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‘The diagram showrs dil bits thal are reinforced with diamond. Thees ofil bite are often. | ‘sed in the mining Induetry to drill tough the ground to exact mineral ores. o ; ‘Which of the fotiowing physical properties is the mais reason for diamond 10 be used in ‘einforcing the dril bis? Diamond has high meting point. Nf rf Digimond is very hard i i Diamond is very strong, i Diamond is water resistant. ooo AE Scignee Mid-Yeae Exarn 20:6, SAI Hua Yi Secondary School " Scanned with CamScanner Which experimental setup(s) woul esses the growth of lettuce? A Xonly B Xandy c Xandz DB Yandz 5 Aten organ trensplent centre, the donated organ has to be cooled and immersed in ‘solutions to preserve it. The cooled organ is then transported in a plastic cooler box to {he operation room. Which a the folowing properties explains why a plastic cooler box s A Plastic has a high boling paint. B Plastic has a high melting poin C Plastic is @ good hest conductor. DD —_Phestic is. 2 good heat insulator. @ A motecaie of compound contains three axygen stome, two iron atoms and one sufur atom. Which of the following is the correct chemical formula of the compound? A FeO: B FeSO) CS 20S D082 1E Science Mid-Yeot Exam 2016 us Vi Secondary Schoa! SAI Hua Yi Secondary Schoo! 0 Scanned with CamScanner 7 The degrem shows the observations before and afiar the reaction between powdered iron and powdered aufur when placed ina teet tube and heated HNN ‘before reaction efter reaction AE Science Mid-Year Exam 2016 SAI Hua Yi Secondary School volume of solvent solvent at 25 °C tumpe of solute Hea Yi Secondary Schoo! 131 Scanned with CamScanner 0 " ‘Which of the following statement ie not correct? ‘A A solution bolle over a range of tamperatures. 8 ‘A sohiton cannol be eepersted by means, & A suspension is a midure which can be separated by ftratton. DB Asuspension is usually © sobd-iquid madre, pihen substanoes X and ¥ ere placed in water, only substance Xe reine by the fiher paper sfter fitration. Which of the following is eve about substances X and Y? ‘Mass of X is higher than mass of ¥ ‘Ste of pertices of X ls larger then Y. ‘Solubility of X in water ls higher than Y., ono> \Mecrofitration is used in water treatment to remove 1 Science ta-Year Exam 2016 Hus Vi Secondary Schoo! Scanned with CamScanner 13. Which of the folowing setups enables the collection of pure water from see water? sea woler 4 ft) 3 wet cloth 03 water bumer A tony B 2onty Cc tand3 D 2end3 14 Which ot ine fotiowing statements on biodiversity is correct? ‘A Biodiversity’ the existence of diferent human races on earth B Biodlversty is the existence of diferent kinds of animals on earth © Biodiversity isthe existence of diferent kinds of living things on earth. © Biotiveraty is the existence of diferent kinds of plants on earth, 1E Science Mid Year Exam 2016 Hus Vi Seoondry Schoo! SAI Hua Yi Secondary School - 133. Scanned with CamScanner ? 15 Tho Gagan shows e mitpeds, which ls an beertiraia, ard a Gchotemous bay to be weed t chase twvertabentes. vow i 17 Which of the following are benefits humans derive from biodiversity? 1% obtain a variety of food ks vegetsbles and mest 2. to develop medicines lke peniciin antibiotics A tandz Bo tand3 © 26nd3 DD t.2and3 1E Somnce Mie-Yesr Exam 2015 ‘Hus Vi Secandary School 14 Scanned with CamScanner {0 dry caught en argolfah from the sea ard brought here to placa Ral ie aquest, ‘Afier @ fow days, the fh wes dead. \ ‘Which of ha folawig reasore coud most Ikely conven the death ofthe ange? ‘The water fe aquarkam cama fom the tp. 1 The graph showe a type of blot relationship between two organisa. ot ono> vom End of Paper Nl “E Science Mic-Vear Exam 2016 Hua ¥iSecondary Sehoct ‘SA1 Hua Yi Secondary Schoo! ‘atemnenrtanememnmntiinanesssinentsseenarnentinnettetntnnee Scanned with CamScanner hel rat exh zf at, | al, Pletal, |, eof fk 34 sel vel] Pah Reps sset. [eal Pod Pal bal jess, jeer | eof 2 atlesd, la] esa leaf, leaf, betes, Bat ee} the Fe tee] Ped tet] en deeh hai,| The Periodic Table of the Elements } belie bad spell, eal “ut ae rat pal ed el, Pal, =l be 1E Selerce Mid: Year Exam 2016 Hus YI Sheondtary Schoo} ‘SA, Hua Yi Secondary School " i Putt Hae Scanned with CamScanner ‘Section B (90 marks} ‘Anawet all the questions in this section. 1 ee ee varie caer, Dx te hea (Garett ep oe Ds a esl Caron of oy he Fig. 1.1 (@) (Fig. 1.2 shows part of the verier calipers when its jaws are closed. 0 1 yaya 0 10 Fig. 1.2 ‘State the error reading in Fig. 1.2. sn n) {0 Fig. 1-3 howe the reading takin whon the ink Jews of vornior calipare are, ‘to measure the interral cameter, Dy of the cup. ‘Stale the reading in Fig, 1.3. i ‘1E Science tit-Year Exam 20%6 Hua 1 Secondary School SAI Hua Yi Secondary School ; 138.) beeen Scanned with CamScanner ‘actual internal diameter (©) Ives given thet the thicknees of the cup i 0.30 cm, ae ehowin in Fi. 4, i Sg, ti eh Fig. 1.4 Catala the enteral cameter, Dressing shown on the same pir of Vernior calipers when the outside jaws are used. Show your working. fe8ding of the outhide jews = YE Science Mic-Yese Exam 2016 SA1 Hua Yi Secondary Schoo! Scanned with CamScanner i 4 {b) Fig. 2.1 shows the small stone with 20.1 glem? density. & Fig. 24 Ouline how its wohime can be determined. {€) Some sicanol and mercury were poured into a large beaker and allowes! to seftle ‘nto two separate layers. Sketch and label the postions of alcohol, mercury, nail and stone in the beaker. g) (Total: 2) AE Science Mid-Year Exar 2016 Hua Yi Socondery Setloot 140 __SA1 Hua Yi Secondary School Scanned with CamScanner 3 Fig. 31 shows the Foss solubity of potesatum nitrate (KNOs) and potasshum cherie (KC in {@) State the sokibives of KNOy and KCr st 50°C. 9/1009 water sone 9109 we, Cy {b) Determine the temperature where KNO} and KC/have the same solubility, eee AH (©) amas conchae tht ha skit fH nay gh han ts the conchsion made by James accurate’ Expl AE Scence Mio Year Exar 2016 ‘SA1 Hua Yi Secondary Schoo! Scanned with CamScanner Fig.4.4 (6) When P and U combined, ight and heat energy were released fo form a new substance. State two properties that the naw substance possesses. (0) The following describes the characteristics of two other elomonts R nd T; ferment R is located in period 3 snd group I. Element Tin paved 4 and has to same chemist propertes ws | Based onthe descriptors, inca the posebis posilons of Rand T by wring the letters in the correct boxes in the Periodic Tabla in Fig. 4.1. i a i [Total : 6] 1E Science id Yeas Exam 2016 SA1 Hua Yi Secondary Schoo! ih elt Scanned with CamScanner ‘ \ 3 A group of coe acne a weer ard i mit of wrt Fig. 8.1 shows pictures of the organiems found. CS > SE Fig. 5.1 (2) Explain the significance of classification of the organisms from the new explored land. (b) Construct a dichotomous key of the organtems found In the forest by the ecouls. | 16 Scierece Mid-Year Exam 2016 Hua ¥i Sttordery Schoa! : i ‘SA1 Hua Yi Secondary School ida tment mui ian ae Scanned with CamScanner (©) The acouts have aloo entitled some plenis In thelr expedition. They clasalfied them ‘nto! ‘and nomlowering plants. Some of the non-owering plants they saw were mosses, ferns end gymnosperms a8 shown In Fig. 6.2. 1E Science Mid-Yeor Exar 2016 Hua Vi Eecondary School ‘SA1 Hua Yi Secondary Schoo! ond ce alleles Scanned with CamScanner Section © (20 marka) hi Aeever ate usstona the tptene pried. | ih 1 Gueteb« talnoo cel werkig hn Haan retaurad, Hela inahoy to on rary ke buying ingredients and making eoup, My Fig. 6.1 shows a bow of mushroom poup prepared by Gusto. (©) There are two types of bow, one caramic and another stainlees steel, ‘should choose to Sorve the hot soup, and provide @ reason (6) The Ministy of Heslin announced that a certain dye in food colburing may cause cancer. Gusto is tasked to perform a paper chromatography leat on the (0) State two steps of precautions that Gusto needs to take when perorming paper ‘chromatography. . Precaution 1: ~ Ll TE Sclante Mid-Year Exam 2216 Hua YiSecondary Sehoat SAI Hua Yi Secondary School 145 Scanned with CamScanner ” \ a Fig. 02 f 1 {Rank the soiubilty of dyes A, B and Cin the sclvert eed, starting with the lod soluble dye, (@) Gusto acctientally spiied salt into a container of pepper, Gusto knows that salt Gssolves in water bul pepper does not, Outline the steps that Gusto should fake to separate these two sobds, step 1: Dissolve the mbdure in water, ‘step 2: step 2: ia \ Total: 10) 1 Science Mié-Veor Exern 7016 SAI Hua Yi Secondary Schoo! Scanned with CamScanner " 7 (a) Fig. 7.1 shows a cross-caction of en apparatus called a ‘choloe chamber’ The setup was used fo Invesiigate the condilone woodlice prefer. The experiment started with an equal number of woodiice in each chamber, ‘noke In id for Fig. 7.4 The woodtice were placed in the choice chamber and the number of woodlice in each [half was counted every two minutes for 10 minules. The results are recorded in Table 7.1. Toble 74 time? ‘ramber of woadies on ‘Trumber of woodice on min_| _lofthand side ofthe chamber | right-hand ekie ofthe chen! of 5s SSS Seg 2] z 4 € < 5 3 3 e z 3 2 7 0 3 ca (9) Identity the following variables in this experiment. YE Science Mis. Year Exsm 2016 Hua | Stcondiany Setroot ‘SAI Hua Yi Secondary School jaz Scanned with CamScanner 2 {1 Wan reference to Table 7.1, explain which condition wae prufared by the \woodion (MDA student would Five to investigale whether woodlica prefer darkness or bright conditions. Hence, he covered the leftchand side of the same chamber with # 3 (black card, while the right-hend kde chamber was left unchanged. Fig 7.2 shows ‘he modification to the setup. af hole in lid for putting lice In platform ‘eaielum chloride to absorb moisture Fig. 72 Afier ten minutes, he found that a¥ the 10 woodlice moved lo Ihe left-side of the chamber. Thus, be concluded that woodice prefer darkness, Evaluate and explain whether the student's conclusion was retante. WN 1E Science lac-Yee Exam 2016 Hua ¥1 Secandany Sight || || Wil ‘SA1 Hua Yi Secondary Schoo! dha te ‘" WH WA Cl Wit Hi ANA CN) WANA yi id HA Hn CM, Scanned with CamScanner a {b) Fig. 7.3 shows a picture of e typical rainforest and w picture of the seme rminforest 10 yore later, Fig. 23 | (dently one kay abiotic factor thet affected the height of tees in the rainforest State two importance of the tropical rainforest and one consequence of deforestation, [Tota!: 10] End of Paper 1E Science Mid-Yeee Exam ZOV6 Hus "i Secondary School ‘SAI Hua Yi Secondary School | 149, Scanned with CamScanner

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