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When I started high school, I was a small tree, and I had not bloomed yet. Now after four

years, I have grown into a much larger tree. My branches will keep growing till I reach the

highest point. The tree represents my skills as a writer and how much I have grown.

As a freshman, my writing skills were average, my thesis statements were always weak,

and I had several grammatical errors. Now that I am a senior, my writing skills have vastly

improved because now I feel more confident writing an essay on any topic. My goal this year

was to write more professionally, so I could prepare for college. Another goal that I had was to

eliminate grammatical errors because grammar was always an issue for me as a writer. Having so

many grammatical errors also lowered my credibility as a writer. I also wanted to challenge

myself as a writer by writing different papers that I will write in college.

With a lot of time and effort, I was able to achieve my goals. It was a challenge at first to

approach a new method but after a lot of practice, I achieved my goals. I made my papers more

professional by having a main central argument and by adding supporting details. I used higher

vocabulary, and I formed more complex sentences throughout my essays to make the overall

paper more professional. I also improved my grammar and syntax a lot more in my essays by

revising my papers. I read through my essay multiple times to check for mistakes, and I also read

it backward to check the flow of my essay. Through this class, I learned how to write different

types of papers from, literary analysis to research papers. Learning these types of essays will

help me grow as a writer when I go to college. Since writing for me is like a tree growing, my

writing skills will keep growing from here.

Since I will start my college journey soon, my future plans are to grow as a writer

especially, for research papers. I intend to major in biology, and I will write many research

papers on various topics. My goal is to use higher vocabulary and support my thesis statement

with supporting evidence. My branches will keep growing from here, and I hope to use my

previous knowledge about writing to keep growing.

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