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"The Parisian Life" by Juan Luna

The painting of Juan Luna, "The Parisian Life" for one is 110 years old. The painting shows Luna himself with
national hero Jose Rizal and Dr. Ariston Bautista Lim in a scene described as the ³last gathering of great Filipinos on the eve
of momentous events´ in Paris. Luna reportedly made the painting months before the three returned to the country on the
eve of the 1896 Philippine Revolution against Spain.



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This painting shows the beautiful sunset seen at the Manila Bay. The fishermen return as the
sun sets. A day has ended with the fishermen feeling accomplished that they have caught enough
fish to sell and/or bring home to their families. It shows the life of the commoners during that time -
simple yet full of happiness and contentment. The painting also shows that the Manila Bay was still
clean unlike now. Seeing a sun setting gives a sad yet accomplished feeling. It is sad because a day
has ended and, accomplished, for a day has ended smoothly or it has ended having done so many
fun and enjoyable things.

This is my analysis of this painting. I love sunsets.

Tampuhan by Juan Luna


The painting shows a couple¶s silent war. The man was at the back looking down on the
streets. The painting gives a heavy and confusing feeling. It gives ³the man must apologize to the
woman first even if it¶s her fault´ kind of feeling.


B.S.I.D 1-1

February 4, 2011

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