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LO3 - Evaluation

Weekly blog updates are required, as with every unit. Please remember to
take photos/screenshots as you film/edit. You might find it easier if you note down a record
of what you did each day in a diary form.

Please use the following guidance to help you with each week.

Week 1 This week was spent on idea generation

What have you been asked to do? This week we have begun our be creative project. We have
started by producing ideas based on the target audience and
production type we chose. I chose 40-60 year olds and a music
video and short film. I have explored many possibilities of
productions and ideas and have sent out a survey to see if my
idea is suitable for my audience.
Why have you chosen this target I chose this audience because I find my work more emotional
audience? expressive through visuals instead of high comedy or fun. I like
to incorporate hidden messaging and meanings through visuals
that can only be appreciated and noticed by adults.
What two productions have you decided I have decided to make a music video and short film because the
to make? How do they allow you to stop motion animation does not require a lot of creativity in the
improve your skills? field of camera work such as angles which is where I feel I
How did the focus groups help you to I haven’t completed the focus group yet due to covid laws but I
select your idea? have conducted a survey and created covid questions. These
will help me see if my production si the right fit for the target
audience and if I can go ahead with the genres and embedding
political issues within my productions. It will help me find the
most effective filming technique and ensure my audience is
broadly met.
Are you on track for the week? I spent quite long on the idea production so need to get my
survey replies back as I just sent out the survey. Other than that
I feel I have done each task in depth.
What work needs to be completed for Collecting survey results and making any altercations if needed.
you to catch up?

Week 2 This week was spent researching target audiences

What did you find out about your target I looked into popular genres within this age category and found
audience through your secondary that crime and soaps were the most common and enjoyed genre. I
research? looked into their activity and other habits too to see the type of
audience I would have.
How will this help you in adapting your This allows me to easier chose a genre as I
idea to meet the chosen audience? know what appeals to them and what doesn’t.
this has formed and clarified my idea. Its also
shown me the sort of duration and atmosphere I
should be making.
How useful was interviewing people Interviewing people was useful as I got a
from your chosen target audience? further and more independent insight into their
interests in media. I was able to ask more specific and in depth
questions instead of just simple yes and no numbers in a survey. I
found out what they don’t like about tv which is usually missed
out of surveys so I have a clearer idea of what to avoid.
Was it difficult to get a large response to Yes, getting a large result basis was difficult , most of my
your survey? How could you improve contacts are younger than the target audience. I could improve
the amount of respondents for your the amount of respondents by posting to twitter and other larger
social media platforms
What have you found to be the key I found the key things to be targeting my audience is a clever
things that you should be targeting your story. Within this genre this is very popular but I found that the
audience with? What makes this like a plot twist or something that will keep them engaged. I was
told this but also found it evident in my research as when looking
audience different to the one you never
at their activity habits , they limit themselves to a small amount
chose? of television a day and are heavy critics towards tv. So I need to
keep them engaged.
Are you on track for the week? yes
What work needs to be completed in Editing and uploading focus group.
your own time?

Week 3 This week was spent researching codes and conventions

What genres have you chosen and why? I have chosen a 80s style music video for my target† audience as
it is the era that they all share in common. They were all either
entering young adulthood or were growing up in the 80s so I feel
like it will resonate with them all. I also asked them if they liked
the 80s era and a lot of them had a strong sense of nostalgia
towards it which is the main emotion im aiming to create.
What have you learnt from your This week we looked into evident codes and conventions in our
secondary research this week? selected genres. I looked more in depth into crime and thriller
and saop short films and then went in and loomed at codes and
conventions of 80s music videos and the exact effects, mise en
scen and techniques they used within these.
How will this influence what you include I have now due to research decided to make my music video
in your productions? truer to is imitating era, I will be including newly learned 80s
editing techniques that create a gimmicky effect and push this
projection of the 80s. I have learned more about the culture,
clothes and makeup so that my video can be professional as
possible. For the short film I have looked into the importance of
sound. As there is no dialogue, sound is all-important to help
push the emotions and environment created. This means that in
my production I will be including music and directing it around
the events that happen to help project whatever emotion im
trying to.
What are the key conventions for your Key conventions for 80s music videos are gimmicky effects-
chosen genres? What MUST you include ghost like transitions, overly animated transitions, low power
for it to be that genre? angles, proportional placement, bright colours, dancing, bright
makeup, overly animated expressions. For the crime thriller short
films- dark cold colours, slow progression into the plot, loud
foley sound, plot twits, tension, suspenseful
Are you on track for the week? yes
What work needs to be completed in Finish and upload analysis of multiple
your own time? productions

Week 4 This week was spent researching codes and conventions

What have you learnt from you primary I have looked into possible locations for my production and
research this week? researched where effective examples located their production. I
also thought about sound and ambience and what ill need to
create for my own. I also thought about colour use and settings I
need to have my camera on
What developments do you need to make I need to ensure my camera setting and post production editing
to your production for it to meet these are all in place for the short film. I want to make sure there is
codes and conventions requirements? blue tones when filming ambience and Foley sounds in post. For
the 80s video I need to accurately create the 80-s nostalgia
through mise en scen and collect decorations that will ensure
there is no confusion on when this is set. In post I will then
include 80 style after effects and transitions.
How did processing the results of your I have a solid and confirmed plan of what I need to include in my
research help you to understand it production as I fully understand what the audience is looking for
thoroughly? and what they are hoping to stay clear from. I understand their
likes and dislikes within film and music videos and how to
exactly appeal to them.
Are you on track for the week? yes
What work needs to be completed in Upload all work.
your own time?

Week 5 This week was spent planning your productions

What did you learn from your planning? From planning I was able to have a broader view of my
production and how I need to time manage. Without planning I
would have been stuck with time and it would have thrown off
the whole project. Planning allowed me to see from a. Wider
view how each scene needs to be filmed and in what order to
efficiently do costume and makeup changes. I was able to have
each day of filming planned out and have the sounds I need to
record and when and where listed in front of me so I don’t fall
behind or have to make things up as I go along.
How will this be useful as your When filming I now will use my time effectively and will have
production process continues? no gaps or anything missing when I find myself editing in post
production. I have thought of issues that may arise and created
solutions to them and have over planned filmed scenes so that I
have excess footage to use in case some is not efficient.
What issues did you encounter whilst When planning I found that shooting my productions would be a
planning and how did you overcome very elongated process. Both the music video and short have
them? many different scenes and costume changes which can be very
long for my actors. I didn’t realise how time consuming it was so
had only agreed for one day of filming with each but have now re
arranged the filming and found the perfect order to make it time
efficient and have updated them with a production schedule and
how long I will need them for.
How much work did you complete Video shoot notes.
outside of the lessons?
Are you ready to film next week and if I am but due to actors availability I will be
not, what do you need to complete to be coming in to catch up on work and then filming
ready? the following weeks.
Are your storyboards up to standard? Yes.

Week 6 This week was spent filming

How did you find the filming process? I chose not to film this week and to instead attend school so that I
could do more work on planning and top up any needed bits on
the reasearch
Did you encounter any problems during
filming? How did you overcome them?
After reviewing footage, what do you
feel you need to reshoot?
What new techniques from your previous
units have you tried to use?
Are the locations you filmed at suitable
to your production?
Are you keeping up with your production
What footage still needs capturing?

Week 7 This week was spent filming

How did you find the filming process? I wasn’t able to film as I had my first day of filming planned the
day after lockdown came into place.
Did you encounter any problems during Wasn’t able to film
filming? How did you overcome them?
After reviewing footage, are you happy
with what you have captured?
Have the techniques you planned on
using turned out well?

Week 8 This week was spent editing

How are you finding the editing process I wasn’t able to edit as I wasn’t able to film
this week?
Have you encountered any problems
whilst editing? How did you overcome
Are there any new techniques you are
trying to use during this editing process?
Are you on track with all of your work?
What work needs to be completed Upload remaining missing work ; surveys , focus groups and
outside of lessons? anlysis
Week 9 This week was spent editing

How did you finding the editing process?

Have you encountered any problems
whilst editing? How did you overcome
Are you happy with the outcome of your
productions? Why?
How did your productions meet your
target audience?
What aspects of your productions could
have been better targeted to your
How effectively have you matched the
codes and conventions you researched
earlier in the unit?
How do you feel your work compares to
existing professional productions?
Are there any areas where your
production falls short? How would you
improve it next time?
What have you learnt about yourself to
take into the Final Major Project? What
do you personally need to improve on?
Are you on track with all of your work?
What work needs to be completed
outside of lessons?

Week 10 This week you pitched

How did you choose to pitch your idea?

What made your pitch stand out and be
different? Why would it convince
someone to invest?
How did the pitch go?
Is there anything you would do
differently in your next pitch?

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