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Political science topics and questions

1. The nature and emergence of modern nation state system

a. explain the concept of nationality and distinguish between nationality and
b. globalization restrict the autonomy of the state , generates domestic social
conflicts, and inequalities. Discuss the interaction between globalization and
domestic politics
c. Write a short note on significance of religious harmony in his state
d. How far it is true to say that origin of the state lies in force ? Discuss critically
the theory of force regarding the origin of state.

2. Islamic concept of state and ummah

a. what is the Islamic concept of state ? Identify issues and challenges to the
Islamic concept of state in modern times.
a. Why monistic our absolute concept of sovereignty has been abandoned ?
analyze legal concept of sovereignty ?
4. Liberty
5. rights and duties
6. civil society
a. Write a short note on civil society
7. women empowerment
a. write a short note on women empowerment
8. public opinion
a. write a short note on public opinion
9. political parties
a. compare and contrast but differing roles played by political parties and
interest groups in making public policy
b. Democratic political system cannot function successfully without organized
political parties . Discussed
10. pressure groups and lobbies
11. Legislature
a. write a short note on the violations of parliamentary values and traditions in
12. executive
13. judiciary
a. The growing judicial activism in Pakistan is clearly at the expense of
parliamentary sovereignty and supervision critically analyze the statement
b. What is the significance of independent judiciary in a Democratic Republic?
Do you think that without an independent judiciary a system of checks and
balances can be established in the government? Explain with appropriate
14. forms of government
a. bring out clearly the difference between unitary and federal forms of
b. How far 18th amendments will transform the existing federal system in
c. Write a short note on role of middle class in strengthening the democracy
d. What characteristic of society leads to adoption of federal form of
government? How it can function successfully ?
e. explain Confederation how it is different from Federation?
15. political ideologies
a. Critically examine the basic principles of fascism
b. fascism generally flourish in countries with strong nationalism and weak
democracies. Discuss the enabling conditions for fascism with reference to
Germany and Italy.
c. what is fascism and why it is considered to be the child of first half of 20th
century events took place in Europe
d. write short note on totalitarianism
16. local self government with special reference to Pakistan
a. What is the significance of local government system in a country ? Discuss the
reasons of repeated failures of the efforts in Pakistan to establish a stable
local government.
Western political thought
1. Plato
a. critically analyze salient features of plato's Republic. do you think that some
of its features are valid even today ?
b. Critically examine the concept of justice by Plato
c. Plato intended to build an institution for scientific study of politics and
training of statesman .elaborate
d. the discuss plato's contribution to the history of political thought
e. examine plato's theory of justice . How he tries to implement it through
education system.
f. Examine the main similarities and differences in the political ideas of Plato
and Aristotle
g. Plato's communism was is and will remain impracticable. Critically examine
the statement.
h. explain plato's theory of justice how he tries to implement it through the
education system.
2. Aristotle
a. Give a critical analysis of the Aristotle’s classification of governments
b. Examine the main similarities and differences in the political ideas of Plato
and Aristotle
c. show how the Aristotle’s organic theory is different from Plato’s idealistic
theory of state
d. Aristotle was a realist and not an idealist. Explain with respect to his theory of
the ends and functions of the state.
e. Aristotle was great but not grateful student of plato. comment

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