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chapter 28

True / False Questions

1. In the female fetus, the absence of testosterone results in the development of the external genitalia into
clitoris, labia minora, and labia majora.
True False
2. The uterus is a thick muscular chamber inferior to the urinary bladder.
True False
3. The vagina has no glands but it is moistened by mucus from glands in the cervical canal.
True False
4. Although two breast cancer genes are known, most cases are nonhereditary.
True False
5. Inhibin modulates the secretion of LH.
True False
6. The number of ovarian follicles declines with age, leading to a reduction of estrogen levels.
True False
7. The ovarian cycle typically lasts about 28 days, with day 1 considered to be the first day after
True False
8. Most primary oocytes undergo atresia during climacteric.
True False
9. The proliferative phase of the uterus is driven by estrogen from the ovaries.
True False
10. In the excitement phase, the uterus rises from its forward-tilted (anteverted) position.
True False
11. Unlike men, women lack a refractory period and may experience successive orgasms.
True False
12. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) stimulates the corpus luteum to grow and secrete estrogen and
True False
13. Progesterone stimulates uterine contractions.
True False
14. Prolactin is secreted during pregnancy to stimulate milk synthesis so that milk will be available by the
time the infant is born.
True False
15. Oxytocin stimulates contraction of myoepithelial cell of the mammary acini.
True False

Multiple Choice Questions

16. The internal female genitalia include the
A. vagina.
B. clitoris.
C. labia majora.
D. labia minora.
E. mammary gland.

17. This figure shows the female reproductive system. What does "3" represent?
A. urethra
B. uterus
C. ovary
D. urinary bladder
E. uterine tube

18. This figure shows the structure of the ovary. What does "4" represent?
A. primary follicle
B. secondary follicle
C. mature (graafian) follicle
D. corpus luteum
E. corpus albicans
19. This figure shows the structure of the female reproductive tract. What does "3" represent?
A. fimbriae
B. myometrium
C. endometrium
D. cervix
E. vagina

20. This figure shows the female perineum. What does "1" represent?
A. vaginal orifice
B. labium minus
C. labium majus
D. clitoris
E. urethral orifice
21. The __________ arteries rhythmically constrict and dilate causing the uterine mucosa to blanch and flush
with blood.
A. uterine
B. arcuate
C. spiral
D. internal iliac
E. ovarian
22. After puberty, the vaginal lining becomes _________ to ________.
A. simple squamous epithelium; allow fast diffusion of nutrients in case a zygote is implanted
B. stratified squamous epithelium; resist abrasion
C. transitional epithelium; provide more elasticity necessary for coitus and delivery
D. simple columnar; facilitate sperm absorption and secretion of vaginal lubricants
E. simple cuboidal; provide protection and lubrication
23. The ____________ is the site of attachment of the embryo.
A. endometrium
B. perimetrium
C. myometrium
D. uterine tube
E. vagina
24. Most of the natural lubrication during female sexual excitement is provided by the
A. semen.
B. sperm.
C. vestibular bulbs.
D. greater vestibular (Bartholin) glands.
E. lesser vestibular glands.
25. The nonpregnant uterine wall consists mostly of ___________, which is composed of ___________.
A. perimetrium; areolar tissue
B. endometrium; simple columnar epithelium and glands
C. endometrium; blood vessels and dense regular connective tissue
D. myometrium; dense irregular connective tissue
E. myometrium; bundles of smooth muscle
26. Which of these is not found in the vestibule?
A. urinary orifice
B. mons pubis
C. vaginal orifice
D. labia minora
E. clitoris
27. ____________ are found in both male and female external genitalia, but the ___________ is/are only
found in the female.
A. Corpora cavernosa; urethral orifice
B. Corpora cavernosa; bulbourethral glands
C. Corpora cavernosa; vestibular bulbs
D. Corpora spongiosa; mons pubis
E. Corpora spongiosa; urethral orifice
28. Mammary glands develop within the breasts primarily
A. during the last weeks of fetal development.
B. at birth.
C. during infancy.
D. during puberty.
E. during pregnancy.
29. Breast size is determined by
A. the amount of adipose tissue.
B. the amount of collagenous fiber.
C. the size of lactiferous sinuses.
D. the amount of mammary gland tissue.
E. muscle tone.
30. Follicles are located in the
A. medulla of the ovary.
B. cortex of the ovary.
C. center of the ovum.
D. epithelium of the endometrium.
E. placenta.
31. The earliest sign of puberty in girls is
A. the onset of breast development.
B. the appearance of pubic and axillary hair.
C. the appearance of sebaceous and axillary glands.
D. the first menstrual period.
E. the increase in muscle mass.
32. ______________ are feminizing hormones.
A. Female gonadotropin-releasing hormones
B. Follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone
C. Androgens
D. Androgen and progesterone
E. Estrogens
33. _______________ act/s primarily in the uterus.
A. Estrogens
B. Androgens
C. Progesterone
D. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
E. Luteinizing hormone (LH)
34. The appearance of pubic and axillary hair is a stage specifically called
A. puberty.
B. climacteric.
C. thelarche.
D. pubarche.
E. menarche.
35. The midlife change in estrogen and progesterone is called ___________, whereas the cessation of
menstruation is called ______________.
A. climacteric; menopause
B. menopause; climacteric
C. menopause; atresia
D. atresia; climacteric
E. climacteric; atresia
36. During climacteric, sudden ____________ may cause hot flashes.
A. vasoconstriction of cutaneous arteries
B. vasodilation of cutaneous arteries
C. vasodilation of cranial arteries
D. vasoconstriction of cranial arteries
E. vasodilation of facial arteries
37. The term menstrual cycle specifically refers to
A. the sequence of events from fertilization to giving birth.
B. the events that recur every month during pregnancy.
C. the cyclic events happening from puberty to menopause.
D. the cyclic changes in the uterus determined by shifting hormonal changes.
E. the cyclic changes in the ovaries determined by shifting hormonal changes.
38. The ovulated egg is
A. a primary oocyte.
B. a secondary oocyte.
C. a primary follicle.
D. a secondary follicle.
E. a tertiary follicle.
39. The ovulated egg is at
A. prophase I.
B. metaphase I.
C. telophase I.
D. prophase II.
E. metaphase II.
40. The ovum finalizes meiosis
A. during fertilization.
B. during implantation.
C. as a secondary follicle.
D. as a primary follicle.
E. as a mature (graafian) follicle.
41. Most ovulation home test kits measure _________ surge, which happens about 24 hours before
C. estradiol
D. progesterone
E. temperature
42. After expelling the oocyte, the follicle becomes the ____________ and secretes __________.
A. corpus albicans; FSH and LH
B. corpus albicans; estrogen and progesterone
C. corpus luteum; FSH and LH
D. corpus luteum; estrogen and progesterone
E. corpus albicans; progesterone
43. A follicle is
A. an organ in the ovary.
B. an oocyte.
C. an oocyte enclosed in follicular or granulosa cells.
D. a group of granulosa cells.
E. a group of follicular cells.
44. Which of these does not leave a follicle when it ovulates?
A. a secondary oocyte
B. a zona pellucida
C. a corona radiata
D. a second polar body
E. the theca folliculi
45. Oogenesis starts
A. during embryonic development.
B. at birth.
C. during thelarche.
D. during pubarche.
E. during menarche.
46. In the adult ovary, more than 90% of the follicles are found as
A. primary follicles.
B. secondary follicles.
C. tertiary follicle.
D. mature (graafian) follicles.
E. primordial follicles.
47. During the follicular phase, granulosa cells secrete ____________, which stimulates secretion of
A. estradiol; LH
B. estradiol; FSH
C. estradiol; GnRH
D. progesterone; FSH
E. progesterone; LH
48. Which of these blood hormone levels reaches its maximum during the luteal phase?
D. progesterone
E. estradiol
49. ____________ inhibit/s the secretion of ____________ during the female sexual cycle.
A. GnRH; FSH and LH
B. Estradiol and progesterone; FSH and LH
C. Estradiol; progesterone
D. Estradiol; LH
E. FSH and LH; androgens
50. Lutein cells develop from
A. the corona radiata.
B. the corpus luteum.
C. the theca interna.
D. granulosa cells.
E. the corpus albicans.
51. The _________ phase is the one associated with menstrual cramps and typically occurs __________ of
the cycle.
A. proliferative; from days 15 to 26
B. secretory; around day 5
C. menstrual; from days 9 to 14
D. premenstrual; days 27 to 28
E. premenstrual; days 13 to 14
52. During the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle
A. several follicles are developing antrums.
B. the corpus luteum is shrinking.
C. the corpus luteum is enlarging.
D. oogonia are transforming into primary oocytes.
E. the oocyte completes meiosis II.
53. The _________ sometimes expel/s copious fluid similar to prostatic fluid, which constitutes the female
A. prostate gland
B. paraurethral glands
C. bulbourethral glands
D. vestibular bulb
E. vaginal epithelium
54. During the plateau phase, the glans and clitoris swell as the _________ arteries dilate and the corpus or
corpora ____________ engorge with blood.
A. dorsal; cavernosa
B. deep; spongiosum
C. deep; cavernosa
D. dorsal; spongiosum
E. dorsal; vaginalis
55. During ____________, the uterus is tented (erected) and the cervix is withdrawn from the vagina.
Typically, the clitoris is engorged and the labia are bright red to violet due to hyperemia.
A. excitement
B. detumescence
C. orgasm
D. resolution
E. pregnancy
56. In early pregnancy, ____________ stimulates growth of the corpus luteum.
A. human chorionic gonadotropin
B. follicle-stimulating hormone
C. human chorionic somatomammotropin
D. adrenocorticotropic hormone
E. progesterone
57. The basis of pregnancy test kits is the presence of ____________, which is secreted by the
A. human chorionic somatomammotropin; endometrium and myometrium
B. human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG); blastocyst and placenta
C. progesterone; corpus luteum and corpus albicans
D. progesterone; blastocyst and embryo
E. estrogens; blastocyst and placenta
58. The basis for contraceptive pills is that they mimic the ____________ feedback effect of
A. positive; FSH and LH
B. positive; estrogens and progesterone
C. negative; FSH and LH
D. negative; human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
E. negative; estrogens and progesterone
59. The developing individual is called a(n) ___________ during most of the first 2 weeks, a(n)
_____________ from 3 through 8 weeks, and a(n) ____________ from the beginning of week 9 until
A. zygote; embryo; blastocyst
B. zygote; blastocyst; embryo
C. blastocyst; fetus; embryo
D. blastocyst; embryo; fetus
E. embryo; blastocyst; fetus
60. The most abundant estrogen of pregnancy is __________, but the one that accounts for most of the
estrogenic effects in pregnancy is ______________.
A. estrone; estradiol
B. estrone; estriol
C. estriol; estradiol
D. estriol; estrone
E. estradiol; estrone
61. The _________________ provides fetal nutrition and secretes hormones that regulate pregnancy and fetal
A. uterus
B. myometrium
C. endometrium
D. blastocyst
E. placenta
62. Which is the longest stage of labor?
A. the dilation (first) stage
B. the expulsion (second) stage
C. the placental (third) stage
D. the postpartum stage
E. the puerperium stage
63. Milk ejection occurs as a result of stimulation of nerve endings in the ____________ , which leads to the
release of ______________ from the pituitary.
A. mammary acini; oxytocin
B. mammary acini; prolactin
C. nipple and areola; oxytocin
D. nipple and areola; prolactin
E. nipple and areola; progesterone
64. Why is breast milk superior to cow's milk for an infant?
A. Cow's milk provides fewer calories per mL.
B. Cow's milk provides less calcium per mL.
C. Cow's milk provides less phosphorous per mL.
D. Cow's milk has too much protein and minerals in it.
E. It is a myth; cow's milk is equal in quality to breast milk.
65. The infant's only source of nutrition during the first 2-3 days postpartum is
A. casein.
B. colostrum.
C. breast milk.
D. meconium.
E. lactose.
chapter 28 Key

True / False Questions

1. In the female fetus, the absence of testosterone results in the development of the external genitalia into
clitoris, labia minora, and labia majora.
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.01.a Describe the structure of the ovary.
Section: 28.01
Topic: Reproductive System
2. The uterus is a thick muscular chamber inferior to the urinary bladder.
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.01.b Trace the female reproductive tract and describe the gross anatomy and histology of each organ.
Section: 28.01
Topic: Reproductive System
3. The vagina has no glands but it is moistened by mucus from glands in the cervical canal.
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.01.b Trace the female reproductive tract and describe the gross anatomy and histology of each organ.
Section: 28.01
Topic: Reproductive System
4. Although two breast cancer genes are known, most cases are nonhereditary.
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.01.f Describe the structure of the nonlactating breast.
Section: 28.01
Topic: Reproductive System
5. Inhibin modulates the secretion of LH.
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.02.a Name the hormones that regulate female reproductive function, and state their roles.
Section: 28.02
Topic: Reproductive System
6. The number of ovarian follicles declines with age, leading to a reduction of estrogen levels.
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.02.d Define and describe menopause, and distinguish menopause from climacteric.
Section: 28.02
Topic: Reproductive System
7. The ovarian cycle typically lasts about 28 days, with day 1 considered to be the first day after
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.03.a Describe the process of egg production (oogenesis).
Section: 28.03
Topic: Reproductive System
8. Most primary oocytes undergo atresia during climacteric.
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.03.a Describe the process of egg production (oogenesis).
Section: 28.03
Topic: Reproductive System
9. The proliferative phase of the uterus is driven by estrogen from the ovaries.
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.03.d Describe how the uterus changes during the menstrual cycle.
Section: 28.03
Topic: Reproductive System
10. In the excitement phase, the uterus rises from its forward-tilted (anteverted) position.
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.04.a Describe the female sexual response at each phase of intercourse.
Section: 28.04
Topic: Reproductive System
11. Unlike men, women lack a refractory period and may experience successive orgasms.
Bloom's Level: 2 Understand
Learning Outcome: 28.04.b Compare and contrast the female and male responses.
Section: 28.04
Topic: Reproductive System
12. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) stimulates the corpus luteum to grow and secrete estrogen and
Bloom's Level: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 28.05.a List the major hormones that regulate pregnancy and explain their roles.
Section: 28.05
Topic: Reproductive System
13. Progesterone stimulates uterine contractions.
Bloom's Level: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 28.05.a List the major hormones that regulate pregnancy and explain their roles.
Section: 28.05
Topic: Reproductive System
14. Prolactin is secreted during pregnancy to stimulate milk synthesis so that milk will be available by the
time the infant is born.
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.06.a Describe the development of the breasts in pregnancy.
Section: 28.06
Topic: Reproductive System
15. Oxytocin stimulates contraction of myoepithelial cell of the mammary acini.
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.06.c Describe the mechanism of milk ejection.
Section: 28.06
Topic: Reproductive System

Multiple Choice Questions

16. The internal female genitalia include the

A. vagina.
B. clitoris.
C. labia majora.
D. labia minora.
E. mammary gland.
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.01.b Trace the female reproductive tract and describe the gross anatomy and histology of each organ.
Section: 28.01
Topic: Reproductive System
17. This figure shows the female reproductive system. What does "3" represent?
A. urethra
B. uterus
C. ovary
D. urinary bladder
E. uterine tube
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Figure: 28.01
Learning Outcome: 28.01.b Trace the female reproductive tract and describe the gross anatomy and histology of each organ.
Section: 28.01
Topic: Reproductive System

18. This figure shows the structure of the ovary. What does "4" represent?
A. primary follicle
B. secondary follicle
C. mature (graafian) follicle
D. corpus luteum
E. corpus albicans
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Figure: 28.02
Learning Outcome: 28.01.a Describe the structure of the ovary.
Section: 28.01
Topic: Reproductive System
19. This figure shows the structure of the female reproductive tract. What does "3" represent?
A. fimbriae
B. myometrium
C. endometrium
D. cervix
E. vagina
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Figure: 28.03a
Learning Outcome: 28.01.b Trace the female reproductive tract and describe the gross anatomy and histology of each organ.
Section: 28.01
Topic: Reproductive System

20. This figure shows the female perineum. What does "1" represent?
A. vaginal orifice
B. labium minus
C. labium majus
D. clitoris
E. urethral orifice
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Figure: 28.08a
Learning Outcome: 28.01.e Identify the external genitalia of the female.
Section: 28.01
Topic: Reproductive System
21. The __________ arteries rhythmically constrict and dilate causing the uterine mucosa to blanch and
flush with blood.
A. uterine
B. arcuate
C. spiral
D. internal iliac
E. ovarian
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.01.d Describe the blood supply to the female reproductive tract.
Section: 28.01
Topic: Reproductive System
22. After puberty, the vaginal lining becomes _________ to ________.
A. simple squamous epithelium; allow fast diffusion of nutrients in case a zygote is implanted
B. stratified squamous epithelium; resist abrasion
C. transitional epithelium; provide more elasticity necessary for coitus and delivery
D. simple columnar; facilitate sperm absorption and secretion of vaginal lubricants
E. simple cuboidal; provide protection and lubrication
Bloom's Level: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 28.01.b Trace the female reproductive tract and describe the gross anatomy and histology of each organ.
Section: 28.01
Topic: Reproductive System
23. The ____________ is the site of attachment of the embryo.
A. endometrium
B. perimetrium
C. myometrium
D. uterine tube
E. vagina
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.01.b Trace the female reproductive tract and describe the gross anatomy and histology of each organ.
Section: 28.01
Topic: Reproductive System
24. Most of the natural lubrication during female sexual excitement is provided by the
A. semen.
B. sperm.
C. vestibular bulbs.
D. greater vestibular (Bartholin) glands.
E. lesser vestibular glands.
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.01.b Trace the female reproductive tract and describe the gross anatomy and histology of each organ.
Section: 28.01
Topic: Reproductive System
25. The nonpregnant uterine wall consists mostly of ___________, which is composed of
A. perimetrium; areolar tissue
B. endometrium; simple columnar epithelium and glands
C. endometrium; blood vessels and dense regular connective tissue
D. myometrium; dense irregular connective tissue
E. myometrium; bundles of smooth muscle
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.01.b Trace the female reproductive tract and describe the gross anatomy and histology of each organ.
Section: 28.01
Topic: Reproductive System
26. Which of these is not found in the vestibule?
A. urinary orifice
B. mons pubis
C. vaginal orifice
D. labia minora
E. clitoris
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.01.e Identify the external genitalia of the female.
Section: 28.01
Topic: Reproductive System
27. ____________ are found in both male and female external genitalia, but the ___________ is/are only
found in the female.
A. Corpora cavernosa; urethral orifice
B. Corpora cavernosa; bulbourethral glands
C. Corpora cavernosa; vestibular bulbs
D. Corpora spongiosa; mons pubis
E. Corpora spongiosa; urethral orifice
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.01.e Identify the external genitalia of the female.
Section: 28.01
Topic: Reproductive System
28. Mammary glands develop within the breasts primarily
A. during the last weeks of fetal development.
B. at birth.
C. during infancy.
D. during puberty.
E. during pregnancy.
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.01.f Describe the structure of the nonlactating breast.
Section: 28.01
Topic: Reproductive System
29. Breast size is determined by
A. the amount of adipose tissue.
B. the amount of collagenous fiber.
C. the size of lactiferous sinuses.
D. the amount of mammary gland tissue.
E. muscle tone.
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.01.f Describe the structure of the nonlactating breast.
Section: 28.01
Topic: Reproductive System
30. Follicles are located in the
A. medulla of the ovary.
B. cortex of the ovary.
C. center of the ovum.
D. epithelium of the endometrium.
E. placenta.
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.01.a Describe the structure of the ovary.
Section: 28.01
Topic: Reproductive System
31. The earliest sign of puberty in girls is
A. the onset of breast development.
B. the appearance of pubic and axillary hair.
C. the appearance of sebaceous and axillary glands.
D. the first menstrual period.
E. the increase in muscle mass.
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.02.b Describe the principal signs of puberty.
Section: 28.02
Topic: Reproductive System
32. ______________ are feminizing hormones.
A. Female gonadotropin-releasing hormones
B. Follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone
C. Androgens
D. Androgen and progesterone
E. Estrogens
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.02.a Name the hormones that regulate female reproductive function, and state their roles.
Section: 28.02
Topic: Reproductive System
33. _______________ act/s primarily in the uterus.
A. Estrogens
B. Androgens
C. Progesterone
D. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
E. Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.02.a Name the hormones that regulate female reproductive function, and state their roles.
Section: 28.02
Topic: Reproductive System
34. The appearance of pubic and axillary hair is a stage specifically called
A. puberty.
B. climacteric.
C. thelarche.
D. pubarche.
E. menarche.
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.02.b Describe the principal signs of puberty.
Section: 28.02
Topic: Reproductive System
35. The midlife change in estrogen and progesterone is called ___________, whereas the cessation of
menstruation is called ______________.
A. climacteric; menopause
B. menopause; climacteric
C. menopause; atresia
D. atresia; climacteric
E. climacteric; atresia
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.02.d Define and describe menopause, and distinguish menopause from climacteric.
Section: 28.02
Topic: Reproductive System
36. During climacteric, sudden ____________ may cause hot flashes.
A. vasoconstriction of cutaneous arteries
B. vasodilation of cutaneous arteries
C. vasodilation of cranial arteries
D. vasoconstriction of cranial arteries
E. vasodilation of facial arteries
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.02.c Describe the hormonal changes of female climacteric and their effects.
Section: 28.02
Topic: Reproductive System
37. The term menstrual cycle specifically refers to
A. the sequence of events from fertilization to giving birth.
B. the events that recur every month during pregnancy.
C. the cyclic events happening from puberty to menopause.
D. the cyclic changes in the uterus determined by shifting hormonal changes.
E. the cyclic changes in the ovaries determined by shifting hormonal changes.
Bloom's Level: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 28.03.d Describe how the uterus changes during the menstrual cycle.
Section: 28.03
Topic: Reproductive System
38. The ovulated egg is
A. a primary oocyte.
B. a secondary oocyte.
C. a primary follicle.
D. a secondary follicle.
E. a tertiary follicle.
Bloom's Level: 2 Understand
Learning Outcome: 28.03.a Describe the process of egg production (oogenesis).
Section: 28.03
Topic: Reproductive System
39. The ovulated egg is at
A. prophase I.
B. metaphase I.
C. telophase I.
D. prophase II.
E. metaphase II.
Bloom's Level: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 28.03.a Describe the process of egg production (oogenesis).
Section: 28.03
Topic: Reproductive System
40. The ovum finalizes meiosis
A. during fertilization.
B. during implantation.
C. as a secondary follicle.
D. as a primary follicle.
E. as a mature (graafian) follicle.
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.03.a Describe the process of egg production (oogenesis).
Section: 28.03
Topic: Reproductive System
41. Most ovulation home test kits measure _________ surge, which happens about 24 hours before
C. estradiol
D. progesterone
E. temperature
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.03.b Describe changes in the ovarian follicles (folliculogenesis) in relation to oogenesis.
Section: 28.03
Topic: Reproductive System
42. After expelling the oocyte, the follicle becomes the ____________ and secretes __________.
A. corpus albicans; FSH and LH
B. corpus albicans; estrogen and progesterone
C. corpus luteum; FSH and LH
D. corpus luteum; estrogen and progesterone
E. corpus albicans; progesterone
Bloom's Level: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 28.03.b Describe changes in the ovarian follicles (folliculogenesis) in relation to oogenesis.
Section: 28.03
Topic: Reproductive System
43. A follicle is
A. an organ in the ovary.
B. an oocyte.
C. an oocyte enclosed in follicular or granulosa cells.
D. a group of granulosa cells.
E. a group of follicular cells.
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.03.b Describe changes in the ovarian follicles (folliculogenesis) in relation to oogenesis.
Section: 28.03
Topic: Reproductive System
44. Which of these does not leave a follicle when it ovulates?
A. a secondary oocyte
B. a zona pellucida
C. a corona radiata
D. a second polar body
E. the theca folliculi
Bloom's Level: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 28.03.b Describe changes in the ovarian follicles (folliculogenesis) in relation to oogenesis.
Section: 28.03
Topic: Reproductive System
45. Oogenesis starts
A. during embryonic development.
B. at birth.
C. during thelarche.
D. during pubarche.
E. during menarche.
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.03.a Describe the process of egg production (oogenesis).
Section: 28.03
Topic: Reproductive System
46. In the adult ovary, more than 90% of the follicles are found as
A. primary follicles.
B. secondary follicles.
C. tertiary follicle.
D. mature (graafian) follicles.
E. primordial follicles.
Bloom's Level: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 28.03.b Describe changes in the ovarian follicles (folliculogenesis) in relation to oogenesis.
Section: 28.03
Topic: Reproductive System
47. During the follicular phase, granulosa cells secrete ____________, which stimulates secretion of
A. estradiol; LH
B. estradiol; FSH
C. estradiol; GnRH
D. progesterone; FSH
E. progesterone; LH
Bloom's Level: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 28.03.c Describe the hormonal events that regulate the ovarian cycle.
Section: 28.03
Topic: Reproductive System
48. Which of these blood hormone levels reaches its maximum during the luteal phase?
D. progesterone
E. estradiol
Bloom's Level: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 28.03.c Describe the hormonal events that regulate the ovarian cycle.
Section: 28.03
Topic: Reproductive System
49. ____________ inhibit/s the secretion of ____________ during the female sexual cycle.
A. GnRH; FSH and LH
B. Estradiol and progesterone; FSH and LH
C. Estradiol; progesterone
D. Estradiol; LH
E. FSH and LH; androgens
Bloom's Level: 5. Evaluate
Learning Outcome: 28.03.c Describe the hormonal events that regulate the ovarian cycle.
Section: 28.03
Topic: Reproductive System
50. Lutein cells develop from
A. the corona radiata.
B. the corpus luteum.
C. the theca interna.
D. granulosa cells.
E. the corpus albicans.
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.03.b Describe changes in the ovarian follicles (folliculogenesis) in relation to oogenesis.
Section: 28.03
Topic: Reproductive System
51. The _________ phase is the one associated with menstrual cramps and typically occurs __________
of the cycle.
A. proliferative; from days 15 to 26
B. secretory; around day 5
C. menstrual; from days 9 to 14
D. premenstrual; days 27 to 28
E. premenstrual; days 13 to 14
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.03.d Describe how the uterus changes during the menstrual cycle.
Section: 28.03
Topic: Reproductive System
52. During the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle
A. several follicles are developing antrums.
B. the corpus luteum is shrinking.
C. the corpus luteum is enlarging.
D. oogonia are transforming into primary oocytes.
E. the oocyte completes meiosis II.
Bloom's Level: 5. Evaluate
Learning Outcome: 28.03.d Describe how the uterus changes during the menstrual cycle.
Section: 28.03
Topic: Reproductive System
53. The _________ sometimes expel/s copious fluid similar to prostatic fluid, which constitutes the
female ejaculate.
A. prostate gland
B. paraurethral glands
C. bulbourethral glands
D. vestibular bulb
E. vaginal epithelium
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.04.a Describe the female sexual response at each phase of intercourse.
Section: 28.04
Topic: Reproductive System
54. During the plateau phase, the glans and clitoris swell as the _________ arteries dilate and the corpus
or corpora ____________ engorge with blood.
A. dorsal; cavernosa
B. deep; spongiosum
C. deep; cavernosa
D. dorsal; spongiosum
E. dorsal; vaginalis
Bloom's Level: 2 Understand
Learning Outcome: 28.04.a Describe the female sexual response at each phase of intercourse.
Section: 28.04
Topic: Reproductive System
55. During ____________, the uterus is tented (erected) and the cervix is withdrawn from the vagina.
Typically, the clitoris is engorged and the labia are bright red to violet due to hyperemia.
A. excitement
B. detumescence
C. orgasm
D. resolution
E. pregnancy
Bloom's Level: 2 Understand
Learning Outcome: 28.04.a Describe the female sexual response at each phase of intercourse.
Section: 28.04
Topic: Reproductive System
56. In early pregnancy, ____________ stimulates growth of the corpus luteum.
A. human chorionic gonadotropin
B. follicle-stimulating hormone
C. human chorionic somatomammotropin
D. adrenocorticotropic hormone
E. progesterone
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.05.a List the major hormones that regulate pregnancy and explain their roles.
Section: 28.05
Topic: Reproductive System
57. The basis of pregnancy test kits is the presence of ____________, which is secreted by the
A. human chorionic somatomammotropin; endometrium and myometrium
B. human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG); blastocyst and placenta
C. progesterone; corpus luteum and corpus albicans
D. progesterone; blastocyst and embryo
E. estrogens; blastocyst and placenta
Bloom's Level: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 28.05.a List the major hormones that regulate pregnancy and explain their roles.
Section: 28.05
Topic: Reproductive System
58. The basis for contraceptive pills is that they mimic the ____________ feedback effect of
A. positive; FSH and LH
B. positive; estrogens and progesterone
C. negative; FSH and LH
D. negative; human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
E. negative; estrogens and progesterone
Bloom's Level: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 28.05.a List the major hormones that regulate pregnancy and explain their roles.
Section: 28.05
Topic: Reproductive System
59. The developing individual is called a(n) ___________ during most of the first 2 weeks, a(n)
_____________ from 3 through 8 weeks, and a(n) ____________ from the beginning of week 9 until
A. zygote; embryo; blastocyst
B. zygote; blastocyst; embryo
C. blastocyst; fetus; embryo
D. blastocyst; embryo; fetus
E. embryo; blastocyst; fetus
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.05.a List the major hormones that regulate pregnancy and explain their roles.
Section: 28.05
Topic: Reproductive System
60. The most abundant estrogen of pregnancy is __________, but the one that accounts for most of the
estrogenic effects in pregnancy is ______________.
A. estrone; estradiol
B. estrone; estriol
C. estriol; estradiol
D. estriol; estrone
E. estradiol; estrone
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.05.a List the major hormones that regulate pregnancy and explain their roles.
Section: 28.05
Topic: Reproductive System
61. The _________________ provides fetal nutrition and secretes hormones that regulate pregnancy and
fetal development.
A. uterus
B. myometrium
C. endometrium
D. blastocyst
E. placenta
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.05.a List the major hormones that regulate pregnancy and explain their roles.
Section: 28.05
Topic: Reproductive System
62. Which is the longest stage of labor?
A. the dilation (first) stage
B. the expulsion (second) stage
C. the placental (third) stage
D. the postpartum stage
E. the puerperium stage
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.05.c Identify the physical and chemical stimuli that increase uterine contractility in late pregnancy.
Section: 28.05
Topic: Reproductive System
63. Milk ejection occurs as a result of stimulation of nerve endings in the ____________ , which leads to
the release of ______________ from the pituitary.
A. mammary acini; oxytocin
B. mammary acini; prolactin
C. nipple and areola; oxytocin
D. nipple and areola; prolactin
E. nipple and areola; progesterone
Bloom's Level: 2 Understand
Learning Outcome: 28.06.c Describe the mechanism of milk ejection.
Section: 28.06
Topic: Reproductive System
64. Why is breast milk superior to cow's milk for an infant?
A. Cow's milk provides fewer calories per mL.
B. Cow's milk provides less calcium per mL.
C. Cow's milk provides less phosphorous per mL.
D. Cow's milk has too much protein and minerals in it.
E. It is a myth; cow's milk is equal in quality to breast milk.
Bloom's Level: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 28.06.e Discuss the benefits of breast feeding.
Section: 28.06
Topic: Reproductive System
65. The infant's only source of nutrition during the first 2-3 days postpartum is
A. casein.
B. colostrum.
C. breast milk.
D. meconium.
E. lactose.
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 28.06.d Contrast colostrum with breast milk.
Section: 28.06
Topic: Reproductive System
chapter 28 Summary
Category # of Questions
Bloom's Level: 1. Remember 45
Bloom's Level: 2 Understand 5
Bloom's Level: 3. Apply 13
Bloom's Level: 5. Evaluate 2
Figure: 28.01 1
Figure: 28.02 1
Figure: 28.03a 1
Figure: 28.08a 1
Learning Outcome: 28.01.a Describe the structure of the ovary. 3
Learning Outcome: 28.01.b Trace the female reproductive tract and describe the gross anatomy and histology of each organ 9
Learning Outcome: 28.01.d Describe the blood supply to the female reproductive tract. 1
Learning Outcome: 28.01.e Identify the external genitalia of the female. 3
Learning Outcome: 28.01.f Describe the structure of the nonlactating breast. 3
Learning Outcome: 28.02.a Name the hormones that regulate female reproductive function, and state their roles. 3
Learning Outcome: 28.02.b Describe the principal signs of puberty. 2
Learning Outcome: 28.02.c Describe the hormonal changes of female climacteric and their effects. 1
Learning Outcome: 28.02.d Define and describe menopause, and distinguish menopause from climacteric. 2
Learning Outcome: 28.03.a Describe the process of egg production (oogenesis). 6
Learning Outcome: 28.03.b Describe changes in the ovarian follicles (folliculogenesis) in relation to oogenesis. 6
Learning Outcome: 28.03.c Describe the hormonal events that regulate the ovarian cycle. 3
Learning Outcome: 28.03.d Describe how the uterus changes during the menstrual cycle. 4
Learning Outcome: 28.04.a Describe the female sexual response at each phase of intercourse. 4
Learning Outcome: 28.04.b Compare and contrast the female and male responses. 1
Learning Outcome: 28.05.a List the major hormones that regulate pregnancy and explain their roles. 8
Learning Outcome: 28.05.c Identify the physical and chemical stimuli that increase uterine contractility in late pregnancy. 1
Learning Outcome: 28.06.a Describe the development of the breasts in pregnancy. 1
Learning Outcome: 28.06.c Describe the mechanism of milk ejection. 2
Learning Outcome: 28.06.d Contrast colostrum with breast milk. 1
Learning Outcome: 28.06.e Discuss the benefits of breast feeding. 1
Section: 28.01 19
Section: 28.02 8
Section: 28.03 19
Section: 28.04 5
Section: 28.05 9
Section: 28.06 5
Topic: Reproductive System 65

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