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Home General Knowledge 80 Food and Drink Quiz Questions and Answers

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80 Food and Drink Quiz Questions and Answers - Fun Quizzes UK



Looking for some food and drink quiz questions with answers?

These quiz questions on food and drink are made of three general
rounds of 20 questions each and two shorter rounds of 10: one fun
food-related phobias and one round of herbs and spices only. Have

1. What type of pastry are profiteroles made from?

2 of 9 12/03/2020, 06:44
80 Food and Drink Quiz Questions and Answers - Fun Quizzes UK

2. What is the main flavour of aioli? RELATED POSTS

3. Which vegetable can be oyster, chestnut or shitaki?
4. What is wiener schnitzel?
5. How is steak tartare cooked?
6. Which drink is Worcester sauce traditionally added to?
7. Which fish is the main ingredient of Scotch Woodcock?
8. What is beef fillet cooked in puff pastry called?
9. What gives Windsor Red cheese its colour and flavour?
10. What is a Worcester Pearmain?
11. Which meat is used in Glamorgan sausages?
12. Which vegetables can be Pentland Crown or Maris Bard?
13. What type of food is basmati?
14. What is Roquefort cheese made from?
15. Which fruit is a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry?
16. Which type of pasta’s name means “little worms”?
17. What ingredient is included in food in a Florentine style?
18. What is pancetta?
19. What is the main ingredient of black pudding?
20. Which herb is in pesto sauce?

1. Choux pastry
2. Garlic
3. Mushroom
4. Veal
5. It’s served raw
6. Tomato juice
7. Anchovy
8. Beef Wellington
9. Red wine
10. Apple
11. None, they are made from cheese
12. Potatoes and cabbage
13. Rice
14. Ewe’s milk
15. Tayberry
16. Vermicelli
17. Spinach
18. Bacon
19. Blood
20. Basil

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80 Food and Drink Quiz Questions and Answers - Fun Quizzes UK

1. What type of fish is in an Omelette Arnold Bennett?

2. What shape is the pasta called rigatoni?
3. What is couscous made from?
4. What three main ingredients are added to mayonnaise to make a
Waldorf salad?
5. What is a Kugelhupf?
6. In which country do red onions originate?
7. What is added to cheddar cheese to make Ilchester cheese?
8. What is laver?
9. What type of fish are Arbroath smokies?
10. What type of milk was mozzarella cheese originally made from?
11. What are the two main ingredients of a Hollandaise sauce?
12. What are the sugared almonds often used at weddings called?
13. Where does coulibiac originate and what is it?
14. What is a carbonade cooked in?
15. How does paella get its name?
16. What is the main vegetable ingredient of moussaka?
17. Which nut do you find in pesto?
18. Which country has the highest usage per person of olive oil?
19. Which luxury food shop has been in Piccadilly, London since
20. Tripe, popular in the North of England, is what?

1. Smoked haddock
2. Tube-shaped
3. Semolina
4. Apple. celery and walnuts
5. Cake
6. Italy
7. Beer and garlic
8. Seaweed
9. Haddock
10. Buffalo milk
11. Egg yolks and butter
12. Dragees
13. Russia, fish pie
14. Beer
15. From the pan that it’s cooked in
16. Aubergines

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80 Food and Drink Quiz Questions and Answers - Fun Quizzes UK

17. Pine
18. Greece
19. Fortnum and Mason
20. The stomach, usually of a cow

1. What kind of oranges are used to make marmalade?

2. From which animal does Italian pancetta come from?
3. What is the main ingredient of Tarka Dahl?
4. Which part of the lotus flower is frequently used in Asian cookery?
5. What is the national dish of South Africa?
6. Preserved lemons are popular in Morocco, how are they
7. Which popular nut, grown in the Middle East, is green?
8. What confectionary product is traditionally bought as a gift from a
seaside holiday?
9. What does ‘artisan’ mean?
10. What is affinage?
11. What is the name for the removal of the green and white stalks of
a strawberry?
12. Wasabi is used in which type of food?
13. What nut does Waldorf Salad contain?
14. English Toffee Day is in which month?
15. Mole sauce often has which sweet treat in it?
16. Kobe meat originates in which country?
17. For what dish is air injected under a duck’s skin to separate it from
the fat?
18. What colour is a typical Maine lobster after it is cooked?
19. Brown shrimp are native to Morecambe Bay in England, but how
are they preserved?
20. Which fatty acid is found in many fish and considered to be of a
major health benefit?

1. Seville oranges
2. Pig
3. Lentils
4. Root
5. Bobotie
6. They are stuffed with salt and stored in brine or water
7. Pistachio

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80 Food and Drink Quiz Questions and Answers - Fun Quizzes UK

8. Sticks of rock
9. Made by small-scale producers with traditional methods
10. The maturation of cheese
11. Hulling
12. Japanese food, especially Sushi
13. Walnut
14. January (8th)
15. Chocolate
16. Japan
17. Peking Duck
18. Red and orange
19. Potted – boiled and stored in seasoned butter
20. Omega 3

Match the name of the food-related phobias to their description

1. Alektorophobia
2. Mycophobia
3. Alliumphobia
4. Arachibutyrophobia
5. Mageirocophobia
6. Lachanophobia
7. Cibophobia
8. Ichthyophobia
9. Lipophobia
10. Bovinophobia

Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth

Fear of food
Fear of chicken
Fear of cooking
Fear of mushrooms
Fear of cattle
Feat of fat in food
Fear of fish
Fear of garlic
Fear of vegetables

1. Fear of chicken
2. Fear of mushrooms

6 of 9 12/03/2020, 06:44
80 Food and Drink Quiz Questions and Answers - Fun Quizzes UK

3. Fear of garlic
4. Fear of penut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth
5. Fear of cooking
6. Fear of vegetables
7. Fear of food
8. Fear of fish
9. Fear of fat in food
10. Fear of cattle

1. Which spice provides the main flavouring and colouring of

2. Mace grows around the outside of which other spice?
3. Which part of a turmeric plant is dried and used in Indian cooking?
4. What is the main flavour of caraway seeds?
5. Which is the most expensive spice in the world by weight?
6. Fleur de Sel comes from which country?
7. Which country is the only place to produce Kampot Pepper?
8. What is on the inside of a vanilla pod?
9. Cinnamon is the inner part of what?
10. Chives have a similar flavour to which vegetable?

1. Paprika
2. Nutmeg
3. The root
4. Aniseed
5. Saffron
6. France
7. Cambodia
8. Vanilla Seeds
9. A tree – it is part of the inner bark
10. Onion

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80 Food and Drink Quiz Questions and Answers - Fun Quizzes UK

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Deepak N
Thank for sharing this....
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Peter Adams
Great content
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Frankie Yang
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Sam Rowntree
Great quiz!
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Sam Rowntree
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