Origami - Rick Beech

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rick beech contents | Introduction 6 Paper, Techniques & Base Folds 8 paper 10 equipment and preparation 12 fechnigues and tips {4 hase folds v9 The Projects 1g jeimping frog +0 glides } banger Stackers barking dog goomerany timblewing 38 nodding dog Blagic Star/{rsbe¢ pecking crow apping talking mov zard flaughier lines fortune teller 5) dollar shirr a0 envelope tric! 6 blinking eyes Ku Strawherry 6b kissi 68 Money pig 7 Spinner a Butterfly ball rs anese brewade ‘ five intersecting tetrah ; fiodular star a? modular cube gs kusuc ss 18 | Piper, Techniques & Base Folds paper Although most origami mndels can be folded from almost any type 6f paper, there are certain designs that beg for the r of spec lise material, whether piirely for aestheric beaury; or because of the weight and thickness of tre chosen medium. A wide variety of interesting and unusual igen aortas We paraliacal Tamir shaphaan and speciali¢t shops alike, of even found around the home: Endy experimenting with diffetenr gypes of paper Duo paper Paper with a different colour ary the reverse side isa great asset to origami enthusiasts, as ir helps provide areas of alrermare: colour to finished models. Available in pre-cur specialist packs, you can now find such paper in stanclard size packs and ever in ulls, Look our for paper thar is described ay fadeless duo’ and is sold as art matérial. Specialist origami paper Pre-cur packs of multi-coloured origami paper available in a wide variery of sizes, colours and parcerns. are riot thar easy co find locally. T1 ankfilly, origaini soceres around the world havean excellent mailing service supplying different types and sizes of paper, as do 4 number of specialise supplies. This kind of paper is fairly flinasy, yer will crease welll, so itis idedl for practising your models, although you may prefer to use a different mae particular design. once you have mastered a Textured paper As well as parerned paper, there are-also mary different kinds of paper available shat have a kextuire to the surface Vhis proves partxcularly useful when folding animals and other living creatures, ts i enhances the realism of the subject. Such papers as elephant hide, Ingres and iso be ideal wer folding mediums warercolinir Can a iques & Base falds [V4 Metallic, foil, opaque & shiny papers These are some of the more difficult materials 10 work with, but if vou persevere the results can look spectacular. Paper-backed foil is widely available; and thismarerial has the property of being: able to be curved and moulded. Care must be taken, however, as some foil papers, thin plastic materials and opaque paper ean be quite dificult te crease well, andl teversed creases can crack, whiten oreven splic Patterned paper Giftow cant ewonderful paper ro fanld with, as it is often quire sturely (medium weight) and nowadays there is so mach choice around. Look out foriusteal imanyserips switliig wacermark-pacremed paper, wood grain sppenrance and ubstract gold, black ana silver colouriags in gift shopy and the larger department stores Washi & other handmade paper In specialise paper shops you can buy Japanese washi paper which isa soft, fibred material. This and other handmade papers from around the world give lighter creases to your folding and asofter, less angular loot ro final models, Materials from around the home Before you go searching for special or expensive paper to fold with, remember that your home may be already a great source of Fulding material. Copy paper, napkins, re wallpaper. index cards, bank notes (those foreign currencies saved from holiday expeditions), and even magazines or newspapers can be used to make interesting wad practical organi mudely, 12 | Paper, “Techniques & Base Folds equipment and preparation y few essennial origami todls to purchase, oF There are ve preparation techniques to learn. However, iris worth farniliarving yourself with tools you might nee Equipment Although plenty of origami models can be made with nds, nothing more than-a piece af paper and a pair of bx there area few pieces of equipment that are essential toa yadhesive ts uselul for sucking wes deadtca ten origamist. Spr sether, btit sheets af different-coloured ar textuired paper 1 Iwas follow the safery instructions, A guillotine is a worthwhile investment if you are practising onganti om a af gular basis: They come in a variery of sizes and a ra prices'and have the advantage of curring a very straight which, such as seisors andr ers, are household ines, oh by ‘within te you y stir chine rey 2 selt-heal cutting A curting knife is-a very usctal tool as. irs extremely sharp blade makes curting through any thickness of puper simple. Always usea metal ruler when working with craft fe and rest the paper on a self-healing cuwing mat. This will not only protect the work surface, bur will also prevent he nd thus accidental cuts, aswell as extending ippir life of the blade. A sturcly pair of paper scissors can often be just av effective-as any other curting wol, bur make sute that draw a Faint, docurare pencil line on rhe pape yeu Start 10 eut Using a guillotine Often you will require a specific size off paper, and « guillotine is a great help here, particularly as you can align your paper with the sur plac Measured edge to ensure that you make a-cur tha is at right angles ta the straight edge: Ir is possible te car fits Or three sheers ar altime, bur you will get a leaner cur if you only cut One sheet ar a time. Spray mounting Spray mounting two sheers of paper together, back to back, is a useful technique for thickening an SxIsting Huter paper fora certain project, or for providing a chosem combination of colours. Spray Taountin foil paper ws tissue paper piddsa material thar can’ be shaped and moulded. curved and euljsturedd more’ easily:thias conventional paper, while the ‘tissuc esa more realistic look to paper living creacuites. 1 Pre 2 with Hewspaper. § sof paper and lay oi down on your saraying surface. i Spray adhedWwe. spray a fine tnist evenly across the paper Papi, Techinigguies & Base Fulds 9 12 ote edge Of the e hand. u: with the ruled edge of the guilloti a your « making # clear iting blade across it yrate cut Ny plate the reverse side of the 4) With a craft knife and ruler. or with a wit (the side youido mat wish guillatine, trim otf the extass poper around the e Onl Top oF thie us The urne shew: second st hey first should ideally be alightly amallar than the SAFETY ‘Aso witty all aerosols. it is Important first. sc 4 thid border will appear around the edges of thie ond sheet 3 oF creas fertully Smriooth Gut any: wrinkles in the bagk-qoated layers by running your hand over the upper surface, pressing firmly as you go 14 Papier, Techniques AP Base olds Although you are probably keen co gev started on the projects, read this sec standard techniques and Basie proceclurcs before you make a model: Leaming how to fold) your paper correctly, How to fold The firse golden mile isto have something smooch and Naw tes tise: as ven Rolling spaifaver piatioralli of larger area than the sheer of paper that you are going to fold. The second is to make all the creases in the pape. by falding ina direction away from you, taking dhe edge or comer nearest to you and folding bottom to rop. This is simply to make the folding and 1 give you more control ener the paper tham if you trie bring the upper edge er comer cowards you or by Folding side to side, Wherever possilile, che phcogeaitie will Rsllowa-uacutal folding sequence so that you will not need! vo alcer the position or onenciden of the paper in order co Fakil-asway: ferns je, Al waves inahes fi sharper you ovake the creases, rhe beuter ihe finished -madel will appear. , Sharp cresses. The neater ane Bo fot hurry te finish the madel. Relax, take carcund enjoy what you are folding. De nar be discouraged if your firse atcempr ends in disappointment, because you have not been able to complete the model, Iie is nor as well falded as the illustration Suggests, [ast try agetim. n first so-chat you undersiand the techniques and tips Ways to fold and familiarizing yourself with the photograph step instructions are key stages to successtul models; The more you practise folding the basic rechniques the more you wall enjoy’ makirig 0 sigaimi. Technically: thére are only ive deteial ways co fold: cithona valley fold, where a corner, edge or flap wi taking a portion of the paper behimd the rest of the model and our of sigh remain to rhe frome dind im sight: or a miouritain fold, All other Filds sive variations of the valley aind mountain folds. Valley fold 1) Fold the lower edge of the paper upwerd, to an arbitrary point. Hole the Fold in place with one hand, and smonth Out the crease with the other hand 2 This isa valley (on forware!) told _Mountain fol 1 With fingers and thumbs at the ende of the crease you interid to make. fold the paper behind, pinching in the fold, Here. the fald is made to a earner 2 Smoath out the crease This is a mountain Cor backyard? fotdl re-crease Diten you will fold ane unfold the paper in order to’ leave 3 crease which will act @53 Guideline for a later definite tote This ts called 3 pre-crease nch crease 1 Sometimes when you are making @ Grease, you do not actually want to Crease through every layer of paper. or euen all. the way across the paper, tut wish tomake a tiny mark or short Crease: line to: act as a guide for a later detinite fold. To de this, simply apply: pressure to a part oF the fold 2 Unters, leaving = snail crease iyark BB your guide: | | Dividing tato thirds Often you will need to he able co fold the paper accurately inte three equal parts or thirds, This procedure is a little experimental, so take-your rine sind folcl carefully, 4) Using s rectangular sheer of paper. and with the shorter sides horizontal, ald the lower edge upward, toa pomt whicl you jurige to bevome-thire af the: way down front the upperedge Make a wery soft Crease - 2 Fold the upper edge down over the section ot paper folded if-atep 1. Make @ soft crease. Unfold (he paper IF you have eatingted the Hap im step 1 corettly, you should now have three horsontal borders of equal depth. Each oliter raw edge could than be folded inward, and would meet with ane of the creases made in steps 1-2. If you are siightly out In your amtiommiton, thenr try again: making the initial crease alightly higher or lower thee before. Papen. ‘Techniques & Base Ralds 15 | Pleat fold This is the ecencertina effect produced when a flap is doubled back on irself, 1 Make two parallel wailey foicis ina sheet of paper. Turn the paper over so. that these horizontal creases are now MOUNTAIN cresees. 2 Pinch the lower crease between fingers and thumb of each hand. Slide ‘this crease and the paper beneath-away from you, Until you-can Ke it Upopi the \ipper Grease Flatten the mode! agove The completed pleat foid 16 Paper. Techniques & Base Filds Special moves There are several special moves in origamnl, standard techniques thar are used in countless models tin one Fort aimnoiick Dace yon Kite hare these basic routines you will always be able to adapt your skill and knowledge ca whichewer project you aie tackling. side reverse fold This is one of che most common procedures, which oceurs in two basic forms: tucking a flap inside the model or changing the angle of a point. Tucking a flap inside 1. Fold a rectangular sheet of paper in halt end rotate the paper 1B0° so that the Fold you have ust made naw runs hiofizantally across: the top: 2 Fold the vertical side ar the right down so that it lies along the lower ecige. 3. Untol step 2 , 3 4 By slightly opening out the feald made instep 1 you will see that the crease made in-stao 2 runs through both sides af the paper Orie of the creases will appear-as avaliey fold, the otheiras a. meuntain fold. Both head to be mountain folds. so pinch the-valley fold into a mountain fald 5 Pushing inwardsoon the spine crease that originally taip-alang the upper edge of the nghi-herd portion: of ihe paper allow the triangular flap ito be turned inside aut, asitis pushed between the outer layers af the pianer 6 Allow the two outer comers to come bank together as you fatten the paper a aAsove The completed inside reverse fold Folding a point 1 Fold a piece of paper into a Kite base (seep. 22), then fold in Halt fangthways alony the centre cress: ww 2 Make an arbitrary valley fold as: shown, bringing the point downwards. and changing the angie of the: point 3° Unfold, step 2 4 Slightly open aut the two lower sloping edges at the right, that run to the potet, 2nd see how the crease made fn Sfep 2 passes through both layers of the paper, front and beck. Gree agai, make both creases forming the W shape mountain folds (change the direction of the valley fold ‘to a mountain Ie) Bs you begin to push down on the sping crease rtinning elang the upper fight edie 5 Allow the paper to turn insider out as the Sgine crease of the point hands bankwerds: if iteelF and is pushed dawn Between the two outer layers aBOVE The completed inside reverse fold Outside reverse fold This move is similar to the inside reverse fald, except that che layers of paper in order no effect the angle change. ia 1) Prepare the paint by folding a Kite wrapped around the outside base fsee p.22), then fold this in half langthways using the centre crease 2 Make an arbitrary valley fold, bringing the lip dF the pont downwards: a5 ihustrated. Lit 3 Untold step 2 Can a 4 Oper out the two upper edges leading to the tip of the point As with the Insictlé reverse fol], the crease made in step 2 now passes through both layers of paper. Front and! back Paper, ‘Techniques & Base Folds 17 § Using the existing V shape of creases, turn the paint outside on itself The spine crease leading to the tip of the point is changed in direction from a valley fold ta 3 mountain filet 6 Allow the Front anc rear layers ta core back together as you fatten the paper. apove The completed outside reverse fold 18 f Paper, Techniques & Base Folds Rabbit ear This is where two adjacent edges are folded in simultaneously, As the nwo cdies comesogethen they arc squashed to forny anacher point 1 Fold a square of paper in Half froni comer t6 comer, Unkalid 2 Rotate the paper around so that the crease made in step’) is how vertical tt you, then fdid ine-paper ih half once more, corner ts corner, making ad second crease perpendicular to the first. Unicel, 3 Fold the lower left -sloping edde upward te lie-along the horizontal centre crease 4 Unioid tap 3. then repeat stan 3 usiniy the lower night sloping edge: 5 Unfold stop 4. Simultaneously rofesle the lower sloping edges as folded in eps 3-4. 10 the sEenlte Grease | Squash fold This is where a flap is squashed dawn into anew position 1 Fold a square of paper in half diagonally, then in half again. Unfald the. second staye and arrange so that the filded edge runs along the bop. Raise the right-hand flap of the model upward on the vertical centre crease, so that it ig at right angles to the folding surface 6B Sq ez@ the comar nedrest te you to a point, using the vertical diagonal crease, The new point, will project Upwards al noht angles to the rest of the model aieHT The sornpleted rabbit ear 2 Separate the two layers of the raised flap with,ane hand, ard wt your other hand squash the paper flat bringing the spine crease of the raised fap.down te lie along the vertial crease. AiGHT The completed squash fold | Crimp fold This isa useful move for adding a 3D) eect or sculprured look to models. 1 Fold are lar shee ‘af paper in half, bringing the shorter sides together Rotate the paper around so that the shorter sides are now harizontal. Make: an arbitrary ve ry fold in the: paper, at about the halfway niark, but al an anqle S0 that the portion of paper that youare foiting Comes to-rest offset to the Jeti #2 Fold the upper flap back downwards making aoather valley crease. ithe ight ae you look, ibis crease begiis'at the same place as: thi east made in step 1, so that when you pull ihe paper back downward, you do ab as Taras you can comiartably go. 3: ‘Open our all thencheases. You wil how see that the two cre es yc in stéps 1-2 pase through both laye the paper. front and back, Whether you to. ke an inside or an outside Fina! to. crimp (se tures, yeni mes adopt the same principle as with the inside and outside reverse folds: on one sidé of the modal the valley and Mountain creases are in’ the opposite dimection to the same creases on thie olfier side of the paper Opposite pairs of the same crease need to be either both valley. fotcis ull refore, firection fanually af foth cre ste side of the paper 4 Step 5 completed, seen trom above. showing the printipal crease from step 1 restored. Take hold of the paper with each fi at opposite ends ol folded 2d & Holding the left side of the paper firnily Ih place, allow the aight hai biting the Aght portion of the pay downwards. The creases made aps 1-2 willl now: allow the paper to flatten inta the position shown. Both sides. of the paper will appear identical, This is an outside crimp. where the crease furthest to the right is @ mountain fold agove The campteted outside-crimp fotd ABOVE If the crease furthest tothe roght is @ valley 2, then the result will be as shown, The completed inside crimp fold = & Base Folds 26 P Paper, Technicy | Swivel fold eel Fairly lengthy prepararion is nee in-ofder to be able to histrate and practise this origami move 1 Fold the paper it halt. comier to apposite comer, to precresse the diagonal, Lilo and arrange as a susie. Fall the lower left comer ane! ower edge Upwear to lie along the 2 Fold Upwards by ar arbitrary amount ye lower righ! Gofner directly 3 Untold step 2. Fralel thee tesft:lrerid edge act aking avertical crease rperitficular to the ude eekye. THie ease should meel withthe erase mace In 5 Now, keeping tlie ttiangular flap fale raase fram slap 2-in the ur ause the layer arly, wl ut Ft up. ancl mot tobe fet shoul). 6 The pi cy the hei, wt sein the upper laye aper pulls te excege The vival” Inte. ipiaion The carnal pape: 2, retold the de upper layer at the right-hand stie to rim re the wertical Sink fold This move entails a closed paint to be sunk inside the model. You may nied 10 practise thls move several times before you perfect ir a Waterbomi base 2 afiitary amount Id the top comer 3 Unfold step: 2. nF Weterbor 2 quitsliightly at the n m abcive 4 in the centre of the paper you will locate a'small square, which was nN crenfed by the e/eoe made in step pa Paper 1g thr Wers of the Pinch:c > allt ese creasi Mountain folds. San unten folds alrenedy, i ihe central square inwards 6 are: tw flaps: te the paper, ensuring that there the left aad two flaps to the nghtof the Waterbomb base What was the central square has ow become invertod g the matiel) The completed ak fold, | Wet folding Making origami with damp paper | allows you to mould anid shape the | model to a prearer degree than you can with dry paper. Start ¢ FE with a simple miodel thar vou huve folded many times before, une without pioinred corners and sharp creases. ‘Th larger the thicker the square you start with the paper you can use 1 To dampen the paper ee @ dari aponge or absorbent brush both er uintil the: sides of the: se 5 uititarnly damp, The key ward is damp: not really tell you how damp the gaper needs to bey but if ir becomes: shiny. oo I te dry Slightly before praceeeting 2 Once a crease & been made. you can use the warmth of your fingers jo partially dry out th 2 Soin will pata its shape Taper, Techniques & Base Folds [ 24 2 Coritiius to ctease the paper while meulding the folds ag required. Master: folder Robert Lang recommends using masking tape to help sdinfonce weal areas of the paper (suth ae where several. c tases meat). The tape can be femboved when the paper is. diy: ce the aim ck wel olding is “animation” of the Fold you sheild ehoourage thres-dimensionality wherever possible non-essential creases tow minimum: A consequence is that morst afyour folding will have tobe performed in the air 5 ‘The teal ancl appdarance wet-folided origami is imap tnaitoh: in ai other way. 22 | Paper. Techniques & Base Folds base folds Throughout anci¢nt Japanese origami tradition, as well as by contemporary experimentation, certain basic falds, or bases, have evolved. These are standard and easily recognizable starting points from which hundreds of mit different models derive, It is worth ox ig these to orp villrnsy wise bce: oalace!lFarmeniinn Tits ad iedhingaues me from the preceding pages. Allow them to become familiar, érijty flditig’ them, and tty to understand che etease patterns and fortracions of each of them, as they will appear in so many wonderful designs, Almost anyone can do origami, as long as they take ahe sitmost care in following. the instructions. Do nat assume anything, bur look clasely at cach photograph anil text caption, until you clearly understand what you are reqinired to do. With time will be able to fold many of che models and practice in this book without reading the rexm. ABOVE Bultonhole flower mode using the Kite base and'Waterbamb base. Kite base 1 Beyin by folding a square of paper in haif diagonally. binging together two oppasite comers. Unfold the paper and rotate Mi so that the crease you have just made is vertical to you, thetis i runs from the upper corner to the lower camer when the paper is arranged 26a diamond, as shown 2. Feld each of the lower sidping outer edges inward to lit along-the vertical crease line made in step 1. The completed Kite tos intz fold Deriving from a Yiddish word of Ubrainian origin, a blinez is literally a thinjpancake folded t contain a cheese or other filling, Because a blinite is folded wieh all the outer Somers to the centre, the manic wis taken by Gershon Legriat and ober Toit jeipasRibdeis to xefor no he wat of folding all the four corners of the square of paper to the centre: ‘here are. two principal methwes-to achieve this, both shown here. The second method is hest when teaching Figami tachildren and to the blind ana partiallysighted, for it is far simpler toaim for afolded edge than to ty bring the four oitter coriers to a point within the area of paper. method 1 1 Fold-a square af paper in hail teayonally, bringing toycther opposite tomers Untold, rotate the paper ao that ihe crmage you have just made is now verica! 16 you (itrins from the upper Somer tn the lower corner), then fold in hathagain, bottam te top. This will adda precmese pependiculer Lo the first Grease you made, Untold once more. 2 Carefully fold cach of the fou outer comers in turn to te centre. that te where the two diagenal creases you made in step | intersect. There should bie niovciverlap with any of the new corners fotined, and all the raw edaes should rum evenly side by side tothe pentte. The. compléted Blinte bold. method 2 4) Begin with thie pracoiminant eloue lace Upwards. Arrange the paper on your Psiding sitide sa that (t appestsas 4 square, in other words; with horizontal acd veitical sides, Fold the lower ates up to the upper edge. then rutate tite paper 180° so that the fold you made in stes 1 now runs horzontolly along the upper edge 2 Fold the jower outer corners. single layer only, upward, so Iltet what were the vertical raw edges now lie along the upper horizontal ecige Paper, ‘Techniques & Base Folds | 23 3 Turn the paper over and repeat step 2 on this side of the paper 4 Take hold of the two intlapendent corners at the right angle of the tranguiar form created instep 3. aad pill apart 5 Lay the paper fal on your folding surface, with the blintzed flags an top The completed Binz told 24 | Paper, Techniques & Base Talds Fish base 1 Begin by folding the Kite base. 2 Tum the paper over: keeping the: sharper of the two points at either and 8f the diagonal faid at the bottom: 3 Fold the tower sharp point up te the top, folding the model in half 4 Turn the paper over, keeping it arranged the same way, 5 At the lower half of tne model, you have twa independent flaps. Holding down the right-hand Half of the model fldt to your folding aurface: take held of the isose cuter comer of the flap anthe felt side, and pull it towards you, allowing the pocket behind 19 apen up. As you do this.: carefully begin squashing the wuter left-hand edge inward. lining up the new creases: that you are making with both the upper comer arid the conan you have julst fulled down and repasitioned. 6 Step 5 completed 7 Aepeat step San the right side of the model. The completad Fist bose, _Waterbomb base ® 1) Fold-@ square of paper in half, bringing appasite corners tagether Unfold. then rétale the paper so that the first crease is vertical vo you. Fold in hel comer to comer once more, adding. a pre-crease that is perpendicular to the firat crease. Untold once more: 2 Turmthe poper over, and make é further pre-crease, folding the paper i half side to side, then unfold and turn back aver to the original side. The diagonal creases will eppear as. valleys, winile the remaining crease, which needs to be arranged horizontally across the paper, is a mountain 3 With ome finger, push down on the paper at the centre The creases:in the paper will flex gently, and the centre will show indications oF becoming concave, 4 Toke bold of the paper between fingers-and thumbs of either hand along the vertical side edges, ata paint just =) below the horzontal crease made: in step 2 5° Using 2 axistitig lowerdiagonal eases, carolully bring the twe cides: In Ao Wreet, the sides flattening down: to te Upon the central triangular area et the lower Halt oF the paper IB Squech the upper layer of the paper Ti, so the! all the creases collapse into postion, forming a pyramid. The bumpleted Waterbomts base _ Preliminary base paper with the dominant ca nur face up, fold the paper in hall, bringing oppasite comers together Untold the paper then fold the paper ii half again. bringing the remaining two corners together Unfold again, and’ tien the paper aver 2 Now fold the paper in half side te side in both directions: each time folding thee outer edges’ together and unfolding ame as when The principle is the he pre-creages in step! 3 Retold one of the creases made in stap 2. Then take holcl of the paper between fingers and Thumbs of either hand, ‘placed about haltway ac side of the paper. a6 shown Paper, Techniques 8 Base Folds 125 4 if an-upward circular mation. bring all r finge rd thumbs thgether simultanegusly, caw | outer cemers of the paper io the lop. 5 Flatten themodel. This ‘ achieved by swinging the large lap projecting upward dewe to ome side, whilst swiveling the flap underneath the model atross (6 the other side. There should flow ber two Reps pointing te the left. and two painting to the right ‘ompleted y base asove The Prelinin 26 f Paper, Techniques & Base olds | Bird base 1 Fold. Preliminary base, and begin by airanging the paper so that (he pen end), Where the raw edges ard meet. lies pointing toward you Fold the lower stoping edges of @ upper lay Of the paper inward'to lie-along the vertical centre craase 2 Fold the upper corner (the closed giwh ower the point) aps fesloedt in stp 1. (Makera frit crease 3 Unfold steps 1-2. so that: you are back with the Preliminary base Frog Base y 1 Begin witha Preliminary base, and oi arrange! so that the open end, where the 4 Using the crease mate in step 2, ltt raw edges and comers meet, hes Ponting towered yoiK ® 2 Using the vertical c Up the single layer of paper ap the Lower nand raise it upward The paper id this ci @pens « fer How corneas’ to fe cling surface: upon your itire Grease as ar axis by which all the large triangular flaps can be rotated, jift up ane fap at the right: sat at it projects outward at right angiés to the rest of the model, 5 Now-ollow the:sides t be squashed inwatd to meet the verti centre line Stops 4-5 are often refered tous 2 petal fold 3 Soparating the two layers of this flap, place ane finge= inside the pockiat, and allow the paper to open and hollow 6 Repeat steps 1-5 out, With your other hand, squash the on the reverse fa paper cown, allowing the spine crease The completed along the upper edge of this flap. ta Bird base come ta rest alang the centre line. A Step 2 complered You now have dn Upper section of pane rasembiing a Wi @ shape. Using the vesiical axis once again, fald the fight half of thie kite shape-te the left 1B. You can tow raise a second large Mag fram the fight, and repeat steps 4, Repeat steps 2-4 in the same way with the remaining Iwi large flaps “fotating the layers as you proceed 7. With the squash folds from step showing on the upper surface, fold the lower raw edges either side inward to he-along the wertical centre crease & Unfold step 7 9 Weare now going to peronn a patal told similar to that of the Bird base Caretiiiy it up the raw edge which cule pbidss the paper, connecting leftand right outer comers of tHe model. Taking the single lawér dinly, fold this edge upwards, making a vali@y grease horizontally across the paper, joining the upper extremes of the cresses Inada inostep 7. You will need ta pinch this crease in manually Allow the two puter edges to squash inward to the mentee line, Paper, Techniques & Base! Molds ) 27 sa »* 10 Carefully manipulate the paper so. that this etal fold lines up evenly with the vention! centre line: where the new paint should rest 11 Step 10 completed ot one flap. Repeat steps 7-10 on the three similar faces, rotating the layers arqund the central vertical ais to accemplish this RIGHT The completad Frog base The Projects Working origami icingeniously clever, ax are the origamists who devised the many and vaned mechanisms for making the hundreds af modéls tra fap, fly, spin, “talk” make a noise or have some kind of movernent. There are some very sinaple pieces, which children will delight in, and others thar take more skill and time, but which rake fora climactic end to che folding sequence. 30 i Projects jumping frog Unclergraund tickets, index: cards, tail dckers and ovher fairly stiff material aceds to ‘be iased! for this model, so thar you creave tension and a spring in che hina legs, whieh you would nov have if folding with conventional paper. The proportions of the reerangle used aren’ coo critical, meither is: the colous, although green is a fairly obvious choice. A 13. 7.5cm/5 x Sin index card works particularly well, 1 Position the rectangle with the shorter edges horizontal. At the top end of the rectangle, form a Waierbemb base, 2) Fold each of the sharp points upward and outward, each Crease beginning from the centre line, bul so that there is: agen between the head and each of the front bags whan the sep is camplered 3: Fold the vertical oluler edges in‘to fie Biong the centre Hine This Wil aligin with the point where the legs join 4 Foldl the lower edge upward as far as tt wall ge Comfortataly with stiff card) his |S as far as the inner layers will allows 5. Paid the upper exige back down towards you, to the tower folded edge: eheating a pleat in the materal, whieh will be the springy hind lege: 6 Thecompleted Jumping Frog. Make him jump’ by placing your index finger an’ bis back, pressing down as you then “gtroke” the. card to the rear of the made) You will be-surprised at howe far (he frog sil spring, 1 Fold the rectangular paper in hall, bringing the two longest sides together. This establishes the centre aredse. Fisted fworcerners at one-entt of the model ioward ta lie along this cress] 2 Tum tha paper aver and rotate through 80". The outline tf the moriat Hhow comprises a rectangle atthe top ded 2 triangle at the bottom. Fold the llower point up 'so that the triangle ‘tomes to fest on top of the rectangis, Tie erease hinning slong the edges oF the flaps folded in Step 1 ; & Noting the distance of the height of (he thiangle) determine a point in your tried approximately one-third OF the waiy dévin' from the top point. Then folkd in thie lower cormars to meet at the intersection of this: paint and the vertical cente crease. (The nose of the glider will not be: shamly painted. as in-many sonveniional models) 4 To locke the two flaps folded in step 3 into plece, fold the point af the inner ifl@ngle towards you. over the top of these. flaps: Do mot force this point to fold further than jb will naturally go, or you will tear the eciges of the two side tiaps. The Prajects: | 34 Paper planes have always heen popular amd there are hundreds of designs, This: simple glider, which is launched with a fairly graceful throw, is a variation using classic ideas. Use fately sturdy paper; AS (14.5 x 2 Yena/$% « Bin) beirig an ideal size. SS) Mountain fold the model in half alang the centre crease. so that all the flaps-and folds are on the outside. Rotate to the position shown, 6 Fold the sloping edge along the tap of the model down single layer only) 50, (that it ls along the lower horizontal edge. Repeat on the reverse, then open-out ihe wings slightly before launching. From the raer, the glider should appear more like a letter ¥ thar # letter T, with the wings raised yp sitghtly. Hold the saiail triangular flap undemeath the glider between thumb and finger, Lien launch with a forward and upeward thrcs, 32 |The Projeces banger This simple design is onc of the few that the aurhow bas regularly taught whilst doing guest slots an radio broadcasts. Iry waching someone by verbal instruction only, aind see if they can camplece che model, Also try folding ic from different inuterials and compare the tesules in terms of the noise made: You can use newspaper glossy magazine or parcel paper to good ‘effect. = Warning: be sure to stand clear of your folding, surface when working the banger, to avoid *, bruised Knuckles, 4 Upper tayorionty. foid the: lower atige beck ona diaganél crease to Iie along the folded edge created in tap 3. - 5 Repeat on the reverse face: 1 Fold a rectangle (43 (28 x 42cm/11% x 16¥inI, mirinwund in half, bringing the lont edges together Untold, itren Foldall four earners inwerdto fre along the ipredeie [ide inate, 2 Fotd the model in half: bottom te top. 3 Fold ini half atjain. brngitig the sharp > oints tagether a stackers This model was designed by Michael LaFosse, and sSiecunted wich “amadekny aplorib whee le: visited a eotivention th England organized by the British Origami Society. Try folding from standard origami paper (1 Sem/6im square), as it is quice thin it works well with this model. You ¢ but 1 fold any number of stacker un four is xecommended co start wil 41 Fold a square of thin p paper iagonally, Pinch-mark the centre of the lawer edge. then fold the sisgle layer al the lop dowa to the t 2 Fold ea Hf the sharp paints inward te meet with the large triangular flap P@ Unifold step 2. Fold the sharp points Y PP ayp'to the top. The right side is.shown igampieted. Repeat with the-left side. r Pt | & Using the mountain onases . ated in step 2, fold each of the Sharp points backwards. and tuck in the pocket (behind the harzontal folded edge uiderneath) 5 Step 5 completed. 6 Using the vertical centre cease. mountain fold the model in halfand tum } thesnodel around, as sherwn, 7 Fold the lower point up to meet the folded edge: one jayer only. Repeat on the reverse side The stacker should now appear "corrugated" HOW TO USE Make at least thrae more units, ther stack them of top of each other and lay them fn the paim of your hand, with the two-coloured ‘side uppermost. The thicker, heavier ene should fate towards your fingertips and all tie unite should face the saime vray. Throw the pile of stackers high into the air. They will separate and fly off in different directions. | The Projece. | 33 barking dog This desipn is by Ulrike Kralllmann- Wena How clever to be able to. add 0 couple oF creases tm what ew standard base, open aut the paper comples Fe-collapse it, and have a wonderful action toy, Begin with a-square af crisp paper, preferably duc. 1 Folde Piatichiiary base, with the opening facing you. Fold in both layers on the faR-hand side se that they rast at a point a lite below the centre 2 Fold the closed 3 Open the paper oul enaugh to be point dows, on a able to 9ee the crease pattern formed crease which Using the phetograph as # guicie. change the direction of cartain creases, so that dight-hand comer you te thes form collapse the paper and the upperencd shown. See how particular creases on of the flaps foleied! in step 2: Make either side of the modal heed 16 te firrn creases rade to Face tke santa ditection HOW TO USE To make the dog “bark”. hole: him by the chest with one hand (hie tail with the other (you will Need to supply the ngise yourself), Gently pull the tail, allowing the paper to open and collapse back. The head will reise in excitement, AG gy. 4 Sieps 3 and 4 completed 5 Tur the 1p of the nose outside on itself wtih makes: use’ of the reverse colour of your paper trained” to land on your head on its way back, Use-a square of thin, orign de >. > paper for best resules, | > } 1 Alter proeressing the horizental and vertical halfway lines of A tquare of paper. fold the upper edge down to the centre Valley fold the Medel in hall side t side; lef to right end practise adjusting th 3 Fold baek the upper hand verticg| edge from betow, swinging the larger flap in by fi back, and amazed crowds by deumonserating how to throw vrity) this model at it rests should arr: zoomerang any Ang paperfolder, visited England a while way tros you in su give the cffzet you desite. aghe layer ig the lalt 9-3 on the reverse face. Then open. up erpendicular to your folding surface age themeelves as shown The Projects an Australian’ 1a way, thar it can be ceportions of the model's folds to» p the: mie een layers upward, The side 25 36. [The Mrajects aruineh fold, br baealing. formir Turn thie modal ove: 11 Relorm the pleat from steps 7-8) Mountain fold the model “aif along ihe centre paper around slightly. and folding nie layer Pohl ata time. Fold the wing section across the mo The ibjesce begin at the corer of the pheat. ancl bHi predted if step 11. The laostion of this se Is Eeperiment with various widths for the undercarriag pecomerang. Univ IEG Caretully rofot Sieh 10; the iarge Hops tating Hiajiward on eting greases 14 Pinthing the vertioa! ee e288 a maintain fald. away from you and lie this folded edge an to. the créase line The Projects § 37 15 Finally valley told up the remaining wing, to le upon the other to complete the Zaomerang. HOW TO USE The finighed mode! ‘wall have acthin strip funnieg down the length of the undercarriage. Take hold of thie section fairly close lo the front of the Zoomersnd. Hald the Zoomenng Ginaight out in front of you, pemnendicular tothe ground, and with the hoge wppernestas shown, Reise your arm quickly. launching the model inte the air. You can-expect It to loopthe-lonp, and return: You may need to make’ certain adjustments to the wings, and try different angtes within the fuiciinig sequence, to euhieve the desired results Keep practising 38 |The Preiecces tumblewing = jp Kosho Uchiyama has designed this variation on a popular theme: a model which can be held high in the at, then dropped, causing it to spin as it comes ro land. Use a square of thin, crisp paper, as there ate quite a few layers building ap in the d @n as you progress through the heteer stages, 3 Double over the cuter edges to the centre if 4 Valley feld the rode! in half. bringing the outer 1 Begin by pre-creasing the paints together. two diagonals: 2 Bilintz fold the upper add lower comers to the Sentre 5 At the tap fold the iight-angiad corners to the centre crease 6 Untold step 5. then inside reverse fold these Comers isito the made 7 Foi the top comer (the clased point formed by the rev folds: previously mace) down, to arrive at apoont fevel with the two upper antes 8 Leaving the small comer from step 7 firmly foldietl, open out 9 ie, ops @ more) so that the:central valley fold on ce again you havea long strip. The central area will not lie flat The Projects | 39 @ Squash the central flaps down symmetrically, forming a kind of Bow-tie ape, to complete the Tuliblew HOW TO USE Turn the model ower, and raise the small triangular fiep 90 that (i projects upwerd-at right angles to the reat of the model, Hold this point between your first twa fingers, and then paige your ann high In the air, at approximately 245" angie. Allow the modell to slip from your fingers, and watch the effect as it gently spine away from you ts the foot 40 [The Projects nodding dog Paul Jackson devised this simple origami version of the classic carr low toy. As © iv is important to fold with good, acciitate creases, parricularly as the action depenids upon the sharpness of the folding. Use nwo squares éf similarly coloured paper, preferably with a reverse colour Begin by making che body ‘ing the colour you wish to be predominant w 1 have finished ye the mode! face down 1 Forthe body, fold and!unfolel the paper in hi yi ir 3 Fotdthe right pomnt aver to the left. keepi edi 15. Blintz fold a ores to theccentre level iwathy its "You aigght 4 the point to me witty the bb ical enease line showihg through the papier. This 45s 5 with bet anid fald in hall side 16 side: to Trea Feld the upper ce nals and verticals. hake the head begin with rs down te fe on t predomi: entre 6 hd ft flaps upward are Paper as 8 square. that is colour face’ down, the: vertical centre crease nrizontal edges-Gorne to lie-alorig the shaping ealges vertical centre line few imillimentte: two trlangular flaps or owe whe J up the lower edge e they meet along 8 Fotd the about a third of the down ta form the nase. The f long tance fron tip te ti horizontal 9 Mountain fold the 1 al centre HOW TO USE Balance the head onto the shang point at the topoof the body. This paint should goright up the centre of the head and ‘nat caught in the side flaps. Gently push dawn on the nose with’ one finger, aie the head will riod up arid down 42 |The Projects magic star/frisbee For this classic Bob Neale model, you will need eight small squares of paper, preferably smooth to the touch (rou textured paper will spoil the easy actidin of the model) Repect all steps on each - sheer of paper 5 Place the origmal unit on @ table lying 1 Fold the paper. in half side to side d units vertically. Make seven ma pattern:/calourside face down Fold rr arrange them nn a table ae shawn 2 With the fold made ie step 1 towards: you, fold the tower right-hand comer up 4 Open out the model slightly from 6 Take any second wit, and slicks i inte at 45° so that it lies-along the upper raw above, At the ti 4. fold the position within the orginal unitjas atiges, and makes-@ sharp point at the erranhing Corriews Inside on 45° chmases: shown’ tHe aeeionid unit sliding between fight-hand site to mest the folded edge Collapse the the open paints of thie Frat, Held it Paper flat once mo in place The Projects 143 | HOW TO USE 7 Loch the units together by folding both of the excess tips of the open ponteoof the first unit tightly ower the edges of the second (the Facing Hap is mountasnfolted, the rear flap valley: foleied, ais you lorak), The Magic Star complated. To convert and gently slide oxutward, so that-a to the Frisbee. take hold of any two hola begins to appenr at the centre: rea opposite segments of the central ¢ ectagoin shape, Then take hold of two different segnrenta, and 8 The first again side auiward, so twa units joined that the hole opens up tagether even more 9 Gontinue joining the remaining units clockwise. As shown, when you heve Keep rotating and repeating this process, until yrou Haw: your Frisbee. Ta return to the Magic Ster, simply repeat the opening process in reverse: joined sia units. yau seem tea come tow poligk where you atx go ne further and the: ting looks alos! complete. At this point yournyst caretully arrange the final two its-se that. as-you join sequence, you are also allowing unit one 2 UNIT eight 44 The Projects pecking crow Same nvadels contain a clever lintle move tin the folding sequence thar ma ces the design memorable So.it is with this action coy created by Make Yamaguchi, where fold ire made through two layers of paper, so-that when the layers are separaced the ate kept i ured hiio-co! ace. Use a square paper, with the predominant colour face down Jing the paper in half gonally. Ther into yuarters to-eatablih the vertical cen tre own. Unfold 3 Fok! each of the pointed flaps & fat a6 they will go, so that eredgen vill he parallel § horizontal ecige. | rabbit ear af HOW TO USE To make the beak open you pull the wings slightly apart. 46 | The Projects flapping bird Thereare « great many flapping birds in origami, designed by folders-worldwide, hut my all-time favourite is this Paul Jackson variacion an an original model by Sam Randlete. It has a wonderfully cledn action that never fails ta work: although there aie 4 couple of moves that ate quite tricky to understined. Use a square of crisp paper 1 Begin witha Waterbortib hase. The final model hes. fairly equal colour ratic 80 it nevar-seama to matter which side OF the paper faces yeu to begin with, 2 There are two sharp points of each 3) Fold the (ower Horizontal edge up to side of the Waterbomb base Fold the Wie on the upper-right slaping edgy top point anky an, the: right-hand side Make @ really finn crease. across to the left 4 Unfold stap 3. 5 Folding the single layer only, take hold of the uppermost point at the lef, and make a repeat fold of step 3. using the same crease. As the flap comes te feet, you have to make « swivel-equash adjustment with excess paper between layers, so that {he model will lie Fat once more: 6 Step 5 completed. 7 Tum the model over, and arrange it so that the crease made in step 3 rises from left to:right B Aegeat step 5 00 this side. folding the single point at the right.up to lie on the upper lait sloping edge, matching the two wing® together and making a adjusterent to that similar Swivel-sqiiast lin step 6 @ Step ficampieted: The Projects | 47 10 Make a valley fold in the left-hand point, sc that the crease runs in line with the lower exige: of the right-hand point 11) Change the angie of the left-hand point, by making another valley fold atthe tip, These fast two steps form the neck and Head! Faspectively, 12 Open out steps 10-11 48 [The Projects 130 Turn the model over $0 that you ane now looking at the underside of the birt Open out tine pocket between the folded-edged layers of each of the sharp pointe, dnd hole with the poll thet has the creases: made in steps 10211 facing awaly from you. 14 Using the larger W shape of existing creases. outside reverse fold the neck into position. The. point will be turned outside on itself 15 Using ihe V shape of existing creases al the tip of the neck point. make a further cuisile mverse fold to fon the head: 16. Flatten the model RIGHT The completed ‘By —_ Flappitg Birel i HOW TO USE Hold the chest of the bied with ome hand, and the tail with the other. Pull the teil gently allowing the model to: open slightly anc! collapse again, fora wonderful flapping wetion, The Projects | 49 talking frog awe. L Created by the folder Teruo Tsuji, this delightful model uses. a common mechanism to produce a talking action. Use a large’sheet (say, A3 [29-5 42em/1 1A x 16'Sin] cut square) of thin paper, as the layers do rend to become quite thick as you proceed dhrough the folding sequence, Ideally, have green as the reverse colour, which should begin face down. 1 Fold the paper in half diagonally, 2 Fold the sharp points up fo the top. 3 Fold in half diagonally again, tis time orily pineh-folding to-find the centre of the model e 50 The Projects @ Fold thes paints down to, the centre, 5 Fold the sharp points ourward, so that the: tided vertical edges swivel out tole along the horizontal edges 6 Fold each paint back to the vertical cent 7 Raise points on the natural hinge ranges, v6 that they are at Fight angles to the rest oF the model Squash fold @ach point, forming helf-Prelirnthary bases, & Step 7 complete ot both sides 9 Fold the iowar comer of these Preliminary bages Upward to fhe oppesitie comers, revealing the reverse célour of the paper and Forming the eyes of the frog folding the side conrers beck outward to their n outside edges 110 Make & rabbit ear of the lower blintzed Flap, whi 10. Turn the moc over keeping ithe same way up as before Blintz foini the two side corners andi the lower comer tis thé centre: espective The Projects $1 The completed Frog 12 Garetuliy pi upper portions of the modebover the edges of the side firps folded iin step 11, creasing hard HOW TO USE Allow the paper 'to elie for the mouth to ofan, Flex the between the ne jer edges and the Vertical centre vertical mountain crease, up’ the centre of the body back 13 step 12 maker the: mie h close both sities 14 Mourrain fold the model in half, se tha! the: two sides rest At approximate right angles: with other While tedding the inode! ir is position with one hand, use thw other hand to take hold of the s agi layer of paper at the top, and gently pull Iidewnwvard, making a soft mew créase, and forming a diamond shape inv tive Fie nisth 52 |The Projeca! moving lizard his design is perhaps one the cleverest action tmys, skilfully created by Tomoko Fuse, The locking mechanism of the units, which allows the various sections OF the: body toyawi and moive, is teally quite aimazing, You will need 12 sheer of paper all the same size, and preferably green on one side; begin with this side face dower in Mery. case ar |vward to if half, ther 3 At the vight-hend edge, fold the oute 4 the legs, fold and unfild ithe First square tre cr meat the centie line: fizantal edges ta the over 4 Untold step o 2 Twn the The Projects § 53 5 1 the right-hand edge acr to the. On & vertical 8 Steps:6-7 wnpleted 9 Fold the inner comer of this squashed diamond shape back “ease which carne agonal creases made step 4 inisiep 3 out te ng the existing hinge crease tep § is made From iwe aay f the flap faldedi in er Holding down the inner layer with ome Rage: er bach te: the right, squast mg the paper te 10 Walley fale! the rode! in Halt the: loog centre crease, bringing the op hi nto ret om the lower section. The ompleted leg. Make: thn emo in thé same way 11 To make the head, at step 8 of the leg. Moti | fold the outer corners at the left underneath 36 with the 54 The Projects 12 To make the body repeat st the left end of the made, Make t < 13 To make-the tail, fold a kite 16 Gf this Section open-ended portior with the yare, beginin front another si et) side fase own 17° Keep pushing:the tall plenis worarel inti! the tip reaches Ihe vertical creas Cwhere the Hight hand is indicating dn the photograph? folding the mods 14 Narrow th rlong edges te the 15 Fokd-enother square-up tostep 8 ad. Niclte haw 18 con ime trie now @ tiny pint proj we vertical haltw 18 Pinching the upper crea: 15 as @ mountain fold. swivel the he teg, (hen turn thes wnit over, Fak aed, pulling the loose corn t-hand edge inward atthe the come tightly ower the teil pase Make 3 really te the ash the paper fiat into its sharp crease 21) Mountain fold the tia o inside, tuckifig it under the cer raw edge 22 Repeat steps 18-21 on the other half of the miseiel, 2d Turn the teil s tion ower 24 Take another 4 of paper, and n side face beginning with the gr down, preccrease in the vertical and horizontal hallway crease lines 25° Lay one pair of legs in the pasition shown, where the lower edges run elong the horizontal centre crease of the fat sheet of paper nnd where tha two legs fret inv the: ivielelle 26. Fold the upper down as: far as they will cornfortably go, ihe creases connecting the centre of the upper edge with the top-adges of the lags The Projects 55 27 Fold the lover ddge of paper uipward on the existing halfway crease. wrapping the paper tightly over the two legs 28 Holding the assembly together, carefully tum the model over Repeat Step 26 on the uppear comers 29 Make soft folde to the “thighs” ‘of the lizard, by making diagonal cesses bringing lower ettges toa vertical flosition. as shawn: Tur the leg assembly Over Make andlher such assembly usifig the Hnal sheat of paper and the two other legs 86 [The Projects 30. To join the head, body atid tail section tke the head section'and one botly Section jn either hand. Twisting one around ehghtly as you push them together, allow the silt in the and of one unit to slide batween and imto the silt in the end of othar, then twist to flattan out 31 Step 30 in progress 32 Step 30 completed 33 Fold the opposite loose points of the central diam sectio: Ward tto the along the vertical eantre' line, so tha twa flaps lie together, as shewn 34 Tuek the tips of these two flaps Under the central horizontal naw edges, looking this siWderof the model 35 Lock From step 34 completed The Projects | 57 2B Tain the model over, and repent sien I3-a4 with the | ring PoInts. to je the lock on bath sides t leg ase of the two id shiages af 37 The two lneked units can move freely SB Assemble two ine atty units. and the tail section, as < f, (0 The samme way ‘as [im 3 30-36 40) Step 39 in progeass 41 Fins similar Rasps near y slide: the hind legs heer the fail. The comple Moving Lizarcd 5B [The Projects _ laughter lines This simple trick can be done with any banknote be or, failing thar, yous cam: quire easily dh drawing a “smiley” face-on a-sheet af paper, excepr leave the mouth a straight horizon through each eye and be ose to the corners af the mouth, ie 1) Mountain fold the right hand. edge of the nore behind, making-e sharp crease If you are using @ UK, nove this shouted go through one of the Queen's eyes 2 Untoies eomplatoly: ancl repeat siep 1 using the me — Quizer ather eye 3 Arrange the two existing creases ‘at Fight angles, So that you appear ti have the end of a bom, ¢. The creases will then go vertivally “¢ the same principle by 4 porta, ‘i a f alt fi. 4 Push the end (showing the centre ‘af the Queen's face) inward, and squeeze: the papar Hat, allowing w vailey fold to form between the two existing mountain folds, 5 Gpen out the note, bur. do net pull Het; allow the V-shaped groove to remain jv the paper Mow, iF you look ar the Qusen's face straight on. ste dowsn't have much of an expression at all G Twist the note.so that the upper ectge moves away from you, while the lower ecige Moves laser Now look, the Queen has.a smile. 7 if you now twist the nate the other way. $0 that the upper edge moves closer while the tower edge moves: further away, you will se@.@ Very miserable monarch indeed. the completed Laughter Lines. Phe t fortune teller model that virmually everyone remenibers making This has so be the of as acchild at school, [t-worlkes like this: wrire four differene c urs on the bs ute the eight panels on che petals of the complered model, mu ska friend 10 name a inside, and underneath cach panel write a “forme éolour, and then open and close the teller according to the number of lerrers thar spell che chosen colour The friend then chooses one of the visible nunibers, and the reller is then opened and dosed. this aumber of times. The process is'repeated, and, finally, the innermost Map is lifted co reveal che Fortune d the comers of e square, agen 3 Step 2 completed. 5S Place fingers-ecd thombs into the paper over anc Blintz: fole ted ire four respective pocke: an be flem Fortune Tet pa y first separating your twa fingers frofm your wwe thumbs, and ther your wey Kaindks: we pining with a 2 Fold the moatiel i half, bottom 4 Pull open the raw blintzed flaps tas shown, and foldad in step 1 mitaty-base-atyle 6 The senondary blintzed flaps folded at the end of step | are lifted up to reveal the fortune 60 iad Projects dollar shirt Md rao This is an impressive traditional fold thar is always popular at parties. You can ask to “borrow” a banknote from one of your audience and promise to show the owrier a Gambler's Fold. Ar the conclusion. you can assure him thar he need nor worry abcur losing his money as he can “ber his shirt that he will get his. money back”, This can also: be made using duo paper as used here. 1. The illustration shows the medial falded from a 2:1 (halla square) sheet ‘of paper. The colour you begin with on top will form the collar andi cuffs. If folding from most currencies of bank note, you wil be able to: make a farrly well proportioned modal from the nate as it ts, If folding from a US dollar. (1 2 Unfoia Step | afd turn the paper over, is wiSeIO make en extra fold to begin with, to change the proportions of the note: on the portrait face, fold one short sid inwaird, to meet with the outside edge of the oircular “frame” Then treat the note in the same way as any other After folding and unfolding the paper in half, bringing the two fongest sides together fold these edges inward to the centre oresse, then artange: the paper as shown 2 At the right, fold a thin stip, about Smm-tom (Ain) in width) revealing the colour for the collar pt 4 Tum the paper over andicetold the long sides into the centre. 5 At the right-hand end, fold the reverse coloured-strip behind, oral crease that runs along the edge, 50 hat you are doubling. tthe paper over By the same amount again ‘ p> 6 Fold the right-hand corriers inwaed to meet the horizental centre ling, The coners test at apoiita short distance in from the iright-hand'edge, making creases which meet the outer edges ata failly obtuse angle, a8 shown. This forms tine collar At the left-hand end of the madel, fold the inner flaps outward. as. far as they will comfortably ga, that is to the extreme lower and upper comers. The angle of ihe fold is not crities!, but you should have a small triangle proecting above and belaw the model) These feldewill form the sieaves: The Projects 161 e& 7 Rotate the paper 90" then fold the lower esige upevards, tucking it underneath thie flaps of the collar: Flatten the model, ‘ - @ if yeu wish te ad@ cuffs to the sleeves. unfold the madel back to step 6, then alse.uofold the flaps. that make the sigeves. Fold the long inner edges evenly outward, toleing 2 very thin strip, from the open edge up to or slightly beyond the centre of the model. Do not wary if these two folds do netrun fevel or meet, a thie section of the paper will be hiddien away On Ihe final-mode!l Then refold the sleeve Hap outward on existing creases. The photograph shows the lower flap with the: Necessary fold for the cull, The upper flap shows. the siseve fold completed. 9 Finally, retold sep 7 to complete the dotiar shirt with cults. 62 re Prajecrs | | in envelope trick Ed Sullivan designed.a very clever model called an Un-unfoldable Bai; which, as the name implies, was, Once folded, impossible to unfold without tearing (he paper. The principle used in this model lends itself vo this trick sith an Ordinary envelope. Use a fairly stiff manila office envelope, say A (21 x 29¢m/84 x LE Ain) in size. 1 |For this trek, you bin the sealing flap from an envelope. anil cut the tap dowe by 4-Zemi/1in, leaving raw edges: Then, using the following folding teuholique: secretly fold the raw edges completely outside on themselves, The iden of the trick ist to-shaw proue friend the envelope sothat he orshe can see the folded edae. thea you cuit OFF the fold, heaving raw edges onte agai. and frvite your Friend ito fold Ht again. OF course he ofehe will gat be able tad sO without teeing ihe paper and getting inte 4 mess 2. You now demonstrate how the trick is done. Fold the open end (both edges folded as: one) over by 2-en/ii-144in. ‘ = 3 Unfold! just the single upper layer foltied in step. 2, causing you te make iwe-small thangulér squash folds at each outer corer of the envelope 4 Tum the enveltipe ower, 5S Fold the two! long cuter edges inward, along the edoes of the squash folds rade in Step 3, The Projects 6S G6 Tum the model ver, apd mountain: fold the retaining outeredge of the ope behind. as far és it will comfortably go. Now. each edge at the opaning has teen folded down, one Bither sicé T Carefully place your fingers inside the openitig of the envelope. and hold one Comer between fingers anc thumbs. 8 With extreme care, pull your hands apart, allowing the paper at the comer te stretch, and the = 8s hidden paper lo be pulled free, Pull very slowly, until all the tapped paper is.reieased 9 Stop 8 completed, Repeat at the ather comerof the envelope "You will now Have the same result a¢ digstrated earlier) the end of the envelope will have bean completely tumed dutside onjitself. G4 |The Projects blinking eyes SS This: cheeky action model was created by Jeremy Shafer. There ane tiany variations on the same theme, with the sime mechanism creating a mioiath as well, and including four neighbouring heads out of one sheer af paper, makeing « barbershop quartet. The predominant colour for the final mode! should begin face down. Use a square of fairly thin, crisp paper: ae bk. _uiee 1 Pre-crease the hallway horizental centew lite. and the vertical haliway centre line. Fold and unfold each time AUTO Nan 2 Fold the upper edge down to rmiet the -honzental crease 3 Fold the lower edge about Srm/ ian higher than the hallway crease, thea ollow this flap to tuck underneath the: finst. 4 Tr the paper over Fold ina thin Strip of paper, about 3mm/4in, at each 5S Deublevoveronse more the strips folied in step 4 6 Tur the model over and fold the outet edges tothe 7 Collapse thie model, mountain folding abong the ve nite vente crease The Projects 65 8 Turn the model over, Qpening out one half of the model slightly. remech insitde-and pull the upper rawedge out towards: youl causing an mide reverse fold to be incorporated inte se on, AR yOu refokd thie papier Har Allow the paper to be pulled out as far asiit can ge 9 Step 8 in progress eyelicl 10 Rojieat with the other tal 110 Repeat steps 8-10 with the remaining, raw edges. forming the lever eyelicis 12 Hold the motel et either end. If you allow, the paper to collase naturally, the eyes will appear open 13 Ifyou pull the ends fairly taut, the eyes will appear cloged Move your hands inward, then Gutward, to creste the Blinking Eyes. 66 [The Prajeers strawberry This design by Rae Cooker makes an admirable alternative te the well-known traditional A ‘ + I waterbomb, lr is fun to fold asa parry erick because 1 ‘ : : 5 f there is a surprise finale-as you inflace the madel. ' If you are fortur enough to find some } giftwrap with red on one side and green an , the reverse, this will be ideal, | | 1 Beginning from « red-cole od 2 Using the vertical hinge crease as an 3 Fold each of the lower sloping Preliminary base, squash all the four aes, fold one of the large ftaps at the edges, single layer only, inward to lie large Napsinte step 6 of the fight ac ‘oss'to the left, to reveal 6 atong the vertical centre grease. Froy base plain-cololired face 4 Fold the lower comet aingle layer nly, upriveccl as fear as ik wilt comfortably go 5 Bepeat stops 3-4 on the remaining threw pliin fagee, You will need 10 repent eree face, then rotate ‘ 6 Step S-complicted. Hatate the layers e more 50 that you have @ plbin noe an kop: T Fold envef the lowersihert edges upward to lle alang the vartical centre line: The crease extends YJ to the outermast comers left and right 7 on the three d remaining similar faces. Q There are eight large flaps in total around the central axis. Separate thern Into: pairs. Causing th » HOH dal to appear three-dimensional, and hold between fingers and thumbs jin between eanh pair of faps. The grouping shauld be such that your fingars and thumbs lie upory the arean points folded in steps 4-5 The Projects 167 10 ce thus to ffip up-all four of these use your fingers and reverse-coloured Flaps (the stalk). 80 that they for a “propeller” at (he top of the model 11 Now take 2 deep breath, place: your lips right upto the hole-at the top sf the matiel) and give a good sha blow into: the strawberry It will magically inflate: If you blow tee bard, you will end up with a tomato! kissing lips Designed by Soon Young Lee, this his to be one of my all-time fivourire action models, You begin by making a seties of folds, only o unfold everyrhitig back to the origitval square. You then refold all the existing creases in a new sequence to produce a final madel of elegane Simplicity yet delightfully comic working, Use a square of crisp paper, preferably red onone side. Begin with this side uppermost. 1) Paid the paper in half diagonally 2 Fold the sharp point at the right over jo the teft, a third of the entire clistance of the horizontal edge. 3 Fold the sharp point at the left over te the right in the seme way. 4 Fold each point in turn to meet with the upper Gemmers. an shown. 5 Now fold each point downy to the lower cairiers, as shown 6 Swivel the sloping edge of the small trengutar flaps to’ tle along the falded edges made instep 5 7 There will now be two tiny triangular oints projecting out from the sides of the model, Feld these in half, folding the tips downward, as shown B Open oul every fold made thus far. and arrange so that the reverse colour is OW wpperrmnost, and alll The creases: afe wt the upper and lower comers of the paper 9 Using the creases made in step 7. Fold inthe tips of eech opposite corner, ‘The Projects | 69 10 Using the creases made in step’6. fold the two wpper edges inward te form rabbit ears with each apposite corner V4 Turn the paper over, and use existing creases forwed in steps 2-3 tor fold. each opposite corner section in to the middie. The paper should not be forced to fatten bere, but allowed to be left slightly three-dimessional, so that the two: lips are nat damaged 12 Fold-the whole model in half aide to side. allowing the V shape af creases foiled in step 4 ta re-form: One of the creases in this V is.currently a mountain. where both should be valley folds. Manually change the mountain to a yallay on both lip sections, before making this collapse, » 70 [The Projects 13 Step 12 conipletied. 14 Fold the single upper tayer away from you'es Far as it will comfortably do The comers meet logivally. 15 To hide the colour of the lage Gramond shape. fold the raw comer back towards you, as shown, 16 ‘Double the folded edge created in step 1S over ance more. creating a rectangular section, This is the area of paper held wher working the model. neur The completed kissing lips 1 Precrease the vertical centre line ty faidiag and unfolding the shactest sides pogethen Tum the paper owen senlhat crease you have made appears mow "8.2 moutsizin fold. Arrange the paper se that the longest edges are horizontal 2 Wailley-fold the horizontal centre crease by folding and utelolding bottom to top. Then fold the lower kang side to the horizontal centre ofease. bul only ctéase from the vari, Abe Hine Slitiwarel ti the right’ side. money pig The Projects | 71 This design’ by Paul Jackyon has been slightly simplified so thar it can he made quickly, [Pf the banknote isn’t quite: 2:1 in proportion (British £5 hiotes are the closest vo it), then perhaps use a very fine fold or ove down either edge ro march this proportion. Have theta vatel ae nnade Raa pene Detenbly use paper that is dhe same colour on boty sides, as oth sides of the paper show on the final nocel, grr 3 Untold step 2. and repeat with the upperedge, Unfold the paper completely, 72 [hie Projects 4 Fold the night edge across to the left, so: that It les along the’ vertical centre line. Unfaldance: more 5 The pager is turned around here for clarity Take hold of the vertical canter crease (the mountain fold) between fingers and thumbs, as shown. Siithe the paper away from you. until you can bring the mountam folded edge dows to lie along the crease made in ctep 4. Flatten thes medal 6 Step 5.compieted 7 At the right-hand side, refoid the ouller edges into the horizontal centre line madeio stem 2. Beneath the: pleat formed in steps S-6. you will ned to: theke a 45° chagwnal fold across the underside oF the’ pleated section 8 Step 7 completed 9 Tum the paper over bur keep it arranged in the Same way. Fold the Squere at the lef in half diagonally, bringiig the lower edge to lie-along the vertical edge, Crease only between this lowai right camer of this squire and the centre. Unforel 10 Repeat step 9 folding the upper edge to the vertical edge, creasing in the same way, and unfolding 11 Fold the two left corners inward to He atong the horizontal centre crease. 12. Using the two creases made in steps 8-10, ard the lett-hand half of the horizontal centre crease, pinch the left comer to a point, forming a kind af rabbit ear, 13. Allowing! the yabbit ear fold Wn step {2.te-open cut slightly, lift the section of Baper from beneath Whe pleated partion), and lat it rest oa top of the faisedt point 14 Valley told the model in half along the horizontal centre crease and, as you do'so, wah the section ol paper fellessed in step 13: in-between the layers ‘of thie raised ‘point, This will lock the model together well, and help prevent the legs splaying apart ‘Suggest the pig's tail by making: @ mountain pleat inthe upper left comer, Al [he right, fold the short wertibal edge upward, single layer anly, folie Siong the upper edge. 16 Unfold the lower right camer; then inside reverse folel it 17 ‘Swing the point cemsted by step 16 across to the lef 18 Fold tne soping edge of this foint upward to a-vertical position This isthe ear ‘The Projects: [ 73 19 Repeat steps 15-18 on the reverse face of the heed. Moke two inside reverse folds at the front of the head, first of all reversing the point inside the head, than with another reverse fold closer to the point. reverse the paper back oul again) to suggest the sriout Turn the tip of the snout outside on itself; you'will need to open the point up slightly Irom below to be sbie to do this, 20) Holding the body between finger and thumb of sine hand, take hald of the: head with (ha other. and crimp fold the head down slightly Lert The completed Money Pig spinner One of many wonderful designs by the Late a standard! bases, the W model combines and the Preliminary base, to form a riged im dy paper, The ourer « of thie entire model will be the same as the outer colour df the Preliminary bases: 1 Fold si Waterbomb and six Preliminary bases. Open out one oF esi base slightly and allow the Preliminary te wrap around the outside of the ror & in the two hase » liming Up the eres 2 Moimain foldeach « cOrmers of the Preliminary base [nward, F thie: Wiaten over the uber mw ede: bomb-base, jocking the sheets of pap ety fuldr construction. Use 12 sheets of fairl Lewis Simon. this terbomib biase 3 Aliuw the Waterbomb basi the two sheets foldados om Rlepaat for the remaining bases 4 doin aiiy wed won reigerher oy slippitig the raw! WWaterbomis) paint of the first Unit ower the new point of the Git-uitiderneath the caw ectoe ented by the Pretiminary base. Push it the way, unitif the two edges of wihat were the Preliminary bases at 5 inthe same way. join adjacent pointe of the fine! two units in similar points ofa third unit, Forming a triangular sectidin in the centre. as shown 6 Add the fina) units iW the Same way! the lest unit ig the most difficult to adel, To acti the modal plage the paibts ad Spitiner into the centr the comple your epen palms. holding firnly. Biow herd against the top poi and the spinner will really spin The Projects | 75 butterfly ball This apparently salid geornetric shape. designed by Kenmeth Kawamura, can | rit open-handed in mid-air, where in explodes, colourful bure ascading flics everywhere. A shallow square box ean beused t6 help support che sicey of the Butrerfly Ball while you add moe uintts. Use LZ squares of f rly heavyweight paper. 1 Fold a Waterbomb tase then puill 3 Esiok side of the Butterfly Ball wil 4 operiithe: front and appar the same. so. when adding the | slong ttre lower edge (inside t next ther of onits. turn each of the four | where adjacent poilits inet waterbontbh bases araund. so thal the ight angie. Make 11 incre @ proj upwards and towhiwards. As you stot gach unit int oe @ the Corners. make sure that | J interweave the ower so thar the riocdet will hold togettier 2 1 Inveadh ewer sornear int 5 ade th funtion of three unite third amd final tier triangular shuts iy the ball) thersis a | | make sure thateach one lies both over the serie way, You wll complete a four anid ain uni weave OA Top in just the same way ay you statied at the base. Mave 2 Pi | ag you add the fast 2-3 units to-your folding impiatad Burrertly Ball. To’burst inside the first at 90° to itso tirat | | the madel throw it gently ato the it naif of ihe Irigngle- overlaps. Connect As itd ds, use the palin of your with two More Units so that the hand to smack the ball back upward. manguly fortran interwousn The ball will open in a spray of coleut pattern att as the butterflies shower to the gran Projects Japanese brocade This design, by Minako Ishibashi, makes. atcractive earrings, when ded from extremely small squares, say 4x domi x tin. For a practice version, begin with six squares of fairly sturdy paper. This gn as very original, feaniring curved surfaces, which seem to create the Illusion af irit 28 encircling the cen ape. ‘Only one colour shows on the finished unit, so begin with this colour face down. Two squares each of three can also be used, as here. nin by folding the sque vhall in one direction, & sh the centre line, Fold upper and lowere at this crease 2 Foid-the right vertical edge! up ipper edge, Fold! the Ag ie on the lower edge. This forms a parallelogram 2 lie on the will already mr zortall been tthe zontal quarter ST the Hap fdlded in step 6. cn an existing white at ame tine wer edge, alsa or his partorms both quash fotd y aft flay 10 F the flap behing Flatten the model once mere 12 of the sharp pe ‘ints ancii folkd the-obtuse ang each 13 Atiow the be ur nigles to the Males five sry ded sbghth rest at right are ehapie r sséembiling 18 Finally, squeeze together the four flap re y with ay each of the six & the centr the pp. pr t her, All ihe units ate joived! in the sate way. alll the way the model ihe jel Bl | | | | | Phe Projects: |'7 five intersecting tetrahedra This inpenious design was devised by Tom Hull, using @ unite created by Praincis Oty, ‘The driginal form was a simple rerrahedron: a skeletal frame made from six individual strats. Tom found a way of incerweaving five tetrahedra to. B create the final neasterpiece shown. This is a highly complex model to asienible, and it is important 1 underscand juse how the units are interwoven. To assisr you, the final steps show stages of nwo tecrabedra, rhree terrahedra, four tecrahedra and finally the intersecting fie modular constructions, Use cen sudres of fairly sciff paper, ideally twes sheets of five different colours. Divide each square inte thirds by folding, thes: crim dow the fold lines. yielding three 1: 3 strips. You will eventually have 30 strips of paper, ready to fold the model This model can also be made frony US dollar fates. gin with (he strip positioned horzcntally lemathways. The With will not Showy 6a the final model ' 5 in tap to beg Fold. jhe paper in half. bringifig tHe owe Longest sides tagether K the horizontal cantra crease. Untold. Than tet vpper and \owar edges to (he centre line. 2 Pick up the urine, At the far end, det fram your fate Fold the right fatc id edge into the Genire. but pincl-trease: only, nee VY creasing 34a down from the Short upper edge 80 [Phe Projeces a 3 Fold the upper left-hand corner Bcross to the:right, so that it comes to fest Lipanithe pinch-crease made in step 2. The crease you ate mow making alse connects with the centre of the short upper edge he 4 Fold the upper right-hand corner ower the edge af the vail) Rrangle ¢ aated tn Step 3, which will make Ihe two aides ‘equal in the angle; and amount of gamer folded: 5 Open out stap 4 6 Open out step 3 Cthe left corner) ancl begin te inside reverse fold the cormer inwards On existing: cYeases, This step stiows the move iti progress: f B At the night corer fold the upper horizontal edge down to meet the chease made in stap 4 9 Using the crease made in step 4, double over the outer edge at the right 90 Repeat steps 2-10-at the-other end Of the stip, Once again, begin by pinch: Creasing the right side. so that the litle inside reverse folds are formed at apposite comers: 11 Fold the strip in Half slong its length, then allow to open aut slightly. the correct nesting angle heooming clearer when you begin the asserntly Allow the tiny (niangular flaps at top Tight to open out slightly, as these are the locking tabs. The completed unit Fold another 29. 12 ‘Tm each unil over, so that as you look ther! togerher, ¥ the outside (the smooth face! of the paper Lock sliding the stall tris unit inte the sti inside re verse told ir 6-7) of other 13 Step t2 nite, i fiush toe\e ther. so thal they sit creed Same way. unt to the nd the first unit t sisting a 15) Acid three of the same cole arelooking at agle tetrahedron. ny Wo Units By carefully gular tab! on one amplsted. See how ihe the sapenate am you make the angie tu which further units the third, to the sides The Prnjects § 84 17 Tom Hull's advice on How to add nig this sy all rou imimetry in the ce truction. The finished obj id hawe the following jor pen any two tetrahedra ore interwoven withone comer poking through a bole in the other, and vice wersa’ like a three dimensional Star of David, but slightly twisted 18 Three trahedta intenwewion 19 F PwOveN ur tatrahedta 20 intersect! completed Five vg Tetealiodre modular star One of the most prolific origami authors is the Japanese expert Tomoke Fuse, who is most famous for her decorative multi-piece boxes and modular stars. This sear has long been a favourite, and you should find the assembly fairly straightlorward. The units themselves, 34) iia tol, dre alee qiiite easy to realize, Lise £ sturdy paper with che same colour bath — 7 sickes, as trying to work out an appropriate eolour sequence with the final construction can be quite achallenge in itself. Furthermore, many people feel that this works becter since it allows the modular piece ta be seem asa whole; lows of bright colours ean sometimes distract the eye from its simplicity and elegance. 1 Arrange the paper as a diamond 2 Fold the lower corer up <0 that it 3 Yeu are now going to ewivel and shape, then fold and unfold the payer meatsewith the balbway told curently squash fold the paper On the Hap in hatin both directions, bringing furining lower: left edge to upper right created instep 2. pinch the crease that quier edges together, Pre-crease the edge. The crease you are going to make was originally the diagonal into a ‘vertical diagonal, fds at the right corner This is quite fftountain fold, swiveling the paint across tricky, because the crease approaches to leon the vertical crease line beneath. the ight corner ata Very acute angle, so fold canetully. @ Step 3.6 progress: 5 Step 3 completed. Repeat steps 3-4 on the upper comer Flatten the model, @ Fold the lower righ! sloping edge upward to lig along the. vertical centre Crease, 7 Rurining underneath the inner edge if ther flap) folded th'step: 6, there is avery Harrow strip, which forme a pocket Tuck the small triangular point crested by the sWivel in steps 3-2 inte tie pocket beneath this narrow edge 8B. Cavetully pull the flap folded in step G-across te the right, just to make sure that itis tecked tn piace, and ia not allowed tor sid. Q Steps 7-8 completed: Repeat stops +8 with the neighbouring flap. The Penjects [83 100 Tuni the model Over Fdid the second shortest sidie Bcross tole on the jong site. 91) Repeot at the other end. Tha Guiting of the model should be 3 diamond shape 12° Ture the model over, and fallin ‘half, bunging the nus sharp points. ' ‘hogether. Allow to unfold, I ; 84 Phe Prajecs 13° Allow the flaps folded in Steps 10:1) to open out slightly; completing the unit, which now appears three-dimensiqnal, Make another 29 units in the same way, 14 Take dny twa units. Slide the paint ‘of one unit into the central silt in the diarnont:shaped face of the other. 15° Two units sssembled. 16 Assembie a three-unil cluster, by adiing a third unit in the same way, ‘You will now also nasd to conneat ithe third unit to the firs, This requires: swiveling the construction inte position to-allow these forks to be performed. BELOW The cofiletad Modular Star. 17 When more units are added, you will notice that a ring of any five points forms @ pentagonal ster, as shown. 18 Near to'camplation Continue tio logk the units as before. The: Projet | 8 modular cube One of several vaniarions along a-similai theme, this 12-piece modhilar cube by Lewis Siman is a favourite: The unies are very simple co fold, the construgtion slightly more challe tging; yOu slor points into pockets, with the middle section of each unit making up the principal part of twei ddjacene sid while theends of each nit fold drowned tight-angled corners to lock the model together. Ideally use duo paper, beginning with the same side facing: ward cach time. uipy square of paper tep ¢ back down (0 the lower mdge: » 8G [The Prajecrs 12 Repeat isreps 10-11 at the right 4 Unfoid step 3 along th lah. fold the outer edge-away fron edoe. Wou will have to the uppe elograr =< ee eee ee ae 5 Fold thetaw edge once more; this 9 Unfold s to’ the crease made In id 10 Retold (erence more; giving an. | tHengular allowing the 14 Miike foil: je at each end 6 Bovbie aided edge small, reverse-colour trie: ke horizontal border strip on folded inv half diag 3. tin | sn the upper portion of the pape: 15 Unfote ste Tite Projects j 87 inging the shy paralllogram together; the two will meet by this fold. 1 oul step 16) s0.that | ween the we 20 Ade a third unit, locking by the | 22. Coitinue adding further units in the urthier same met same Way f the stunt, thes creating a triangular | truncated feted displayed | bes standing on one of the truncated | comars | 18 Sista second unit into the first, by the method shown: the erid tab goes ag kusudama A kusudanna is a decorative modular ball. You.can sither fold it from paper you prepare yourselly ar from ‘kits that you can buy. whitch also imcluede instructions and a beautiful tassel and loop by which 10 hang your finished model. Here, 30 squares ef paper are required, Unlike many modular designs. the assenibly af th ¢ units is made by sloteing points into pockets on the inside of the model. This makes ira . perp eoieelbieséed ; ioilel 1 ai 4 asserible; and oe nee | patience will = be needed. bring the 3 Unfold 2. and tun by: folding and unfolding year 2 ig 45° diagonal paper first square ir to-establish the right edeye 2 lie along the upper over. Note the position of the horizontal rease. Fold upper ancl edge. Fold the leit. dows: te: tie made tep 2. Pre-crmase the vertical lower edyey Lo the centre along the lower edge This formes centre line by folding in half, side te @ patalielogtam side. and untolding id -stieg 7-10'9n the uppe of the deal. Turn the mode nto meet the cage | the right wep 2 (new 180% todo this: Alia tt model t appearing tain folds. Unfold a shown pinch na From the lower ight-hand coniar.to the i | f@ase, which halves the nght-hand section wf the mente! Th Be rach and the one maide it 7, will! form a diagonal creases n ‘ease forman inside reverse tald, a llapse the paper | 13 the central di 7 Untold step 6: F soe Aa paper in half. The dianrond wi a mouth losing. Flathen the madel to aly trom the tower edge t make good strang creases throughout sroes th right-hand panel, then allaw te nupeslightly, rgreAge you are mow makitig th the wartival crease made step 6 & 90) [The Projects 14 Firmly ore: fold fine tha: acre s the ite fesrminigy ttle nelanep {-f-the writ 7 The Unit complete. Make 2 f flaps at-dact a thir rior unit, and agse WB, LUEKING t inte the shit at the rear of the and uni 15 Tu ate looking at the @ first nit Gaver se that yo! averse Face. Tak 21 Three units ; ond unit, and as iB shower the: third uit to the fir tsite view the paint of the second anit goes into formnin vderside:, whille a eat af thee first-unit trian will hewe to swivel the units inte the wrest position fo make this sassible smnplate dimensional 1B in progress 22 Keep sdiling further unit point it is helpful te lok | | ‘before. At th | at the illustration of the final modet | | how fiver of the “mouth” formations of the-onginal unit circle araund toform & | perilagonal ster shape. The Projects [91 23 Tr 26 More ur added, You'can use e@ outer fave of the Kusudame paper clip to held units toge Make sure Ge | anes: if you lik a point | sijpect as | pothot uit with's spread 92 units, The edges will jogking, and alse make sure 2 support the side units as they are points ore sharply folded, aitd lie ot the assembled, allowing the Kususama te | right angle to simply slot im This as @ form into a three-cimne sional shape | very Gompligated assembly: procellidre. without he: weight Chividl Ua! winitss tesa and the others locking position q Beow The cor sd Kuswdente 24. More units added fireworks vplles in erigami o ¢, where the Final Flex, qrrevelin eHect. This one, designe by Yarni Yamauchi, wa Incr Origami Convention held by OUSA (Origami USA) a few years ago: The wiive ar y t6 imake, che sction slightly more difficullk especially the last nwo units. Use 12 squares of faitly rigp, sttomg paper. This is dn extremely enjoyable at Fun -te play annual with when completed 3 with emaininig horaontal, as irmily here rbemb base allowing diagonal y fold naturally as-valloy éreases the lower edge, sitigie laye 6h a kind oF ten Watarborrit base comes forest at the cemtre of the ower edge sper ir ayer mie able 10 fatten the model. ti to allow e-simall trinnquizr: jash fold. to’form at the anthon 11 Unfold steps 9-10. T A fThe Projeess sta of four large and two tot fet of the model. The: jaa a slit dower the tical oentre of each anit wil a pocket behind. crease can be used to fold the flaps or from ane side of the a teth other Qnening Gilt Ihe:two poske the fiat unit! slide i (He rear flaps of the-sacoad unit The vertical centre ie | | 13 This shows the right side be worked or 14 The first two onits together act ihe right, usiig the vert cehtes crease. Parts folded acr os: Ce 16 Refold the sque made originally in stegas 8-10 17 Now turn the paper ower ise ror two flaps at igtit te h-folid arranger # both units will be ancl otc lett 18 Repest step 19. Turn the leyers-so that once again eveything is symme and there ane al number roe fiaps to the right and left, The upper layer-will look something like heart, as the upper corners of this unit will mow be missing. 20 Gontinue adding g more white jy the same way HOW TO USE Held carefully with each palin, so that your firigers are underndath, andittie model is cupped in your hands. Hold firmly, and pussy up with your fingers From ven, 2nd Pleeiaworless will be abid to flex into # diferent form. This process can be mHGHT T he Prnjeces 85 index adhesives, 12 aircraft, glider, ° Allen, Lane, & Ang, Sanny, 35 balls: buetecfly ball, 75 kusudarma, 88-91 banger. 32 banknot dollar shirt, GO-1 laughter ti maney pig, barkini a base fils, 2 birds: bird flapping bind, 46-8 pecking crow, 44-5 blinking eve blinte fold Brill, David, 6 brocade, Japanese. 76-8 buttertly ball, 75 Cooker, Rae, 66 crimp fold, 19 crow, pecking, 44-5 cube, modular, 85-7 cutting mars, 12 dogs: barking dog, 34 nodding dog, 40-1 dollar shirt, 60-1 dio paper, 10 envelope: trick, 62-3 equiprient, 12-18 eyes: blinking, 64—5 sGissors, 12 Shafer, Jeremy. 6. 64 shiny paper, Simon, Lewis, 74, 85 rersecting retrahediia, sink fold, 20-1 79=81 specialist origami paper, 10 flappirig, bird, 46-8 spinser, 74 flaps, tucking inside, 16 spray adhesives. 12; 15 exavons, fireworks, 92-5 squash fold, 18 folding techniques, 14— stackers, 33 fortune 5 star frishee/magic svar, 42-4 magic star/frishee, 42-3 frows: modular stan 82-4 Opaque paper, 1) strawberry, 66-7 A. (Origami LISA), 92 1. Ed, 62 2 Te fold, 20 Fuse, Tomoko, 32, 82 talking frog, 49-51 glicler, 31 cechniques, 14-27 guallor, retrahedra, five intersecting, 79-81 handmvide paper. 11 Palenai, Motte, 7 textured paper) 10 Hull, Tema, 7 pie mane 3 thirds. dividing into, 15 pinch crease, 15 Tsuji, Teruo, 49 inside reverse fold, 16 planes, glider, 31 tumblewitrg, 38-9 Ishibashi, Minako, 76 pleat fold, 15 points. folding, 16-17 Uchiyama, Kosho, 38 Jackson, Paul, 40, 46, 71 pre-crease, 15 Japanese brocade, 76-8 preliminary base, 25 valley fold, 14 Japanese papers. 11 ; Senne OE. 30 rabbit ear 18 wash paper, 11 Randleu, Sam, 46. waterbamb base, 24-5 Kawuitnurd, Kenneth, 75 rulers, 12 wet folding, 21 kissing, lips, 64-70 Rupert Bear, G kine base, 22 Yamaguchi, Mukous, 44 knives, 12 safety, spray adhe: Yamauchi, Yami, 2 aoamierangs, 35-7 kusudama, 88-91 RE CREDITS: pase, Michael, 33 ress Newspapers pol ighter lines, 94 Robin Macy ppon 7 com Young, 68 Pic lips. lizard, movi magic starffrishee, 423 materials, 1 mitallic foil paper, 11 money pig, 71-3 mounraim fold, 14 mounting, spray moving Heard, Neale, Reabert, nodding dap, 40-1 Fuh ofigami projects ranging from the charmingly simple to the astonishingly complex How to makea glider, a nodding dog, transform money into a shin, and much mare An invaluable guide to basic techniques and standard folding procedures Step-by-step instructions accompany each project Full-color photography throughout SetiON |e hesh oVer 25 animated paperfolding projects

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