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Molly Stroh

Mr. Rother

English 9/10X

19 January 2021

The 2020 Project: Adversity Final

Writer’s Craft Essay

This time capsule took a lot of effort and thinking put into it. So, I will be explaining my

process in creating it and explaining the final product. The reading and research I’ve done about

this pandemic prior to creating my time capsule and then specifically from this project helped me

determine the media and found writing I included in my time capsule. It helped because the

things I found gave me ideas of specific articles and media I could look for based on a particular

topic regarding the pandemic. Such as education, mental health, growing up and safety which are

a few topics I found articles and media on for my time capsule.

When deciding on how to package my project, I didn’t know what to do at first. I

originally wanted to make a poster and paste all the information onto it but realized that wouldn’t

work. So then I was unsure of what I wanted to do, I thought of making a website but thought it

would be too difficult. I ended up deciding to make a website and it wasn’t as hard as I was

anticipating. I made my website on Weebly and enjoyed the process of putting everything

together. My website has a home page with the project title and my name. Then, on the home

page there’s a slideshow of pictures related to the pandemic. Next to the slideshow, there’s

buttons with the title of each section of the time capsule. When you click on the button, it brings

you to the Google Doc with that part of the project on it. There’s also different pages in addition

to the home page for each section of the time capsule with that section in a pdf.
There are some things I really like about my project and some things I don’t like as

much. The biggest challenge I faced creating this project was finding out how to create my

website because I first had to figure out what site I wanted to create my website on and then how

to create it. My favorite part of my project is my self created media collage because I spent time

on it and enjoyed creating it because I tried to look for pictures that showed people persevering

through adversity. I also like the home page of my website because I spent a long time creating it

as well and like the way it turned out. I think some strengths of my project are my website home

page and my self-created and found media because I like how my website home page and

self-created media turned out and think they are done well. I think my found media is a strength

because I found different types of reliable media on a variety of different topics regarding the

pandemic. A weakness of my project is the creativity on the different pieces since they’re just in

the form of a google doc.

Through the process of creating my time capsule, I learned a few things about myself. I

had emotions come out in writing my personal narrative that I didn’t even fully realize I had

before. Like my feelings of education during this time and how it’s difficult. I also learned some

new skills on how to create your own website. In addition, I learned that I had less knowledge

about the pandemic than I thought because while I did know a lot, I learned more about the virus

itself and how it affects people around the world in researching this project.

Overall, I’m happy with how my time capsule turned out and had a good time creating it.

I like the way I decided to present my time capsule in the form of a website and overcame the

challenges I had at first of figuring out how to set up my website. Throughout making this

project, I also learned more about myself as well as the pandemic through research I did. I think
this time capsule was a good way to reflect on the events of 2020 and the events we’re still

going through today.

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