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Rubén Priego

Desktop Publishing Services

Local and global channels will be served by different parties

Main responsibility of the local MD

Examples Local

TV Newspaper/ Speaking Personal, local

Magazines Opportunities social media

Main responsibility of SC global Marketing Function


Website Social media Industry


*There are only very few publications publishing to a global audience. These publications can only be served by the Board or the GPLs.
Next Steps
Collaborate on
business case
Select test
parts Validate tech
& business
Examples case

Consultative selling skills are vital top drive growth in a solutions business

Solution selling approach: a roof built on 3 pillars


Account Manager Solution Architect

• Single point of contact • Client specific role

• Strong relationship skills Account • Technical designer developing tailored
• Leadership and structured account (non-standard) solution
management skills required Manager

Product Solution
Product Manager Sales Sales Specialist
Manager Architect
• Technical as well as commercial • Service specific role
understanding of Product Customer • Strong product skills
• End-to-end management of process Internal IT • Expertise on specific solutions for
(assures complying to both internal and segments and verticals
external standards)

Real Madrid and FC Barcelona historically have leaded sports teams in social media and the Transformation
Plan has to ensure the leadership in the Digital Ecosystem

Blinkfire Analytics: end of first quarter of the 2018/2019 season

• FC Barcelona is the team with the best total engagement numbers (over 250 million interactions), Real Madrid leads in terms of number of followers and interactions
per post, with nearly 50,000 interactions per post from Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
300.000 50.000


Examples 200.000



50.000 10.000

0 0
FC Real Madrid Atlético de Real Betis Valencia CF Sevilla FC RC Celta de Real Real Girona FC Real FC Atlético Real Betis Girona RC Celta Valencia CF Real RCD SD Huesca
Barcelona Madrid Balompié Vigo Valladolid Sociedad Madrid Barcelona de Madrid Balompié FC de Vigo Valladolid Espanyol

La Liga: Social Media as a criteria for distribution of Broadcast Revenue

• The criteria that LaLiga takes into account for the distribution of television rights among the clubs will include since this season the success that the different official
channels of the teams have in the most popular social networks in terms of the volume of interactions.
1.400.000.000 1.224.804.793
800.000.000 629.210.237
109.765.135 75.136.476 39.041.256
200.000.000 22.464.282
FC Real Atlético Real Betis Valencia CF Sevilla FC
Barcelona Madrid de Madrid Balompié
The Way Forward is Digital Healthcare

60% 800M 9% 76%

of all healthcare mHealth of total doctor’s of rural patients can
can be treated market in time saved get medical care from
Examples Online (McKinsey) lndia by 2020 using mHealth their own village with

Health provider view Patient view

Benefits of digital health for providers Patients single most important use of health apps
17 23 16
Minimizes avoidable
Improves outcomes
service use

Provide information Access to doctors Examination of health

Promotes patient Focusses on
on symptoms and records / medical
independence prevention
medical conditions tests

Evidence of health technology benefit for providers Evidence of health technology benefit for patients (post Covid-19)
A telehealth hub across 210 care homes

-35% Hospital admissions

60% Factors that increase the use of health apps:
• Trustworthy, accurate data: 69%
of all healthcare related • Ease of use, simplicity and design: 66%
-53% A&E use symptoms can be • Reduce chance of sickness/
treated online infection in clinic/ hospital: 62%
-59% Hospital bed days

Leverage unique insights from our a brand new Integrated health solutions
global study

Examples Interviews of key stakeholders offering 360

1 perspectives on the current state and future of

Case studies of integrated solutions that

2 deliver results

3 Smart players: who they are, what they do.

Practical guidance to secure wide scale

4 adoption by patients and outcomes.

Page 4
The large capacity of income generation in Social Media anticipates new opportunities for monetization
associated with the audience and its engagement

Top 10 paid celebrities en Instagram Top 10 highest paid sportsmen on Instagram

1 6 1 6
Kylie Jenner Dwayne “The Rock” Cristiano Ronaldo Ronaldinho

140M followers 148M followers $975,000 $256,000

Examples 2 7 2 7
Ariana Grande Beyoncé Neymar Jr. Gareth Bale

159M followers 129M followers $722,000 $218,000

3 8 3 8
Cristiano Ronaldo Taylor Swift Lionel Messi Zlatan Ibrahimovic

173M followers 119M followers $648,000 $200,000

4 9 4 9
Kim Kardashian Neymar David Beckham Virat Kohli

143M followers 122M followers $357,000 $196,000

5 10 5 10
Selena Gomez Justin Bieber LeBron James Luis Suárez

153M followers 115M followers $272,000 $184,000

Benchmark externo: voz del cliente - ilustrativo panel para medición y método de investigación propuesto

Universo de panelistas por operador (1) Método de investigación

Telefonía móvil Total: 13.300 Internet Total: 10.500 • Cuestionario online (PC/Smartphone/Tablet)
rellenado por los panelistas
1.500 1.500
Examples 1.000
• Se propone limitar el cuestionario a aquellos
panelistas que han tenido una interacción con la
compañía en los últimos 60 días

• Posibilidad de mantener el panel con una
frecuencia trimestral / semestral para
monitorizar el NPS del operador telco vs. la
Other Other competencia

• Elementos clave a medir en la interacción:(2)

– Éxito: ¿ha conseguido el cliente el objetivo
– Esfuerzo: ¿ha sido sencillo?
(1) Representación en
base al operador declarado por el panelista. La cifra en el gráfico representa el número de panelistas para cada
– Emoción: ¿balance positivo/negativo?
uno de los operadores indicados
(2) Metodología basada en Temkin Experience Ratings. Temkin es una consultora americana especializada en Customer Experience Transformation.
Mantienen un informe bajo esta metodología que se ha convertido en un estándar en USA

La experiencia de cliente de un cliente telco vs. la competencia se mediría mediante entrevistas online a un universo de ≃12.000 panelistas residentes en
España, y donde se garantizará una representación mínima de los principales operadores de telecomunicaciones …
USPs: la HERRAMIENTA SW Centauro proporciona un conjunto de utilidades exclusivas, que permiten alcanzar los
objetivos de márketing y financieros con recursos limitados

3 1
Utilidades de inteligencia de
negocio para deep dive
orientadas al usuario de
3 1 NBO (next best offer):
Asignación automática de
clientes a campañas para
negocio y capaces de optimizar los indicadores
integrar información de financieros
cualquier fuente

2 2 Herramientas
1A 1A
Seguimiento automático del Cálculo automático del impacto
rendimiento de las campañas optimización económico
(cuadro de mando) líderes (más allá de la ’conversión)

1C 1B Las
1C 1B herramientas
se pueden
Herramientas de targeting Modelado del Uplift desplegar en
líderes (más allá de la propensión) cuestión de
Prediction model for Play will be generated as part of the targeting process for the Play campaign
Process steps

• Tool addresses the main challenges

Examples found when preparing prediction

Easily put together the information required to • Deep dive analysis • Definition of targets selection
educate the models criteria
• Prediction models
• Validation of results of prediction • Management of the
models overlapping
Provide easy access to several modelling
techniques and support the methodology (train,
test and validation sets, etc.)
Integrate the results with the targeting of future
• Systematic uptake reporting of • Targets optimization in
all campaigns including function of other campaigns
financial impact estimates and company restrictions
Validate the models ex-post with the result of • Campaign impact forecast
the campaigns COMMUNICATION
Locking in your guests with a PAID PROGRAM is an interesting consideration

Multi-Franchise Retailer

16 brands Launched
6 countries July 2019

Personalised offers Breaking news

Earn & Burn

£6-£10 one-off
1 AED spent
= 1 Diamond

Special events Exclusive benefits

>78,000 > £7m 16 % >£600k
Members sales tracked Sales generated in
Uplift subscription fees
Overall project approach and timeline Likely to be developed internally

Consulting Project – 4.5 months On-going support

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 – M12
Current proposal scope

Design of decision enablers per

On-going support on Geomarketing
Examples PMO of action plan
business initiative
Design key views and regional
granularity per type of stakeholder per
Support in the implementation of the business initiative: • Dashboard & processes
initiatives identified with impact in: • Marketing ready
• DWH • Sales & Distribution • New objective fixing system:
• Network top down & “bottom – up”
• Market Research • Strategy
• Commercial Fieldwork
Scoping & GAP Platform & Design presentation format per view: On-Going support on Geomarketing - PMO
processes ready • Dynamic Dashboard • Updates of reports & KPI maintenance linked to
analysis • PowerPoint business initiatives prioritized
to support KPIS of
prioritized • Excel modelling… • New business initiatives with impact on geomarketing
And refreshment frequency
initiatives • Weekly to be launched
• Monthly • …
Validate quality of data & consistency of KPI • Quarterly
from different sources
Coordinate with business area for
objectives fixing:
• Bottom-up – per territory
• Top down

• The scoping & GAP analysis would be the initial module of a broader collaboration framework that would seek:
- Identifying and putting in place geomarketing driven initiatives with business impact – to be measured
- Developed and led by MTN CI internal teams – insight acts as “coach”, as enabler, relying as much as possible on them

Page 6
Customers increase spend with Amazon to get maximum value from free delivery and additional

Subscription £7.99/month
Shipping Streaming Shopping
• Amazon Prime Video • Exclusive deals
• Unlimited • Amazon Prime Music • Family product
free delivery • Twitch Prime subscriptions

Reading More
• Free magazines and
comics • Unlimited
• 1 free book per month photo storage

Illustrative: Assessment of clients’ portfolio status

Type of account Size Portolio status Activity status

KAM # accounts
Cliente Potencial A B C Cannot contact With no potential With potential Without action Contacted Visited Offer

G.L. 89 89% 11% 20% 10% 70% 100% 2% 9% 89%

J.M.A. 89 58% 42% 15% 15% 69% 2%

5% 93% 43% 19% 20% 19%

Examples I.A. 132 79% 21% 20% 13% 66% 100% 56% 21% 8% 15%

I.G. 59 76% 24% 2%

5% 93% 100% 77% 5%1% 16%

I.V. 84 84% 16% 16% 10% 74% 9% 2% 89% 28% 20% 8% 43%

J.B. 69 83% 17% 26% 16% 58% 9% 13% 79% 40% 36% 24%

J.M.Z. 116 74% 26% 21% 12% 67% 4% 96% 41% 19% 30% 10%

M.L. 40 59% 41% 9% 4% 87% 22% 78% 29% 17% 3% 51%

S.D. 28 80% 20% 4% 96% 100% 14% 25% 61%

S.S. 76 68% 32% 19% 10% 71% 32% 9% 59% 6% 32% 28% 34%

AVERAGE 78 75% 25% 15% 10% 75% 6% 6% 89% 30% 17% 17% 36%

* S. S. Works half a day

• Prior to the field-work, the sales managers and KAMs will be required to fulfill some templates…
• …as an illustrative, the status & recent activity carried out with their clients will be assessed

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