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End of the Trail, Beginning of the Journey...

The creation of this portfolio has been an important part of discovering, implementing, and evaluating
new teaching tools and techniques towards my future profession.

In the future, I will continue to develop this portfolio as a living document, a portrait of Ivy Rodeza U.
Maquera as a Teacher Education Student and as a Professional Educator in the future. Having seen the
value of reflective analysis, I will continue to regularly and rigorously evaluate my own experiences and
ideas towards teaching and regarding my professional development.

I will also regularly revisit my professional goals and evaluate my progress toward meeting them. I
would also like to include a multimedia section in this portfolio, incorporating audio and video clips of
my teaching and of my choirs’ performances in the future. Throughout the portfolio development and
revision process, I know that I can still grow and improve as an educator. I hope to continue this growth,
and this portfolio will be a helpful tool in demonstrating and evaluating my continued professional

Organizing the core elements of my students life and for my professional life as an educator into a single
comprehensive document, structured as a portfolio, has truly been a growth experience for me. All of
the thoughts, ideas, passions, and perspectives were in my head somewhere, but it was both challenging
and rewarding to examine them in depth and state them in so many words. The portfolio itself was
originally created as part of my requirement in Assessment.

The portfolio can be seen as a tool for assessment of a variety of learning activities that differ in content,
usage, and assessment. The portfolio not only meets the learner’s educational needs but also the
political and public reassurance demand that the health professional has achieved the required
competency of the curriculum that allows him or her to practice safely with or without supervision in
the health organization.

Portfolio assessment across the disciplines can be enhanced by the addition of vital reflective pieces.
While many instructors include reflection as a part of their practice, fewer utilize critical steps necessary
to further students' responsibility for their own learning. This article reviews a number of guidelines to
aid in this process. They are as follows: creating a safe and supportive environment for candid reflection,
the development and design of strategic prompts to enhance learning and move students toward
metacognitive independence, use of a shared discourse so students and teachers are able to develop
reflections from common understandings and vocabulary, and the construction of concise rubrics to
ensure knowledge of required tasks.

portfolio is a collection of student work that can exhibit a student's efforts, progress, and achievements
in various areas of the curriculum. A portfolio assessment can be an examination of student-selected
samples of work experiences and documents related to outcomes being assessed, and it can address
and support progress toward achieving academic goals, including student efficacy. Portfolio assessments
have been used for large-scale assessment and accountability purposes (e.g., the Vermont and Kentucky
statewide assessment systems), for purposes of school-to-work transitions, and for purposes of
certification. For example, portfolio assessments are used as part of the National Board for Professional
Teaching Standards assessment of expert teachers

Read more: Assessment - Portfolio Assessment - Portfolios, Students, Student, and Teachers -

PAPER AND PEN ASSESSMENT: An efficient method of assessment

Paper-and-pencil instruments refer to a general group of assessment tools in which candidates read
questions and respond in writing. This includes tests, such as knowledge and ability tests, and
inventories, such as personality and interest inventories. Paper-and-pencil tests can be used to assess
job-related knowledge and ability or skill qualifications. The possible range of qualifications which can be
assessed using paper-and-pencil tests is quite broad. For example, such tests can assess anything from
knowledge of office procedures to knowledge of federal legislation, and from the ability to follow
directions to the ability to solve numerical problems.

I believe it is important for learners to see how much they have learned over a long period of time.
Sometimes I was wondering how harsh/lenient should I assess my students. Being too strict may
diminish students’ interest and participation in the class, but being too flexible can also decrease
students’ engagement in the class. Therefore, I apply differentiation and come out with different types
of assessment that cater for different learner.

As Paper-and-pencil assessment is where student assessment formats such as written tests and also to
standardized tests that ask students to use pencils to fill in bubbles on a scannable answer sheet.
Standardized tests are now commonly administered on computers, but classroom assessment usually
requires students to submit written responses on paper. In the classroom, paper-and-pencil assessment
frequently refers to tests scored objectively, which are meant to measure memorized knowledge and
lower levels of understanding, as compared with performance-based assessment, which is meant to
measure deeper understanding through skills and ability.

ICT in Teaching

ICT has helped so much in the improvement of means and speed of communication. It has become such
an important part of modern life that living without it would be almost as of we’re going back to our old
strenuous ways of communicating with other people who are away from us. It’s also a great help to us
when solving real life problems.

While that may be so, it is undeniable that ICT does have it’s bad effects. It is generally believed that ICT
makes a positive difference on education and the learning process — and it’s true. It does make a good
difference, but it’s always too much of a good thing for something to not have bad effects so naturally,
ICT also has a bad effect on the learning process.

First of all, it motivates learners. And “how does ICT motivate learners?” you might ask. Well,
researching is made easier for the learners and that, for me, is an enough motivator. The learners just
have to do a couple of browsing and clicking and typing and they’re done. Way easier than having to
manually scan through a couple of books in the library.

Another is it makes researching and the learning process available anywhere and anytime. Gathering
information for school works is now convenient and not as time-consuming as it was before. And
submission of works through email not only saves the teacher from having to carry around with him/her
the works of his/her students, it also saves paper Isn’t that great? ICT helps conserve paper.

Another help of ICT, it guides us to accomplish our works and task immediately. The effectiveness of ICT
support and changes the way of teaching and learning in many subject areas. Through ICT, were
appointed to the awareness of different varieties of issues involved in the youth.

Nowadays, the youth are widely exposed to technologies due to its great discovery to almost everything.
At first, I have no idea what is the purpose of ICT to us, but as the lessons goes along, I have realized
many things like the use of technology to everyone of us. There are much opportunity given to us, SHS
students, such as enhancing our knowledge and capacity by learning the use of ICT including the
concept, ideas and its role. Senior students were required to have online class during Wednesdays. The
application of ICT is when we focus on certain activities, which we manage and answered the tasks given
by the teachers, it is easier for us to learn by our self because I, personally, can now accomplish works
and duties with my initiative to learn without the assistance of the teachers, which we acquire the skills
and knowledge of learning it.

Furthermore, I become more aware on the issues going on to our society because of the use of Social
Media. Through social media, a lot of people share and spread widely the occurrence on the problems of
the world, such as the argument of the Manny Pacquiao and Vice Ganda about Same Sex Marriage, with
that, a lot of netizen particularly the youth reacted on their arguments and we are being aware of that
issue. ICT does not only focuses in the awareness of the issue yet the awareness of advertisement and
announcement of certain notice.
Besides the opportunities, there were challenges that I faced during the ICT integration this Senior High
School such as low Internet connection and spending too much time to help teachers on handling the
visual aids produced. About the low Internet connection, we are having a difficulty to search and send
files to the teachers because we cannot connect quickly and spending too much time on low connection,
which sometimes distracts the schedule of discussion. The second challenge is for to help teachers
handle their visual aids because sometimes the projector was having a trouble flashing the presentation,
which usually waste the time of discussion. Even so, there are still ways I responded to avoid the
troubles. To avoid having a hard time in searching and sending files, I usually go to the library to find
books and send my files using their computers. While on the other problem, I sometimes suggest to call
the computer technician to avoid this kind of problem.

Based on what I have learned on ICT, I would probably apply the skills on almost everyday life because
as what we know, computers and technology is everywhere and anywhere. Ahead of these experiences,
my knowledge and capacity on handling ICT will be fortunately used during my college years, because
this would be a great help in making full of research and paper works, preparing blog, research design,
project proposal, and many more ICT relations would be surely used and enhanced, it is also an
advantage to Senior High Students which will be easier for us to apply ICT because we already
experienced it. We are exposed to technologies, so we better use these for future purposes to solve and
help others.

When one thinks of educational assessment, one often thinks of cognitive measures. We teach students
important concepts, how to problem solve, and how to think critically. Then we create tests to
determine whether the students can do or know those things. In this blog, I’ve written a lot about how
to go about doing that. I’ve discussed validity, reliability, and item writing guidelines.

Today, I’d like to write about the importance of affective measures. What are affective measures? These
are assessments that focus on students’ attitudes, interests, and values. For instance, an assessment
that measures how students view themselves as learners would be an example of an affective
assessment instrument.

One this count, I agree with Dr. Popham. Affective measures are and should be important in education.
Detractors of affective measurement argue that teachers should not be measuring (and therefore
influencing) a student’s values. For example, they don’t want teachers to be influencing a student’s
political or religious views. I agree with that. As Dr. Popham points out, there are universal values that
we should and can agree to teach our students. For example, we can and should promote a student’s
positive attitude towards learning. Also, we can promote and nurture a student’s interest in a specific
subject. We can assess and promote values such as integrity, justice, and honesty. So, there are many
attitudes, interests, or values that we can agree to assess.

AFFECTIVE DOMAIN: plays an undeniable roles in the process of total development of a child.

As a future educator I believe that affective measures are equally, if not more, important as cognitive
measures. Whereas cognitive assessments measure what students can do, affective assessments
measure what students will do in the future.

To me, I see this domain (affective) as the major domain that direct learning, because, the emotional
state, interest and wiliness of the learner are very important in any process of teaching and learning.
There is need to shift focus to this domain and explore it in total.

This domain has suffered great neglect because of the difficulty encountered during evaluation which
makes people makes researchers focus only on the cognitive domain. As I can see there is need for
teachers to come together and agree on a standard way to evaluate this domain that will be so easy just
like the cognitive domain, so that we can improve our education system.

An overly competitive society can impede one's sense of belonging and acceptance and that in turn, can
interfere with a student's ability to do well, because the focus then turns to self-preservation and the
resultant anxiety of doing it in an environment that is perceived as being hostile or apathetic. The
functioning then turns to survival mode, leaving little energy for higher critical or creative pursuits.

I believe the possibility and fact that some learners still do very well in the face of adversity. In that case,
it would seem that the affective domain is being taken care of by agents outside of school. The home
environment plays an enormous role, as do other members of the community. We need to stop short to
think about what 'success' really means and how we can balance the affective with the cognitive (and
psychomotor, for young learners) to realize the essential goals of education and of life at large.

The best and easiest way to assess these affective measures is to use self-reports. Ask students to report
their degree of agreement with statements using a Likert scale. (I might write more about how to
develop a Likert scale in the future. Let me know if you would like to see that as a blog post.) One of the
key things to remember when assessing affect using self-reports is that we are assessing the attitudes,
interests, and values of the group, not of an individual student. So, tell students that their responses will
be anonymous. Use procedures to ensure anonymity; this will reduce the students’ tendency to respond
in a socially desirable way. Minimizing this tendency will increase the validity of any inferences that we
make from the results.

I believe in the power and usefulness of affective measurements in education. I believe that teachers
not only should know each individual student through assessment, teachers also need to know their
students as a group. As a future teacher I need to know how they feel about or view certain interests
and values. Knowing this information will make me as a teacher more informed, and ultimately, a better
and more effective teacher.

This woman is an art

Her flawless lips

Her lovely skin

The stars called freckles in her face

The messy hair

The attractive smile

The audacity that lies on

Her voice's throne

You can watch her for

Eternity and still not understand

The total beauty of her existence


If you ever fall in love...... Fall in love with someone who wants to know your favorite color and just how
you like your coffee.

Fall in love with someone who loves the way you laugh and would do absolutely anything to hear it.

Fall in love with someone who puts their head on your chest just to hear your heart beat.

Fall in love with someone who makes you question why you were afraid to fall in love at the first place
Fall in love with someone who falls in love with your flaws and thinks you're perfect just the way you

Fall in love with someone who thinks that you're the one they would love to wake up to each day.


Loneliness has been hooking up with me

When you leave for the first time,

When you were gone, you were

On my shoulder it became the Little Devil

Trying to persuade me that I have been

For everyone, something less than good

Those were the times when pieces of me happened to be

Ached for acceptance

The forthright touch of someone else...

But I was reminded by other parts of me that no

Another will put to rest those emotions;

Just me, only me.


You showed me the value of reassurance.

I always believe it to be no different than

letting a person know that without oxygen,

death is certain.

My simple mind found it quite difficult to

comprehend the simplicity that lies in


How could me telling you what you already

know resonate with you when it is buried within

the soil of your brain.


By: Ivy Rodeza U. Maquera

She is an interesting species

A beautiful soul, a marvelous creation

And significant individual.

She is not an object

She was not created solely for the

purpose of satisfying men's sexual

appetites, but designed for a purpose.

In her is a life changer and a world changer.

Only a fool can conclude that she isn't a queen.


One day, you wont have a revolving door to your heart

allowing thieves who come to rob you of all the

good you have to offer walk in out of your life.

One day, you will quit wondering why it never worked with people before

You will quit wondering what love feels like,

You won't have to dream about getting effort,

loyalty and consistency from someone.

One day love will be real to you, and you will be on your journey to forever.
Hang on. That day will come











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"Wala Lang ‘Yan Sa’yo": Why It's Hard To Ask For Help When People Are So Used To You Being

Showing vulnerability doesn't make you less independent.

BY Katrina Golamco | Feb 16, 2020



We all have that fear that we will be labeled as incompetent once we ask for assistance with things that
we genuinely can’t handle. But if I were to ask, there is no one in this world who is solely self-reliant.
Each of us—for at least a minute of our day—needs someone to help us with something we can’t just do
by ourselves. From the moment we step into college and all throughout adulthood, we are all expected
to be independent and, ideally, that’s the trait that you need to have to satisfy the standards of this
competitive society.

But, oftentimes, strong and independent people still have their moments of discouragement... they also
feel weak and sometimes even self-sabotage. But they don't reach out, or worse, hear statements like
“Huh? Ikaw? Wala lang ‘yan sa’yo, ‘sus!” when they do.

The next time you feel afraid to ask for help, here's what you need to remember:

Showing vulnerability doesn’t make you less independent.

Yes, I too was once guilty of being one of those people who let their pride get the best of them. Most of
the time when people would ask me if there’s something wrong, I'd likely answer, “No, everything is
fine,” for the sake of avoiding confrontation with sharing my true feelings. It didn’t bother me for a
couple of months. But, further along, it started to gradually take a toll on me. That is when I realized that
the habit is not helping me get closer to independence, but towards isolation.

Independence is not about pride, it’s about maturity.

We all depend on each other to some degree, may it be opening a door for a stranger or comforting
someone at their darkest times. We can’t be fully happy if we seclude ourselves from society. Try—for
once in a while—to take yourself out of the pedestal and see through other’s wide array of ideas—and I
promise you, you will be introduced to a much more alluring life.

Don’t let your independence isolate you from the great things that life has to offer.
A friend once told me, “Sometimes we overvalue ourselves that we forget the value of connecting with
others,” and that hit me big time. We hide behind our misinformed belief that we will be spared from
heartbreak and disappointment but at the end of the day, we are actually being selfish for not being
honest with other people—and with ourselves. We unconsciously make ourselves lonelier because we
bottle up our true feelings

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