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Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

Department of International Finance and Banking


TOPIC: Marketing Era of BİM Joint Stock Company

Ayşegül SUBAŞI - 16226031

Dr. Öğr. Gör. Bülent ÖZER

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 3
BİM Joint Stock Company ................................................................................................................... 3
Marketing Era of BİM Joint Stock Company .................................................................................... 3
Marketing Strategy of BİM Joint Stock Company ............................................................................ 4
BİM Joint Stock Company’s Strategic Goals with Vission and Mission .......................................... 5
SWOT Analysis of BİM Joint Stock Company .................................................................................. 5
Strengths ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Weaknesses ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Threats................................................................................................................................................ 6
Opportunities ..................................................................................................................................... 6
The 4P’s of BİM Joint Stock Company ............................................................................................... 6
1. Product ....................................................................................................................................... 6
2. Place ............................................................................................................................................ 7
3. Price ............................................................................................................................................ 7
4. Promotion ................................................................................................................................... 7
RESULT ................................................................................................................................................. 7
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 7


In this article, I will tell you about BIM's marketing era and strategies. At the end of the article,
you will be able to see the strengths and weaknesses of BİM, location, product, promotion,
product strategies and target market.

BİM Joint Stock Company

BİM Joint Stock Company was established on May 31, 1995 and started its activities in
September 1995. The company operates in the hard-discount food retail sector. It has a product
range of approximately 800 products, including private brands. BIM sells these products
through retail stores operating throughout Turkey[1]. As of September 30, 2020, BİM. has 66
regional headquarters and 9,147 stores on a consolidated basis in Turkey and abroad[1].

BİM Joint Stock Company’s opened FİLE stores in 2015. FİLE stores are a new and different
sales model BİM offered to its customers in 2015[1].

Marketing Era of BİM Joint Stock Company

BİM Joint Stock Company’s marketing era is the production era. Because BİM sells its products
at low prices and has opened 9,147 stores so that its products can be found everywhere.

BİM reduces production costs and therefore transfers products to customers at lower prices
thanks to the increased profit from the cost.

BİM tries to meet the needs and requests of the majority. BIM only produces mass-scale
products and brings them to market.

Marketing Strategy of BİM Joint Stock Company
BIM, the first and most important representative of the hard-discount model in Turkey,
promises to provide high-quality service and high-quality products to its customers at the most
affordable price[1].

BİM Joint Stock Company customers pay for the product itself, not the packaging or the brand.
In other words, while producing products, BİM Joint Stock Company only pays attention to the
quality of the product without paying unnecessary cost to the packaging of its products.

BIM makes more profit than its competitors by reducing total costs. In addition, BIM creates a
competitive advantage with the lowest operating cost. This is a cost leadership strategy,
especially useful in a market where price is an important factor.

BİM Joint Stock was able to produce its own private brands to get the price advantage, make
them familiar without advertising and managed to stay at a reasonable price level.

BİM Joint Stock Company does not spend exaggerated advertising that will increase the price
of products. This is again the price strategy. Because, instead of the cost to spend on advertising,
it makes a profit by keeping its products affordable.

BİM Joint Stock Company rents stores at the closest points and at the most affordable prices to
its customers. Here, BIM Joint Stock Company applies the place strategy. Because it increases
sales by paying attention to the places that customers can easily reach and reduces the cost of
the store with low-priced rent.

BİM Joint Stock Company stores are decorated as simply as possible. Price strategy is applied
here. Because by arranging the products with parcels without putting unnecessary shelves in
the stores, it sells more affordable products and avoids excessive costs with the savings obtained

BİM Joint Stock Company’s Strategic Goals with Vission and Mission
The company's goal is to provide high efficiency in discount food retailing in the service sector,
expanding into other regions of Turkey and other countries to serve consumers[2]. Offering
quality products for sale at all times, increasing operational efficiency, price reduction,
increasing the ratio of private label products in the product portfolio and reducing costs by
increasing the efficiency of suppliers are among the other goals of the BİM Joint Stock

SWOT Analysis of BİM Joint Stock Company


 Having a positive image in the opinion of the public as it is the first in the company

 Being easily accessible with 9,147 stores and being the nearest chain to the customer

 Advantages of hard-discount merchandising

 Low affordable price compared to its competitors

 Avoiding unnecessary costs by keeping advertising, market decoration and marketing

costs at the lowest level

 Only appealing to daily shoppers

 BİM does not appeal to the upper income classes due to the perception of cheap and
poor quality products

 Inability to meet customers ' requests due to insufficient product range

 Costs incurred as a result of a large number of warehouses, stores and regional offices

 BİM does not have online store

 Due to the high number of stores, a store owned by BİM is competing with other stores

 Risk that people with increased income stop shopping from BİM

 Risks caused by exchange rate differences

 Risks that will come from natural disasters such as fire, flood, and the risks of issues
such as accident, breakdown, negligence to affect operations

 As the number of stores is approaching the dew point, it is aimed to open stores with
large sales areas, parking lots and cafeterias, and thus targeting those who want to shop
weekly and monthly

 Increase the number of customers by expanding the product range

 Open an online store

 Taking advantage of mobile payments and applications

The 4P’s of BİM Joint Stock Company

BIM's target market is low-income people.

1. Product

BIM's product strategy is that its products have good quality

2. Place

BİM's place strategy is to have 9.147 stores for everyone to access.

3. Price
BIM's price strategy is that its products are low priced.

4. Promotion
BİM keeps advertising at the minimum level, instead attaches importance to customer relations
and customer satisfaction. In addition to these, BİM offers a discount catalog every week.

The company is a quite known brands in the food retailing sector in Turkey, where the powerful
image and is the pioneer of hard-discount model.

The company is in a fierce competition with both traditional and organized retailers.
Bim cannot respond to customer complaints and use social media effectively.

BİM has superior aspects that give it a competitive advantage, such as strong image, number of
stores, cost management, own products and use of its own resources.

BİM needs to increase product diversity.



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