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SEMESTER Spring 2020

Introduction to Sociology
(SOC101) Assignment No. 01

“Social Interaction” Assignment


Identify the types of roles or statuses in the given scenarios from the provided options and give
justifications in your own words.


Scenario Identification Justification

Mr. Adeel is a well-known cardiac Achieved status As demonstrated by the
surgeon. He is known for his surgery importance of achieved status.
skills all over the country. He has gained "A status which is gotten by
this prestige by lifelong struggle and troublesome work and fight and
training. This social identity that Mr. transforms into the distinctive
Adeel holds guides his behaviors in the evidence of an individual is
society. Identify his role/status. known as Achieved status". The
given Scenario in like manner
falls in the order of accomplished
status. Following thing which are
referenced in the circumstance
uncovers to us that Mr. Adeel's
status of cardiovascular expert is
his practiced status.

• A individual can't
transform into an expert by birth
yet he can get that status just by
clinical examination with

• The fame of a person

concerning his calling is also a
social picture of his troublesome
work and sharp fight as for his

• The status of a person

which transforms into a standard
and genuine model for the others
anyway after a specific sort of
fight. That kind of spurring
status is in actuality achieved

Other than performing surgeries, Dr. Role set According to the importance of
Adeel also supervises Medical Role set job set suggests
Management, runs diagnosis and different employments joined to
delivers lectures to young cardiothoracic a lone status.
trainees. Identify his role/status.
In the given circumstance Mr.
Adeel is accepting number of
occupation yet all are related
with his master status. He is a
Doctor by calling and he is
playing various endeavors
related to the part of drug.

In the given circumstance he fills

in as clinical manager that must
be done by a senior of remedial
division. He shows young
experts which is moreover a
commitment of some senior pro.
So he plays out different
occupations and all are stresses
with his basic master status
which is a pro.
Recent researches show that heart Role conflict The essential importance of job
diseases among young people have been strife unveils to us that.
increased nowadays. In light of increasing "Occupation conflict is logical
cases, Dr. Adeel has to give more time in inconsistency among
OPD for diagnosis and treatment of employments identifying with in
patients in addition to performing other any event two statuses"
responsibilities which has increased his
burden by involvement in multiple tasks. According to the circumstance
Identify his role/status. Mr. Adeel is a doctor by calling
yet he is moreover an ordinary
individual and resident and
obviously having various
distinctive statuses like he may
be a father of someone a
youngster, a kin, etc. In the given
circumstance extending extent of
heart diseases is a clarification of
Dr. Adeel's more contemplations
toward OPD. He gives most by
far of his sort to his master status
and his own.
The younger daughter of Dr. Adeel is Role strain According to the significance of
getting married next month. For the Role strain. "Occupation strain
wedding preparations Dr. Adeel sometimes suggests appositeness among
have to adjust shopping tours on the cost of employments contrasting with a
OPD hours and similarly family plans for lone status". This definition
emergency surgeries. His obligation to uncovers to us that the weight
both sides makes him switch between tasks among two employments of
for which he has to sacrifice one for the someone as for a comparative
other. Identify his role/status. status is truly work strain. In the
given situation Dr. Adeel is
puzzled about his activity as for
his status of a master. As he have
to adjust his activity for his
daughter's swimming. He have
two options one is OPD and
second is emergency clinical
systems he have to choice one
for the difference in time yet
both are related to his identical
status so his bewildered
conditions makes the idea
comprehended that the given
circumstance is concerning Role

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