Human Colonisation of The Palau Islands

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Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology, 1:215–232, 2006

Copyright © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

ISSN: 1556-4894 print / 1556-1828 online

Human Colonization
of the Palau Islands,
Western Micronesia
Geoffrey Clark,1 Atholl Anderson,1 and Duncan Wright2
Department of Archaeology and Natural History, Research School of Pacific
and Asian Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
School of Geography and Environmental Science, Monash University,
Victoria, Australia


Adaptation to new environments is an important issue in colo-

nization research with implications for accurately establishing
the timing of human arrival and interpreting the dispersal
pattern from the distribution of early archaeological sites. Island
groups frequently contain a diverse range of landscapes and
geographic variation in their colonization records that might
reflect the environmental preference of prehistoric migrants. In
the Palau Islands the large island of Babeldaob may have been
colonized by 4300 cal BP on palaeoenvironmental evidence,
while the oldest archaeological deposits in the small limestone
islands of southern Palau date to ∼ca. 3000 cal BP. Does the
discrepancy in colonization ages represent a predilection for
the large volcanic island relative to small limestone islands?
To examine the timing of human arrival in southern Palau
an early site on Ulong Island was re-excavated, along with
ancillary investigations to calculate a local reservoir value (R)
to apply to new marine shell 14 C ages and investigation of a
buried sea-notch to estimate the impact of sea-level change and
tectonic movement. Human arrival in southern Palau is dated
to no earlier than 3100–2900 cal BP. Neolithic dispersal in other
island environments in the Pacific is reviewed to see whether
colonization of large islands tended to precede use of small

Received 9 December 2005; accepted 6 March 2006.

Address correspondence to Geoffrey Clark, Department of Archaeology and Natural History, Research
School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia. E-mail:

Geoffrey Clark et al.

islands. The general pattern is for the oldest sites to be located

on large islands, with human activity archaeologically visible
throughout an archipelago within 100–300 years. A similar
interval applied to Palau would put colonization at 3400–
3100 cal BP, but this needs to be confirmed by palaeoenviron-
mental and archaeological investigations in coastal Babeldaob.

Keywords radiocarbon dating, marine reservoir, island colonization, Palau, Micronesia

INTRODUCTION 2000:737, 2004:1021), while the south-

ern Marianas where most of the pre-
The age of human settlement in west- 3000 cal BP sites have been recorded,
ern Micronesia has important impli- is tectonically stable (Dickinson 2000).
cations for understanding prehistoric Palau was previously considered to have
maritime capacity, Austronesian migra- undergone tectonic uplift (Athens and
tion patterns, and current debate about Ward 2001; Masse 1990; Wickler 2001),
palaeoenvironmental and archaeological and recent recognition of Holocene sub-
colonization ages, which differ from sidence is significant as the archaeolog-
each other by a millennium or more ical visibility of early coastal sites has
in each archipelago (Athens and Ward likely been reduced, and the integrity
2001; Clark 2004; Dodson and Intoh of old cultural deposits compromised,
1999). Progress in resolving these issues by tidal fluctuation, wave erosion, and
is hindered by a scarcity of cultural storm surge.
deposits dating to ∼ca. 3000 BP or older In a recent compilation of radiocar-
in the region, with around seven sites bon dates from Palau, Liston (2005) iden-
recorded from Guam, Saipan and Tinian tified four locations with valid calibrated
in the Marianas (Rainbird 2004:82), two age estimates extending to 3000 cal BP
or three from Palau, and none from Yap. or older. Two of these (NT:3–10 and NA-
The paucity of early sites in western 4:12) on the main island of Babeldaob
Micronesia contrasts strongly with the are not associated with an intact cultural
roughly 200 Lapita Cultural Complex deposit and date anthropogenic activity
sites dated to between ca. 3300 and 2700 (Liston pers. comm.). The remaining
cal BP distributed from the Bismarck locations are a burial site on Orrak Island
Archipelago to Samoa (Anderson et al. and a cultural deposit on Ulong Island.
2001a). Lapita sites are instructive as the There are 19 radiocarbon determi-
visibility and integrity of colonization- nations from Chelechol ra Orrak, and
era deposits in an archipelago declines the three oldest on human bone gelatin
as the magnitude of anthropogenic and have median ages spanning 4030–3200
natural processes acting on coastal land- cal BP. They, and other bone dates from
scapes increases (Dickinson et al. 1994; Palau, must be considered cautiously as
White et al. 2002). The exemplar is sample collagen was not assessed for
Samoa which has a single Lapita site contamination and degradation prior to
removed by subsidence 4 m below its dating by measurement of the C:N iso-
original position that is now underwater tope ratio (Petchey and Green 2005:89).
(Dickinson and Green 1998). Leaving the bone dates aside, results on
Palau and Yap with the fewest charcoal and marine shell indicate hu-
early sites have also subsided (Dickinson man use of Orrak by ca. 2900–2700 cal

216 VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 2 • 2006

Human Colonization of Palau Islands

Figure 1. The Palau Islands and location of Ulong and Babeldaob (left). Map of Ulong Island and
location of 2002, 2003 investigations (Unit 4 and Unit 5) and position of sea cut notch
and transect.

BP (Fitzpatrick 2003; also see discussion Results indicate human arrival on

of acceptability of Palau dates in Liston Ulong Island between about 3100–2900
2005). cal BP, raising an important question
The Ulong Island site has 22 14 C about deducing archipelago coloniza-
dates, and the oldest cultural deposit has tion from cultural deposits on small
eroded ceramics from tidal reworking— islands. The major geographic division
consistent with subsidence—and a lens in the Palau Archipelago is between the
of marine shells and coral that might large volcanic island of Babeldaob with
represent a storm deposit (Clark 2004, 80% of the land area (331 km2 ) and more
2005). For these reasons Liston (2005) than 300 small uplifted coralline islands
considered the two oldest determina- to the south of Babeldaob (Figure 1) that
tions on marine shell with median ages comprise about one-tenth of the total
of ca. 3000 cal BP from the deepest land area (Corwin et al. 1956). The up-
parts of the site as invalid. The site lifted karstic islands, known colloquially
was re-excavated to clarify the age of as the ‘Rock Islands,’ have steep, rugged,
the subsidence-effected lower deposit and long coastlines; shallow, infertile
by 1) locating an intact basal deposit, 2) soils; and no perennial sources of fresh
obtaining a R value to apply to new ma- water. They are surrounded, however,
rine shellfish determinations, and 3) esti- by abundant marine resources (Carucci
mating the extent of island subsidence. 1992; Masse 1989). Such islands are


Geoffrey Clark et al.

challenging environments for human landed, and with pedestrian access to

occupation, although prehistoric village other parts of the island from the eroded
settlements were established on several cove slope. Test excavations suggested
about 1000 BP before being abandoned that an intact part of an early cultural
at 400–500 BP (Liston 1999; Masse et al. deposit recorded in 2002 existed close
2006; Phear et al. 2003; Wickler 2002). to where the sand plain meets the
It has been proposed that the first Miocene-Pleistocene limestone sides of
colonists to arrive in Palau concentrated the cove head (see Clark 2005). In 2003
on the coastal margins of the large two 1 m2 test pits (Units 4 and 5) were
volcanic island of Babeldaob, and use of excavated to sample this deposit.
small limestone islands like Orrak and Unit 4 was 3 m from the limestone
Ulong, with an area less than 0.2% that slope and 8 m south of Unit 5 (Wright
of Babeldaob, was limited or delayed 2005). The units were excavated in 10
(Liston 2005; Wickler 2001). The Ulong cm levels and the entire Unit 4 deposit
Island deposit does suggest that early was water sieved over 3 mm mesh. The
activity was narrowly focused on gath- stratigraphy was similar in both units and
ering and cooking marine foods, but consisted of an upper deposit of dark
the limited range of prehistoric pursuits brown silty soil underlain by a grey sandy
left an unambiguous human signature. A silt, followed by a grey-yellow beach
review of intra-archipelago colonization sand at ∼130–240 cm depth containing
by Neolithic groups in Oceania indicates abundant marine shell midden, frag-
human arrival might be delayed in pe- ments of limestone and smaller amounts
ripheral archipelago settings by 100– of pottery, fish bone (Scaridae, Diodon-
300 years. We conclude that radiocar- tidae, Nemipteridae), turtle, and a few
bon ages from small islands can provide shell artifacts (Figure 2). In Unit 5 Layer
a proxy age for archipelago colonization 2 was a grey ashy soil that did not occur
in Oceania. In the case of Palau, how- in Unit 4, and in Layer 4 (Unit 5) there
ever, confirmation from the discovery was a linear arrangement of coral and
of early coastal sites on the mainland, limestone boulders (Figure 2). In both
and correlation with palaeoenvironmen- units large pieces of limestone, coral and
tal results, is still required. remains of marine shell were found at
140–160 cm as in previous excavations
ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS (Clark 2005). The basal deposit (Unit 5,
ON ULONG ISLAND Layer 6 and Layer 5 in Unit 4) contained
47 kg of marine shell in Unit 4 and
Excavation of Units 4 and 5 86 kg in Unit 5, with the main species
by weight the large bivalves Tridacna
The early site on Ulong Island lies maxima, Tridacna gigas, and Hippo-
27 km southwest of Babeldaob on the pus hippopus (83% in Unit 4 and 93%
west coast of the island where a large in Unit 5). Ceramics were the same as
sand plain developed between northern the calcareous-volcanic sand-tempered
and southern limestone headlands. In jars found previously (Clark 2005:360),
the south is a deep cove where the first with red slip found on several sherds
beach deposit would have accrued. It is a protected from erosion by proximity to
plausible location to expect old cultural Tridacnidae valves. Evidence for moder-
material as in prehistory it was probably ate tidal exposure in the basal deposit
a sheltered embayment fringed by a was seen in edge and surface erosion
narrow beach, where canoes could have of ceramic sherds, and in the fish bone

218 VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 2 • 2006

Human Colonization of Palau Islands

Figure 2. Stratigraphy of Unit 4 and Unit 5, Ulong Island. L = limestone, C = coral.

assemblage where large and robust ele- stone at 300 cm. The natural beach
ments were common in comparison to deposit of Unit 4 contained a Cypraea
small bones. tigris shell at 260–270 cm and an Ostrea
There was an abrupt transition be- sp. valve at 250–260 cm.
tween the shell midden deposit at Marine shell was the preferred dat-
220–240 cm depth and the underlying ing material given the presence of shell-
culturally sterile beach sand. In Unit 5 fish remains in the basal cultural deposit,
this was particularly clear with a thick and absence of stratigraphically secure
deposit of marine shell weighing 28 kg charcoal (see below). To obtain accurate
in the 230–240 cm spit capping a beach calibrated dates on marine shell it was
sand devoid of cultural material. In Unit necessary to first obtain a local reservoir
4 where there was less marine shell, value (R) to apply to conventional
the bottom three spits (200–230 cm) radiocarbon ages (CRA).
of the cultural deposit also yielded sub-
stantial remains with 20 kg of shellfish Ulong Island R
recovered. The sterile beach sand was
excavated down to 350 cm in each unit Marine shell is a common com-
with a fine calcareous lime sand present ponent of Pacific archaeological sites
at ∼230–240 cm and increasingly coarse that can produce accurate calibrated
sand with fragments of coral and lime- age determinations for prehistoric


Geoffrey Clark et al.

occupation when environmental sour- deposition of shell-charcoal pairs, as well

ces of 14 C absorbed by a mollusk are as the possibility of geographic variation
known. In practice this is complicated and species difference in 14 C (Anderson
because of ocean variability in 14 C from et al. 2001b; Dye 1994; Petchey et al.
upwelling, sea currents, and fluctuation 2005), most researchers in Palau have
in water temperature from ENSO events used R = 0 (Clark 2004, 2005;
(Gagan et al. 2004; McPhaden and Zang Fitzpatrick 2003; Fitzpatrick and Boyle
2002; Petchey et al. 2005). In addition to 2002; Liston 2005; Phear et al. 2003).
spatial and temporal oceanic variability Marine shells of known age were
in 14 C, terrestrial conditions can also be recovered from a site on the east side
significant as old carbon from dissolved of Ulong Island occupied by the crew
limestone or young carbon from rivers of the Antelope, an East India Company
and surface run-off can influence 14 C Packet wrecked on the west barrier
in shellfish living in coastal and reef reef in AD 1783 (Nero and Thomas
environments (Hogg et al. 1998; Spen- 2002). A valve of H. hippopus from a
nemann and Head 1998). The 14 C age of rubbish pit returned an age of 577 ±
a shellfish at a specific location relative 35 BP (Wk16643) and a date of 868 ±
to the global average used to calibrate 34 BP was obtained on the gastropod
determinations on marine shell is known Nerita undata. Nerita is an algae
as the R, which can be calculated by grazer that uses a radula to scrape
radiocarbon dating shellfish of known algal cells, flagellates, diatoms, and
prebomb age, or dating shell-charcoal nematodes from rock substrate. Petchey
samples from the same archaeological et al. (2005) have noted how the food
context. The size of R is important to ingestion mechanism of shellfish can
resolve in island settings where coloniza- introduce depleted 14 C in the case of
tion chronologies commonly contain a algae grazers and deposit feeders, with
significant number of shell determina- suspension feeders such as Hippopus
tions (Phelan 1999). recommended for 14 C analysis. Previous
A recent study of R values in the studies have shown that Nerita living
southwest Pacific on shells of known age on limestone/calcareous substrate can
recorded considerable variability, with give inaccurate ages (Anderson et al.
a R of 370 ± 25 years for Kavieng 2001b; Dye 1994), and radiocarbon
Harbour in New Ireland and a low R for dates on charcoal and bone samples
the Solomon Islands-Coral Sea of 45 ± from the AD 1783 rubbish pit confirm
19 years (Petchey et al. 2005). On Guam, the Nerita result is unreliable (Clark In
Southon et al. (2002) calculated a R Prep. n.d.). The date on Nerita gives
of 19 ± 50 years on a gastropod col- a R of 330 years, close to the upper
lected in 1903, where another gastropod range suggested by Masse et al. (2006)
produced a R of 115 ± 50 years on archaeological samples of Strombus
(Athens 1986). For Palau the magnitude gibberulus/luhuanus—another algae
of R has been examined by dating grazer on sand and limestone substrates
shell-charcoal pairs from archaeological in southern Palau (see Phelan 1999).
sites. Masse (1989) calculated a tentative Inter-species variation in 14 C is clearly
R of −63 ± 4 years, since revised significant in the west Pacific, and
to around −300 to −200 years (Masse must be considered when selecting
et al. 2006). A similar range has been archaeological samples of marine
suggested by Fitzpatrick (2002), but in shellfish for radiocarbon dating and R
view of uncertainty about the coeval calculation.

220 VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 2 • 2006

Human Colonization of Palau Islands

The age result for the suspension herbivore grazers and deposit feeders,
feeder H. hippopus is considered the and carnivorous mollusks which feed on
more accurate of the two shellfish de- them. Liston (2005:300) suspects that
terminations with which to calculate a Tridacna spp. are potentially unsuitable
R for Ulong Island. Large clams of the to date because they are long-lived, can
Tridacnidae family are slow growing and be fossilized and used to make tools that
long-lived and have a potentially high could be curated. The dating samples
inbuilt age. The dated Hippopus valve were all fresh midden shell, although an
had a shell length of 23 cm suggesting individual’s age might be responsible for
an age of 5–10 years from known growth some variability in radiocarbon ages. The
rates. The 14 C global marine average in C. tigris shell in Unit 4 at 260–270 cm
AD 1783 according the Marine04 curve was used to date the beach sand below
of Hughen et al. (2004) is ∼535 ± the cultural deposit.
23 years giving a R of 42 ± 40 The two oldest dates on cultural
years, which makes little difference to marine shell are on H. hippopus (Wk-
calibrated results using R = 0. 15647, ANU-12120) and they overlap
at 2σ SD with two dates on Tridacna
Archaeological Dates sp. (ANU-12115, ANU-12116). An age
span of ca. 3100–2900 cal BP for the
Seven marine shell and two dates basal cultural deposit is likely. If the
on charcoal and a pot residue from the C age variation between Hippopus and
basal deposit (240 cm–150 cm depth) Tridacna sp. is systematic, then species-
of Unit 4 and Unit 5 were analyzed specific R values may need to be
at the Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory calculated to accurately calibrate marine
at the Australian National University shell dates from archaeological sites. An
(Canberra), Waikato Radiocarbon alternative is that local conditions affect
Dating Laboratory (Hamilton), and R with variation between the west and
Rafter Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory east side of Ulong Island. Either of these
(Wellington). Calibrations were made propositions, if verified, imply multiple
with the CALIB rev.4.3 software using Rs will be needed in an archipelago
method A at two standard deviations and even on some small islands. Marine
and the bidecadal curves for charcoal shell dates for Unit 5 are in approximate
determinations of Stuiver and Reimer sequence with the natural beach deposit
(1993) and Stuiver and Braziunas (1993) dated to 3600–3200 cal BP (ANU-12117)
with R set at 42 ± 40 years for marine and a determination of 2950–2750 cal BP
shell dates. Samples were subjected from 150–160 cm depth above the basal
to standard pretreatments, and the shell midden.
marine shell samples dated by the Charcoal and pot residue determina-
Waikato Laboratory were examined for tions are clearly anomalous compared
recrystallization. to marine shell dates. The absence of
Samples of Tridacnidae from the charcoal below the 180 cm depth and
shell midden near the top and base the presence of sherd rounding was
of Unit 4 (150–160 cm, 200–230 cm) consistent with tidal exposure and re-
and base of Unit 5 (230–240 cm) were moval of friable and light charcoal by me-
selected for dating. Tridacna sp. and chanical abrasion and flotation. Macro-
H. hippopus are suspension feeders less charcoal, whether as fragments or car-
prone to ingesting 14 C depleted sed- bonized residues adhering to ceramic
iments and organisms compared with sherds, was found in the Unit 4 deposit


Geoffrey Clark et al.

from 10–20 cm down to 180–190 cm whereas Takayama (1981:4) believed

depth, and peaked at 130–140 cm where the oldest sites may have been under-
there were 15 grams of charcoal (Wright water and were archaeologically invis-
2005). A charcoal piece from 210–220 ible. Subsidence is suggested by the
cm depth dated by ANU-12119 was absence of emergent palaeonotches in
labeled as “questionable” in the field as cliffs above the modern shoreline notch
no other charcoal was recorded in the in the southern limestone islands of
lower levels of Unit 5. It was suspected Palau, as expected if a mid-Holocene
that the piece had been inadvertently hydro-isostatic highstand in sea level
introduced from excavation walls, or by with a similar magnitude to the Mariana
disturbance and transport of charcoal Islands of around 1.5–1.8 m occurred.
from upper layers by land crabs, tree That subsidence may have affected the
roots, or human activity into deeper entire archipelago is suggested from
levels. A palynological study of sedi- non-marine peat at a depth of about
ments from 200 cm depth in Unit 4 2.1 m below present mean sea level
did not record any microscopic charcoal found in a core taken from the main
(Wright 2005:Appendix F), suggesting island of Babeldaob (Athens and Ward
that the dated charcoal piece was in- 2001; Dickinson 2004).
trusive. A sample of pot residue from The development of the sand plain
170–180 cm (Table 1) also gave a more on the west side of Ulong infilled the
recent age than expected (Wk-14357), cove and buried a sea-cut notch north-
and the sherd may have been introduced west of the Unit 4 and Unit 5 excavation
by displacement from excavation walls. as it prograded seaward about 90 m
It appears the lowest section of the to the current beach edge (Figure 1).
deposit has experienced turbation from Mapping the buried sea-notch in re-
tidal inundation and biological activity lation to current sea level was done
that has influenced the distribution of to examine the direction of tectonic
archaeological charcoal, with the for- movement. Notches erode at different
mer dispersing old charcoal and the rates depending on limestone compo-
latter introducing younger charcoal into sition and wave energy, but the top
older levels. In comparison large, heavy and bottom of solution notches cor-
fragments and valves of Tridacnidae are relate approximately with mean high
less prone to vertical movement in the and low tide. The position of notches
sediment column. relative to current sea level can provide,
therefore, an indication of the direction
Island Subsidence and magnitude of tectonic subsidence
or uplift. A 1 m × 2 m trench was
Subsidence of the Palau Islands has excavated against the limestone cliff
recently been put at ∼0.6 mm/year north of where a prehistoric limestone
by Dickinson (2004:1021), in contrast wall partially enclosed the excavation
to a previous expectation of Holocene area (Figure 1).
uplift (Athens and Ward 2001; Corwin The top of the notch was found
et al. 1956; Easton and Ku 1980). Ar- 80–90 cm below ground surface and it
chaeologists such as Masse (1990) con- extended back 1.8 m into the cliff. A
sidered the absence of archaeological transect was cut from the notch exca-
sites older than about 2000 BP in the vation to the beach to allow mapping
purportedly uplifted environments of of the notch position relative to modern
Palau as supporting late colonization, sea level using an optical level and ‘E’

222 VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 2 • 2006

Table 1. Ulong Island radiocarbon dates from Units 4 and 5.
Lab Number CRA Cal. BP C Sample Context

ANU-12119a,d 2330 ± 180 2780 (2350) 1900 −24.0 ± 2.0Ec Charcoal UW, Unit 5: 210–220 cm
ANU-12118 3110 ± 60 3010 (2830) 2720 0.0 ± 2.0E Tridacna sp. UW, Unit 5: 230–240 cm
ANU-12120 3330 ± 80 3350 (3130) 2860 0.0 ± 2.0E H. hippopus UW, Unit 5: 230–240 cm
Wk-15646 3094 ± 36 2940 (2800) 2730 2.9 ± 0.2 Tridacna sp. UW, Unit 4: 150–160 cm
Wk-14357a NZA-19373 2471 ± 39 2740 (2600∗ ) 2360 −27.5 ± 0.2 Pot residue UW, Unit 4: 170–180 cm
Wk-15647 3358 ± 40 3320 (3160) 2990 2.3 ± 0.2 H. hippopus UW, Unit 4: 200–210 cm
ANU-12115 3210 ± 80 3210 (2940) 2750 0.0 ± 2.0E Tridacna sp. UW, Unit 4: 220–230 cm
ANU-12116 3230 ± 60 3200 (2970) 2780 0.0 ± 2.0E Tridacna sp. UW, Unit 4: 220–230 cm
ANU-12117 3550 ± 70b 3570 (3380) 3210 0.0 ± 2.0E Cyprea cf. tigris UW, Unit 4: 260–270 cm
Marine shell of AD 1783 age
Wk-16643 577 ± 35 280 (150) 0 2.8 ± 0.2 H. hippopus UE, Area 1: 40–50 cm
Wk-16644 868 ± 34b 530 (470) 360 −1.6 ± 0.2 Nerita undata UE, Area 1: 50–60 cm
AMS determination.
Natural marine shell from below the basal cultural deposit. Cypraea tigris is an algae feeder.
c 13
C value estimated.
Sample considered to be intrusive from overlying levels.

Indicates multiple intercepts.

Geoffrey Clark et al.

Figure 3. Buried sea-cut notch compared to high tide position recorded 22/09/03.

type staff (Figure 3). Ceramics from the DISCUSSION

notch base were of the ‘backcurve’ type,
showing the notch was out of reach The precise date when people arrived
of the normal tidal range for at least on uninhabited islands is notoriously
2,700–2,400 years (Clark 2005; Wright difficult to determine, and it is more
2005). The notch position is close to the practical to identify a colonization phase
modern tidal range (1.6 m according to given the sampling and accuracy limi-
Kayanne et al. 2002) suggesting that sub- tations of the archaeological record. In
sidence tracked the post-mid-Holocene Pacific Islands the geographic extent
drawdown in sea level of ∼1.5–1.8 m, of a prehistoric colonization phase has
and supporting Dickinson’s (2004) con- been recognized archaeologically from
tention for tectonic subsidence in south- the stylistic similarity of the earliest
ern Palau. material culture remains such as Lapita
The amount of subsidence, if accu- pottery and Archaic East Polynesian arti-
rate, indicates that early coastal sites facts. Within island groups colonization
in Palau may be located at a depth phase deposits are frequently identified
close to, or below, current sea level, from faunal assemblages representing
and may be preserved in coastal flats human predation on pristine environ-
backed by steep terrain where rapid ments, such as those with a high pro-
sediment deposition protected archae- portion of extinct or extirpated species,
ological deposits from wave and tide and taxa, particularly shellfish, that are
action. At Ulong, however, almost 1 m substantially larger and more abundant
of calcareous sediment was deposited than in contemporary settings (Bedford
over the basal cultural material between and Spriggs 2000; Steadman et al. 1994;
∼3100–2800 cal BP. The arrival of coral- Steadman et al. 2002). Early assemblages
reef derived sediment might indicate a of material culture and fauna as defined
sea-level fall that outstripped the subsi- above frequently co-occur in archaeo-
dence rate after 3000 cal BP, exposing logical sites—when radiocarbon dated
coral structures to erosion. Increased they provide a generally accepted span
wave energy and temperature change for the colonization phase.
can affect reef development and con- The archaeological manifestation of
tribute calcareous sediments to beaches, colonization at a locality within an
and the frequency and intensity of se- archipelago might feasibly be preceded
vere El Niño events is thought to have in- by a substantial interval, however, when
creased after 3100 cal BP (e.g. Reidinger population size remained small and spe-
et al. 2002). cific environments were actually, or

224 VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 2 • 2006

Human Colonization of Palau Islands

perceived to be, unfavorable to human may be in error, but its advantage is that
groups. Both situations are likely in a set of explicit archaeological criteria
Palau where a small group of colonists used to infer colonization can be more
might have occupied favorable coastal easily applied to small islands than to
niches on the large island of Babeldaob large.
by 4500–4300 cal BP, as suggested by
palaeoenvironmental data (Athens and Establishing Human Arrival
Ward 2001), before an archaeologically on Small Islands
visible phase of expansion to peripheral
upland zones and small limestone islands The oldest archaeological deposit
at 3400–3000 cal BP (Welch 2001:182; on a small island might reasonably be
Wickler 2001:190, 192, 194). construed as representing initial arrival
The early colonization age suggested when four criteria are met. First, other
in some palaeoenvironmental work on potentially attractive locations for early
Babeldoab has yet to be confirmed human occupation and use should not
(Clark 2005), and an alternative is that contain cultural assemblages or strati-
the intra-archipelagic colonization phase graphic indicators of possible anthro-
in Palau was of much shorter duration, pogenic origin, such as charcoal de-
in which case the record of human posits or mobilized terrestrial sediments
arrival on small islands could provide of greater age. Ulong Island has a precip-
an economical means of specifying the itous coastline except for two accessible
colonization phase elsewhere. This is beach flats on the western and eastern
worth considering as the coastal margins sides of the island where a boat landing
of Babeldaob holding the earliest puta- could be made (Figure 1). Sub-surface
tive prehistoric remains have received investigations by Osborne (1979) of
the least archaeological attention and un- the large sand plain in the north, and
dergone significant landscape alteration extensive excavations on the east beach
(Athens and Ward 2001; Liston 2005; flat (Clark 2005) did not record evidence
Wickler 2001). of cultural activity predating that in the
Until archaeological work is carried south cove. Surface survey and exca-
out in the coastal niches of Babeldaob vation in southern Palau, including the
we are unable to determine directly platform islands of Angaur and Peleliu
how quickly people utilized the small have not recorded cultural remains older
limestone islands of Palau after arrival. than those at Ulong (Beardsley 1997;
However, as island groups frequently Clark and Wright 2003, 2005; Masse
contain landmasses that vary greatly 1989), except possibly at Chelechol ra
from one another in size, distance, Orrak where the reliability of bone dates
and environmental resources, the pre- older than 3000 cal BP is uncertain.
historic record of island colonization in Second, the accuracy of radiocarbon
other parts of the Pacific colonized in the ages on old cultural deposits in Palau
Late Holocene by Neolithic groups with should be verified (Anderson et al. 2005;
a well-developed maritime technology Clark 2004). The oldest dates on marine
constitutes a useful data set to consider shell of ∼3000 cal BP from the 2002
intra-archipelago variability in island use. excavation were not of definitive cul-
Before doing so, it is necessary to specify tural origin, nor had a R for Palau been
why the oldest cultural deposit might directly calculated, and potentially had a
be taken as representing initial human value of 200–300 years. New 14 C deter-
arrival on Ulong Island. The proposition minations on midden shellfish remains


Geoffrey Clark et al.

from Units 4 and 5 were calibrated with of species of large meat-yielding ma-
a R value of 42 ± 40 years calculated on rine mollusks at Ulong is not inconsis-
prebomb shell of known age, indicating tent with harvesting pristine stocks of
a deposit antiquity of 3100–2900 cal BP. shellfish.
Third, the possibility that natural In summary, the excavation of Units
events had removed earlier cultural 4 and 5 in 2003, along with investi-
activity should be evaluated. In Palau gations elsewhere on Ulong Island and
and Yap the small number of cultural new radiocarbon dates suggest humans
deposits dating to ∼3000 cal BP sug- first visited the island at ∼ca. 3000 cal
gests tectonic subsidence could have BP. How much earlier a population
removed old archaeological deposits be- might have resided on Babeldaob is un-
low sea level. Excavation of Unit 4 and certain, and we consider better known
Unit 5 showed that a natural beach examples of archipelago colonization
deposit dating to ∼3400 cal BP lay from Oceania to understand temporal
against the cove slope prior to human variability in human dispersal through
arrival 300–400 years later. The position island groups during the colonization
of a buried sea notch in relation to phase.
modern sea level was consistent with
a subsidence rate that appears to have
matched, fortuitously, the mid-Holocene INTRA-ARCHIPELAGIC COLONIZATION
drawdown in sea level. Thus, it is likely OF PACIFIC ISLANDS
that since mid-Holocene times the cove
had a small sheltered beach, and cultural During the late Pleistocene humans
materials, such as pottery, stone, and reached several large and intervisible
marine shell deposited on it, although continental islands in the west Pacific,
within range of high tidal events, were such as New Guinea, the Bismarck
unlikely to have been completely re- Archipelago, and the Solomon Islands
moved (Felgate 2001). (excluding the Reef/Santa Cruz group).
Fourth, the earliest archaeological The pattern is suggestive of a maritime
assemblage should contain artifacts or ability adequate to reach neighboring
fauna indicative of a colonization phase islands, but it is unclear to what extent
deposit. The burden is on the faunal as- it was employed in intra-archipelagic
semblage as basal ceramics and artifacts dispersal (Anderson 2003). As a result
from Ulong have not been found else- we restrict ourselves to examples of
where in Palau, and western Microne- island groups colonized by Neolithic
sian pottery has distinct characteristics groups who in occupying the distant
so there is no widespread style horizon archipelagoes of Oceania, like Palau,
with which to infer a colonization age. demonstrated a maritime capacity suf-
Almost nothing is known of the variety ficient to utilize the majority of islands
and distribution of pre-human fauna in within each group.
the Palau Islands despite palaeofaunal
investigations (see Pregill and Stead- Western Micronesia (Mariana Islands)
man 2000), but in all probability there
were, then as now, few edible terrestrial The largest of the Mariana Islands is
fauna to be found on limestone islands, the volcanic-limestone island of Guam
and human subsistence was heavily ori- in the south, adjacent to smaller pre-
ented toward the collection of marine dominantly limestone islands and a se-
foods. The targeting of a small number ries of active volcanic cones in the

226 VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 2 • 2006

Human Colonization of Palau Islands

north. The earliest archaeological sites tially occupied nearby small islands that
on Guam, Tinian, and Saipan date to possessed abundant marine resources
∼3500–3300 cal BP, and contain ce- (Burley and Witt 2005).
ramics decorated with dentate stamping
and rows of stamped circles that were Central East Polynesia and South Polynesia
infilled with lime (Butler 1994; Moore
and Hunter-Anderson 1999). Leaving In Central East Polynesia, there
aside the palaeoecological record which is evidence of initial occupation at
suggests burning at 4300 cal BP on Guam about AD 900–1000 in the Societies,
that may be anthropogenic (Athens et al. Marquesas, and Easter Island (Anderson
2004), the oldest securely dated archae- and Sinoto 2002). Claims for slightly
ological sites in the archipelago appear earlier occupation, ∼800 AD in the
to be approximately contemporaneous, Pitcairn group (Weisler 1996), are debat-
and there is some linguistic evidence able, and the most recent work in the
to suggest that Saipan may have been southeastern region is producing later
colonized before Guam (Blust 2000). ages for colonization horizons in the
Gambier Islands (Anderson et al. 2003).
East Melanesia and West Polynesia In Rapa the earliest dates suggest initial
occupation in the eleventh century AD
Extending from the Reef/Santa Cruz (Kennett et al. In Press). The current
Island to Samoa are island groups state of colonization records, particu-
first colonized by Lapita groups at larly radiocarbon ages, does not disclose
3100–2900 cal BP. Within several archi- significant intra-archipelago variation in
pelagoes there is evidence of earlier the timing of human arrival.
colonization on large islands. In New Initial colonization of South
Caledonia the oldest Lapita sites are on Polynesia (New Zealand and outlying
the large island of Grand Terre with subtropical and sub-Antarctic islands)
smaller offshore limestone islands like occurred at virtually the same time
the Loyalty Group colonized one or on each of the groups. The earliest
two centuries later (Sand 1997). In Fiji, reliable radiocarbon ages throughout
similarly, the big island of Viti Levu was New Zealand date to the thirteenth
colonized at 3100–3000 cal BP before century (Anderson 1991; Higham et al.
human occupation spread to the Lau 1999). So, too, do the earliest reliable
Group, which includes a great number dates for Enderby Island in the subpolar
of small islands some 250 km to the region (Anderson 2005), and for the
east by 2900 cal BP (Clark and Anderson earliest known sites in the subtropical
2001). A cline in archipelago occupation region, in the Kermadecs (Higham and
is also seen in Tonga where the oldest Johnson 1996), and on Norfolk Island
site on the southern island of Tongatapu (Anderson and White 2001). Current
has an age of ∼2950 cal BP, with more earliest dates for the Chathams are later,
distant islands in central and northern ∼450 cal BP, but there are undated sites
Tonga colonized within a century or so that contained artifacts indicative of
(Burley and Dickinson 2001). However, settlement several hundred years earlier
the Vavau Group—where the largest (Duff 1956:118). Colonization of the
island in the archipelago is located—has outlying groups seems to have arisen
no Lapita sites despite having fertile in mainland New Zealand, although
agricultural soils (Orbell 1983), and col- indirectly in the case of Norfolk Island,
onizing groups appear to have preferen- and between the thirteenth and early


Geoffrey Clark et al.

fifteenth centuries. South Polynesia site on Ulong Island was re-excavated to

constituted as extensive an inhabited clarify the age and nature of the basal
region as central East Polynesia or the cultural deposit, and to assess whether
earlier range of Lapita colonization in earlier cultural remains might have been
the western Pacific. removed by sea-level change and tec-
tonic movement. Results indicated hu-
man arrival on Ulong Island at ∼3000 cal
CONCLUSIONS BP and raised a broader question about
the pattern of intra-archipelago coloniza-
Studying human movement at the intra- tion, and whether large islands tended to
archipelagic level has the advantage be utilized before small islands, and by
that components of colonization may be what interval.
discerned that are otherwise difficult to As hypothesized for Palau the ear-
distinguish in demographic wave of ad- liest evidence for colonization is often
vance or “point-arrow/string of pearls” found on the largest island(s) in an
dispersal models (Moore 2001). Colo- archipelago. In Tonga the biggest island
nization of new landscapes involved was avoided, however, in favor of small
learning and adapting to different en- islands near to it, emphasizing the im-
vironments and migrant adjustment to portance of marine foods in the dispersal
changed socio-demographic conditions of Neolithic groups in Oceania, and the
at destination. It is supposed that habi- role of small islands in intra-archipelagic
tat preference and selection during the colonization. Human expansion through
initial colonization phase was toward several island groups in the Pacific was
culturally familiar landscapes, and as a relatively rapid and took 100–300 years
result dispersal into unfamiliar or ad- in archipelagoes much larger than Palau
verse habitats took place only when ade- and which have greater insular diversity.
quate knowledge had developed (Steele If a similar interval applies to Palau the
and Rockman 2003). In consequence, arrival of people on Babeldaob would
temporal variability in colonization from date to around 3400–3100 cal BP, still
landscape selection might occur in an substantially adrift from the 4300 cal
archipelago when islands vary markedly BP age suggested by palaeoecological
by size, type, and resources. results. Small islands do hold limited
The discrepancy between palaeoen- terrestrial resources relative to large is-
vironmental indicators of human ar- lands, and their archaeological deposits
rival on Babeldaob at 4300 cal BP and are unlikely to contain either the earliest
archaeological sites on small islands prehistoric remains or reflect the full
dated to 3000 cal BP could repre- extent of colonization activity. On Ulong
sent a preference for environments on Island, the oldest beach deposit indi-
Babeldaob, and avoidance or ephemeral cates collection and consumption of fish
use of islands in southern Palau. Equally and shellfish, whereas on Orrak Island
plausible is that an early colonization karstic features were employed as burial
of Babeldaob at 4300 cal BP failed, or sites for people from nearby Babeldaob,
that a millennium or more of archae- possibly reflecting prehistoric variation
ological invisibility in the colonization in island use. Nonetheless, small islands
record of Palau reflects deficiencies in are environments where the physical
current palaeoecological and archaeo- remains of the colonization phase can
logical data. In regard to the latter be discerned, and are particularly useful
possibility an early subsidence-affected to consider when archaeological and

228 VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 2 • 2006

Human Colonization of Palau Islands

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graduate travel grant to Wright. Ra- sia: Evidence from recent radiocarbon dating.
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Vince Blaiyok, Dino Mibuk, and Lark Athens, J. S. and J. V. Ward. 2001. Palaeoen-
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232 VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 2 • 2006

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