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NAME: Miraç

 Aşağıda yer alan soruları her bir öğrenci bireysel olarak cevaplandıracaktır.
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 Bu ödev 13.01.2021 tarihinde saat 13.00’da uzantısında
dersin ilgili olduğu alana yüklenmiştir.
 Ödevin sisteme son yüklenmesi gereken tarih 13.01.2021 saat 16.00’dır.
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 Ödevinizi sisteme yüklerken yükleyeceğiniz word dosyasının adı SADECE AD
VE SOYADINIZDAN OLUŞSUN. Okul numaranız, ödev, marketing, principles
of marketing exam gibi ifadeleri kullanmayınız. Bu kurala uymayanlardan 10
puan kırılacaktır.
 Cevaplamaya istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz. Ödevinizin son halini
sisteme yüklemeden son defa okumanız önerilir.

A. For the following statements, please write T for True statements; write F
for False statements (18x1 pts = 18 pts).

or Statements
F A market orientation not only focus on satisfying customer needs and
wants but also include preservation of environment.
F Determination of business mission is the single stage of strategic
planning process.
F Divest strategy is only suitable for dogs in BCG model.
F Followers are one of the business position in the market.
T Inflation is the macro environment factor that affects marketing
T Laws, regulations and monetary policy are the political and legal factor
that affect marketing decisions.
T Determination of data sources is the first stage of marketing research.
T You can collect data for a marketing research through surveys and
T Social class is one of the social factors that affecting consumer
T For example, buying a curtain is a reduce incompatibility buying
T Consumer buying decision process consists of five stages.
T Nicosia model suggests that logic stimuli direct consumption
behaviour rather than emotional stimuli.
T Business marketing is the marketing of products to general public
rather than other organizations.
F There are few buyers in industrial markets.
F For example, computer purchase is system purchasing behavior.
T Age, income and city are demographic criterions in market
T Services are tangibility and heterogeneity.
T Empathy is not one of the dimensions of service quality.

B. Multiple Choice Questions (22x1 pts = 22 pts).

1.Which of the following is a service?

a)Iron b)Washing machine c)Aircraft travel d)Book e)Water

ANSWER = Aircraft travel (C)

2.Which of the following is not a marketing mix element?

a)Promotion b)Place c)Price d)Package e)Product

ANSWER = Package (D)

3.Which marketing concept gives importance to both customer wants and

needs and protection of the environment?

a)Societal marketing orientation

b)Marketing orientation
c)Natural and environmental orientation
d)Green marketing
e)Customer and environment orientation

ANSWER = Societal marketing orientation (A)

4.Which of the following is the first stage of the strategic planning


a)Determination of business mission

b)Constitute of portfolio plan
c)Planning of functional strategies
d)Determination of goals and objectives
e)None of them

ANSWER = Determination of business mission (D)

5.Which of the following categories in the BCG is least valuable for the

a)Question marks b)Dogs c)Stars d)Cash cows e)Chickens

ANSWER = Chickens (E)

6.ABC company wants to introduce a new market with a new product.

Which is the growth strategy applied by ABC company?

a)Market penetration
b)Product development
c)Market development
d)New market and new product development

ANSWER = New market and new product development

7.Which growth strategy refers to the merger of McDonald’s and Burger

a)Horizontal integration
b)Vertical integration
c)Transverse integration
d)Market penetration
e)Company differentiation

ANSWER = Horizontal integration (A)

8.Which of the following is economical environment factor that affect

marketing decisions?

b)Purchasing power
c)Monetary policy
d)All of them

ANSWER = All of them (D)

9.Stockline is the component of …………………….

a)Marketing intelligence system

b)Internal reporting system
c)Marketing decision support system
d)Marketing research system
e)External reporting system

ANSWER = External reporting system (E)

10.Reporting is the …………. stage of marketing research.

a)First b)Second c)Last d)Third e)Fourth

ANSWER = Last (C)

11. Collecting data with a questionnaire is the ………………. data source.

a)Primary b)Secondary c)Unit d)Sample unit e)Random


ANSWER = Secondary (B)

12. ………….. sampling is the type of sampling that is generally done
according to geographic regions.


ANSWER = Cluster (E)

13.Cognitive dissonance occurs at ……….. stage of the consumer

decision-making process.

a)Information search
b)Post-purchase behavior
c)Problem recognition
d)Purchase decision
e)Cognitive behavior

ANSWER = Post-purchase behavior (B)

14.In which of the following explanatory consumer models are given


b)Economic-Pavlovian-Howard Sheth
e)Nicosia-Howard Sheth-Engel-Kollat-Blackwell

ANSWER = Economic-Veblen-Nicosia (A)

15. ……………….. proposed the general model of consumer behavior.

a)Peter Drucker
b)Philip Kotler
c)Craig Davis
d)Ann Handley
e)Kurt Lewin

ANSWER = Philip Kotler (B)

16. …………….. model implies that each buying behavior has different


ANSWER = Pavlovian (B)

17.Which of the following is not characteristic of organizational markets?

a)Zonal gathering b)Elastic demand c)Fewness buyer

d)Fluctuating demand e)Professional purchasing

ANSWER = Elastic demand (B)

18. …………… is one of the interpersonal interaction factors that affect

the purchasing behavior of industrial users.

a)Mutual communication
d)Demand level

ANSWER = Personality (B)

19.Which are the intermediaries that determine their marketing mix


b)Permanent intermediaries
c)Creative buyers
d)Hose trading buyers
e)None of them

ANSWER = None of them (E)

20.If the business wants to enter all markets with a single product, it
should choose strategy ………………

a)Optional specialization
b)Product specialization
c)Market specialization
d)Focus on a single product
e)Focus on a single market

ANSWER = Product specialization (B)

21.Which strategy is the diversification of a business in matters such as

delivery and assembly?

a)Channel diversification
b)Goods diversification
c)Service diversification
d)Image diversification
e)Personnel diversification

ANSWER = Channel diversification (A)

22.A juice business position the characteristics of their products

according to the seasons. This positioning strategy is called

a)Positioning according to product characteristics

b)Positioning according to buyer classes
c)Positioning according to competitor
d)Positioning according to product classes
e)Positioning according to usage opportunities

ANSWER = Positioning according to product characteristics (A)

C. Essay Questions (3x20 pts = 60 pts).

1.What is service marketing? What are the factors that determine the
service quality? Explain all of them.


Service marketing refers to marketing of services such as car rental

services, tourism companies, telecommunications and others. The factors
that determine service quality are reliability, responsiveness, assurance,
empathy, and tangibles. Reliability refers to being able to perform the
services accurately and as promised. Responsiveness refers to the
willingness to help customers and provide quick services. Assurance
refers to the employees knowledge and courtesy and ability to build trust
with the customers. Empathy refers to the ability to connect with the
customers feelings. And tangibles refers to the physical equipment and
facilities of a company.

2.Suppose you are marketing executive in business that produces

technology products. How do you determine your market segmentation,
targeting and positioning strategies?

In order to determine the market segmentation, I would look at the age

group that purchases the most technology products and their income in
order to determine pricing. For targeting I would create ads that would be
appealing to said age group. And lastly for positioning strategies, I would
look for gaps in the market such as battery life, storage capacity and

3.Define the following concepts

 Consumer
 Product
 Vision
 Marketing research
 Sample unit
 Subculture
 Cognitive dissonance
 Consumer market
 Business market
 Positioning


Consumer: The end user, a person who purchases a good or service for their
personal use.
Product: A good or service that is refined for sale.
Vision: The ability of a company to think about the future with imagination.
Marketing research: a companies effort for Gathering information about potential
target markets and customers.
Sample unit: a unit from the sample that was chosen for measurement
Subculture: a group within a larger culture whose beliefs and interests differ from
those in the larger culture.
Cognitive dissonance: having inconsistent thoughts, or attitudes towards a
Consumer market: buyers who purchase a good or service for personal
consumption rather than resale.
Business market: the sellers of a good or service and not for personal consumption.
Positioning: a place that a brand occupies in the minds of consumers and how the
brand differs themselves from the competition.

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