English 2

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Course Tittle : English

Topic : Adjectives

Submitted to : Ma’am Noureen

Submitted by : Umar Hayat

Roll # 102(2019-24)

LLB Section A (Morning)

Session 2020-25

Dated : 23-11-20

Words that give quality and quantity of noun are adjectives


He has a beautiful bike : I gave him two chairs

Here beautiful is quality so it is adjective : and two used obove is quantity of noun

TYPES OF ADJECTIVE (descriptive)

Atributive Predicative

The tall boy Boy is tall

There is no linking verb between noun and Predicative adjectives contain linking verb
adjective noun and adjective

 Types of adjective with respect to function

1)Adjective of Quality

Adjectives which show quality of noun like

Clever, Ugly ,small, large ,tall,long,beautiful

2)Adjective of Quantity

Adjectives which show quantity of noun like

Much ,more, less ,some,few,

3)Demonstrative Adjective

These Adjectives point to noun like (Would you like this box?)

This, that, these, those

4) Interrogative adjective

Interrogative adjective pose a question

Which mangoes you like most?

Which, what, where, whose

5) Possessive Adjective

Possessive adjective show possession

This pen is mine (here mine is possessive adjective)

Our, my, your, there

6) Proper adjective

Proper adjectives are derived from a proper noun

I love Japanese machines ;Pakistani people: hussaini :hashmi

Adjective of number

Cordinal number Ordinal number

When number written in blow way When number written in blow way
One :two :three The first, the second, the fourth

Order of adjective

DNSACOM date, number, size, age, color, origen, material

Degree of adjective

1) positive

Ali is a nice boy

Ali is very nice boy(positive)

2)comparative degree

It is used when two things are compared

My college is better then his

Much +2nddegree+then ( higher you go colder it is)

3) superlative degree

It is used when more than two things are compared


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