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TA Student life READING SKILLS Ways of reading WRITING SKILLS Punctuation) + Linking ideas() + Checking your writing + Writing about VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT Farts of speech + A dictionary entry ()) » Recording vocabula READING How do you read? 1. What kind of reader are you? Complete the quiz. Discuss your answers with a partner. The reading quiz 1 Tlike to read... at a desk or table, in a comfortable place. on a journey. anywhere. b c a always usually sometimes never neo e 3 When I read something in a b c a read slowly and carefully. I check every new word in a dictionary. I check a few of the new words. I just read and try to understand, Tonly look at the pictures and the headings. English, ... 2. Look at the words in the box, Do we usually read these things slowly or quickly? Complete the table and compare answers with a partner. newspaper poem textbook novel magazine report telephone directory definition read quickly read slowly 6 Unit IA + Student life 3. Read the magazine article How do you read? Compare your lists in exercise 2 with the information inthe article. How do you read? People read in many different places, for example in a park, ‘ona bus, or in a cat. This is because books, newspapers, ‘magazines, and so on, are easy to carry. We also read in many different ways, and at different speeds. ‘Sometimes we read quickly. We just want to get the general idea from a newspaper article, a report, or a book in a bookshop. Perhaps we want to know what it is about, or if itis interesting or important. We call this type of reading ‘skimming’. We also read quickly to get a particular piece of information, such as a date, a telephone number, or the name of a restaurant, This is called ‘scanning’. We scan timetables, telephone directories, dictionaries, and web pages. ‘At other times we need to read more carefully. For example, we read a textbook, an article, or a report to understand everything. ‘This is called ‘intensive reading’ or ‘study reading’. Then we read slowly and check the meaning, We use our dictionaries a lot to help us. Perhaps we take notes and try to remember things, ‘Sometimes we need to learn things by heart, for example a poem, or a mathernatical equation. 4 ‘Match situations 1-3 with the ways of reading a-c. Arran meme? ‘A good reader reads in different ways. Sometimes you read slowly and carefully (intensive reading / study reading). ‘At other times you read quickly for the general idea (skimming) or for information (canning), ‘A good reader chooses the right way to read. 1 (Jreadinga chapter of physics textbook to understand atopic | a. study reading 2. looking fora room number onan exam timetable b skimming 3 |_| choosing an interesting book toread © seaming Unit A + Student life 7 WRITING Describing people TREN Match rules a-f from the Study Skill box with different uses Use capital letters forthe frst letter of: athe first word in a sentence, for example: He studies English bb peoples names: Nora «titles: Mr, Mrs, Mis, Dr, Professor cities and countries: Turkey, Boing languages: English the names of schools, colleges, and companies: International College, Microsoft Remember - Use a full stop () at the end ofa sentence, and use a question mark (atthe end of a question {11 ] fT) i 7 My name's Victor and I'm a student at the University of Oporto, in Portugal ‘1am stuaying French, Russian, and English because lke languages. a) aed br Arzal Ahmed is 36 years old. He ca doctor, and he comes from a small town near Madras, inthe south of india é pitas ine ent 2 Rewrite the pairs of sentences. Add capital letters, and full stops or ‘question marks, 1 myrrameis emin alpay iam a teacher at the middle east technical university in ankara 2 iama receptionist in abig hotel in singapore the name of the hotels the royal palace 3 my husband is called sami and he isa pilot he works for airnew zealand 4 mrsellyhollemansis a teacher she comes from holland and she teaches german 5 where isthe faculty fr oriental studies isitin oxford 3. What are texts I and 2 about? Skim them to get a general idea ‘My name is Mona Saeed and | am from Manama, Iti the capital city of Bahrain. I ama student at Bahrain Training Institute. | am studying computer programming, I hope to work in a bank one day. {am 18 years old and | am single. [have two brothers and three sisters. We all live with our parents and grandmother in a large house in the suburbs of Manama, I speak Arabic, and English quite well, [also understand Farsi, but I can't speak it very well. In my free time I ike reading novels, watching TV, and playing computer games, Dr Lee is Chinese and comes from Shanghai, in China. He teaches mathematics and computing at Kuala Lumpur University. He is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Science. He is a graduate of Shanghai University and has a PhD from the USA, Dr Lee speaks many languages. As well as Chinese, he speaks very {good English, French, and Malay. He is 35 years old and he is married with two children. They live in a small flat on the university campus. He likes music very ‘much and he is an excellent pianist. Dr Lee likes teaching at the university, But in the future he wants to return to China to continue his research, 8 UnitA - Student life 4 Scan the texts on page 8 to complete the table with information about ‘Mona Saeed and Dr Lee, ‘Mona eed | DrLee you city Manama country job age flat/house married/single children languages other information 5. Complete the table with information about you. 6 inethssitaerengehcin bits, aoa Underline the words and and bul where they join sentences, Aaa) Use and or but to jin sentences. Look atthe examples: = Hasan lives in emit. He works in an Internet café T Join the sentences, Use and or but. 1 1am years od. lam single. Hasan lives in mir and he works in on Internet café 2am from Turkey. te in the capital, Ankara, understand Fars. don'speakit very wel 3 Joe comes from india, He is workingin Germany atthe moment, 1 understand Fos, but | don't speak it very well 4) Maria and José are married. They have four children. Linking ideas makes your writing easier to follow. 5 Sam kes computers. He doesnt lke computer games. 6 want tobuildabig vila near my parents’ house. have no money. 8 Read the rules. Use the information from the table in exercise 4 to write a paragraph about you for a class journal. tart: My name is. RULES Present simple To describe people and what they do, use the Present Simple. ‘When you write about yourself Live... Inthe evening! ike ‘When you write about other people George lives... Helikes.... Theylive.... They like Writing about people 9 Find out information about another student (or teacher). Make notes in your notebook. Write a paragraph about this person. 10 Find nine mistakes in the sentences Biremene neh tan and correct them. s Its important to check that your writing is correct. Check: spelling wm capital letters punctuation m grammar (My nam is Sonia come from brazil. am teacher ina school (My husband workin bank. Hic name i riccardo, We have two childrens Tl Read your two paragraphs and check your writing. Unit 1A + Student life 9 VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT Dictionary work (1) 1 ‘Match the parts of speech ac in the Study Skill box with words 1-10 in the sentences. Be eee ee Its important to know the part of speech of anew word Isita/an...? noun: a student bb verb: to study © adjective: long adverb: always, quickly € preposition: a, in, on This knowledge wil help you learn and use the word correctly. 1 Selina ae ee 2 eA eta eons ia im 4 Thea EG ot i 2 Look at the entries from the Oxford Essential Dictionary. Complete the table with information about the words. STUDY SKILL A dictionary entry (1) Italso gives you other information, for example: 1» pronunciation (see phonetic symbols p71) 1 part of speech 1» example(s of use Get a good dictionary andleam how to use it! suburb A clctionary gives you the meaning {or meanings) of a word. ‘one ofthe parts of a town or city outside the centre suburb sibs noun ‘one af the ports oF tow or ty ouside the ere Weve nthe suburbs Suburban /sybs:ban!eglecte. ‘but eect quick Ow fe aecve, adverb {quicker quickest) taking tle tne 9 sae MEANING fast ts {quer totraelby pla van by vain» Can Ite ok iphone cl? Borvosit slow, > quickly adverb: Come a uct 0 yo con! ehreeke! Ow jgok/ verb (checks, ‘hecking, checked fet) to ook at something to see that its right, eed, orsate-Do the sums and then use @ {out to check your answers. Before {Wingo checed thea ond water. © Check ‘hora the windows are clad bear you oe. always Ow fixer! adverb “Fatal imes every tne have ahwys ved In landon¢ The tani abaya We lve in the suburbs. ‘quick check aways 3 Organize the words in the box into three groups. ‘Add more words to the table. translator sister house father flat apartment accountant cousin vila hostel doctor aunt 10 Unit A + Student life builder mother pilot brother teacher uncle palace professor Ares abulary (I) ‘Your bain kes organization! When you learn new words put them together in groups, for example jobs, famiy, homes, REVIEW 1. Use your dictionary to answer the questions. 1 What part of speech is the word how? How many floors does a bungalow have? ‘What is American English for the British noun lorry? What isthe opposite of difficult? How do we pronounce magazines? Ist: 'maegoziznzl, /me'gaziznz/, or Imaego'zirnz/? ‘What is the past tense of the verb buy? How do we spell the plural of the noun address? ‘What isthe adjective of the noun mathematic? 9 What is the name of a person who writes poetry? 10 What is the missing word? We were late because our car broke 2 Look back at page 8. Study the rules about capital letters, full stops, and question marks again, Punctuate sentences 1-6. 1 my friend igor comes from moscow 2. iam studying fench and history at manchester university is charles doing a course at capital institute my brother wants to visit turkey and germany next summer Isthere amessage for mr hector ortiz from mexico the name of the hotel is al bustan palace tis just outside rivadh ‘ind words in Unit 1A to add to the groups, Add other words you know. = : Things we read ‘Academic subjects novel. poem, physics English, 3 4 Choose three words from Unit 1A that are new for you. Look them up in a dictionary, Complete the table Unit A + Student life

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