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PIQ #2

Prompt: 3. What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed

and demonstrated that talent over time?

I have multiple talents and skills that I am very passionate and proud about. Every day, I

would slowly hone my skills to make my talents stand out more. My primary skill and the one I

am personally the most proud of would be in the arts. Within the arts, I have worked on projects

that would include animation and graphic design. I mostly use my skills in animation for

personal use, such as whenever I feel like working on a personal project in my spare time. There
was one moment in time where I have used my skill in animation to create a short 1 minute video

animation. This took at least less than a week to complete. I have also used my art skills for a

theatre related advertisement project, where I had to demonstrate basic knowledge in advertising

plays. The play in question was Alice in Wonderland, where I created a large poster featuring the

cast of Alice in Wonderland. Regarding graphic design, I have designed a sticker for my

academy in Carson Senior High, where I had to represent my personal interpretation of my

academy and my graduation year. I have also used my talents in graphic design for a cover when

I was in an internship program. The internship took place with a transportation service company,

however, this took place virtually. With my artistic skills, I want to pursue a potential career in

animation, fashion design, or graphic design.

I also have talents in video editing. I have used these skills mainly in school projects,

especially the video school projects. I have a hobby for building computers. So far, I have

completed at least 3 projects. Through these experiences, I have taught myself how to

troubleshoot computers, such as when a computer would have driver issues.

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