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COMP 1101 Introduction to Programming - Spring 2020

Catalog COMP 1101 - Introduction to Programming (3+0+2) 6
Textbook: Course Notes

Instructors Prof. Olcay Taner Yıldız

Assist. Prof. Farshad Miramirkhani
Assist. Prof. Önder Umut

Course Description
The objective of this course is to introduce the basic concepts of programming and to provide a practical
hands-on programming experience on Matlab language platform.

Grading Policy
2 Midterms 30% each
Final Exam 40%

Laboratory Work
The laboratory study is the most important component of the course. You are required to attend at two
hour lab sessions weekly.

Cheating Policy
In case of any attempt of cheating in homework assignments, written examinations and attendance sheets
you will get an F for the course grade and you will be reported to the dean's office. Cheating in written
examinations including quizzes has serious consequences such as suspension.

Makeup Policy
If you miss one midterm exam with a valid reason, you will be graded based on your other grades (Quizes,
Midterm, Final Exam). If you miss two midterms, you will get zero for both midterms. There are no
makeups for quizes.

You are responsible of the material that will be presented in the classroom and laboratories. Laboratory
tutorials may cover some materials that are not covered in the classroom. Textbook and the schedule
references are for guidance only.

Matlab is the main IDE that will be used in the labs. The course material is based on MatlabR2019.

Tentative Course and Lab schedule

Weeks Course Topics Laboratory
1 Overview of the Course (Syllabus)
An example matlab program, Welcome
to Matlab
Elementary Programming: Writing
simple matlab programs, Simple
calculations, identifiers, variables,
2 Assignment statements, named Matlab environment,
constants, Numeric types, HelloWorld,
expressions, characters, strings, input, Laboratory environment, saving files etc.
type conversions Programming style and documentation,
Programming errors,
Elementary programming,
Simple calculation programs,
3 If-Switch Case studies with Basic Types, chars, strings, and
Boolean type, operations, examples Boolean type
One way if statements,
two way if statements,
nested if statements
4 Math functions Examples selections
Switch statement
For loop Examples of switch
5 While loop
6 While loop Loop Examples
Nested Loops Loop Examples
8 Nested Loops Nested Loop Examples
9 Methods Nested Loop Examples
Defining a method, Calling a method
10 Passing Parameters Method Examples
11 Method examples Method Examples
12 Arrays Method examples
Array basics
13 Manipulating arrays Array examples

14 2d arrays Array examples

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