Nintendo Case Study Global Marketing

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Elnike Constantien

Global Marketing

Nintendo Case Study

#Q1: What were Microsoft’s motives in entering the games console market with Xbox?

Gaming industry is a potential target for Microsoft because they often success in mass-
market. Microsoft wants to accomplish other business goals by penetrating the gaming
industry, and it’s also because gaming industry is a great moneymaker. Not to mention,
there has been rumor that Sony rejected their offer to co-operate, and it leads them to
decides to try tackle Sony.

#Q2: What are the competitive advantages of Microsoft’s Xbox One and Sony’s
PlayStation 4?

Sony PlayStation always wins in terms of resolution and the price is quite reasonable
considering the resolution and experience offers by PS4. While Xbox One has a function that
is wanted by many players, it offers multiplayer functions. And the appearances of the Xbox
one is elegant, make it looks like a luxury console.

#Q3: What are the competitive advantages of the original Wii and the new Nintendo

The original Nintendo Wii known with their fun-factor which leads kids to enjoy playing it,
and their competitive price is also one of their advantages because their quality is beyond
their prices, and of course the kid-friendly library they offer.

The Nintendo Switch is a unique console, a console that can be used either as a portable or
a home console. It’s quite interest for both their past users and future users as it offers a
new experience. Its flexibility and versatility are the most important advantages of Nintendo
Switch. Parents also considering buying their kids Nintendo Switch as its well-priced and the
game is also kid-friendly, making parents to feel safe letting their kids play Nintendo.

#Q4: What do you think Nintendo’s chances are of creating a ‘blue ocean’ come-back with
their Switch?

A blue ocean is a strategy used by Nintendo where they simply want to keep their old users
along with attracting new users as well. In my opinion, the chances still above average as
nowadays people tend to love the feeling of throwback to the good old days, so they still
enjoy the games such as Mario that they often play back then. Of course, with some
improvement made, adjusting with todays style. One of Nintendo’s Switch new game, called
Animal Crossing is popular among today’s kids, even adults enjoy playing animal crossing
with their friends. Me myself played animal crossing, and many Instagram
influencer(selebgram) also play animal crossing. So, blue ocean strategy can be successful if
it’s being implemented again on Switch.

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