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GW 3 - Presentation and discussion of piece of

art that reveals the face of the human person in

the face of rapid scientific and technological

• You have been assigned groups of four to

six members.
• Choose a representative piece of art on
the assigned art form that ‘reveals the
human person in the face of rapid
scientific and technology progress.
• Brainstorm with your groupmates. Then,
create a five-slide presentation, which
shows and discusses the art or a snippet
of it. Use Heideggerian concepts to discuss
and critique the art piece.
• Prepare a no more than seven-minute live
presentation of your art piece that tackles
the guide questions in the next slide.
GW 3 Guide

• What is the piece of art and why do you consider it a

good art form?
• How does the art piece 'reveal' the face of the human
person in the midst of Science and Technology?
• Think of a pressing and timely Science and Technology
issue. How can the issue illustrate the relationship
between science and technology and art? How can art
guide modern technology in order to limit its excesses
and become a revealing in the sense of poiesis?

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