worth; excessively high opinion of oneself.
A. I am relatively content with what I have.
B. I am grateful for all my talents, gifts, and possessions and use them for the benefit of others.
C. I exercise delayed gratification to strengthen my will against the temptations of consumerism.
D. I refrain from comparing myself to others.
B 45. Greed is an immoderate desire for earthly goods; love for earthly goods rather than loving God and
A. I treat others as persons with dignity, not as objects for my own gratification.
B. I am grateful for all my talents, gifts, and possessions and use them for the benefit of others.
C. I exercise delayed gratification to strengthen my will against the temptations of consumerism.
D. I refrain from comparing myself to others.
A 46. Lust is an inordinate, unrestrained craving for pleasure, especially sexual pleasure.
A. I treat others as persons with dignity, not as objects for my own gratification.
B. I am grateful for all my talents, gifts, and possessions and use them for the benefit of others.
C. I exercise delayed gratification to strengthen my will against the temptations of consumerism.
D. I refrain from comparing myself to others.
B 47. Sloth is laziness in keeping the faith or practicing virtue; neglecting to do one’s duties out of lethargy.
A. I eat healthy foods, exercise reasonably, and get sufficient rest.
B. When I have negative feelings toward others, I try to find peaceful ways to deal with my feelings.
C. I make an effort to praise the accomplishments of others.
D. I take the time to do what God expects of me, for example, I pray every day and make sure I get to Mass
every Saturday night or Sunday.
D 48. Anger or Wrath is an intemperate desire for revenge; hostile and wrathful feelings toward others.
A. I eat healthy foods, exercise reasonably, and get sufficient rest.
B. When I have negative feelings toward others, I try to find peaceful ways to deal with my feelings.
C. I make an effort to praise the accomplishments of others.
D. I take the time to do what God expects of me, for example, I pray every day and make sure I get to Mass
every Saturday night or Sunday.
D 49. Gluttony is an unrestrained, immoderate consumption of food or drink.
A. When I have negative feelings toward others, I try to find peaceful ways to deal with my feelings.
B. I make an effort to praise the accomplishments of others.
C. I take the time to do what God expects of me, for example, I pray every day and make sure I get to Mass
every Saturday night or Sunday
D. I stay away from drinking alcohol.
B 50. Envy is sorrow over another’s good fortune; jealousy over another’s possessions or characteristics.
A. When I have negative feelings toward others, I try to find peaceful ways to deal with my feelings.
B. I make an effort to praise the accomplishments of others.
C. I take the time to do what God expects of me, for example, I pray every day and make sure I get to Mass
every Saturday night or Sunday
D. I stay away from drinking alcohol.

Instruction: Answer
A. If A alone supports the conclusion B. If B alone supports the conclusion
C. If both A and B support the conclusion D. If neither A nor B supports the conclusion

C 51. Conscience must be listened to and listened to sensitively.

A. Conscience needs to be interrogated, even to be cross-examined.
B. Only those who habitually interrogate their conscience and are ready to pay heed even to its awkward
answers, will not cheat their conscience or be cheated by it.
B 52. Our emotions pervade our moral knowledge and have an important contribution to make to our moral
choices and our character building.
A. Our emotions can guide our perceptions and moral judgments and they give energy to our commitments
and our drive to become good persons.
B. Our emotions give us deeper insight into the values we love and facilitate us in judging and choosing
wisely and well in their regard.
C 53. No law, not even God’s law applies itself to our particular act.
A. Not all acts of killing violate the fifth commandment, “Thou shall not kill”.
B. The seventh commandment cannot judge a person whether he/she steals or not.
B 54. Conscience applies the universal norm to our particular act.
A. In the course of the encounter, it is the soldier’s conscience which judges whether he violates the fifth
commandment or not when he happens to kill the rebel.
B. Conscience is the ultimate subjective norm of morality.
C 55. The end does not justify the means.
A. An evil action cannot be justified by reference to a good intention.
B. Robin Hood’s stealing money from the rich can’t be justified by his intention to help the poor.
C 56. True freedom means to become a good person.
A. It is realized when one is truly other centered, loving and value directed.
B. Persons achieve freedom when they choose what is good and do it.
D 57. True freedom is to become one’s true self in relation to God and others.
A. Beggars should not be pitied.
B. Victims of calamity will be entrusted to the care of the Government and we are not responsible in
helping them.
C 58. True freedom is directed toward goodness.
A. The more one does what is good, the freer one becomes.
B. True freedom is in the service of what is good and just.
A 59. The more one does what is good, the freer one becomes.
A. A person who tells the truth feels free. B. Human person is essentially good.
C 60. Freedom has a two-way meaning according to Gaudium et Spes, 17.
A. Freedom directs man toward goodness.
B. Freedom is a license for doing whatever pleases a person, even if it is evil.
C 61. The Catholics decide serious moral questions with the special help of the teaching office of the Church,
the Magisterium.
A. Catholics look to the moral leadership of the Magisterium, with its long tradition and world-wide
experience and with the Holy Spirit’s unfailing guidance.
B. Catholics therefore have the duty of observing the constitutions and decrees conveyed by the legitimate
authority of the Church.
C 62. Moral obligation is essential to authentic freedom for it protects basic human values.
A. Moral obligation enhances one’s true freedom since it protects the essential dignity of life.
B. When we act against a moral obligation, we act against the basic human values and thus, we act
against our true freedom.
C 63. St. Paul affirms that constant negation of our conscience turns our faith into shipwreck.
A. One continues to cheat even if he/she knows that cheating is wrong.
B. One justifies that sexual intercourse outside marriage is okay if those in a relationship love each other.
C 64. Authentic freedom is doing what is good.
A. Helping the poor. B. Being honest to parents.

C 65. Freedom is always relational.

A. Freedom is authentically realized when one is other-centered and value-oriented
B. Christ concretized and personalizes the exemplar of freedom actualized in his Supreme Fidelity and
obedience to God and his loving self-donation to others.
B 66. GRACE is primarily God’s loving presence within us.
A. Joe is prudent and careful with his relationship with his girlfriend as a sign of his love and respect.
B. Chiz is a responsible son, student and citizen by being a good person
C 67. An evil action cannot be justified by reference to a good intention.
A. RH Bill cannot be justified by using contraceptives to solve poverty and lack of health care.
B. Some contraceptives are considered as abortifacients and cancer-causing medicines.
B 68. The object, the intention, and the circumstances make up the three “sources” of the morality of human
A. The object chosen morally specifies the act of willing accordingly as reason judges it good or evil.
B. A morally good act requires the goodness of its object, of its end, and of its circumstances together.
B 69. Our moral character defines our being and directs our doing.
A. Our doing creates our being and our being directs our doing.
B. Our actions speak louder than words.
C 70. William Cosgrave presents four ways of describing a person having a good moral character.
A. A persons’ responsibility is to be fully human, and to be a virtuous person.
B. A person is called to be a loving person and a morally mature individual.

Instruction: Write the letter of your answer.

Determine what level of conscience is involved in the following cases:
Shade: A —for Fear conscience
B —for moral or ethical conscience
C —for Christian-religious conscience
A 71. Mark exerts effort in performing well in his math class because the family expects him to be a math wizard.
A 72. Randy joins his barkadas’ drinking spree because he is afraid to be criticized.
C 73. Joe on the other hand goes to Church every Sunday because he is grateful to God for everything he has.
B 74. Rosemarie is a good person. She treats everyone with respect seeing God’s will in it.
B 75. Joan gives alms generously to the street children in order to help them.
C 76. Marina is a doctor who takes good care of her patient because Jesus, the divine healer is her model.
B 77. Norma, as a Paulinian, observes “clean as you go” to show her care and concern for the environment.
A 78. George eventually stops smoking because he is beginning to feel some pains on his body.
B 79. Joe is prudent and careful with his relationship with his girlfriend as a sign of his love and respect.
B 80. Harrison reads thousands of science books to make him like Einstein.

Write A if the statement expresses Authentic Freedom and B if the statement does not express Authentic
A 81. Lovie always comes to classes on time in order not to miss her lessons.
B 82. Oliver prefers to sleep than to attend the Jesu-Centro session in school.
A 83. Budoy participates the school activities amidst his voluminous academic requirements.
A 84. Josephine makes an effort to improve her academic performance.
B 85. Mary chooses to go to the beach than to celebrate the Mass on Sunday.

TRUE or FALSE – Write A if the statement is true and B if the statement is False.
B 86. Like Adam and Eve, our freedom is limited due to the welfare and well-being of others.
B 87. No law, not even God’s Law, applies itself to reality.
B 88. True freedom is always on the service of what is good and just for myself.
A 89. Moral obligation hinders the exercise of one’s authentic freedom.
A 90. Freedom ceases to be freedom if it is not absolute.

Write A — if the statement is moral B — if the statement is immoral

A 91. Mario finds a calculator and surrenders it to the information officer.
B 92. Maria uses her body in order to pay her tuition.
B 93. Pedro smokes cigarette because his father is also a smoker.
B 94. Juan supports himself for education by selling prohibited drugs.
A 95. Jose secretly visits the prayer room regularly.
B 96. Felipe helps his friend by letting him copy his answers.
A 97. Christian lends her notes to Alma who was absent last meeting.
B 98. Girley spends her money to shopping than paying her tuition fees.
B 99. Marissa loves her boyfriend so much that she spends most of her time with him and not attending her
A 100. Garry greets and smiles everybody he meets in school.



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