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INSTRUCTIONS: Candidates are required to answer ALL questions in SECTION A and B and any
TWO questions in SECTION C.


Answer ALL questions in this section.
In the answer booklet provided, write the letter which matches the correct response.

1. A pharmaceutical company manager attending a meeting of academic scientists would be

functioning in which role?
A) informational
B) figurehead
C) liaison
D) decisional

2. Designing a series of interview questions to provide information about possible

customers for a company would primarily require ________.
A) technical skills
B) interpersonal skills
C) conceptual skills
D) political skills

3. Taylor began to develop his theory of ________ after a result of viewing workers in steel
A) the functions of management
B) ethics-based management
C) management skills
D) scientific management

4. Why is a negotiator a decisional role according to Mintzberg?

A) Negotiation requires taking a position and deciding how and when to compromise.
B) Negotiation requires a manager to be able to deal with money.
C) The task of negotiation is taken on only by the decision makers who are always top
D) Negotiation requires no interpersonal or informational skill.

5. A manager resolving conflict among organizational members is performing which of the

following functions?
A) controlling
B) planning
C) organizing
D) leading
6. A media company that has separate, autonomous companies for movies, TV, Internet, and
print journalism is most likely a ________ structure.
A) divisional
B) functional
C) simple
D) matrix

7. Which statement accurately defines work specialization?

A) It is the degree to which tasks are grouped together.
B) Individual employees specialize in doing part of an activity rather than the entire
C) Jobs are ranked relative only to their worth or value to the businesses.
D) Work specialization clarifies who reports to whom.

8. What kind of departmentalization would be in place in a government agency in which

there are separate departments that provide services for employers, employed workers,
unemployed workers, and the disabled?
A) product
B) geographic
C) outcome
D) customer

9. ________ prevents a single employee from getting conflicting orders from two different
A) Line authority
B) Unity of command
C) Staff authority
D) Chain of command

10. A construction site supervisor who sees an impending thunderstorm and tells workers to
go home is demonstrating ________.
A) line authority
B) staff delegation
C) provisional accountability
D) responsibility
11. Will Paten is the manager of a team of twelve people in the marketing division of Palmer
Inc. Will, who has been working in the company for eleven years, is held in high regard
and liked by all his colleagues and subordinates. However, Aaron and Abby, two of his
subordinates, are noted for frequently flouting his rules and directives. They continue
behaving in this manner even after Will had categorically requested them to refrain from
upsetting the momentum of the team. Which of the following, if true, would best explain
Aaron and Abby's continued noncompliance with Will's requests?
A) The promotions and bonuses of the team members depend heavily on Will's
performance ratings.
B) The company had provided Will with additional duties, and he was left with little time
to ensure that his team members performed well.
C) Will believes that since the job demands in marketing are ambiguous and ever-
changing, a supportive approach to leadership would suffice.
D) Will is uncomfortable exercising coercive measures to control employees.

12. During a recent meeting, a shouting match arose between a design manager and a
marketing representative about a marketing plan for a new product. This team seems to
be at the ________ stage of group development.
A) conflict
B) forming
C) norming
D) storming

13. According to the University of Michigan studies, leaders who were ________ were
associated with higher group productivity and higher job satisfaction.
A) employee-oriented
B) initiating structure
C) considerate
D) production-oriented

14. Jobs in a firm are quite informal. Workers are versatile and switch tasks and
responsibilities depending on the situation. In Fiedler's model, this firm would be said to
have ________.
A) good leader-member relations
B) high position power
C) high task structure
D) low task structure

15. Leaders who are looking for exceptionally high performance from subordinates might try
this approach:
A) supportive
B) directive
C) achievement oriented
D) participative

16. In order to transmit a message, the thought originating with the sender must be
________ to symbolic form.
A) decoded
B) encoded
C) deciphered
D) expanded

17. Auto company engineers want technical terms such as limited slip differential used in car
ads. Ad execs, on the other hand, don't want these terms used. The cause of their
disagreement is ________.
A) emotion
B) selective perception
C) language
D) gender

Kindly use the scenario below to answer questions 18-20.

The Memorandum (Scenario)

George Wilberson is a qualified engineer and manages a work team that consists of two
engineers, four production workers, an accountant, and a purchasing manager. They are about to
embark on a new project for their company. George has prepared a memorandum explaining the
objectives of the work team.

18. Some of the production workers have come to see George and ask for clarification about
the memorandum. This represents the ________ aspect of the communication process.
A) encoding
B) channeling
C) filtering
D) feedback

19. The accountant, in particular, told George that he had difficulty understanding some of
the technical terms used in the memorandum. These technical terms are commonly
known as ________.
A) encoding
B) echoes
C) noise
D) jargon

20. The purchasing manager assigned to this team had already worked with George in the
past. However, a difference of opinion had soured their relationship. As a result, the
purchasing manager was unable to objectively evaluate and appreciate the various aspects
of the current project described in the memorandum. This is an example of ________.
A) noise
B) channeling
C) feedback
D) encoding
Kindly use the scenario below to answer questions 21-22.
The Car (Scenario)

Colleen is a student, and her older brother has loaned her an old car. The car is in need of several
repairs before she will feel comfortable driving it.

21. Colleen needs a vehicle, but she has to decide if the vehicle is worth repairing. She is
facing a(n) ________ that is a discrepancy between an existing and a desired state of
A) uncertainty
B) contingency
C) problem
D) risk

22. Before talking to a repair person, Colleen needs to prioritize the repairs. Her first concern
is safety of the vehicle. This step in the decision-making process is called ________.
A) weighting the decision criteria
B) analyzing alternatives
C) identifying the decision criteria
D) evaluating decision effectiveness

23. The manager of an apparel store estimates how much to order for the current spring
season based on last spring's sales figures. The store manager is operating under which of
the following decision-making conditions?
A) surety
B) risk
C) homogeneity
D) certainty

24. If an individual knows the price of three similar cars at different dealerships, he is
operating under which of the following decision-making conditions?
A) risk
B) supposition
C) certainty
D) speculation

25. When problems are ________, managers must rely on ________ in order to develop
unique solutions.
A) structured; nonprogrammed decision making
B) structured; pure intuition
C) unstructured; nonprogrammed decision making
D) unstructured; programmed decision making
26. Which of Andrew Carnegie’s principle on Corporate Social Responsibility states that “the
more fortunate individuals should assist less fortunate members of society such as the
unemployed, handicapped, sick and elderly”
a) Gospel of Wealth principle
b) Charity principle
c) Stewardship principle
d) Social responsiveness principle

27. Which of the following stakeholders is owed the social obligation of being provided safe
a) consumers
b) competitors
c) employees
d) government agencies

28. Social obligation is the obligation of a business to meet its:

a) social and technological responsibilities
b) economic and social responsibilities
c) technological and economic responsibilities
d) economic and legal responsibilities

29. A farmer in your community disposes of all toxic waste properly as outlined by law, and
he enrols his staff in external workshops that would train them to determine better
processes for all businesses to use in disposing of toxic wastes. This farmer is exhibiting
which of the following?
a) Social obligation
b) Social responsibility
c) Social responsiveness
d) Moral obligation

30. When Jerry D’s restaurant advertises that it only uses recycled paper products it is
a) Being socially responsive
b) Meeting its social obligation
c) Meeting its social screening requirements
d) Adopting green management

(Total 30 marks)

Instructions: Answer ALL questions in this section.


Explain the THREE (3) common forms of departmentalization. (10 marks)


Explain the different directions of communication flow within an organization. (10 marks)


Discuss the concepts of bounded rationality and satisficing that managers use during some
decision making process. (10 marks)

(Total 30 marks)

Instructions: Answer ANY two (2) questions from this section.


As a Teacher you are expected to manage the number of students under your care on a daily basis. Hersey
and Blanchard’s Situational Theory outlines four specific Leadership styles which he matched to four
stages of follower readiness.

Explain the FOUR (4) leadership styles proposed by Hersey and Blanchard that you will use in
your classroom on any given day. In your explanation state which follower readiness matches
that leadership style. (20 marks)
(Total 20 Marks)


You are invited to make a Presentation at a Business Seminar hosted by Gigicel Communication
company. The theme for the seminar is “Designs and Structures for 21 st Century Businesses.” In your
presentation you are required to explain the following issues.

(a) Formal vs Informal Design (5 marks)

(b) Functional Organizational Structure (6 marks)
(c) Matrix Organizational Structure (6 marks)
(d) FIVE (5) features of the Formal Organization (5 marks)
(e) Illustrate a simple organization structure for an organization of choice (3 marks)
(Total 20 marks)


Within the education system and in particular any school, communication is the gateway to
effective growth and development.

(a) Explain the difference between formal and informal communication (4


(b) Describe the steps in the communication process (12


(c) Explain TWO (2) factors clearly that result in barriers to communication within a staff
meeting at school. (4 marks)
(Total 20 marks)
(Grand Total 40 marks)




1 C 11 D 21 C
2 C 12 D 22 C
3 D 13 A 23 B
4 A 14 D 24 C
5 D 15 C 25 C
6 A 16 B 26 B
7 B 17 C 27 A
8 D 18 D 28 D
9 B 19 D 29 B
1 A 20 A 30 A

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