Unit 02 A

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2A Daily routines READING SKILLS Retin cnet (+ Sng WRITING SKILLS Handwtng » Paagghs« ining et) + Wing bot ue BE VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT Colon» Jobs ending in-e-, 5 | READING Work and stress 1 Work with a partner and complete the sur vey, Hon choosing a jobt Write = very important, 2= quite important, or important. portant are a-e when ‘not me my partner 4 the jobs ealy b the sslry good the work isinteresting Compare your answers withthe clas. 2 Look at the people in the pictures on page 19. “Answer the questions. ACen ‘Before you reed, ook atthe pictures ina tet. They can help you predic the ‘content. They can tell you what the text i about and help you understand it 1 What jobs do they do? A florist sels towers 2 Are their jobs healthy or streesful? ‘What do you think? 3 EEEEDITELI skim the article Work and testo get ET ETRE the general dea. Choose a heading fr each paragraph, ‘Theres one extra heading, ating heathy food) Wat prope want stessfuljobs (5) Jobs thar are healthy 4 Kead the article. Were your predictions in exercise 2 correct? article a chapter, or jst paragraph 5 Complete te summary ofthe article, Use the words i the box. unhealthy dives interesting salary aflorst stress trafic healthy Summary Some jobs, for example * + apersonal trainer, and a nutritionist, are? ‘These jobs have very litle * ‘or worry. Other jobs, however, are very 4 ‘An example isa taxi driver. He ° people all day and often faces ® problems, Itis difficult to get ajob that is” ‘and healthy, and also has a good © 18 Unit 2A + Daily routines is reading very quill to et the general idea WORK AND STRESS We all need to work in order to live. Some people are lucky with their work, This is because their jobs are healthy. What do we mean by ‘healthy’, and how can we find a ‘healthy job’? mo Florists, personal trainers, professors, and nutritionists all have healthy jobs according to research. There are many reaguns [ur this. A otis, for example, sells lowers aud plants to customers This is very relaxing wark A personal trainer, on the other hand, is usually very fit. He or she trains omer people to lose weight and to keep fit. A nutritionist has a healthy job too, He or she knows all about healthy food and teaches people to eat well 1 However, research also shows that some jobs are ‘unhealthy’ They cause a lot of stress and worry. For example, a taxi driver drives all day. He or she often faces traffic jams and difficult passengers too. A firefighter puts out dangerous fires and sometimes saves people from burning buildings. An MD (Managing Director) runs a large company. Its an interesting job, but it is also stressful. The MD has to keep everyone happy ~ the staff and the customers. 5 Most people are looking for the perfect job. They want a job that is interesting. with a good salary and not much stress. However, itis dificult ro get everything, Healthy, relaxing jobs are usually not very well paid. On the other hand, people with stressful jobs often get good salaries. For example, the head of a big company gets alot of money, but he or she does not always have good health, or the time to enjoy life. BEFORE looking for a job, people should think carefully. What is most important for them? Is it money, health, or a job that is interesting? Then they can start their search. ‘They may be lucky ~ and get everything they want! Unit 2 - Daily routines 19 WRITING Routines and procedures 1 Look atthe text about Matthias. It shows ‘examples of six common mistakes in handwriting. Match a-fwith ‘examples 1-6. Does everyone use a computer nowadays? 2 [letters are not clearly formed. No Sometimes you ned to write by hand, for example: 'b Capital letters are not ager than smal eters ‘= tomake notes from atext/inalecture © Ther isnot a space between each word or daxsnork/bomework dLetters do nt point inthe same direction. 1 todaft anesay €¢ The letters are above the ine orbeiow. = inexams Lines donot start onthe eft hand side ofthe page. 1 orl posteans, or peronal notes Waite cleat when you wrt by hand. 2 RREINETIW Look the text about Helens. What is wrong withthe ome ea Aree ‘Write in paragraphs, There are two styles for My sister, Helena, is an English teacher She teaches in | paawanhs: 4 secondary school in Lisbon, Portugal. The schoot is near block s indented her flot, $0 she usually unbks to work She arrives ul work at 8 v'Uvck in Une murninys arud she leaves, school at about 3 or 4 in the afternoon. In the evenings she marks homework and prepares lessons for the following day. At the weekends she is also ly, but wth her family | Apagaphusuy cnt es re and friends. She shops for food at the local market, visits arn NET SRE ae eae gael eee ee ee ne. Do not wale one: sentence paragraie. In summer, if the weather is good, she Ukes having a barbecue with frionda and family by the beach 3 Write the text again on lined paper as two paragraphs. Use the block or the indented style. Write clearly 20 Unit 24 + Daly routines 4 Read the sentences about Maria diy routine | PTET at university, Circle the sequencing words. reeset jaaapece her first class. This is at 9 o'clock. r _— oe one | sequencing words to say one thing happens after Ft seas acu fe nthe sack ba. another for exalt after then, aly fer tat she gosto the bay and ties for an hour beforlanch. gine expresion to whe, for compe 7) Maou yt toe ety td 830 ax otlck nthe reg ‘At Tlotlock she has another class. This is poetry. ‘Note If two things happen at the same time. use while. For a example: ister tothe rao while Iam having breofast. The tlk about thei studies or their plane forthe weekend. Final, she leaves the university at about 5 eis along dy. After the dass she goes tothe brary again fr another hour {6 Ataboutlodlock Maria goes tothe student canteen with some of her friends. Inthe afternoon Maria has one more las from 2 ook to 330. 5. Use the sequencing words and time expressions to help you put sentences 1-10 in order. 6 Read about the procedure Maria follows to write an essay. Complete the paragraph with words from the box. finally while next then after 1 » Maria thinks of a topic. she searches for information about the topic and reads all she can, She makes notes about the subject * she is reading ‘ that, she uses her notes to write a plan for the essay. she is ready to write the essay. She usually writes on the computer She rewrites parts of the essay again ‘and again until she ie happy with it. © punctuation, grammar, and spelling before giving it to her lecturer 1 she checks the eccay very carsflly for Writing about routine and procedure 7 Interview your partner. What i his/her daily routine at school/college! ‘university? Write two paragraphs. Use ideas from the box get to/ eaves (the unerstyschoo) st then, next, ater that, has tnentonlanch) At Jallock g0esto the fist class / the én) Inthe morning / nthe fteroon studies After / before {8 How do you revise for an important exam? Write a paragraph to describe the procedure you follow. Use ideas from the box. Start: To revise for animportant exam, ist... tudy plan lookat the sjlabus find a quit place to study make nares take breaks remember the man points Unit 2 + Daily routines 21 VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT Words that go together 1 ‘Match the verbs 1-7 with words ‘or phrases a-g. Lear a word ~ ad its fiends! Pallas B a \When you lear a new word, learn its collocations the words that go - hit For example 3 nn © ‘telephone als i 4 mate 4 acompny tvltogjan 5 send & fs aac n, “Steimatemtat ow 1 atom Se 7 hep a emals ‘tio mau vat 2 Complete the sentences with the correct verb, Use a Sensei easter esa dictionary to help you find the collocation ofthe eed eee cere eae ne underlined wor ‘allsation bi teftcand have 1 Last weekend Sami__ awa inthe park a Cred) 2 Last week Hasan __an accident ins ne pcp tuck 4 3 co oe ee treet ight ges QD 4 gor usualy. ‘the 1130 train to Moscow from > StPetenbirg 5. rece eps peopleto weg 4 Sallwe —__ataitathesipon? 3 How many collocations can you think of for computer and business? Use your Aictionaty to help. Draw diageains. Cis Dy NI Sle business» computer» 7S 7 | Cie Spelling (!) 4 Read the rules. Complete the definitions. RULES Jobs ending in -er, -oF, ist ‘Many jobs end in -r and -or Others end in -s. For example: av driver, profesor journalist OF, —— oes esearch n science helps sick people. sls things. a sels lowes. ts in plays and fis. interprets from one language to another, 5 Write the jobs in exercise 4in the table, Add other jobs. ti driver professor 22 Unit 2A + Daily routines REVIEW 1 Choose tive jobs trom Unit 2A. Writea sentence about each, Describe what the people do. For example: ‘ton driver A tax driver drives people from one place to aothor. ‘aforst A florist sels flowers and plants to customers. 2 Complete the paragraph about Sams day with the sentences inthe box. ‘Then he goes to his office Fest he has a quick breakfast inthe hotel coffee shop Fraly at about 4otlock Sam leaves work. ‘After that, he has a meeting with his manager. Inthe afternoon, he goes back this office. Nest he speaks tothe hotel staf ‘Sam isthe assistant manager of a big hotel in Hong Kong. Iti a busy hotel and his day starts very early. He gets to work at about 7 o'clock, | He usually just has tea and toast. 2 He starts up his computer and etc his emails “There are always a lot of measages.° He aaa them hen any prohleme in the kitchens, ar with the guoste 4 ‘They find solutions to problems, and discuss improvements and other changes to the hotel, At about 1 o'clock he has lunch He sendsa few more emails and makes some telephone calls. (On his way home he collects his children from school, and arrives home at about 5.20. 3 How do you get information on a topic trom the Internet? Write down the steps. Check your list with another student. Then write a paragraph to describe the procedure. Start To gat information from tha Inarnat, ft 4 Find nouns that go with the verbs in table A, and verbs that go with the nouns in table B. Use a dictionary to help. a 8 lunch emails telephone calls ‘a meeting the computer Unit 24 + Daily routines 23

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