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Looking Forward

Senior year is the most memorable year of a person’s life. My daughter’s senior year

started during a global pandemic with virtual learning. Virtual learning is not how I had

imagined my daughter’s senior year, but she will make the most of it. Her four years of high

school were filled with many memories and experiences that she will never forget.

Ashna’s year started with a lot of stress because she had to manage her college

applications and study for her SAT. With the pandemic, her SAT kept getting canceled, which

caused her so much stress. Thankfully, she could take the SAT and submit it with her college

applications. Applying for colleges is no straightforward task, and it took a lot of organization

and time management to complete them before the deadlines. Ashna kept up with all of her

deadlines and made sure she submitted everything on time. Ashna was very excited to write her

college essay and discuss how she overcame obstacles throughout her high school experience.

Ashna also got a lot of scholarship considerations from the schools that she applied to.

Since Ashna is a Medical Honor officer, she plans medically related activities for

members of MHS to do. She helped organize giving cards for our first responders during

Thanksgiving. These community service activities brought her a lot of joy since many people are

struggling with the pandemic. Another part of her senior year was the National Honor Society,

where she collected items to donate to homeless shelters. It is important that even with the

pandemic that our community stays strong. Ashna was glad that even with online classes, she

could still take part in her favorite activities.


Ashna is very excited to go to college, but she will miss her friends and the experiences

she created at Bayside High School. She has told me often how much she loves taking part in the

HOSA competition and how she will miss the events there. Ashna will also miss going to school

dances like Homecoming. She loves going to the dances at her school and dressing up with her

friends. Ashna also loved taking the different medical classes in the Health Sciences Academy,

and she is going to miss the fun labs. She will also miss her teachers, who have taught her so

much throughout high school.

With Ashna’s senior year not being over just yet, she is excited about her graduation

ceremony. Graduation is the most memorable moment for any high school student, as they have

worked so hard for four years of high school. Her graduation will be special for me as a parent,

as she is my first child to complete high school. I am sure Ashna will take her experiences from

high school and apply them to her college life.

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