Pres Cont Vs Pres Sim 1

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Present Continuous Vs.

Present Simple:

Name: ________________________________Date: ___________Grade: ________

Exercise: Use the verbs in parentheses with the correct auxiliaries to complete the
sentences or questions.
1. Mario __________not___________________ lunch with his boss today. (have)
2. Laura___________ not __________________any money in the bank. (have)
3. _____________Tania___________________ a new language this semester? (learn)
4. ______________Lisa__________________ her mother in Spain every day? (talk)
5. Sally_____________________________ some money from the ATM now. (withdraw)
6. George___________________________ a bath at his house every night. (take)
7. Yes, teacher. I _________________________you now. (understand)
8. Your father _________________________older in this picture. (look)
9. My grandfather_______________________3 companies now. (own)
10. This time, the soup_________________________ better than before. (taste)
11. Why __________Johnny_______________________ his pet so much? (love)
12. ___________people always_____________________ shocked after an accident? (remain)
13. ___________you often___________________ your notes when you get home? (check)
14. ____________your father______________ on selling the house? (agree)
15. How many properties___________________ your boss____________________? (possess)
16. How much water______________ this bucket_______________________? (contain)
17. Why ____________your father_______________ so angry on the phone today? (sound)
18. _________you_______________________ your mother’s decisions all the time? (respect)
19. _________your parents _______________________for you outside this moment? (wait)
20. _________your mom always _____________________to your problems? (listen)
21. _________your father_____________________ medical attention today? (receive)
22. _________women _________________the same rights as men in this country? (enjoy)
23. Look! __________those men__________________ at your door? (knock)
24. The baby__________________________ every time I touch his foot. (laugh)
25. Sandra______________________________ about you on the phone now. (ask)
26. My dog ________________________to understand what I say. (seem)
27. Andrea______________ not ____________________when I need her. (call)
28. Sonya _______________at home now while everybody else__________________ (rest-work)
29. Pete ____________exams when I ___________on vacation every year. (take-be)
30. Julie ________not________________ in class and ___________bad grades. (participate-get)
31. Carla never ___________with her mom or ______________her. (argue-contradict)
32. Louise ____________on the sofa and ___________her novel now. (lie-read)
33. Patrick _____________his mon in Prague and __________with her this year. (visit-stay)
34. Sandy ___________her son to hospital every month and _________a lot of money. (take-spend)
35. Milton constantly__________ vegetables in his house and __________money. (grow-save)
36. Andrea sometimes ______________desperately when she ___________angry. (yell-get)
37. Daniel never________ at his sister unless she _____not _____________ well. (shout-behave)
38. Betty_______________ dinner today, and Sara is ______________the dishes. (prepare-do)
39. Laura hardly ever ____________alcohol, but she _____________a lot today. (drink)
40. Pamela _____ not usually ________________to her friends, (apologize)
41. but she_____________ me do forgive her now. (beg)

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