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for the Includes y¥ Grammar Reference and Practice y¥ Vocabulary Reference ¥ Culture: Reading and Listening , Writing Guide v Speaking ¥ Life Skills Collaborative oe ¥ Wordlist e Workbook Fiona Mauchline and Catherine Smith Scanned with CamScanner Contents Starter unit Unit1 Onscreen Unit2 Outdoor survival 4 Unit4 Tales from the past 26 Unit3 Historicalevents =| Unit5 Personal possessions Unit6 Good citizens Unit7 Plan the future Unit8 Our world Unit9 Having fun Inegular verbs Reference & skills as | 50 56 62 64 Scanned with CamScanner Vocabulary Clothes @ Fina 11 clothes in the wordsnake. © Match the words in exercise 1 withthe ©) Circle the correct words, ee ity sork hoc or ole nk 1 It’s cold, Have you got a warm jacket / Tshirt? 2. My dad always wears a clean skirt / shirt towork 3 I've got a jumper / dress with a picture on the front, 4 Inthe summer, my mum wears a jeans / skirt with a shirt and sandals. 5 Mysister hasn't got a skit ora dress / shoes. She prefers jeans. Possessive ’s/s’ © Rewrite the sentences with the apostrophe (in the correct place. Williams jeans are blue. Willian’s jeans are blu 1 My mums new dress is red. 2 My history teachers shoes are white. Scanned with CamScanner School subjects © 100k atthe pictures. Order the letters and write the words for school subjects. 3 cceeins it 7 ihorsty 10 cenhFr 8 taeeilrrtu Family Classroom language @ Read the cues. who are the people? Use the @ Match beginnings 1-6 with endings a-f. wore ip hebar. 1 Idon't «) that, please? ‘aunt brother cousins daughter 2 How do you )at page 4, 3 Can you repeat please. 4 Can! borrow -€) understand the 5 Open your books spell'daughter?” Scanned with CamScanner cai be / have got © complete the sentences with the affirmative or negative form of have got. a theo word : “ee My favourite sport ... footba 1 My siste ane bam 8) 2W : 1 My favourite football players ~. David Villa 3 two sisters. and Xabi Alonso. 4 They ong hair. a) are bam dis 5 She 2 David Villa 6 We not) a pet. a) are b) am «) is 3 at aonso...twe brothers Mikel and Jon. @) Complete the sentences or you a)is b) has got) have got afer 4 Mikel and Jon Alonso... aso football players ay ot a) ae pea sae 3 I'vegot brother(s) and 5 Xabi, Mikel and Jon .. any sisters coun a) hasn'tgot b) not got _¢) haven't got Subject pronouns and possessive © complete the text with the correct affirmative yi aces or negative form of be. adjectives © write the possessive adjectives. subject pronoun _ possessive adjective he she it you Hit My name®”_is_Luke. they 12 14years old. My hobbies football and riding my bike. ©) Circle the correct words. Mybrothersname'’__ Adam tim from London and | /fryname is Clare My best friends ®_Jack and 1 Lucy is 14 years old and she / her is from Harry. My favourite sport is football, but Jack's atarad favourite sport®___ (not) football. 2 Ive got two brothers. His / Their names are He likes tennis. We ” from sjofin eek Robert: Manchester. My mum and dad'®_ 3 Yorks a beautiful city. It / He is in the north (not) from Manchester, they ®. of England. from Scotiend. 4 We're from London and our / your favourite sport is football. '5 My sister's name is Katy. Her / His favourite colouris pink. Scanned with CamScanner ex Introducing yourself 2 Where / yor 4 ae/ What /? iets tne cation exercca 1 with these a) fm from Cambridge. b) My hobbies are football and tennis. ©) My name's Susie. )imm 14 years old. foryal © 00k 2 he information and write cialogues between two people. Practise saying the dialogues cent: Hil What's yo urname? Hil My name's Clare Vincent: Where are you from? ) David / Glasgow / 16 / cycling and comics Vincent: David: Scanned with CamScanner Reference & akille Vocabulary Film types © BBD kead the fim guide and choose the peat ED complete te words with vowels action 1c__m_dy shoe trent om esc. t aut This week at Star Screens Sige Screen One (@liese58i BD Lore! the fim scenes with the words It’s the Year 3000 and were living in the box. on the planet Gliese 581, two million ae kilometres from Earth, adventure animated fantasy romantic comedy _thriller_western Screen Two GenidimelaPosteard) A teacher travels to Spain to fight in the Spanish Civil War. comedy / war Screen Three (Holiday/in Miami A great film forall the family, with a lot of singing and dancing, action / musical Screen Four (BenitAskGrandmal Two police officers and their grandad. Haughed and laughed. “comedy / action Screen Five (Temrorin the Paik) It's Halloween and someone - oF something isin the park. Frightening! horror / musical screen six (MUeHOIRED ‘More cartoon fun from the mice who live | behind the fridge, _ ©war /animated adventure ~ Scanned with CamScanner OED complete the sentences for you 1 My favourite fm is, Wsatn)_ film. 2 The last film | saw was ttsa(n) film. TV programmes OG Findnine Tv programmes. | > > t ! >|z\A e)olzlal<|a[-[-|>|m|=lo ° >lol=lole|=lolo/<|<|= 2 ulelolz|alelJo mlz/e|alo[al-[>lzlalm ml-olulz|4|>|<|m|»|z|> [4 >l>lel|mlol<|a[-|>|-/elz >lolz|=/s/o/z [4/4 olzlulo|>|m|zlclo|=|— el<|-|=lalalalm|=[a[m 1 Areality show / documentary isa factual programme about real things. QED compete cera ih the words in the box comedy game shows reality shows soap operas sports programmes the news To: Max from eth j Hi Max, You asked me about TV.{ watch a ot of TV, especially like Football Focus. My mur loves Bt like Big Brother | oF X Factor, programmes which show real people in real situations. My sister doesnt like those. She watches ™ _ ‘every night. Her favourite is about the lives of teachers and students at a college. My dad likes ‘to know what is happening in the world, so he sports programmes always watches ay grandmother loves: because she likes watching people win money. My grandfather prefers 6_____ programmes, which make him laugh a lot. What about your family? Scanned with CamScanner | Grammar | Present simple ED corciee tne abe wtn he corec present snp formof the ver ie OD ice te correct words (9) es aasy fins dont/ doesnt ike har ls My best nd like / likes war films We go / goes to the cinema on Fridays My dad don't / doesn’t buy ice cream at the cinema, 5 My teacher watch / watches films on TV. OAD complete the text with the present simple affirmative or negative form of the verbs in brackets. 1°_don't like __ (not like) comedies or musicals. But | (love) action films. One of my favourite films " (be) inception. My friends and 1" __{not go) to the cinema. It's too expensive. But we often a (watch) films on DVD. My mum sometimes “___(put films on her tablet. She ny friends and 1 them at al (not enjoy) OD coniesernequesion (love) romantic comedies, but the short answers a) Yes, it doc b) Yes, she Yes, Ido. d) Yes, they de €) No, he doesn't QED write vestions wih tne present sinpl you / like / horror films? 1 your dad / watch /films on a tablet? 2 your best friend / like / popcorn? 3. your mum / watch / sports programmes on 1? Scanned with CamScanner Question words there is / there are OB circle the correct words. © GB complete the sentences with there isor there are There are__ three cinemas in my town. 1 ____seven screens at the cinema. 2 a café inside the cinema. 3 sandwiches at the café. 4 _a restaurant next to the cinema 5 ___ two ticket offices inside the cinema. Adverbs of frequency OUD cic tne corect words My dodo niches) wanes neve so3P operas. 1 Lusually watch / watch usually TV at the weekend. 2. My mum turns off always / always turns off : ~ the TVatnight (a) Whois your Fovource fim? 3 Wenever are /are never late for school. Reinet catechins 4 My sister often uses / uses often the internet 2. When / Who do you go to the cinema? ety ve Be Gone 3 Who /Why is your favourite actor or actress? 5 Sood programmes sometiiies te ora 4 How often / Why do you like him or her? sometimes on TNvery Gite, 5 Who/ How often do you watch the news? es © GG rewrite the sentences with the adverb of a fr ‘in the correct ‘Complete the questions with the es eae plore question words in the box. Then write t'm tired on Monday mornings. (usually) answers for you. {'m usually tired on Monday mornings. ‘ 1. My mum watches the news at ten o'clock. |_| What_ Who _Why * Oe ¥ (sometimes) 1 is your favourite male actor? 2 My favourite soap opera is on Mondays. falways) Scanned with CamScanner Dictation OGD bisten onc write the sentences. 1 ee Error Correction © correct the underlined errors. Rewrite the sentences. Nick never goto the cinema. Nicknever oes to the cinema, 1 Jack doesn't likes soap operas 2. That TV programme always is on Mondays. 3 Why like you cartoons? OGD tisten and check your answers. Translation © Maansiate the corrected sentences from exercise 2 into your language. Unit 1 Grammar Check © Peas the text and circie the correct answers. Jed Oh, great. Newsround is on TV later. Do you want to watch it? Kayley \...'s Newsround? Jed _It'sanews programme on British TV for 6-16 year olds. Kayley How often... young people watch it? Jed Well, many young people... it every day. do. Kayley What time is it on? Jed It... at 5.00 pmandit®... at 5.15 pm. Kayley ©... one presenter on Newsround? Jed No,”... two regular presenters. Kayley ... is Newsround so popular with young people? Jed Because it's really interesting. | think it's great! A B ¢c 1 Who (i) Why 2do does is 3 watchs watches watch 4 start Starts, is start 5 usually finish usually finishes finishes usua ‘Are there there is Scanned with CamScanner Cumulative Grammar BD circa the correct words to complete the text TV Favourites Have / Has you got a favourite TV programme? Yes! Our favourite programme is Gossip 7 irl I about some young people in New York City. We ‘don't / doesn't like cartoons or game show: Selma and Anna ‘Why /What is your favourite TV programme? | watch often / often watch film my favourite prog} on TV. But Isa ind it’s on TV once a week There is / There are often famous musician: like Lady Gaga and the Black Eyed Peas, = Satoshi music programme Do you watch / Watch you TV? | come from Brazil and Brazil make / makes more TV programmes than the USA or the UK. Alot of these programmes are soap operas and Idontt like them. My favourite TV show is Friends an American comedy. Julia Do / Does you like cartoons or game shows? Yes, 1'do like / do. | Its /It’s an Australian people who live on Ramsay Street, The ways watch Neighbours. soap opera about some singer Kylie Minogue was a star on this programme, __ 0 maar India and Nigeria are the world’s two top producers of films. The USA is third IMby Progress Tick (7) the boxes to evaluate your progress. e600 | can use the present simple to talk about habits and routines. | can use question words to ask questions. | can use adverbs of frequency to describe how often | do things. Scanned with CamScanner Reference & skills Are Le Outdoor activities OD Vocabulary Reference, page 6 ; peaking, page 124 Personal possessions Money @ BD Fistenverbsin the wordsnake. YS EB @ B® cook atthe pictures and circle the correct words. 1 Jane went shopping but she didn'Gpend)/ pay for any money. 2 Tom didn't eam/ win any money on the game show. 3 Where did you pay for / buy your T-shirt? Its great! 4 Could you lend / borrow me your pen fora moment, please? 5 They want to swap / sell their old DVDs. 6 Do you save / eam your pocket money or spend it? © BG complete the dialogue with the verbs in the box. borrow buy lend pay spent won Ellie Mum,canyou"___buy _meanew bike? Mum You can, your brother's bike. He doesn’t use it any more. Ellie 1know, but he doesn’t want to” it to me. He says it’s special because he itin that competition last year. Mum I can't fora bike at the moment, 1 ‘new fridge last week. Maybe you can have a n Ellie Butit’s in October! alot of money ona \ew bike for your birthday. © GB Answerthe questions for you. write full sentences, 1 What do you spend your money on? 2 What vas the last thing you bought? 3 What things do you borrow from friends and family? Scanned with CamScanner Computer equipment © BD cook atthe picture. Order the letters and write the words. laptop talpop wecamb ryomem darc tinprer skotped renecs aspkeers deykboar semou shalf vedri snacern II BSeavannune 1 1 ODD circte the correct words. You use afmouse)/ memory card to click on something. 1 Awebcam / printer puts pictures or documents onto paper. 2 You use a keyboard / screen to type on a computer. 3 Adesktop / laptop is a small computer that you can use anywhere. 4 You can use a flash drive / speakers to save your homework and take it to school. 5 Youcan use a printer / scanner to put paper documents or pictures into your computer. @ BB complete the messages with the words in the box. [eee flash drive scanner speakers webcam Hi, Do you want to video chat at 8.00 pm? Connect your_webcam you! 1 Bring your holiday photos on a -I want to see them! sol cansee 2 Ineed a digital copy of a magazine photo for my project. Can | use your ? 3 My are broken. Can we listen tomy new CD at your house? 4 Mum’ got the laptop. Can ! use your in your house, please? ©GB answer the questions for you. Write full sentences. 1 What is your favourite piece of technology? 2 What do you use a computer for at home? 3 What technology has your school got? Scanned with CamScanner Comparatives OB write the comparative form of the adjectives. rich richer 1 old — 2 large _—_ 3 fat : 4 heavy _ S bad 6 expensive @ BD compete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets. A€2coinis_heavier__(heavy) than a€icoin, 1 My feet are (small) than my dad's feet. 2 Are video games __ (cheap) than DVDs? 3 Ismaths (aifficult) than history? 4 AESO notes (big) than a €5 note. 5 People say dogs are. (good) friends than people. © BB complete the sentences for you. Use comparative adjectives + than, 1 Footballis_ basketball 2 Being an actors _ being a teacher. 3 Mybest fiendis_— @ B cook at the picture. complete the text with the comparative form of the adjectivesin brackets. lim Stacey and this is my family. My dad is Alan and my mumis Clare. 've got two brothers, Harry and Nathan, anda sister, Milly Harry is 18 and Nathan is 16. Harryis, ___older__ (old) than Nathan, but Nathan is tall for his age. Harry is (short) than him, but he’ got®. (big) ears! My sister is 16 too. 'm only 14,50 tm" (young) than all of them, but I think they aren‘t very inteligent.t'm. much”. (intelligent)! And tm « (good) at the piano than my sister too, My dad's brother, Uncle John, has got alotofmoney-hes___ (rich) than my dad. His car was (expensive) than our car. It's very fast! Superlatives head © .B write the superiative form of the adjectives. small thesmallest_ Vrich 2 cheap _ =e 3 big 4 busy oe 5 good oe 6 intelligent lec Scanned with CamScanner e BD complete the sentences with the Expressions of quantity: a/an, superlative form of the adjectives in some, any, much, many, alot of brackets. The longest _ (long) place name in © B complete the sentences with a /an, some Australia is Mamungkukumpurangkuntjunya or any. Hill, Haveyougot___an__English 1 Valdelinaresis____(high) town in tticdonary? Spain. 1 There are new students in my 2 __ (old) cat in the UKiis over 2. — 3 AndyMurrayis___(good) British 2 te got my bag but thaventt got tennis player at the moment. money. 4 (expensive) shoes in the 3 IWegot interesting idea for a world are Dorothy's red shoes from the film new computer game. The Wizard of Oz. 4 Have you got computer 5 The Bank of China in Hong Kong is games? — (tall) bank in the world, 5 This computer has got _ big memory. Look at the table and complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in the box, © GD circte the correct words. tve got(a}/an laptop. 1. How much / many homework have you got big cheap expensive heavy light _ small mp3 player | Price Weight Size this weekend? Goi 2000 E100" 450g Sore 2 There isnt some / any fruit. Can you go to the Miniwon XS | £85 200g -2.75em shop? Jem 2 79 70g 3cm 3 Thaven't got a/ any ruler.Can | borrow yours? The Jem 2is___thecheapest (price) 4 My computers old and it hasn't got much / 1 TheGoji200is__— many memory. (price) 5 Much / A lot of my friends use that website. 2TheMinitonxSis_— 6 How much / many computers have you got at (weight) home? 3 The Jem 2is : (weight) KGB complete the sentences for you. 4 The Goj 1 haven't got lot of (size) 2 Alotof are very 5 The Miniton XS is expensive, (size) 3 ldliketobuyain)— or a(n) © GB circle the correct words. My brother is very "al taller / tallest. In fact, he's the tall / taller / tallest person at school and he’s a great basketball player. One day | want to be tall / taller / tallest than him. And I want to be “good / better / best than him at basketball too! 2 Scanned with CamScanner Unit'5 Revision Dictation @ GD tisten ana write the sentences. 1 Error Correction @ correct the underlined errors. Rewrite the sentences. This is the more expensive camera in the shop. This is the most expensive camera in the shop. 1 This printer is fastest than the other one. 2 This is the most bad computer shop in town. 3 How many money have you got? © B Listen and check your answers. Translation @ Translate the corrected sentences from exercise 2 into your language. 1 Unit 5 Grammar Check © Read the text and circle the correct answers, Laura Look! There's a poetry competition on this web page. We can win"... great things. The first prize is a new laptop with... printer and some speakers, Sam_ Let's see. Oh, there are”... good poems. Which do you thinks the... one? Laura Well, this ones the most romantic, and that one’s good. But | think we can write | a... poem than those poems! How long are they? Is there a limit? Sam Yes, look! The poems can't be longer than 140 letters. That isn’t... words! How... time have we got? Laura The competition closes tomorrow. Come | on! Have we got"... paper? It’s easier to write it on paper first. Now we just need two pensand®... idea! A B c 1a any za any an 3 much many —alotof 4 worse better best 5 good best _ better 6 much many some 7 much many —_alotof Ban some — any 9an some any GF Listen and check your answers. 3 ERE SE EE Scanned with CamScanner Cumulative Grammar @ Circle the correct words to complete the text. Abook club How often do you read a book? Much / A lot of people love reading, butwe “often don't / don't often read books more than once. Nowadays, more people are buying e-books to read on tablets and e-readers, but ®'some / any people prefer paper books. However, paper books are becoming "’most / more expensive. What can you do if you like real books, but you haven't got “much / many money? Is there a “cheaper / cheapest option? Yes! You can join It’s a free book club, and there “is / are nearly a million members around the world. t's also a book club with a difference. When you finish a book, you go to the web page and write a message, for ‘example, *l leave /'m leaving Hamlet in the café in the parkat 5.00 pm on Frida you leave the bookin that place. It's “an / any original idea for getting new books. There are a lot of official BookCrossing zones in cafés all around the world. "was starting / started in 2001. It grew slowly, but now more than six million books are moving around. Why not try it? Johannes Gutenberg printed the frst book tring a'modern’ printing pressin 1450. [EA wesa copy of the Bible. ky Progress Tick (V) the boxes to evaluate your progress. ee | can use comparative adjectives to compare two things, places, or people | can use superlative adjectives to ‘compare more than two things, places or people. ‘can use a / an, some, any, alot of, ‘much and many to talk about Quantities of things. Scanned with CamScanner Good ciuzens Jobs @ B 100k atthe pictures and complete the crossword. T| fs} a E A L D c H E £ E s| [R o ui ne fa N T c ny] Reference & skills Grammar Reference, pages Tey Vocabulary Reference, page ay Culture Reading & Listening page| Writing Guide, pages 112-3 Speaking, page 125 OD circle the correct words, Alpolice office) vet works on the street. 1 A(n) electrician / lifeguard works at a swimming pool 2 A(n) engineer / mechanic works in a garage, 3 Anactor / architect works at atheatre. 4 Anurse/ vet works ina hospital. 5 Ateacher /sportsperson works in a school. © GB complete the sentences with the words in the box. architect electrician sportsperson surgeon _vet tim looking for an interesting job. Hove animals! I want tobe a(n)___vet__. 1 Im interested in science and how our bodies work. could beain) 2 I'minterested in how things work. like repairing things. want to work inside. m going tobe ain) 3 I ike swimming, and Im reall) good at it.I want to be a(n) 4 Tim interested in desig, and Ym good at art. | like looking buildings. | think 'm going '° bea(n)___ Scanned with CamScanner Health problems and first aid © BB Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the words in the box. broken arm cut headache insect bite | mach ache | ZS OB Lookat the pictures and complete the words with vowels, 1 She's gotac_o Id. 1 tvegota(n)_cut__on my knee. 2 Hesgotat__mp__r_t__r_. , eS : 2 Hvegot a(n) on myarm. : eee: ok 3 This isterrible. e feels s__ck. 4aMy is getting worse. 5 Hesgotac____gh. S IthinkI'vegota(n)__ © B® Matcha word in box A with a word in 6 Ivegota(n)__and Ifeel sick. box B and write the health problems. @ GB march the sentences in exercise 6 with A the responses. Ben [broken car head insect sore stomach] a) Would you like to have a sweet? b) You should drink some hot milk ©) Illask my parents for an aspirin, throat | 4) You should put on a plaster. 7 ) Do you want some cream? £) You should go to the hospital, [sche 2) am bite bob Scanned with CamScanner Cai be going to OB circte the correct words. Hef) are going to leave school soon. 1 Weis /are going to buy a better laptop. 2 Lam/is going to be avet. 3 Sheam/ is going to visit London next year. 4 They am /are going to watch TV later. 5 You am//are going to speak to our teacher. 6 My best friend is are going to get a dog. OB complete the sentences with the affirmative form of be going toand the verbs in brackets. ‘They __are going to travel__ (travel) on an old train. vt (be) very good. 2 she (speak) to the teacher. 31 (buy) that DVD. 4 We (write) in our books. 5 You (do) the exam on Tuesday. eit (rain) tomorrow. © B rewrite the sentences in exercise 2 with the negative form of be going to. They aren't going to travel on an old train, eB Complete the questions with the con form of be. 1 ___Are__ we going to arrive soon? 2 that ear going to win? 3 the nurses going to help the surgeon? 4 _______I going to pass the exam? 5 your father going to study a university? (B match the questions in exercise 4 with the short answers. a) Yes, itis. b)No, you aren't. Yes, we are. i des, they are. e) No, he isn’t. © BB complete the questions with the correct form of be going to and the verbs in brackets. Complete the answers. Emily ©__Areyougoing togo__ (you / go) on holiday this summer? Katy Yes,1" -Butit a (not be)a normal summer. Emily Why not? What (you/ doy? Katy 19 (not visit) my grandparents this year. My cousin and te (go) to the beach to learn how to be lifeguards. Emily Wow, that's fantastic! ”, (you / send) mea postcard? Katy No.1", {not have) any time! Scanned with CamScanner should | shouldn't © BD complete the short answers for the questions in exercise 9. OB circte the correct words. mm — , you should You(ghould) shouldn't recycle your clothes. 1 Yes, 1 You should / shouldn't waste water, 2 Vets should / shouldn't love animals. 2 No, = 3 You should / shouldn't keep drinking water 4 Yes, in the fridge. 5 No, : 4 You should / shouldn't wash your car at home. @ BB complete the dialogue with should or 5 You should / shouldn't wash your clothes in shouldn't and the verbs in brackets. cold water. Ollie I've got an exam tomorrow and | can't remember anything, What © GB complete the sentences with should or © shouldido __(\/ doy? shouldn’t and the verbs in brackets, Teacher Well first She____shouldwork __ (work) harder (you / relax). Remember that at school - she wants to be an architect. o You eat) chocolate (you /not get) stressed ~ it’s bad for now, it’s too late. you. And - 2 He (wash) his (you / drink) water because water is Tshirt its very dirty! g00d for your brain, 3 We (borrow his Ollie» (W/study) clothes without permission. late at night? 4 Young children Teacher No," ! (drink) coffee. e 51 (do) my homework (you / sleep). Your brain needs to rest! now before it’s too late. must / mustn't © B order the words to make questions. 1/ plaster /a/ cut / Should / put /on/ this /? @B complete the rules with must or mustn't. Should [put a plaster on this cut? Class rules 1 map/a/buy// they / Should / You ___must__ listen to the teacher. 1 You use your mobile phone. 2 Should / water /1/ drink / the /? 2 You work quietly. 3 You bring your homework in 3 give /he/ Should / food / dog / to / the /? on time, 4You____eat or drinkin lass. 4 with /us/ umbrella /take / Should / we /an /? 5 about /him /tell/ the / Should / she / party /? Scanned with CamScanner UT TS) Dictation @ BD Listen and write the sentences. 1 Error Correction @ correct the underlined errors. Rewrite the sentences. {s you going to study tonight? ‘Are you going to study tonight? 1 When you going to visit us? 2 You shouldn't to touch that insect bite. 3 Are they going phone for an ambulance? © B tisten and check your answers. Translation @© Translate the corrected sentences from exercise 2 into your language. Unit 6 Grammar Check © Read the text and circle the correct answers, Liam Uthink 1... to study architecture when, tmolder. The problem Is Fean't drave, Archie What are you going"... Pou should an art class. Liam {haven't got time. tn busy with my maths and science at the moment Archie But"... to learn to draw? | think you ©. think of a different job! Do you want to be a sportsperson? You'te really good at tennis, Liam No, want to bean architect IU"... going to be easy, but | ean do it, When Ym older, 'm going"... for classes in design. They use computers - that’s better for me than drawing. Archie You should ask at school, Mr Sins knows about courses, Liam You®... worry so much, Archie, Were V4 Relax! Let’s go and play tennis, A B c 2 todo do doing 3 todo do doing 4 youare going are going you are you goin) 5 tegoing should shouldn't 6 isn't aren't not 7 tolook look looking 8 ‘regoingto should shouldn't © GBD tisten and check your answers. "22 manners RRA ee Scanned with CamScanner Cumulative Grammar HOBO 088 @ circle the correct words to complete the text. Peter Pan Peter Pan isn't the "more / most famous hero in literature. But he probably “help / helps more people than a lot of other characters from stories. J M Barrie °writes / wrote the original Peter Pan story in 1904. n the story, Peter didn’t “want / wanted to grow up, so he lived in Neverland and helped other children. He sometimes visited the home of the Darling family in London. One day, he “played / was playing in the house when Wendy Darling saw / was seeing him. They became friends. J M Barrie's story is about "some / any of their adventures, In real life, Peter Pan is / are still helping children — but they're children in London, not Neverland. When J M Barrie died, he left the copyright of Peter Pan to a hospital. The hospital is Great Ormond Street Hospital, and itis the bigger / biggest children’s hospital in Europe. The hospital doesn't have the copyright any more, but it gets all the money from Peter Pan stories. Now, a new film of Peter Pan “going to /is going to help the hospital even more, 4 a 0 M@eriaas The story of Peer Pan was on Fan was oily ap for the theatre. It was very popular, so " - = JM Barrie adapted itas.a novel in 1911 = cu Tick (¥) the boxes to evaluate your progress. | can use be going to to talk about I can use should and shouldn't to ask for and give advice and recommendations, I can use must and mustn't for rules, regulations and obligations. Scanned with CamScanner Life events @.B book at the pictures and circle the correct verb in each phrase. 1 start /learn school Oo Ot be 2 train /learn to drive 3 leave /go school ; > x 8 learn / work asa teacher (SOLU) Ft at 10 buy/beahouse 9 have / get married 11 start /have children, Speaking page 126 @ B® complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. getmariied goto university have children learn to drive traintobeavet was born My sister wants to getmarried __onabeachin Hawaii. It's so romantic! 1 My best friend would lke to five like two: a boy and a girl. 2 Rosie plans to. when she's older. She loves animals! 3 My brother is nearly eighteen; he can in Dad's car. 4 The oldest person in the world ‘over a hundred a years ago. 5 Iwantto eave school.’ like to study maths. when © GB answer the questions for you. Write full sentences. 1 Where do you want to live when you leave home? 2 What do you want to do when you leave school? ear oee Ss 3 What job do you want to do? ee Te ee Scanned with CamScanner Musical instruments @ B Look at the picture and complete the words with vowels. 1s¢x0 phone lan 2_¢__st_eg__t_r 3dr_oms tds 4tr_mp_t 9_l_ctr_eg_ St_mb_ orn 0p OD circle the correct words. @ EB comptete the sentences for you. Aiand)/ keyboard has got legs. It doesn't need 1 Ina pop band, my favourite instrument electricity. isthe 1 You hit a tambourine / drums with sticks or with 2 Inan orchestra, my favourite instrument your hand. isthe : 2 You usually hold a violin / saxophone with your 3 I've got fiend who can play the lefthand and you rest it near your shoulder, 3 You play a trumpet / lute with your mouth. Your hands don't go in front of you. It's silver. 4 Alot of rock bands use an electric guitar / acoustic guitar. You need speakers to hear it. You play it with your fingers. 5 You playa piano / keyboards with your hands. They can sound like a lot of different instruments. Scanned with CamScanner Gara will | won't OB rewrite the sentences with will or I! inthe correct place. My brother work as a teacher. My brother will work as a teacher. Heave home when | get a job. 2 You need anew car. 3 I goto bed at 10.30 pm. 4 We study at university. 5 Louisa havea lot of children. @ B rewrite the sentences in exercise 1 with the negative form. My brother won't work as a teacher. wawna © BW book atthe pictures. complete the predictions with will or won't and the verbs in brackets. 1 Joanna will study (study) science at university. 2 Amy and James (get) married. 3 Pippa todrive a train. 4 Alfie (become) a famous actor. 5 Mark and Emily (visit) France. 6 Joseph afast car. (learn) —______ (buy) OBB complete the distogue with wit oF and the verbs in brackets, { lain Chloe Yes, it was exciting! think Jory next episod lain No,| don't agree! thinkhe (et) bere The doctors * (Give) him some medicine, Chloe Maybe! And Bred and Patsy They (not have) a big wedding. They : (go) totas ‘Vegas and get married there. lain Yes! And Brad's mother (get) maniez (not be) happy. She doesn't like Patsy. Chloe Exactly! © BB complete the sentences foryou. 1 When t'm 17,1 2 Next week, 1 3 When I'm older, I won't Scanned with CamScanner @B order the words to make questions, First conditional 1 she/Will/ tomorrow /lass/in /be /? a mn © B circte the correct words. 2 later / you / phone / Will /me /? if you wear those clothes, people look / —— - Gatto you. 3 know /1/ the / answer / Will /? 1 Ifyou play /‘Il play that song again, he'll be —— happy. 4 be/ difficult / Will the / exam /? 2 [visit I visit you if you go to hospital. 7 _ 3 Ifyou don't hurry, you don't have / won't 5 ahouse /Will/ they / buy / by the sea /? have time for lunch. 4 If see/ ‘Ilse his CO, I'l buy it. 5 She wor't go to university if she doesn't work / won't work harder, @ BD complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Ifwe goto the city, we __‘Ivisit_ (visit) the museum. 1 If lbecomea taxi driver, | (drive) a yellow taxi. 2 If my brother (get) a job, he'll earn some extra money. @ B® match the questions in exercise 6 with the short answers. a) Yes, it will. 3 Ifshe fails her exams, she. byes, she wil, r (cot go) to university. ) No, | won't. 4 Ifshe (go) to university, d) Yes, they will. @)No, you wont. she'll study science. 5 Ifthey have enough money, they (see) a film © BB kead the answers. Complete the Questions with will. © correct the undertined errors. 1 Where We celebrate if Dad gets the job. We'll go to Spain next summer. a ; Weill celebrate if Dad gets the job. ———— 1 If my sister will has children, I'll be an aunt! Kelly will come with us. 3 Hi ow __ 2 Ifyou to buy a laptop, you won't need new We'll go there by train. speakers. 4 What . Hil buy some shoes. 3 1lihave a party if will win the lottery. OBB answer the questions in exercise 8for you, Tt @ a ye 4 If the rain don't stop, we won't go camping. 5 1 g0 out tonight if there's nothing good on TV. Scanned with CamScanner Unit 7 Revision Dictation ten and write the sentences. 2 Error Correction @© correct the underlined errors. Rewrite the sentences. | will to-go to university ater school. wil goto university afterschool. 1 Where your parents will buy a house? | 2 We don't will be teachers when we're older. 3 If youlll play the guitar, I'l sing, © B® Listen and check your answers. Translation @ Translate the corrected sentences from exercise 2 into your language. 1 Unit 7 Grammar Check © Read the text and circle the correct answers, | think... to that concert tonight. @,., fun. Do you want to come? If we“... a lot of homework, we won't have time. ‘Anna Maddy Anna _ ldo my homework after school. Idon't have a lot. It... four hours! Maddy Well, if my mum ®... it’s alright, Ill come. Who's playing? ‘Some of Ben's friends. He says if we go we... them. OK.1.,. my mum. If do my homework early, it... be a problem. Anna Maddy ‘Anna Fantastic! Oh, one more thing, IFit’s expensive, ®... me some money? A 8 c 1 g0 going 2 itis Iellbe tbe 3 has have will have Adonttake — totake won't take 5 will say says say 6 'lllike likes e 7 ask ‘Mask am asking 8 won't isn't don't 9 willyoulend —youwilllend — do youlend oa isten and check your answers. "a rE a Scanned with CamScanner Cumulative Grammar ae 3] @ circle the correct words to complete the text. Jane Austen Ifyou “like /'ll like good stories, you “enjoy /'ll enjoy Jane ‘Austen, Austen ®was / were born in 1775 and she is one of the most famous writers in English literature. She didn’t '8go / went to school, but her father and brothers were her teachers at home and she read ® much /a lot of books. Her ambition was to work as a writer. She practised a lot, and when she was 35 years old, she “writes / wrote her first novel, Sense and Sensibility. This is one of her best / most good novels. When Jane was writing, women of her social class spent their time visiting frends and family, o at dances. Typically, the Smore important / most important ambition for men and @D ANG Raci3 women was to get married. Jane wrote funny stories about Jane Austens books were originally these people. Her stories and characters are still popular Published anonymously and she didn't today and probably will ™be/to be foralongtime.You carne famous until many years after “will / should read one of her novels. Tick (V) the boxes to evaluate your progress. ooKe) | can use will / won't to make predictions. {can use the first conditional to talk about possible situations and their consequences. Scanned with CamScanner Vocabulary Materials and containers © B Fina 14 materials and containers. @ BB complete the text with the w. inthe box. i bottles cartons cotton jars _metal__paper Hit'm Charlie, in my family, we always try torecycle. We wash plastic \__ bottles x|>lolal-|=[¢ > lF [> |= 2lo/o|=|>lol#[o|=|> A) 2|2[[6[=[2[5[- [= [> /> =|=lofolz[zlo[-[-[=|= =lelols|elz/=[4|2[> | olm[-|-|=fol@|>le[<]o elz|[=lol=[-l=[+|= [sz >l-lalzl-|[=|alm[xlole olala|=lolz[el=[=lol- of#[slel-[z[-[elel[-|> OB write the words in exercise 1 in the correct group. (eee aluminium Containers OB circte the correct words, My cat likes sleeping ina cardboard Gon) carton. 1 Inthe UK, milkis sometimes ina paper / glass bottle. 2 You should keep bananas ina paper / aluminium bag, 3 Inthe summer, | always weara cotton / WoolT-shirt, 4 Fizzy drinks are oftei a metal jar / can. and use them again for water, and we use glass are in the kitchen for rice, beans and sugar. We put all our” cans in the recycling bins outside the supermarket, Juice can't be recycled in my town, so we put them in the bin. My mother sometimes cuts up old ® clothes and uses them in the kitchen, We ask for ® bags in the supermarket, not plastic. But usually ‘we take our own bags. How does yout family recycle? © BB comptete the sentences for you. Use words in exercise 1. 1 Inmy family, we recycle 2 We don't really need to use 3 It'll be difficult to stop using _ Scanned with CamScanner i red ani i Endange! imals © B Read the puzzles and guess the animals. Use the words in the box. © @B look at the picture. Order the letters and write the words. elephant orang-utan panda polar bear tiger turtle 1 Hive in China. 'm in danger of extinction. t'm black and white, What am I? panda 2 lay eggs.1've got a shell. live in water and ‘on land. What am I? 3 Imamammal.m a good hunter. Im from the same family as a cat. 've got stripes. What am I? 4 Ivegot four legs but Ican't jump. I've got big ears, | have a shower with my nose. What am I? 5 Ilivein the Arctic but not in the Antarctic. | ‘eat meat and fish. 'm very big. What am I? 6 live in the forest. My hands are similar to 1 paelethn elephant human hands. 'm very intelligent and I live in 2 hnoreosicr Southeast Asia. What am I? 3danap Alorap rabe 5 tregi 6 pledora 7 ruttle 8 plodihn 9 kanes 10 gorna-atun | @ BD write the animals in exercise 6 in the correct group. © GB complete the sentences for you. ‘animals that | animals that | animals that een rie iectaneae KL (erin 1 My favourite endangered animals are and 2 Idonttlike__or 3 Mike better than Scanned with CamScanner Present perfect OD complete the sentences with haven toy hasn't. ©. BD waite the past participle form of the The film hasnt started. Quick, sit ‘verbs. Which two verbs are regular? down, a past participle v1 hreard their new song am "opened _ 2 She done her homework ce — 3 We seen him today 2 build 4 My dog eaten its dinner, 3 travel come © BD Lewrite the sentences with the negative See form of the present perfect. 6 have — It’s been hot this summer, 7 The verbs __and ___Ithasnt been hot this summer ____.are regular. 1 My teacher has tried sushi, @ BD cook at the pictures. complete the ashes wien yourcamenl - sentences with the present perfect affirmative form of the verbs in brackets. 3 I've seen Johnny Depp. 4 We've visited New York. © EB complete the dialogue with the present perfect affirmative or negative form of the verbs in brackets. 1 She ‘sbought__ (buy) anew bag. 2 He (fallin the water. 3 They (build) a Jordan 1" h een __(not roe. see)Tom in the last few days. He 4 She (open) her o (not come) birthday presents to guitar class this week. Eliot We © EB compete the sentences tor you, (have) exams at school, so he 1 The best place ve visited was oo (he) busy Jordan Oh, OK. We had exams too. We : not finish them. The fast one is maths next Tuesday. 1" [3 (study) alot, so I think itl be OK: Scanned with CamScanner @ GB complete the questions with Have or Has. the teacher arrived? {seen an orang-utan? we eaten the cake? he reused those jars? you put recycling bins in wnwna your kitchen? 6 they drunk my juice? © B match the questions in exercise 7 with the short answers. a) Yes, they have. Yes, she has. i ) No, we haven't. )No, he hasn't, ) Yes, you have. ) No, haven't. © GB order the words to make questions. Then complete the short answers. my / seen / you / Have / notebook / ? Have you seen my notebook? © B complete the sentences and questions with ever or never. Haveyou__ever iden a camel? 1 thave _ been on a boat. 2 Have your parents. visited the UK? 3 My family has been to New York. @ B® write sentences and questions with ever or never in the correct position. 1 We have visited the USA. (never) 2 Have you seen someone famous? (ever) 3 My grandparents have had a pet. (never) 4 Have you tried sushi? (ever) 5. My sister has swum in a river. (never) © BB write answers for questions 2 and 4 in rn ae exercise 11 for you. 1 homework / done / Have / you / your /? 2 Yes, 4 2 Have / school / they /left /? Yes, ; 3 cans / she / Has / her / recycled / ? Yes, . 4 he /told / Has / my sister/? No, : 5 Have / the pizza / eaten / you/? No, Scanned with CamScanner Unit 8 Revision Unit 8G © read Dictation @ B Listen and write the sentences. 1 irammar Check he text and circle the correct answers, 2 Error Correction @ correct the underlined errors. Rewrite the sentences. Have you ridden ever a camel? Have you ever ridden a camel? Josh How have"... your habits? Have you, 1 You hasn't recycled the bottles. recycling? Ben Yes,".... We've... plastic boxes for mes 2 That man hasn't pay for his coffee. and fish, so we... plastic bags recently, Josh Has your town... recycling bins on your 3 Youhave ever visited Morocco? street? Ben Yes, they have. And they've given us anen in for food waste this week. © GB iisten and check your answers. Josh Have you used the new bin? Ben No,"".... Josh What else... to recycle things? ensleson Ben We've"... having baths. We have shower @ Translate the corrected sentences from in pow And ae our lights. exercise 2 into your language. es atsarean we ee 1 1 you change changed y¢ 2 start starting started 3 wehave we have started we started 2 4 buy buyed bought 5 haven't needed not need not needed 6 put toput putted 3 7 youhaven't wehaven't. —_wedidnt + 8 you'vedone did you hhave youd 9 stoped stopped stop Listen and check your answers. Scanned with CamScanner Cumulative Grammar HBHoboo0He @ ]=[ 21> (>| L fc] What was your best day out in the a holidays? We went to the _art gallery _ with our parents, It was really good. | love looking at pictures. c E 1 My best day out was at the «ove looking at fish, dolphins and sharkst 2 We saw elephants and lions at the -It was brilliant, 3 Wewent toa great bya lake, It was fun sleeping ina tent. 4 We visited a where there was a pirate’s cave. We got very wet on some of the rides. 5 Wewent toa big and! bought some souvenirs. We saw a lot of interesting food. BB Answer the questions for you. Write full sentences. 1 Is there a statue in your town? What is it? 2 Whatis the worst monument you've seen? 3 Whats your favourite place to visit? Unit 9 EZ Scanned with CamScanner [Grammar } Tense review: present and past tenses ©. sitet rutes 1-4 with example sentences ie 1 We use the present simple to describe habit 2 We use the present continuous to describe activities in progress. 3 We use the past simple to describe finished actions or situations in the past. 4 We use the past continuous to describe activities in progress in the past. a) | wasn't cheating! b) They played board games yesterday. ©) He often plays chess with his brother. 4d) They're winning! Fantastic! OD circle the correct words. 1(@9/’'m going to school every day. 1 Iplay /’m playing a computer game now. 2. My uncle doesn't play /isn’t playing chess every day. 3 He has /‘s having breakfast at the moment. 4 She goes /'s going out at weekends. 5 Please be quiet! | count /‘m counting! © BB complete the text with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. My brother often” __plays__ (play) Japanese card games lke Yu-Gi-Oh!" or Magic cards He” (go) toa club ina local shop every Saturday, and they sometimes __thave) tournaments. | . ___ (not like) Japanese card games. t'm not good at them.t (not win) when | play with my brother! At the moment, my brother "\ (play) in 2 tournament in another town, My parents and lare here too. We” __ (watch) him, But he” _ {not win) today! OD teadthe sentences. Are they in the pan simple (finished actions) or the pare continuous (actions in progress in past)? Virite PS or PC. Iwent to school, 1 I watched a really boring programene 2. He wasn't running to the bus stop. 3. She was losing the match. 4 You cheated! | saw you! 5 They weren't watching a film. 6 He landed on a pink square. © BD circle the correct words. played /(was playing)a video game on my mum's laptop when she came into the room. She saw / was seeing me with her laptop ane she wanted / was wanting to play the game too. We played / were playing when Dad came / was coming in. He “wanted / was wanting to know what we “did / were doing Then he ®started / was starting to play. Now! can't play the game because Mum and Dad"? always playing it! Scanned with CamScanner OG Match beginnings 1-6 withendingsa-¢ Tense review: future tenses tomake questions. van 2) you beat the other play © B tratch rutes 1-3 with example sentences last night? ae 2 vid b)he counting to ten? 1 We use the present continuous for near 3.D0 ©) she often cheat? future plans. [B 400% — \ed)they enjoying the game at 2 We use be going to for intentions. the moment? 3 We use will for predictions. ‘5 Were e) you sleeping when | phoned 2) | think will finish my homework early lastnight? ee cle 2 eae eee SY] b)I'm seeing them 2t seven o'clock tomorrow. ‘with you? ) Im going to win this game. @ @ complete the questions with the correct words. © 8 Order the words to make sentences. be here / this afternoon /"l/She/. Wos___ she sleeping when hi arrived? pinguncane Shell be here this oftemoon. , 1 be/'s/It/ going /t0/a good day /. 1 What______-you usually do at ‘S/1t/ going /t0 1 geod day weekends? cohen 2 new trainers /We /buy/"lI/ him /. 2 they looking at us? sa oe ene 3 meeting / my fiends /’m/tonight /1/. area? een uacres amraaes 4 the cinema //She /him /taking /’s /t0/. 5 Who he talking to last night? 5 to/dice/ need /‘re/ going /You/the/. © BB complete the questions with your own soing ideas. Write answers for you. 1 How often do you 2 BRD circle the correct words. ‘Amir Liverpool “@re playing) will play Real Madrid tonight. I’m going to /‘ll watch the match at Josh’s house later. Do you ‘want to come? Jack What time? Amir Eight o'clock. Olly *is coming / will come I round at 7.30 and we ““re going /'Ilgo to Josh’ house together. Jack Ive got judo tonight. Maybe! “4m going to /’ll miss it and come with you. Amir You should. | think it’s “being / going to be an exciting game. | like Liverpool. But al my friends think Real Madrid “are winning / will win. 2 Atthe moment, are you 3 When did you Scanned with CamScanner UIT SACS Dictation Unit 9 Grammar Check © B iisten ana write the sentences. © Read the text and circle the correct answers, eee Emily What"... = playing? 2 Zoe ‘Passthe Pigs. I's great funt Error Correction Doyou oii want to sili © correct the undertined errors. Rewrite the play with us? sentences. Emily OK How do you play? Tamnguing tosehoolevery dah Keisha You"... the pigs lke dice, and you get Igo to school everyday. points. Look! One pig"... up. That's 1 Why youare rolling the dice? five points. Emily OK.{'lhave a turn. Look! The pigs are 2 What children played with 200 years ago? on thelr noses. Zoe Wow! That's 40 points. How... that? 3 [think llto.go to bed early. Emily Iwasn't®... about it when I rolled the pigs, so I don't know. This games great. Where... it? © B tisten ana checkyouranswers. Keisha My uncle gave it tome. think he... itina toy shop in London. Emily London? We... to visit London this . forthe shop. Keisha Illask my uncle for the name of the shop, 'm'... him at the weekend. Translation summer, © Transiate the corrected sentences from exercise 2 into your language. Emily Thanks. yee A 8 c 1 youre youare 2 rolls toroll roll 2 isstanding standing stands 4 you did did you did youdo tS thin thinking to think 3 didyouget. — yougot. §—-doyou got Twasbuying didbuy bought Se ai ‘regoing go 9 ‘look look looked 10 see tose seeing Listen and check your answers. Scanned with CamScanner_ Cumulative Grammar Hooooodae @ circle the conect words to complete the text, \ Windsor Castle Windsor Castle In England Is the world’s older and bigger / oldest and biggest inhabited castle, but dows anybody live / uo somebody lives there? Yes, “they live / they do, The Queen, Queen Elizabeth Il lives there at weekends and during sun holidays. n fact, in the photograph, the Queen Isat the castle. Hew do we know? Because her special flag is fylny /lles, When she has important visitors, she S'lusually meets /moets usually them |) at Windsor. But tourists can also vist Windsor Castle, and it's avery interesting place. William the Conqueror was / were King in the 11th century. He vas building / built the first part of the castle In 1070, But since: then, Windsor Castle "has became / has become bigger and bigger Ifyou go to Windsor, you should to / should visit the castle to soe the rooms and the big Doll's House. Windsor also has an enorinous park and if you like picnics, you "love /‘IHlove the park Ci Al CleargFacts) ‘The Queen lives in Windsor Castle and Po treinghom ance bts does own ten. Tick (V) the boxes to evaluate your progress. 860 | can use the present simple to talk about habits Ican use the present continuous to f describe activities in progres. M | canuse the past simple to describe finished actions or situations in the past. Ican use the past continuous to describe activities in progress in the past. ‘can use the present continuous to describe future plans. If} !canuse be going to to talk about future intentions. | can use will/ won't to make predictions. Scanned with CamScanner jhgqecgulele Nader) Infinitive be fbi! ‘beat (bi become n'ham! begin ‘brn! bite ts break. ‘broik! bring. ibriy/ build uta! buy star fateh Kats’ choose tfu:z! come ‘kam’ cost Kost! cut kaw do i draw dr ream ism rink /drink! drive (dratv/ fight fart! find faind! fly ‘flav! forget fa(r)'get/ get (get! give Jw) 9 igo0! grow (roo! have hav! hhear hist) hide had! hit fnut/ hold. hould! hurt shaztejt/ keep /kitp! know nau! Past simple was, were /Wo2, Ww beat (bist! became b'ketm! began /bi'gen! bit ‘bit! broke /brauk/ brought /brot/ built bilt/ chose /tfauz/ came /kem/ cost /kpst/ cut kat! did fuud! drew. /drw/ dreamt, dreamed ‘dremt, drizmd! drank /draenk! drove ldravv/ ate feit/ fell el fed fed! felt felt? fought ifa:t/ found. /faond/ flew. /Mlus! forgot far’ got! got (got! gave Igew/ ‘went /went/ grew aru had fhaed heard third’ hid hud! hit shuts held Meld” hurt sss! kept fkept/ knew learnt, learned Asz(e)nt, Past participle been beaten ‘bi become bv'kamy begun /br'gan! bitten /"bit(a)n/ broken /'broukan/ brought /bro:t/ built /bilt/ bought /bo:t/ caught /k: chosen /"tfauz{a)n/ come ‘kam! cost /knst/ cut /katé done (dan! drawn /droin! dreamt, dreamed ‘dremt, drismal/ drunk faragk! driven drv(a)nt eaten /ist(o)n/ fallen (fon! fed fea felt felt! fought foit/ found /faond! flown /floun! forgotten /fa(e)'gnt(a)n/ got (got! given giv(a)nl gone /gon! grown /graun! had thea! heard has(e)a hidden /*hid(o)n/ hit sty held /held hurt shazte)t/ kept /kept/ known inson! learnt, learned HAaz(e)nt, Iaxte)nd! Translation 2 Ere Scanned with CamScanner left ett? left eft lent flent? lent leat! fet fet! let tet lost pst lost. fost! made imeid made /merd meant /ment/ ‘meant /ment/ met /met/ met /met/ paid /perd! paid /pesd! put ‘pou! Put ‘put read /red! read /red! a rang ire! rung ‘rap! ran fren! rina a said ‘sed! said /sed! saw Isai! seen (si i sold /sould! sold. /sauld/ |send /send! sent /sent/ sent. /sent/ a shine fain! shone {fon! shone fon! ‘shoot /fust! shot /Jot/ shot /fot/ a show fou! showed /foud! shown (foun! “shut /fat/ shut (fat! shut /fat/ : sing ‘su! sang /sen/ sung /san/ sit /it/ sat /siet/ sat (set! sleep ‘I slept /slept/ slept ‘slept! speak /spitk/ spoke /spouk/ spoken /'spaukan/ 3 spell Ispel! spelt /spelt/ spelt /spelt/ spend. /spend! spent. /spent/ spent. /spent/ i stand /stend/ stood /stud! stood /stod! steal Ist: stole /stool! stolen. 'stoulon! swim Iswim/ swam /swem! swum /swam! take /terk! took /tok/ taken /'teikon! | teach it:tf/ taught /to:t! taught toil! tell tel! told /tavld told itavld! think Oink! thought. /@oit/ thought /Ba:t! ‘throw (Brau! ‘threw: /Oru:/ thrown /8rsun/ understand understood understood ‘ando(t send! anda(t)'stod! ‘anda(t)stod! wake /weik! woke /wouk! woken /woukon! wear /wea(t/ wore /wox(t)/ worn Ava:(t)a! win win! won /wan! ‘won /wan! write /ratt/ wrote /raut! written /rit(s)n! eg Scanned with CamScanner Gontents RSA lS Leaming outcomes anes meee Grammar Reference & Practice unis 9 a 66-8 Vocabulary Reference Units 1-9 Bim Culture: Reading & Listening s uns 1-9 101 Writing Guide Unis 1-9 : 102-15 Speaking Units 1-9 120-26 Macmillan Life Skills Collaborative Projects 130-3: Wordlist Scanned with CamScanner outcomes Reading outcomes Undesstand specific information about world fim industries (page 93). ‘Understand essential specific information about the Duke of Eainburghs Award (page 94), Understand essential information in text about the Great Fire of London (page 95). Understand essential specific information ina Biographical tex about iterate top Wllam Shakespeare and Macbeth page 96) Understand essential information in journalistic textabout collecting as a hobby (page $7). Writing outcomes Wit a review witha short description ofa favourite fm pages 102-3) Wit short og entry about holiday. Include descriptions of people and places visited {Gages 104-5), Wie shor, descriptive biography of famous person (pages 106-7). Wie a ftional narrative in a conventional format wth a beginning, middle nd ending ‘Gages 108-9), Wate short description ofa favourite possesion with simple and relevant descriptions tBages 110-10, Speaking outcomes Describe different flm genres and give personal ‘opinions about two film types (page 120). Descibe what people are doing and their felings ring outdoor activities (page 12) Explain how you think people travelled in the past and what they are doing on holiday (page 122) Explen what people were doing na historical legend o story (page 123) Describe two scenes with different types of technology and compare what it was like inthe past and now (page 128. Listening outcomes Understand a radio programme about the Nigerian fim industry (page 93). Understand a conversation in which a person describes his experience doing the Duke of Edinburgh Award (page 9) Understand a history rai programme which tks abour the Great Fie of Rome (page 95) Understand a description ofa famous pay by Villam Shakespeare (page 96. Understand an informal conversation in which gt talks about collecting things (page 97). Understand essential specific information ina factual text about Britain's guide dogs (page 98) Understand a factual text essay which compares ‘education systems in England and Scotland (page 99). Understand essential information ina journalistic text about national pars in the USA (page 100). Understand a factual text about the history of an Iconic toy shop in London (page 101) ‘White a description ofa favourite film or TV hero “with physical and biographical information (pages 112-13). ‘ite the results ofa class survey after creating a short questionnaire (pages 114-15) White a short competition entry about helping an ‘organization (pages 116-18) write an email describing current life events, ‘personal experiences and opinions (pages 119-5). Describe what s happening in two different scenes ‘and what fs going to happen next (page 125). Explain what future jobs people are likely to have looking at two photos (page 126) Compare two photos which show two different environmental seenes (page 127) Describe two famous city scenes and make conjectures about its monuments and buildings (page 128) Understand a ragio programme about how animals help usin society (page 98). Understand a description about education in the USA (page 99, Understand a programme about national patks in ‘Austala (page 100 Understand a description of an conic shop in London (page 101) Scanned with CamScanner Ue Wepre ay ares Present simple /Tenepiwniii npoctuit 4ac 1/You love films. 1/You don't like films. Dol/ you like films? Yes, Ido. He/She /Itloves films. |He/She/Itdoesn'tlike films. | Does he/she /itlike films? | No, she doesnt, We /You/They love films. | We /You/They don’t like films. | Do we / you / they like films? | Yes, we do. + ht exsaemo present simple, rosopAuN PO ostopiosani a6o a8uvHi All I watch films every night. (A anemoca ines KoxHoro seuopa) + wo6 yrsopirit sanepeventin, auKopHcToByeMo do not (don't) a60 does not (doesnt); ckopoueni ‘opm sassiaii exnsaemo & posmosHilt Ta Heodiuifiin ncomosin mo I don't watch films. (A ue puanioca dint) He doesn't watch films. (Bin we qusinroca inom) + ynitraniiax crasnmo nepen nigmetom do a6o does Do you watch films? (Ta anenwca dines?) Do my sister watch films? (Mon cectpa aneuTeca insane?) + y Koporxnx signosigax niccnoso He noBTopioemo Yes, Ido. /No, don't. Yesrtdowaich-LNertdon'twatel: K Nutanbui cnosa ‘What's your name?_ My name's David. Where are you from? I'm from Seville. When's your birthday? It’s in March, Who's Lucy? ‘She's my cousin. Why are you happy? It’s my birthday. How often do you buy DVDs? | I never buy them. + What euxopnctosyerocs, wo6 sanmTamn npo pis a60 ob ext (Wo / Ax + Where sxxopucrosyerecs, wos anurans npo cue Ue / yan + When snnoprcrosyerecs, woS sanuram npo wac ao nary (Kon) + Who enxopncrosyerecs, wo6 sanurars npo ocoby (moze) 0%10) + Why ennopmcrosyerecr, wo6 aansrari np nincrasy 360 npmsnny woroce (omy) + How often snnopucrosyerses, wos 2amarary npo wacrory All ewacto) there is / there are + Mn siixopucrosyemo (there is) 3 IMennnKaMn 8 onMini Ta 3 HeoGuncnioganbHHMM iMeHRNKaMA There's a cinema near my house. (Ginn moro 6yambiky sHaxonuTbca Kinotearp.) There's foodin the shop. ‘+i euKopucrosyemo there are 3 iMeHHNKaN 8 MHOKWI Ta 3 O6NNCMOBANHIMH IMEHHKaN There are three new films at the cinema. (Y kinotearpi nemonctpyior» Tpit Hosi dinban) pale Rahs uacToTn im never hare | someuimes [efen | uaa sometimes | often [eset avons ever + MpHCnisiiKH HaCTOTH BHKOPACTOBYEMO, LOG ‘8ka3aTH, AK HACTO BHKOHYETBCR Ta Hi IHW Bi Inever go to the cinema. (fl Hikonn He XORKY 8 KiHo) + mpicnishinxw wactori sazeuviait crasnmo nepen niecnosom, a TaKox s sanepeveHtax She always watches the news, but she doesn't usually watch films. (Bova 3a6%AM AMBHITECA HosHin, ane sas6nualt Ne AuBuTacR GinsANn) + npwcnishin 4acrora crasumo nicna piecnosa tobe (arvis/are) m often late. (A wacmo sanisiio10c.) + upash ¥actovn 3aseiNai cTasiMo BKiMUi peueHHA Iwatch TV every day. (f qmaniocs Tenesizop wonHn) + wo6 3anirarn npo wacrory alli, BnKopucToByEMo How often...? How often does she watch TV? (Ax uacto Bora AnBuTacA Tenesi3zop?) Mpasonuc: tpeta oco6a ognunn Ulo6 yreoputu tpenio ocoby opHuHM: + no 6inswocri iecnis nonaemo -s drink > drinks + AORAEMO -es No Aiecnis, AKi 3aKiNUyIOTHCA Ha -s, sh, -Ch,-0,-2Ta-x wash ~> washes, go-> goes, fix—> fixes + ylecnosax, aki zakinuyiorscn Ha npuronocHy +-y, onyckaemo -y ta nonaemo -ies study studies + yAlecnosax, aki sakinyioreca Ha ronocHy +-y, sannusaeno -y Ta jonaemo -s play-> plays + Henpasunei alecnowa be->is, have—> has (ba aHaxonueen y marasnn,) (66) scree Ee ea (Staessen 7 Scanned with CamScanner AEA ETI) present simple ; @ circle the correct words. iGai/eats Popcorn at the cinema, 1 My dad lke /likes films 2 Idor't / doesn’t buy film magazines 3 All my classmates like / likes horror lms 4 Hedor't / doesn’t go to my school 5 My brother watch / watches TV in the evening, 2) Complete the text with the present simple affirmative form of the verbs in brackets, Hil I'm Stephanie. 10 five __ (live) in Newcastle, England, | often 9: (go) to the cinema with my friends. My friend Erik (like) the Empire Cinema, a (have got) 12 screens, | s (not like) it.1 (prefer) the Tyneside Cinema because it’s cheaper. A ticket”: (cost) £4, © write questions with the present simple. Then write short answers, you / like / war films? (no) Do you like war films? No, Idon't ——__Naldont 1 your friend / eat /ice cream? (yes) $$ 2 your friends /like / comedies? (yes) ee ee ee 3 your uncle / go / to school? (no) ee ae 4 you / buy / DVDs? (yes) 5 your classmates / watch / films? (no) Question words © complete the questions with the question words in the box. Where When Who Why How often Where __are you from?" ‘Ym from Canada! a: do you go to the cinema?” ‘Igo every month! 2 do you sit at the front of the classroom?” ‘Because I can see the board better! 3_____doyoudo your homework?” ‘Ido it when | get home from school! at do you go to school with?” | go with my best fri thereis / there are © Circle the correct words. ‘There are a film club at my school, 1 There is / There are ten boys and ten girls in my class, 2 There is /There are a great park near my house. 3 There is /There are ice cream at the cinema 4 Theres / There are people outside. 5 There is /There are waterin my bottle. Adverbs of frequency @ order the words to make sentences, watch / documentaries / once a week / I ‘ swatch documentaries once a week. ——watch documentaries once aweek___ 1 plays / tennis / every day / My brother /. 2 pasta/I/twice a week /eat /. —— 3 once a month /to the cinema / My parents / go/. 4 hardly ever / My teacher / reads books /. Scanned with CamScanner Present continuous | Tenepiwnih Tpusanuit vac Ana Bia y npoyeci BuKoHaHHA ETRE EN ERENT tonight. [Amt /camping tonight? _| Yes, am, He/She /t’s camping ie/ She /Itisn't camping | Is he /she /it camping No, she isn't. | tonight tonight. tonight? | We/You/Theyre camping | We/You/They aren't | Are we/you/ they camping | Yes, weare. | tonight. camping tonight. tonight? + mu exnteacmo present continuous, wo6 onmicaTH Ail, isi win6yoaoTecn 6 MoMeNT MoBNeNHA + cTeepprysanona opm: niger + be + Alecnowo +-ing He's making dinner at the moment. (Bin rotye evepwo y Aannit MomeHT) + sanepesiia dopma: niger + be + not + Alecnowo +-ing Im not climbing trees. (Ane namy no aepesax (3apas),) + nopaniox cnis y nurranbHinx pexentinx inwMi: be + nigmer + jiecnoso + -ing ‘Are you climbing trees? (Hirt nasi no aepesax (3apaa)?) + y Koporxux signosinnx aiecnoso + -ing He ostopwemo Yes,1am,/No, Im not. 7 Yes. tam climbing./No- Hm not climbing. X Present simple i present continuous SAR My friend usually sleeps in a bed. Sheis sleeping ina tent now. + mu exxneacmo present simple, wo6 posnosicta npo ein, nosropro9ani a6o nocrini a Isleep in a bed. (crim 6 nimay,) + 3 present simple sasenuai euKopucrtosyeMo Taki npucnianukn wacromn i spasm Nacy, aK always (saexqw), every day (KomHoro AHA) Ta once a week (pas na Twxpene) Jusually sleep ina bed. (A saseuvaii cnnwo 6 nix.) + mn exxnpaeno present continuous, wo6 onucarn notouny caryayio aGo Alto, nika winGyeacTocn ‘Moment MoaneHHA +3 present continuous eHKopHcToByeMo Taki BHpasy acy, nk-OT now (3apa3) a60 at the moment (came 3apas) Tm sleeping in a tent at the moment. (Came 20pas a crm 6 namemi,) Present continuous Ana nnanis Ha maliGyTHEe + Mi TaKOm exuBaemo present continuous, Wo6 poanosicru npo ail, 3annanoeani 8 HaiiGnwxuomy ali6yTHeoMy + 3 present continuous wacto sukopuctoByemo Taki eupaan acy, ak-or at the weekend (yun ‘nxigninm), on Saturday (y cyory), tomorrow (sasrpa) What are you doing at the weekend? (Uo mu po6uwu uumu euxidnumu?) {Im playing tennis on Saturday. (Aepavamenicy cy6omy,) Mpasonuc: giecnoso + -ing + Ro Ginbwocti niecnia nonaemo -ing build > building, climb climbing + yalecnowax, aki saKinuyioreca Ha ~ iponaemo-ing hike hiking, make—> making + y Alecnowax, iki 3akinuyiorocn Ha ~e, 2aMinioeMo sie wa-yi nonaemo -ing die dying + BonHocknagonx giecnosax, aki aaKiNNyioTbCA a rontocy + npinronociy (Kpist w, xa y) oABoWEMO OCTaHHIO NpHronocHy i AoRaeMo -ing hit hitting + yABocKnayjoanx piccnosax, Aki 3aKiNNyIOTICR a ronocny + npironocny (KpiM w, x Ta y) onBowoemo ocTaHHIo NpuronocHy i aogaemo -ing begin beginning nat Scanned with CamScanner onycKaemo-e present continuous for activities in progress Complete the sentences with the present continuous affirmative form of the verbs inbrackets. 1__'mfishing__ (fish, 1 George __. swim), 2 She (make) pizza, 3 We__ __ (have) fun, 4 You___ (try) new activities. Write sentences with the present continuous negative and affirmative form. We /not camp /in the forest. We / camp / near the lake, We aren't camping in the fores We're camping near the lake. They /not build /a shelter. They / cook. 2 1/not feel / sad. 1/ make / new friends. 3 She /not sleep /in a tent. She /sleep/ina hotel. Present simple and present continuous © circle the correct words, My mum works Goring ve week, 1 My cousins often camp /are often camping in the summer, 2 We feel /‘re feeling nervous because we've got an exam nove, 3 Ivisit/'m visiting my grandparents today. 4-My bestfriend has /is having pizza once a week. 5 They win /‘re winning the race at the moment, 6 My teacher goes /s going swimming every day. Present continuous for future arrangements © correct the errors in the red words. | eating pizza tonight, I'm eating pizza tonight. 1 Paul having a party on Saturday evening, 2 We're study for the history exam this afternoon. © order the words to make questions. Then write short answers. yourbrother /a good time /having /Is/? (yes) {s your brother having a good time? Yes, he is. 1 looking for / you / Are / wild fruit / ? (yes) 3 I not playing rugby next week. 4 You working at the weekend? 5 My mum doesn't making dinner tonight. 6 They is camping tonight. 2 she /feeling well /1s /? (yes) 3 having / Are / your classmates /a party /? (no) ad hi gerd a area | cooked dinner. He/She /It cooked dinner. We /You/They cooked dinner. Tbegan to talk. ~ poet He / She / It began to talk. We /You/They began totalk + mn eixkopuctonyemo past simple, wo6 onucama aanepwertgiiaGo cryauiia nisnynory; popmsa Aiccnona opwaKosa sym ocix OcI6 ONAN Ta MOM | travelled / We travelled to France last year. (Anopopoxyean /Mu nopopoxynann so pani unynoro poxy) + ApaouneHi niccnosa y past simple maior» aaKinvenna -ed Jand— landed, sail-> sailed + Gararo 2aranbHonmnsanix jiccnio €HenpasinbHnmn drive ~ drove, fy > flew + Wo6 yraopTu 3anepeuny dopmy, crasumo nepen iecnonom didn't (did not) | didn’t buy food. (A He rynyoae bry) + y3anwrannnx snkopuctosyemo did + nigwer-+ indiviras Did you ride a camel? (Twi3jma Ha sep6mioni?) + yKoporkinx signosinnx ocHosne piecnoso He nosropioemo Yes, did. /No, Ididn't. ¥ (Tak. / Hi) Yes;tread-/Ne-+didn'tread. X be: ponomixne piecnoBo ANA past simple + wasi were - ye opm mntynoro uacy alecnona be (Gyr); was BAKOPACTOBYEMO 3 3azMeHHUKAMA 1/he/ she / it, awere-3 you! we/ they Iwas at school yesterday. (9 6yay woniavopa) + zanepeuny opmy yraoproewo 2a RonoMoroIo was not 60 werenot You weren‘tat home. (Tune 6ye aboma) She wasn’t at home. (Bona we 6yna edoua,) + ynurannax crasmmo nepes niqmerom was / were Were you at school yesterday? (Tu 6yay wxoni avopa?) + y KopoTkx Bignosisiax BuKopucToByeMmo was / wasn't a6o were / weren't Yes, Iwas. / No, I wasn't. + 3 past simple mn 4acto BuKopHcToByeMo Bxpasn acy i crasnmo ix sazeMsad y Kinyi peuennn was at home on Monday. (16/0 adoma a nonedinox) Itwas her birthday three days ago. I didn’t begin to talk, He/She /It didn't begin to talk. We You / They ci’ didn’t cook dinner. Did I cook dinner? A He / She /It didn't cook dinner. Did he / she /it cook dinnen Did we /you/ they cook diy, Did | begin to talk? Did he / she / it begin to taljp Did we /you/ they begin tot [Did we /you/ they begin tow in total, could | couldn't mu BuKopuctoByeMo could, wo6 posnosicr npo snatHocti i moxnneocti 8 munynomy She could swim when she was three years old. (Bona morna nnazarn, Konn i Gyno Tpx poxit) + 3anepeuna dopma sin could - couldn't (could not) They couldn't drive. (BHM He extn sopuTH aeto) + nicnn could / couldn't Hixon He craswmo Wacray to We could write our names. / (Mu mornu wanucata coat imeta) Wecouldtowriteournanies: X + opma opnakosa ana acix oci6 onHAMHM i MHOKMHA | could speak French when | was young. (mir rosopuma dppanuyaeKo10, kona Bye monoawn) Jon couldn't speak French when he was young. (2KoH He suis rosopuTi ¢panuy3sKov0, Koni 6ys Monoaun,) Npasonuc: npasunbui piecnosa B past simple + Ro Ginewocri jlecnie nonaemo -ed invent invented + Ro plecnis, aki saxinuyioTeca Ha -e, nonaemo -d arrive arrived yalecnoax, aki 3akinuyioteca Ha npuronochy + y, ‘onyckaemo -y Ta opacMo -ied study studied + yalecnosax, aki saxinuyioroca Ha HaronoweHy ronochy + npnronocty(xpim w, x72), Nopsowemo Kinyesy npHronocny | gonaemo-ed stop stopped, permit permitted + chucok Henpasinnbtix alecnis que. Ha crop. 120 y Student's Book (idene napodmenna Gye mpu dui /momy.) 50 Jay eT eR Scanned with CamScanner the sentences with the past simple te 0 cone form of the verbs in brackets, r watched (watch) film on TV, Hy (ride) a camelin Tenerife, ; ; (have) a great time at your party. We (find) some money in the pak You lative) home late last night. (like) cake, 5 mygrandod Rewrite the sentences with the negative form ofthe past simple. I watched a football match. didn't watch a football match, 1 My classmates climbed Everest last week. 2 My teacher invented a new computer. 3 Weate pizza for breakfast. 4 | sold cakes outside the cinema. 5 They went out last night. © Write questions with the past simple. what /you / watch /last night? What did you watch last night? 11 when / your sister / arrive home? 2 who/you / see / at the concert? 3 what/ you / eat for dinner yesterday? 4 howoften / they / play football /last year? 5 where /he / go / on holiday? ®@ Complete the senten were or weren't, ces with was, wasn't, 1 2 ‘asa _ (not) at school yesterday. ———___inLondon in July 2 We (not) tired, sowe watched a film, 3 After the match, he hot. 4 Mymum. 5 We the exam, really (not) at work at 8 pm. nervous the day before Order the words to make questions. you/in bed /Were /at 11 pm /? Were you in bed at 11 pm? 1 yesterday /Was /hot /it /? 2 from /Where / Cervantes / was /? 3 she / Was /last week / at school /? 4 you / happy /last night / Were /? 5 tired / Why / your friends / were /? could | couldn't © complete the sentences with could or couldn't and the verbs in brackets. She could play (play) the piano when she was five, vw (speak) English when | was six. 2 We (not swim) in the lake because it was cold. 3 He (ride) a bike before he was five. 4 We (not make) biscuits because we didn't have any eggs. 5 The plane : (not land) atthe airport because it was very windy. oan: Scanned with CamScanner Whit 4 Grammar Reference Past continuous / Munynuit tpusanuii yac Iwas walking home. I wasn’t walking home. Was | walking home? Les. Iwas He/She /It was walking |He /She/It wasn’t walking | Washe/she/it walking |No, he wasn home. home. home? | We/You/They were |We/You/They weren't | Were we/you/they walking | Yes we were walking home. walking home. home? ‘+ MA BHKOpUCTOByEMo past continuous, Wwob + when (Konw) crasimo nepeg past simple, o whie ‘onucar ali, Aki sinGyeannca 8 KOHKpeTHMA Hac (nig sac toro ax) ~ neper past continuous y munyynomy He was carrying the box when he dropped it, + cTseppysansia bopma: niger + was / were + (Bint Hic KopOGky, Konit snycTiNs Tt) Alecnoso +-ing While he was carrying the box, he dropped it. They were walking to school at 7.30 this morning. (Mig wac toro a Bist Hic KopoGKy, Bid BnyctHaiT) (Bown fiuini Ro wkonn o 7.30 yboro paHky.) + 3anepesia hopma: niger + was not (wasn't) a60 were not (weren't) + niecnoso + -ing He wasn't running. (Bin ne Gir (y To Moment) Y nunTanninx cTaBMMo nepea nigmeTom was / were Were you sleeping at 6 am? (Tw cnas 0 6-1 pany?) + y Koporkinx Bignosinnx nlecnoso 3 saKinveHHaM -ing He nostopioemo Yes, 1was./No, wasn't. 7 (Tak./ Hi.) Y¥es-Hwasrunning-/Ne;twasn'trunning: X Past simple i past continuous + mit wacto sxnsaeMo past continuous | past simples oaHomy peveHHi Iwas running for the bus when | fell. (A Gir 3a anro6ycom, Konn snas.) + past continuous exnBaemo, Wo6 onucaTa Ginsu ‘Tpusany gianbHicto, aka Tpusana 8 npoueci eukOHaHHR Iwas running for the bus ... (A Gir 3a aBToGycom...) + when (konw) crasumo nepeg past simple, a while (nig 4ac Toro Ak) - nepeg past continuous . when I fell. .. KOM BNaB.) cee TE Scanned with CamScanner past continuous ‘ complete the sentences with the past entinuous affirmative form of the verbs in brackets. |_wasreading _ (read) a comicin bed at 10pm. 1 Myfriends_(swim) in the sea, 2 Matt (watch) a horror film. 3 Mydad __ (drive) his new car 4 You (listen) to music, 5 We (have) a great time. Write negative sentences with the past continuous. 1/not talk /to my friends. wasn't talking to my friends. 1 we/not win / the match. 2 1/not feel / well. 3 the children /not fight. 4 you/not walk / very fast. 5 myteacher / not smile. 6 Andy / not sit /in my chair. © order the words to make questions. in the afternoon / Was / swimming / Oliver /? Wos Oliver swimming in the afternoon? 1 Sophie / playing cards / at 5 pm/ Was /? 2 you /Were / studying / yesterday morning /? 3 at6am/she /Was/ sleeping /? 4 John and Andrew / tennis / playing / at4oclock /Were /? © complete the sentences with the past simple cr past continuous form of the verbs in brackets, While | was standing at the bus stop, |___saw __(see) my grandma. 1 Iwas carrying the shopping when | (drop) the eggs. 2 While she (sleep), I made her acake. 3 When we arrived home, we (have) dinner. 4 My friends. (do) their homework when | phoned them. 5 When | wearing a pink dress. (meet) you, you were 1 They heard a strange noise while / when they were watching TV. 2 While /When | was cleaning my hamster's cage, itescaped. 3 While /When my brother arrived home, my parents were sleeping. 4 I was listening to music while / when the teacher arrived. 5 Mymum found some old photos while / when she was cleaning her desk. © correct the errorsin the red words. Was Oliver swim inthe afternoon? Was Oliver swimming in the afternoon? 1 Liam was study in his bedroom. 2 We didn't feeling tired. 3 What were you do yesterday at 9 pm? 4 Did you reading a book when | phoned you? 5 You weren't dance in the disco at 2 am. Scanned with CamScanner “My camerais ‘My phone is easier to use than my mums. jer than my phone. ‘good better, bad > worse, {far} farther / further + murexateaemo nopisnanbHinl crynine npHKMETHIKiD, ‘o6 nopistsTu si pesi, 48a micyR a6 ABOX moAeNt John is taller than me. (Kon suuyii 3a MeHe,) Exercise A is more difficult than exercise B. (Bnpasa A cKnatiusa, Hix Bnpasa 6.) + nicna nopishanbitx npukMeTHikis crasymo than London is bigger than Birmingham. (longon Ginsu, Hix Bipminrest) Superlatives | Haiemuyuit crynins npukmetuunis: Che This laptop isthe smallest in the shop. ‘My camera's the biggest. ‘My phone isthe easiest to use. This mobile is the most expens! Poin ‘good the best, bad— the worst, far the farthest /the furthest + mn emvpaemo Harenuni crynilie npuKMeTHAKis, Wo6 nopisHaTa Ginbw Hix 7a pei, nea MiCUA a6O Box moped. John is the tallest person in the class. Dron - Haitevuya moamna 8 Knaci, This laptop is the most expensive in the shop. Ueis Hoyt6yx valinoporsni y maaan + nepea npnkmerinkamn Halienuyoro cryneHa ‘crasnmo aptuxnt the London is the biggest city in Britain. TlonnoH ~ Haibinbiue micro # Bpurani + good, bad i far- Henpasunoxi npakMeTHiKH, i onn maior inakuy bopmy & nopisHnneHomy i naitonuomy cryneni Manchester United are better than Liverpool. Manuectep tOnaitten rai, vibe Minepriym, Germany are the best football team in the world. Kamara Himes ~ iaiiepania dytGone romana chity. Germany are the goodest football team in the world. a ee Tpanonne: nopisuanbuni inaionuyns, ctynin + RO KOpOTKIX NPHKMeTHHIKiB 3a38H4aii RORaEM -er | est small smaller—> the smallest + RO npuxmeniitkis, aki 3akinuyrorecn Ha -e, onaemo -r/-st wide ~> wider —> the widest + ynpakmeriuxax, aki 3aKinNyIOTHCR Ha ronoCHy i npuronocny, noasolveMo nputronocny i ponaeno -er/-est big bigger the biggest + yMpuKMerHuKax, Aki 3aKINUYIOTECA -Y, 3aMilOCN “y na -ier/iest happy -> happier ~> the happiest + 3 AoBrHMH NpHKMeTHRKAMH BHKOPHCTOBYEMO more (Ginbis) / most (waiiGinow) beautiful-> more beautiful the most beautiful Bupasu kinbKocti: a/ an, some, any, much, many, alot of + Mit BiKOpHCTOByeMO BHpasH a /an, some, any, ‘much, many ta lot of, wo6 exazaTa Ha KinbKicte + sianiuyeavuunnivernnann 6 onHii Bx82eM0.G/.an 3 neaniuyeanin iMeHHiKansn a /an He BHBAETECA, Ive got a laptop. ¥ (Y mene € HoyT6yK.) Hegotamoney. X + some axsaemo 6 crBepaxyBanbinx pevenHAx i aniuyeanum iMeHHIMKaMA 8 MHOKMHi Ta 3 Heaniuyeanimn imenninkann, wO6 6kasaTH Ha cepeniio kinbKicTe Horoce She's got some money. (Y Hel € (nkice, neki) rpoUii) + any exvBaeMo 8 zanepeuHinx peenHAx 3i aniuynaniiau IMeHHHKaMH 8 MHOMMHI Ta 3 Hesnivysammn imeHHinkanan, Wo6 akasaTH Ha Hynbosy KinbKicTo He didn’t have any money. (Y Hboro Hema€ (HinKHN) rpoweit) + much exneaemo 6 sanepeunnx peveHHax s Heamiuyeaninn imentinkann, wo6 exasaTn Ha Hesennny KinbkicTy Yoroce The laptop doesn’t have much memory. (Get Hoyt6yx mae HeGararo naM'ATi) + many sxneaeMo 8 sanepesHinx pesentax 31 niayoanina imennukann, woG eKaaaTit Ha HeBenitky kinbicrs Horace She doesn’t have many computer games. (Bona mac HeGararo Kommn'oTepHiny irop.) + alotof exunaemo a craepaxynanbHitx peeHHAX ai aniayoanunn isenHiikaMit & MOMMM Ta 3 Neanistynaninan iMeHHIKaR, wo6 aKazaTI Ha neniy KinbkicT» oro James has gota ot of CDs. (fbwetinee wae Gararo onnant-ancxio.) There is lots of sugarin this drink. (Y ywomy want Gararo uyxpy.) eT Scanned with CamScanner eS, comparatives e write t } old | 1 ich 2 hewyy 3 busy | aig } 5 intelligent 6 difficult 7 good 8 bad 9 far he comparative form of the adjectives. older @ complete the sentences with the compar form of the adjectives in brackets. My trainers are newer (new) than my boots. 1 The bus station is, (busy) than the train station. 2 Dogsare (inteligent) than birds. 3 Ostriches are ‘than humans. 4 Colais than coffee. 5 Abasketball is. than a football. 6 Books are than DVDs. (fast) (bad) for you (big) (heavy) Superlatives © Write the superiative form ofthe adjectives. old the oldest 1 tich 2 heavy 3 busy 4 big 5 intelligent 6 difficult 7 good 8 bad 9 far NIM © write sentences withthe su ith the supertative for theadjective. aie Everest/high / mountain /in the world Everestisthe highest mountain inthe work 1 Jon /tall/boy /in my cass 2 we/ good / students /in our school 3 the elephant /large /land animal. 4 the Bugatti / expensive / car/in the world, 5 my aunt /bad / singer / in our family. 6 Kate / intelligent / person /1 know. Expressions of quantity: a/an, some, any, much, many, alot of ircle the correct words. We've got(Gomd/ any computers at school. 1 Myprinterhasn't got a /any ink. 2 How much / How many DVDs have you got? 3 There's some /a milk in the fridge. 4 We haven't got a / any homework today. 5 How much / How many time do you need? © complete the sentences with alotof, not ‘many or not much. Jove Brad Pitt. I've got. alotof his films. 1 There are children in the park because it's cold and wet. 2 Wearentt pleased. We've got homework to do tonight. 3 There's water. Let's buy another bottle. 4 tim surprised. It's hot but there are people on the beach. 5 Greg watches horror films. 6 There's memory left. needa new memory card. Scanned with CamScanner He/She /Its going to |He/She/Itisn'tgoing | Ishe/ she /itgoing tobe | No, he isn’t. beavet tobeavet. avet? [We Your Theyre going [We /You/They aren't | Arewe/you/they going | Yes, we are. tobe vets. jing to be vets. tobe vets? ‘+ aut esxitpaemto be going to, rosopaw inamipy + ciwepawysansita Sopnta: niger + be going to +aiecnoso im going to be an actor. (A a6upaioca yt aKTOpOM,) ‘+ sanepesny dopmy yreopioemo Tak: niamer + be +not + going to + aiecnono 11m not going to be an actor. (A He 36upaiocn 6yTH aKTOpOM,) ‘+ nurranbity dopaty yraopwoemo Tak: be + niqmer + going to+ nlecnoso Are you going to help animals? {Ti s6npacwen qonomaran Teapunan?) + yKoporxnx signonianx going to He nostopioemo Yes, Lam./No, I'm not. / (Tak. / Hi.) Yes-tam-going to-help-4 No-t m not going to help. x should / shouldn't + shouldi shouldn't exeaemo, wo6 npocuTn iqasatu nopani ta pexomennau You should see the doctor. (To6i notpiGo snepny mcs Ao niKapa) You shouldn't go tothe party. (Toi He cnig itm Ha Bevipry.) + opma onnakona Ana acix oci6 onHMn | mHOXKMHA He should stop and rest. (omy cnig ayminuricn i nignownte,) We shouldn't move. (Ham ne eapto pyxarica) po nant must / mustn't + must xuieacmo Ana pawn, HacraHon i 30608'n3aHv We must wear a uniform at this school. i (Mu nosmnni Hocutt dbopmy @ yi wiKoni,) + mustn't exuBacmo Ann 3aGopoHH You mustn't smoke in restaurants, (Bam ne MoxkHa nant B pecropani,) + opm odtaxoea Ona acix oci6 odwunu imnonuny You must swim here. (Tunosinen nnanats tyr) He mustn't surf here, (Wlomy tyt He moxna 3aiimatuca cepipitirom.) Scanned with CamScanner + idle tate begoing to Complete the sentences with be going to and the verbs in brackets. We__cregoing tobuy _ (buy) anew laptop. 1 {help) my brother. 2 She. (live) in London. 3 You (be) famous. 4 Myneighbours (have) a party on Saturday. 5 We soon. (finish) school Rewrite the sentences with the negative form of be goingto. {fm going to sail around the world. rm not going to sail around the world, 1 We're going to meet at the cinema. 2 Lizzie is going to phone me later. 3 My friends are going to study Chinese. 4 You'te going to be late. 5 I'm going to visit my grandparents tomorrow. © Write questions with be going to. you /work/in Hollywood ? ‘Are you going to work in Hollywood? 1 your brother / play / the piano? 2 you/ miss / school tomorrow? 3 Maria / have / a birthday party? 4 your parents / buy /a bigger TV? 5 we /fly /toRome? 6 I/camp /in the forest? should | shouldn’t © complete the sentences with should or shouldn't. Ifeel tired and I've got a headache. | think | Id__liedown. 1 Henry's got a stomach ache. He ______eat any more cakes. 2 It’s my friend's birthday. phone her. +3 That child wants to cross the road. We help her. 4 The party starts at 730 pm. You be late. 5 They use the laptop every day. They sell it. 6 Ican'tunderstand you. You. speak more slowly. Order the words to make questi 6 I/acream /use/ Should /? Should use a cream? 1 study / my brother / Spanish / Should /? 2 buy/ Should / new speakers /1/? 3 we/ fly /Should / to Galicia /? 4 avet/Rachel / be/ Should /? 5 this water / Should / we / drink /? must / mustn’t © Circle the correct words. You must /(nustn’}swim after a big meal 1 In football, players must / mustn't carry the ball. 2 My teachers say | must / mustn't study every ayy. 3 That film is brilliant. You must / mustn't see it. 4 Lifeguards must / mustn't be scared of water. 5 Some nurses must / mustn't work a lot of hours. 6 Most students must / mustn't wear a school uniform in the UK. “aware prosremecesene eet LENE Scanned with CamScanner Unit 7 Grammar Reterence will | won't (CELA NAD TTY ATCT Koparki Bianoni, Fil. go to town won't go to town, Will} go to town? Yes, will, He/She/It'ligototown. |He/She/Itwon't goto | Willhe/she/it goto town? | No, he won't, town. “al: We /You/ They'll go to town. | We won't go to town, _| Will we go to town? Yes, we wil + nut suKoputctonyemo will / won't ta indinirs Ges MACTRH to, WOG HiICnOBNIOBATH MpHNyUIeHA Ha mainGyrne | will have a fot of children, (GF maninay Garato aireit) + 3anepeuna opm: won't (will not) She won't live in Australia (Bona He mitame 6 ABcrpanii) + nurransity bopmy yreopioemo 3a RonoMoroN will + iamer + indinirie Ges wacrw to Will we buy a big house? (Mu xynimo Benin ByqMHoK?) + y KoporKnx BianosinAx indinirHe He noBTopIoEMo Yes, we will./ No, we won't. (Tax. / Hi) ‘Yes, we will buy-/No-wewon't buy. X + wo6 excnoaurrn npunyulenna a6o anoragKn, acto BnKopicrosyemo supasn | think (aysaie), 1 expect (ovixyro,pospaxosyo), guess (raat), I think he'll be famous. (Aymavo, sis Gyne Binomnm) {I guess they'll get married. (Tenato, som onpyxatecA.) + a will wacto suKopHcroayemo Taki BMpasn “acy: ‘one day (onnoro Ala), one day soon (waliGmuoKunM ‘wacom, soon (we3a6apom), tomorrow (3aBrpa), ‘next year (wactynioro poy), when Im older (kona A.crany crapuiny), when I finish school (kon 8 axineay wrony). 111 buy a car when Ym 30. (AKynn anro, Kona meni sxnonn tHcA 30) Helllgo to university next year. (Bin scrynate no ynivepenrery nacryrmoro poxy) + cannixonn He mannaetecn 3 will / won't, Lo6 ronopitta npo momnunicte y manGytnvomy, anxopncronyinte vill won't + beable to Hell be able to learn French in Canada d (Bint amore onmnsunrn gpamuyanny mony 0 K Heiltcan learn French in Canada, First conditional /Yrnosue pesenny nepwioro Tuny If get a good job, AkwJo n oTpumato rapHy I'll buy a house, A Kyninio 6yqMHoK. pobory, Ihe practises, he'll be better. AIKuyo Bite Bin crane (6yne) apenyearumerscn, | kpauuan Ifwe study, we'll pass the exam, Mn exnagemoicnit. if get married. KUO ORDYKYCA. ithe practises Akujo mit BuNTHMeMocA, Ihave children Amatamy nied He'll be famous Bix crate sinomun AKWO TpeHyeaTHMeTbER We'll geta job ifwe study. Mu otpumacmo poory | Akwo HaBuaTHMeMocn. + mi sxxneaemo first conditional, wo6 rosopirra npo Moxnui cuTyayii 8 MaiGyTHboMy Ta bei Hacnigir + Wo6 yreopita first conditional, suxopucrosyeno: if-+ niger + present simple (ana ciryauii) nigmer+ will/ wont + indininas Ges to (ana nacnins) If get a good job, ll buy a house. (Gxwo n orpnimaio rapry poBory, a Kyrie 6yaiHox) + AKO yMoBa cToire Ha nepuiomy micui, norpi6Ha koma Ifyou practise, you'll get better (Axuyo TH tpenyaarumewes, rH cnpasituice Kpauie! + Kony He craniiMto, Akwyo Ha nepwomy mic CrOITE acninok 111 be happy if} pass my exams. (A 6yay wacnuonin, AKuIO cknapy ienwTH) [Pe racers cia meme ee ed Scanned with CamScanner ee\uiield elas will [won't complete the sentences with will and the verbs in brackets. 1_ibe older. 1 Mysister 21____(get) married when tm 30. 3 You_____ (feel) tired tomorrow (be) an architect when I'm (arrive) home soon, morning. 4 Jack, (play) the guitar in a famous band one day. 5 We (eat) pasta in Italy. @ write sentences with won't, we /have/ a good time / at the beach. We won't have a good time at the beach, 1 I/be/a teacher. 2 my best friend / go / to the disco. 3 you /fail / your exams. First conditional © Circle the correct words. Ii(Gain9)/‘ rain tomorrow, Hl stay at home. 1 Ifyou pass your exams, you are /‘Il be happy. 2 You see /' see Sarah if you come to the party tonight. 3 Ifwe leave / ‘Il leave now, we'll get there in. time. 4 Your parents willbe happy if you cook / ‘cook dinner. 5 [James phones us, we meet /‘ll meet him in town. © write sentences with the first conditional. if/ Mike /fail/ his exams / his dad / be / angry. If Mike fails his exams, his dad will be angry. 1 our teacher / be / happy /if/ we / tidy / our desks. 2 if/the sun / shine / we / go / to the lake. 4 your cousin /like / the film. © Look at the information in the table. Write questions with will and short answers. Jessi Tord Peiuaid motorbike _| fast car -ycle Cl Panis London _ | Hollywood ) Jessica / drive /a fast car? Wil Jessica drive a fast car? No, she wont. 1 Tom /live /in London? 2 Sam and Jo/ ride / motorbikes? 3 Jessica /live / Paris? ian | 3 if / Mum / not come / home soon /1/ cook / dinner. 4 we /cross/ the Atlantic /if / we / sail /to New York. 5 I/not have / a good time / if / my friends / not be /at the party. Scanned with CamScanner Unit 8 Grammar Reference Present perfect / Tenepimniit RoKonanuii vac (CELT LETTE LTE SPSTH I've visited the 200. Thaven'tvisited the zoo. __| Have I visited the zoo? Yes, have. He/She /It’svisited the |He/She/Ithasn'tvisited | Hashe/she/itvisitedthe — | No, she hasnt 200. the zoo. 2007 We've visited the zoo. _ | We haven’tvisited the zoo._| Have we visited the zoo? __| Yes, we have, You've visited the 200. _| You haven't visited the zoo. _| Have you visited the zoo?_| No, you haven't They've visited the zoo._| They haven't visited the zoo. | Have they visited the zoo? _| Yes, they have, + mit exiteaemo present perfect, rosopAyH NPO + y nurTaHiinx inkOnM BHKOPACTOByEMO ever (konnc) ‘neiuja a60 ni B MHynOMy, KON MM He BKasyEMO y 3HaveHHi‘kona-He6yAb y «HTT (260 He sHaemo) rouNnii Hac Have you ever seen a penguin? + cteepmrysanbiy dopmy yrBopioeMo 3a (Tit konnce Gans nixirsina?) ‘Ronomorow have / has + past participle (rpeta Has he ever ridden an elephant? opma piecnosa) (4iviaqne Bit konnice Ha cnoni?) Ihave organised a competition. (Ropravisyoan smarantin) He has tried a new organic shampoo. npasunbuvx piccnic i cnpoGysas HoBuih HaTypanbHMh wannyHe,) + Tpeta dopma npasunbiix niecnia mae saKinvenha -ed visit visited + Tpeta dopma HenpasunbHux Alecnis yreopoereca no-pishomy (kopuctyiireca TaGnnyero HenpasuinbHix, Book) + y craepmryeanbinx peveHHax inkonH BxKUBaEMO always (san) i never (wikon) Ive always recycled glass. (A 3aexqu sianazana cKno Ha nosTopHy nepeposiy.) He's never used plastic bags. (Gin Hixonu He Kopuctysascn nacruKosimn + no Ginewocri piecnis Rojacmo -ed want—> wanted + po plecnis, ani aaKinuyiorica Ha -e, Aonaemo-d like liked + yalecnosax, aki saKinsyioteca Ha npuronocky +), onycraemo -y Ta nonaemo ied ‘chi Ha crop. 120,y Student's Study 3S Sudled + yniecnosax, aki saxinuyiorbca Ha Haronoweny ronocHy + npnronochy (Kpim w, xTa Y), nonpoioeMo kinyesy npHronocny i Aonaemo -ed stop stopped, permit—> permitted naxerami) + zanepeuny dopmy yreopioeMo 3a AonoMoro10 haven't (have not) a6o hasn't (has not) + past participle They haven't seen a tiger. (BOHN He Gawann Turpa.) + nuranbny bopmy yrsopremo 3a nonomorow have/has + niguser + past participle Have you seen a tiger? (Bu Gauanu Turpa?) + yKoporkin pinnosinnx past participle ne nostopiocMo Yes, Ihave. /No,thaven't. 7 Yes; thave seen-/Ho, haven't seen: X Wann sneer! MEE a Scanned with CamScanner \ present perfect Write the past participle form of the regular ‘and irregular verbs. organised see seen organise t } | 1 play 2 open _ 4 have 5 choose 6 try 7 read | 8 become Write sentences with the affirmative form of the present perfect. 1/read /a brilliant book. aa Ihave read a brilliant book. 1 myuncle and aunt / open /a hotel. 2 I/meet / several famous people. 3 we/ have /fish for lunch. 4-he/ arrive / early for the match. 5 you / become / very tall. © Rewrite the sentences with the negative form of the present perfect. I've seen this film. haven't seen this film. 1 My uncle has sailed around the world. 2 te finished this exercise. oe 3 Dan has boughta laptop. a 4 We've reduced our waste. ee 5 My neighbours have rebuilt their house. 6 We've stopped using plastic bags. ST} Ne a © order the words to make questions. Then write short answers. you/ Have /ever / a motorbike / ridden /? (no) Have you ever ridden a motorbike? _ No, havent surfing / you / Have / tried / ever /? (yes) 2 swum /in the sea/ Has / ever / your dad /? (no) 3. we/Have/ Chinese food / ever / eaten /? (yes) 4 she/ met / your cousin / ever / Has /? (yes) 5 visited / New York / Have/ ever / your friends / ? (no) Complete the sentences and questions with ever or never. ve __never___ played the trumpet. 1 Have they swum in a lake? 2 My grandma has driven acar. 3 Hashe played rugby? 4 She's ridden an elephant but she's ridden a camel. 5 Has your teacher, inclass? been angry Correct the errors in the red words. Our new teacher has study architecture. irnew teacher has studied architecture, 1 Thas eaten all the biscuits. in the sea? 2. You never swul 3 She not finished her dinner. 4 Have you never visited Paris? Scanned with CamScanner Ornag uacin: renepiuni i munyni vac Tn TE ETE PT Fay [ech They roll the dice, | fm moving my Iwas the fist game. | They were playing counter, cards, She isn’t winning, He doesn't play che Do youlike chess? ernrerernn ‘are you playing? | Did they invent chess? | What were you doing? Tee + Mi BmaanaeMo present simple, 1106 onuicaTu 3BnUHi i noBTOproBaNi fll | play board games with my friends on Saturdays. (A rpato # MactinbMl irp 3 apy3atan wocy6orn) + 11 uxanaeno present continuous, 06 onncata ll, winByea¥orbcn came 30pa3_ We're playing Monopoly now. Kyra is winning. (3apa3 tan rpaemo #’Monononiio: Kipa neperarac,) + Mu exitpaemo past simple, 1406 onncaTH sanepwieni pli a6o curyaui 6 MMHynoMy We played board games last Saturday and | won. (Mu rpan # HacrinwHi ifp munynot cyGoru, 1A eurpae,) + mu exanaeMo past continuous, wo6 onucari pli, ski sin6yBanuica B NeBHI MOMeHT Yacy B MAnHynoNy We were playing chess at 7.30 pm. (O 7.30 weopa rau rpanu o wax.) ‘+ MM ouKopuctoByemo When (KonH) 3aznHuali nepen past simple, a while (nig Hac Toro AK) ~nepep past continuous When our teacher arrived, we were playing chess. (Konu npuiiwios Ha BunTent, tan panne wax) While we were playing chess, our teacher arrived, (Nin 4ac Toro Ak mu rpani e waxn, NpwiWoe Haw BUTE) Ornap uacis: opm maiGytHboro yacy That Te Ey {Lehi 13):000 She's having a party. I'm going to play chess. We'll win the game. STITT rm not playing tennis He isn’t going to play ludo. We won't cheat. Is she having a party? ‘Are you going to play? Will you win or lose? *+ 3 present continuous rosopumo npo eusHaveni nnann i acto BHKOPHCTOByEMO BHpasM MalIGyTHbOrO We're meeting at six o'clock tonight. (Mm sycrpivacmoca cboronni 0 wocTid sevopa,) will / won't + aiecnoBo suKopuctosyerbcn A/a BHCROBNeHHA NporHosie i nepenGaueHb When Im 30,1 travel around the world. (Kon meni ennosHreca 30, 9 3pliicHio nopopox HasKono ceiry) be going to + niccnoso enkopncroayeTeca Ann eucnosneHia KaMipis y MaiGyrHvoMy fm going to visit my grandparents in the summer holidays. (A a6upavocn bi vanirynax) insinarn ceoix pinyca i 6a6ycio wa nireic Bupasu yacy 2aneno ein wacovol hopmn piecnoea enkopmcrosytorecn pi3hi supasu acy 3 Tenepiwniwn vacann sa3emuai suKopucroBycMo Taki aupaan, ‘at the moment (y yeh moment, 3apa3) We always study hard. (Nw sauxsun ewwmoca crapanno,) You are reading a good book at the moment. (Ti 3apa3 swracws xopouwy KHiDKKy,) 2 mnnynunan sacaén owKOpuCToByeMO TaKi BUpaan, AK-OF in 2005 (y 2005 pou), yesterday (euopa), last week (iannynoro tana) 1a five years ago (r‘ntb poxis Tomy). ‘My teacher was born in 1982. (Mi auuTens Haponmeca y 1982 pout.) | went to the cinema yesterday. (A xopine y Kio Buopa,) They played football last week. (Bonn rpanu 8 $yy1Gon munynoro THKHA) 3 popmamn mai6ytHvoro Hacy aMKopncroByeMo Taki Buy ‘Ta next year (HactynHoro poxy) Fm meeting my friend tomorrow. (A sycrpinaiocn 3 nonpyrow 3aetpa.) They're going to go to France next year. (Bown 6upaiorsca noixatu no Opanul wacrynHoro poKy) REET ‘8K-OT always (saB%«aM), never (HikonH) Ta 1pa3H, AK-OT fomorrow (saBrpa), later (niauiwie) sr uueLMneLatte: ‘ f Tense review: present and past © Circle the correct words. tenses 1Gon)/ win a competition yesterday. Write sentences with the present simple or 1 Zoe is / was riding her sister's bike at the present continuous. moment. we / always / play / cards on Christmas Day. 2 Iwas sitting in class when my phone rang/ _We always play cards on Christmas Day, _ rings. 1 my teacher / use /her laptop in class / twice a 3: My parents get / got marted in 1997. eer 4 I's lovely today. The sun is / was shining. 5 They are / were making a cake when we arrived. 2 Sam /listen / to music /at the moment, 3 we /not lose the match / today. Tense review: future tenses rcle the correct words. n people / visit / London / |... pizza at Rosa’s house tor a) having _b) have 1 Thope we... ee Times Square in New York. © complete the sentences with the past simple a) will b) are ©) going to or past continuous form of the verbs in 2 They... going to stay ata campsite. beacheey ajbe —b) don't_ =e) arent ‘730 am the sun_was shining 3 Mysister... amarathon next week. (shine). a) runs) isrunning _¢) isgoingrun 1 (sit) on the 4 1. late tomorrow. teacher's chair when she came in. a) wontbe b) wont —_«) wontttobe 2 Tima teacher. He 5 I think he ... win the match tomorrow. (study) maths at university. a) will by won't —_&) isgoing 3 Shewas rolling a dice when it (fall) onthefloo. © Time expressions 4 We (play) football ‘when we saw my aunt. © order the words to make questions. n-2009 last year nextyear often today tomorrow _ yesterday © complete the table with the words in the box. did / you / What /for dinner / yesterday / have /? What did you have for dinner yesterday? 1 listening / Are /to me / you /? 2 carrying / Were / when / saw / you/ you/ books /1/? 3 you/Why / are / me / following /? 4 recycle/ you/ do/ paper / How often /? Scanned with CamScanner dE trl kt dA Film types i action / horror / war action / western adventure / romantic comedy science-fiction / thriller adventure / fantasy animated / comedy TV programmes game show reality show soap opera sports programme the news © write the fim types.then order the missing ©) Look at the code. Write the TV programmes. parties 32 Me ARs mvYaSety NOEL 120345 67 8 9 011 12 13) foe TOR a bed ae phe eee mete ha 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2) 3h_orr [io ive rai tue wg ihsek 140186161361 ea 2:18+5+1412+9+20-25 19+8+15+23 3:7+1+13+5 19+8-15+23 A 19-15-1616 15+16+5+18-1 5 3-8+1-20 19-8+15+23 6 20-845 1445-23-19 ! 5 ani_ate Meas bulary Referen | build 7" camp find fish look for sleep | Feelings ° Sava 84 | bored embarrassed excited jealous nervous ® mas lhw © scared surprised tired worried >... the word maze. You can go up or down, @) Order the letters to make outdoor activity and left or right. Find and write outdoor words. Then follow the lines to complete the : sentences. udlib- Phe olokrof oe lepes hist Last ES Marvin ame keih: m iatle Daniel 1 Phoebe is planning to a shelter and inthe mountains. 2 Marvin wants to. in the river, and dinner for his family 3 Lucy is planning to a ‘mountain and inatent, 4 Daniel wants to 10km and. Scanned with CamScanner Unit 3 Vocabulary Ri i Travel verbs Suwte=- arrive discover drive explore fly | ms & = ride sail Natural disasters E wns aes drought earthquake casas hurricane landstide tornado tsunami volcanic eruption © Find 11 travel verbs. © order the letters to make words and complete the _€) Write and order the letters in the same sentences. colour squares and order to make words. 1 When you get toa place, you (reriav) 2 When you find something new, you (vercosid) a it. 3 Youcan (veird) a car, but not a bike, fe 4 When you travel around a new place, you (pxolere) eta it 5 When a plane leaves the ground, it ekats fof) 6 Youcan (edri) a bike, but not a car. 7 You can (ndal) aplane, but nota 7 bike or a car. 1 8 When you (viarte) around the | world, you return to the place where you started! Scanned with CamScanner MCA LOL Wate ney Character adjectives brave cheerful lazy loyal selfish Verbs of movement stubborn tft move pull @ Follow the chain and write the character push sit stand @© Find 13 verbs of movement from the adjectives. wordsquare. {Sheet yy 9a Finish altlelalolwiulc[m[c cje ClJ{RI IR Bit iR| slo his Alulelrfo[e|t[olws en a aim[M[c[PlPluls|H|T e | w Riplolelale[e|s|pla ' yielv{vialely[ife[n a virjels|t[i|F{tlolo clefulc[e[nie[nfale © complete the verbs of movement. Then order the missing letters to find the mystery word. Vif 4m_ve Betit 6 __tand Scanned with CamScanner borrow = save sell spend swap win Computer equipment | ' o | | desktop flash drive keyboard laptop. memory card mouse ei J 4 oF _ J | _ - J and printer scanner screen speakers webcam © order the letters to make money words. Then) Look at the code, What's in the office? Write follow the lines to complete the sentences. the answers, woborr a as 67 Be NB] Clare Hom jae pen a nare 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 4 25 vere: Louis pwsa uyb = a lest i ESE Hamish eavs 1 Harish wants to his football shirt, oF. itfora new one, 2 Clareneeds to some money to her lunch. 3 Louis wants to some money to___anew bike, 4 Freya wants to some money to ‘on holiday. Scanned with CamScanner or ee p ieee cell Baten bas Tr) 7. i; use police officer sportsperson surgeon teacher Health problems and first aid sore throat temperature stomach ache (feel) sick ‘Write the missing letters to find the mystery © Find 10 health problems in the wordsquare. word. a : cg nsiean M[E[A[R[A[C]HieE|G|F|T BN ce 6 tices alolcle(tjolelHlolsle 3m__chanic PUEM LE LO. SLES LA eae ee n{Rlo|tle|t [Nis |o[m)e 5 _urgeon s|tlo|mlalc[HlalclHle _ Gelectr__cian EL UITIN|C}UlT/tjUleIR Tact_+ clalcin{slwialticly|a tT{slolrie|t|H[Riolalr| BlelulwirlolFls|ulviu rifeleluletR{i[Nfolr[r T(N{H[e[AlolalciHle|e| elsfele[tialclo|u|s|r Life events be born buya house learntodrive leavehome —_—leaveschool _start school Musical instruments acoustic guitar drums electric guitar flute keyboards piano saxophone ‘tambourine ‘trumpet violin © write every second letter to make life events. 1 risemaeviey srcphoouox! 4 wiheaazrun btio adrrsiyvie 2 agreyt ba rjaopb 5 Igeo atso purnsidviesrrseiltpy 3 sbmuky la shroqursve Read the descriptions. Then match the musical instruments with the correct boys. * The boy with fair hair doesnt play the keyboards, '* Aboy with dark hair plays the electric guitar. ‘* Mark doesn't play the saxophone. ‘Stan plays the saxophone or the drums. The boy who plays drums hasnt got dark hair + Adam doesn't play the guitar. __* Josiah doesn't play the saxophone or keyboards. drums: electric guitar: Scanned with CamScanner cotton ‘a © i; / rs: 3 | gjass/iar metal/can paper/bag plastic Endangered animals leopard rhinoceros snake turtle Which recycling bins do the objects go in? @© Read the clues and write the endangered Solve the puzzle and complete the sentences. animals. 1 The biue bin s for 1 This animal lives in the Arctic. and ; 2 This animal looks like a tortoise and lives 2 The yellow bins for water. and 3 This animalis grey and has got ahorn, : a The green bin for 4 This animal hasn't got legs and lives in grass and trees. 5 This animal lives in water and is very intelligent. 6 This animal lives in China andis black and white. 7 This animal has gota long trunk, Scanned with CamScanner beat give up guess 5m ee land miss a turn moveacounter roll the dice aquarium art gallery campsite castle cathedral fishing port market monument —_ safari park statue town square water park ind ten verbs and phrases connected with playing games. © Look at the code. Write the words to complete the rules. © Follow the word maze. You can go 689 aI, up or down, and left or right. Find e fa hi jk tm and write places to visit. 16 17 18 19 20 7 22 2 24 25 26) RULES Each player''18-15-12-12-19 20.8.5 4.9+3-5, The player with the highest number starts the game. The players 13415-2245 20-85-9618 3-15+21-14+20-5+18-19 ‘round the squares on the board. Ifyou land on a red square, you °13-9-19+19 1 20+21+18+14.If you land on a green square, you must answer the question. Ifyou don't know the answer, you an 7-21+5+19+19, You mustrit 3 «8-5-1 20! The fist person 1012+ 114-4 0n Finishis the winner. Scanned with CamScanner From Hollywood to Bollywood {vere do top movies (movie is American English for fim) ihe Xan and Prats ofthe Caribbean conve from? Th unl come fom Hollywood ~ the film capital ofthe Ci eae ta gti Bley ass HO LLYWO oD infollywood: there are several cinemas on Hollywood Boulevard. Bue is difficult co find a famous Hollywood because film stars don ave very lange houses in Beverly Hills, canstneer nthe other side ofthe world, Mumbai is Indi’ film capital film industry, oF Bollywood; makes about 1,000 films a year and about 14 million people gotothecinema to watch these films every day in India. The nickname Bollywood ‘comes from the city of Bombay (which is now called Mumbai) and Hollywood. Bollywood films are usually musicals with alot of dancing and romance. @ read the text and answer the questions. © Answer the questions. 1 Where is Hollywood? 1 How many films are made in Hollywood each year? 2 Where is Bollywood? 2 Why sit difficult to find a movie star in Hollywood? © B Read again and listen. Then find these words in the text. Complete the sentences with the correct words. 3 How many films are made in Bollywood each year? [fimstar nickname studio top (adj) 4 What kinds of films do Bollywood film ‘A_nickname _ is aninformal name. ees 1 Something is___whenitis very popular, or the best. 2A is a place where films are Listening made. 3A isa very famous actor. £2) Listen to a programme about Nigerian films. Circle T (true) or F (false). 1 Nigeria makes more films than the USA TF 2 Alot of people in Nigeria go tothe cinema, TE 3 You can't watch Nigerian films in Europe. TF 4 Nigerian films are usually musicals. T/F Scanned with CamScanner CEI (Careaverirccanaauscenino THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH’S AWARD ‘Tho Doke of Edinburgh's Award iso charity thot gives ewards to young people who ‘omplete 0 programme of diferent etnies. But the young people need to ry new ‘vies thy cont just stot home onthe sofa and wath TV! At of young people in the UK — eraund 250,000 — are doing programme ot the moment. There are ‘three levels of award: Bronze, Silver and Gold. Most people begin by doing the Bronze programme. The Bronze programme has got four sedions: Volunteering, Physica, Skill and Expedition. You can design your own programme, For example, Melly is very interested in nimals and photography. Lost year she did a photography curse and she learned about digital imoges (Skis). At the moment she's helping in on animal hospital on Fridoy afternoon (Volunteering) Molly doesn ike sports very much but she loves dancing, she goes to jazz dance clases tice a week (Physical). © Read the text and answer the questions. | 1. Whatis the Duke of Edinburgh's Award? 2 Would you like to do it? Read again and listen. Then find verbs Listening 1-4 in the text and match them with houns ad sten to Ben talking about the Duke of 1 give Byte Cast Edinburgh's Award. Circle the correct 2ty ae b) anew activity words, 3 do ©) anaward 1 Bens doing the Duke of Edinburghs 490 d) acourse Bronze / Silver Award. BD) cre tevai oc teh 2 For the Physical section, Ben is learning 5 rugby / American football. | The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is for 3 For the Skills section, Ben is learning | older people. B) camping / cooking. | 1 The charity wants young people to 4 For the Expedition section, Ben is planning watch more TV. TF camping trip to Wales / Spain. | 2 The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is very popular. TF 3 Everyone does exactly the same programme of activities. TF 4 Molly is doing a photography course at the moment. TF 5 Molly doesn't like working with animals. T/F Scanned with CamScanner The Great Fire of London ‘atabout midnight, on 2nd September 1666, a fie started in a baker's shop on Pudding Lane, were made of wood and it was very windy, ‘The fire quickly spread from house to house ‘nd became enormous. Most people survived ‘ut they couldn't save their houses. This was because the houses were very near each other and also because people only had buckets of water, After four days, the fire stopped when it got to an area with no buildings, © Read the text. Number the pictures in the correct order. @ BB read again and listen. Then find words 1-4in the text and match them definitions a-d. 1 spread a’ 2 enormous 3 bucket 4 the plague a) to cover alarger area bya serious disease that passes quickly from person to person or animals to people ) a container used for carrying water very big in the city of London. The buildings in London On the positive The people of London lost nearly 80% of their City, including homes, churches and Jand, side, the fire also killed many of the rats which were carrying the plague. After the fire, Londoners rebuilt their city with. wide streets and strong buildings, and they constructed a 61m-high monument to the fire. Today, visitors to London can visit The Monument and see over the city of London. © circte the correct words. The Great Fire of London(Gegan) finished in a shop where they sold bread. 1 People could / couldn't stop the fire. 2 The fire ended on 4th / Sth September. 3 There was / wasn’t a good thing about the fire. 4 After the fire, they built London in the same / adifferent way. 5 The monument to the fire exists / doesn’t exist now. Listening @ED isten to. programme about the Great ~ Fire of Rome. Circle T (true) or F (false). 1 The Great Fire of Rome was in64BC. T/F 2 Thefire probably startedinashop. —T/F 3 The fire stopped after seven days. TF 4 The fire destroyed 14 districts. TE Scanned with CamScanner Cultures Reading aitistening William Shakespeare and Macheth Shakespeare is famous for his plays and his poems, He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in. 1564, and later he lived in London, His plays first appeared in London theatres in the 1590s. Romeo and Hamlet and Macbeth are some of Shakespeare’ popwiar plays. ‘There are films, operas, novels and comic books based on Shakespeare's play Macbetd. It's about a Scottish army general who Kills some people to become the King of Scotland. "The villains are probably more famous than the heroes in this play. This is the story One day; Macbeth and his fiend Banquo were returning from war, when they met three cruel witches, ‘These witches told Macbeth that he could be king. Macheth’s wife, Lady Macbeth, was happy to hear this news. She decided that they needed to kill King Duncan. Macbeth killed Duncan and he became King of Scotland. But Macbeth felt bad. He had nightmares and saw ghosts In the end, he killed his loyal best friend Banquo, and then both Macbeth and his wife died. People read Macbeth all over the world in many different languages and many of the quotations from the play are famous. @ Read the text. Complete the sentences with © Answerthe questions. the names in the box. 1 What is William Shakespeare famous for? [Duncan Wiliam Shakespeare | Banquo Lady Macbeth Macbeth 2 Who did Macbeth meet while he was returning with Banquo? William Shakespeare _ was a writer. 1 was in the army. 3 Who decided that they needed to kill the was Macbeth's best King of Scotland? friend. 3 was Macbeth’s wife. 4 What happened in the end? 4 was the king of Scotland. QP readagain andiisten.thencirclethe ‘Listening correct words. — © PP uistento the story of Romeo and Juliet Alplay)/ poem isa story which you can watch Circle T (true) or F (false). | ina theatre, 1 The Capulet and Montague families 1 Aln) army general / king isa soldier who waetieit Te leads other men in a war. 2 Romeo and Juliet met ata party. we 2 Ahero /villain is a bad person ina play, film, 3 Romeoleft the city afterthe wedding. T/F book, etc. 4 Romeo killed Julie. uy 3 Awitch / wife is a woman who can do magic. 4 Nightmares / Ghosts are bad dream: — | Scanned with CamScanner Collecting collecting is one of the best ~ and aldest ~ hobbies in the world, and it's very popular in English-speaking countries. Children like collecting because they feel happy when they finish their collection of football cards, of when they get an unusual coin, Adults like it because they can forget work and stress. It also helps them remember special times, for example if they collect postcards from holidays, memorabilia or concert T-shirts. Some teenagers like stamp-collecting or bird-watching. But if you want a more original, cheaper collection, here are some of the strangest ideas from the UK and the USA. @ Read the text. Tick (V) the collections that Chocolate wrappei One woman in the USA collects the Papers from chocolate bars and sweets. She's got around 100,000! “+ Banana stickers Another woman from the USA collects adhesive labels from bananas. She's got ‘more than 10,000! Sugar packets Do you collect sugar packets? Yes? Then you are a sucrologist, and there are a lot of clubs in Britain where you can meet other sucrologists.. ‘Trainers Some people collect old trainers. There are a lot of them in the UK and the USA, and some people have more than 250 pairs of old trainers. @© circle (true) or F (false). iKmentions) Collecting is an old hobby. stamps stickers 1 Collectingis very popularin the USA. T/F coins cars 2 Adults and children like collecting postcards banana labels forthe same reasons. TF souvenirs shoes 3. An American woman collects adhesive toy trains football cards labels from different kinds offi. TF 4 "Sucrologists collect trainers. TE @ P read again and listen. Then find words 1-4 in the text and match them with definitions a-d. 1 unusual c 2 memorabilia 3 adhesive label 4 packet @) a small piece of sticky paper with pictures or words on it b)the outside paper on a product ©) different, not normal A)objects made to remember a person or event 5 There's a club for sucrologists in Britain. T/F Listening © AD tisten to izzy talk about her collection. Circle the correct words. 1 Izzy collects posteards / teddy bears. 2 People who collect teddy bears are bearphiles / arctophiles. 3 Izzy has got more than 500 / 7,000 teddy bears. 4 The biggest teddy bear collection in the world belongs to a(n) British / American woman, Scanned with CamScanner Culture: Heroes are people who help other people, for ‘example, nurses, lifeguards or fre fighters, But Not al heroes are people. We shouldn't forget animals, especially dogs. They can be heroes too. There are police dogs, mountain-rescue dogs and airport security dogs. But perhaps the ‘Most important working dogs are guide dogs for the bind. Blind people can't see, 80 their lives are more difficult, but in 1916, the German army had a great idea - dogs can help! This idea came to Eritain in 1931, and now | there are a lot of dogs working with Britain's biind people. | @ucwe ce ee facts 1-5 in the Fact File, a) How do people help? 5 b) How many guide dogs are there? ) How many people help? dd) How much does a guide dog's owner pay? ) What kinds of dogs work as quide dogs? y @ @ Feadagain and listen. then match the numbers with the things in the text they describe. 11916~, a) Howmmany guide dogs there Ble are in Britain, 2 60 b) The year people first had the idea for quide dogs. 34500) Howmuchmoneya guide dog needs. 4 10,000 d) How many cents a blind person pays fora guide dog. 5 €50,000 _ e) How many volunteers work with guide dogs. Readngistenng Fact File 1 A guide dog is the best help for a bina person. Guide dogs arent ee, but they aren, expensive for the owner. Most blind people pay about 50p (60 cents) forthe guide dog, 2 Most British guide dogs are Labradors or Retrievers, but there are also some German Shepherd dogs. 3 There are about 4,500 guide dogs in Britain, and they usually work for six or seven years, After that, they stop and live a normal ite, 4 There are 10,000 volunteers helping British guide dogs. They look atter the puppies fits dogs) and they train the dogs. 5 People in Britain organize a lot of events to collect money for guide dogs. The money ays for f00d, vets and other things. One dog needs about €50,000. Sometimes schools ‘adopt’ a dog and collect money for it © Circle the correct words. 1 The police / Lifeguards use dogs to help then 2 The original guide dog idea came from Germany / Britain. 3 Guide dogs are only for the rich /for anyone. 4 The people who train guide dogs don't get paid / earn money. 5 School children sometimes work with / help Pay for guide dogs. Listening © B Listen to.a programme about how anima can help us. Circle T (tue) oF (alse). 1 Animals aren't helpful. Ww 2 Onlydogs andhorses doimportant. —_| jobs. tr 3 InChina the police are using birds tohelp them. 4 Goats are working inside San Francisco airport. tt _____ el Scanned with CamScanner ‘school in England and Scotland England and Scotland are next to each othe, but education igvery ifferent in each county. ‘compulsory education in England starts at age five and nds at age 17. It students want to stay at schoo, they study in Sixth Form and leave when they're 18, Students can also choose to go t0 a college until they are 17, Since 2015, In Scotland, children start school between the ages af ai students must stayin education until they are 18 {our and five, and education is compulsory until 15 oF 16 Ineach class, the oldest students birthday is in Students can also continue for two years, especially if they ‘eptember, and the youngest one’s is in August. This want to go to university follows the school year from early September until ate July. The oldest students in a class have birthdays in March, Students take GCSES, their most important secondary and the youngest ones in February. The school year starts, school exams, at 16. Students who want to go to university" August and ends in June or early July. myst stay at school and study for A-level exams. The most important exams in Scotland are Standard and Intermediate Grade exams (you take them at 15 or 16), and Highers. Students take Highers at 17 or 18, and they usually study five subjects. Nast students study three or four subjects at A-evel and take the exams when they're 18. If you pass your A-levels, ul be able to go to university @ Read the text and answer the questions. © Circte (true) of F (false). 1 Atwhat age do children start primary schoo! if you live in England, you must in England? stay at school until you're 18. 1 English schoolchildren are on 2 At what age do children start primary school holiday in August. TIF in Scotland? 2 In Scotland, students can leave school at 15. TIF @© B read again and listen. Then complete the 2 tyes pricey March Ye cabiay ge be one of the youngest in your ae lass in Scotland, TF England _| Scotland ‘oldeststudents September Listening +1 @ BA tisten toa programme about education inthe USA. Complete the sentences with the missing number. take at age 16 number of subjects | “students study at | 1 Inthe USA, compulsory education starts at fageta soe |e esl age__. Feanw adden 2 Elementary school is for__ years. need for university 3 High school starts when children are 2 4 Most students stay at school until the age of Scanned with CamScanner National Parks in the USA ‘There are many counties with National Parks, like Britain, Spain, Kenya and South Africa. But some of the most famous National Parks are in the USA and they are an important part of the country’s identity. They are naturally beautiftll places, or places with historical importance and they are protected from industry and construction. They are also very popular places for camping and outdoor sports. Around 285 million people visit the parks every year. That’s a lot of people! ‘The USA's first National Park was Yellowstone Park. It has been a park since 1872, and is in the northwest, in Wyoming, Idaho and Montana. It is famous for its geysers, canyon, and animals like wolves, bison and bears. ‘The biggest American National Park is the Wrangell-St Elias Park in southeast Alaska. It is 53,321km? and there are old volcanoes, glaciers, rivers and only two roads. You should if you like being alone! Probably the most famous National Park is the Grand Canyon in Arizona. It is 446km Jong and about 1.6km high. It is incredibly beautiful, especially when the sun is going down. Itis the home to 1,500 different kinds of plants, which are all protected. There are also a lot of animals and birds like snakes and eagles. @ Read the text. Choose the correct state. Yellowstone Park: California / Montana Wrangell-St Elias Park: Alaska / Arizona Grand Canyon: Arizona / California Read again and listen. Then find words for these things in the text: a) the four compass points b)four birds and animals © four natural features © which park do the sentences describe? Listening Write (Yellowstone), W (Wrangell-St Elias) ‘ or G (Grand Canyon). eg Usten oa programme about national parks in Australia, Circle T (true) or This park was the first National Park F(false). he USA. ¥ nese cia aincatinne 1 There are five national parks in Australia. T/F senciwentmeeipeoiaes 2 Royal National Park is a good place ‘ i TE 3 There are parts of the park in three pe see sate eee Gaon aes 3 Aboriginal people live in Kakadu : v 4 You can't take any plants home from petonal Pat Neto: 4 Some oftherockart paintings there i TW 5 You can see a lot of ice and old mountains. ergeo nul Yeats ota Scanned with CamScanner HAMLEYS 250 years ag0, William Hamley was a boy who had a dream, William was from Cornwall in the southwest of England. Most boys in Cornwall in the seth century became miners or worked at sea, But William's dre ferent: he wanted to have the world’s best toy shop, ‘am was very dif in 1760, William's dream started to come true when he opened a shop d | caved Noah's Arkin London. The shop was very popular and i sold every eat ind of toy and game. A hundred years later, toys were more popular and William Hamley's family opened another shop in London. The name of this shop was Hamleys. Noah's Ark burnt in a fire in 1901, and bombs fell on Hamieys during World War II but they built a new shop, That shop is still there and it is now the biggest toy shop in the world. Hamleys has got seven floors, and each floor has got a category of toys. If you want a model train or a remote: control car, g0 to the fourth floor. If you want to buy something related to art, like paints or pencils, you'll find iton the third floor. The first floor is very popular because there are games like chess and other board games. There ate also science experiments, and there's even a sweet shop! Hamieys is famous around the world and it's one of London's most popular places for tourists to visit. About five million people visit every year. @ ead the text. How many buildings has © Answer the questions. Hamleys main shop been in? 1. How was William Hamley different? 2 Whi f William's first shop? @ B Read again and listen. Then find words at was the name of William's first shop? 1-Sin the text and match them with definitions a-e. 3 What destroyed Noah's Ark? 1 dream 6 2 bombs 3 model (adj) 4 remote-control (adj) 4 How many floors does Hamleys have? 5 On which floor can you find a game of chess? 5 paints a) colours you use for art Listening byan ambition or wish diesel copy of scmethin @ FP Listen to a programme about the shop Py i Liberty in London. Circle T (true) or F (false). 4) things that explode, hurt and damage people and things 1 Arthur Liberty opened his own shop ) something you can control from a distance in London in 1843, TE 2 The shop sold things from other countries. TIF 3 The shop is now in a different building to when it opened. TF 4 Liberty closed in the 1920s. TIF Scanned with CamScanner Text type: A review GERI) write a review. Follow the steps below. © ead the Model Text. Who are the important characters in the film series The Hunger Games? My favourite film is The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part | It’s an American science-fiction adventure film. The film is the third film in The Hunger Games series and follows Katniss Everde of The Hunger Games. Another important characteris Pesta n, the survivor and winner Mellark, another player in the games. Jennifer Lawrence is Ka [ really like this film because the special effects are fantasti ss and Josh Hutcherson is Peeta. © Fead the Model Text again and circle the correct words. Liam’s favourite book Afilm)is one of The Hunger Games series. 1 Itis.a(n) American / British film. 2 Katniss Everdeen is a winner / loser. © ead the Model Text again and answer the questions. What type of film is? _It.a science-fiction adventure film. 1 What isthe film about? 2 Who are the actors? 3 Why does Liam ike the film? Scanned with CamScanner Whe are the characters? What do the characters da? Ck Se eee Whe are the actors? ghia Rath SEE os BED OEE SP RPO Why de you tike the films? a SE SE ae Now use the information from Step 2 tocomplete this review. 1 My favourite film is" a film, 2 The film is about . The important character(s) is / are 8 He/She /They® The actor(s)is/ are 3 [really ike this film because” «lt’sa(n) (3 WRITE YOUR TEXT Write a review of another film. Oocrmmar Evecabulary [Jspeting Scanned with CamScanner Unit 2 Writing Guide Text type: A blog GD Write a biog, Fotiow the steps below. © ead the Moet Text. How many people is Katie with? My holiday blog Posted by Katie, 14:82 Day Three We're camping in Yellowstone Park, USA. Today, we'te hiking 1Skm around Yellowstone Lake. ‘There are five of us in the group. I'm with my American cousins, Josh and Olivia, and my uncle and aunt, My Uncle Doug loves camping, His wife, Jade, doosn't like camping but she’s here too. Atthe moment, we're sitting next to a river and ‘e fishing. Tomorrow, we're walking to Old Faithful. We want to see it because it's a very famous geyser. We're all really pleased to be here! Katie © head the Model Text again and circle T (true) or (false), Is the second day of Katie's holiday. 1 Katie is hiking around a lake. 2 Katie's aunt is called Olivia, 3 Katie's uncle doesn't like camping. 4 They‘ fishing in the river now, 5 They're walking to Old Faithful at the moment, Scanned with CamScanner ookat the notes about Ben's holiday, LL : i 14 the York: Today —hiking 20km to a ake called Malham © and dad and sister, Sara Tarn with my mum | Mum and Dad love camping-Sara likes +-aythemoment= eating linc Now use the information from Step 2 to complete this blog. Circle the correct words, My holiday blog DayTwo ee 1 Wee" __camping _in the Yorkshire Dales. Today, were a 10 a lake called Malham Tarn 2 fmwith® and my sister, Sara. My mum and dad w ‘camping. Sara likes camping, and /ut)she doesn't like « 3 Atthe moment, we're sitting next to a river “land / but we'te Tomorrow, were ®! We're all really pleased to be here! Ben “because / and my mum and dad like cities. (3 WRITE YOUR TEXT)} Write your own holiday blog. (4 CHECK YOUR TE: ‘Check your: Ostemmar [vocabulary C]speling Scanned with CamScanner @ Read the Model Text. What was Florence Nightingale's job? Florence Nightingale 1 think one of the most interesting people in history was Florence Nightingale. She was born in 1820, She became a nurse in 1844, In October 1853, the Crimean War started. Florence wanted to help the soldiers, so she travelled to the war. There were thousands of soldiers in the hospital and it was dirty. There ‘were rats and some men didatt have beds, Florence and the other nurses cleaned the hospital and helped the soldiers. She died at 12 pm on 13th August 1910. like Florence Nightingale because she ‘wanted better hospitals and training for Nina @ Read the Model Text again and cit Florence Nightingale was born in((820)/ 1844, 1 She lived and worked in the 18th / 19th century. 2. She worked in the Crimean War / First World War. © Read the Model Text again and answer the questions. Why did Florence Nightingale go to the war? She wanted to help the soldiers. 1 What was the hospital like? 2 What did the nurses do in the hospital? 3 When did Florence Nightingale 4 Why does Nina like Florence Nightingale? | Scanned with CamScanner ookat the notes about Mozart, poser and musician ‘special about him? us, could play piano and violin Now use the information from Step 2 to complete this biography of Mozart. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart || 1 {think one of the most interesting people in histon bor in 1756 fewas a” 2 Mozart was a child genius. He could play before he andhe®. 3 Ilike Mozart because Write a biography of another famous person. ‘Check your: Oocrammar vocabulary [spelling Mozart composed more than ___ concertos and symphonies. He was very famous many important European cities like Munich, Paris, London and Prague. He died ™__ What did he do? composed more than 600 operas, concertos and ‘symphonies visited many imporiant European cits (Munich, aris, London, Prague) Dieds at 1 am on 5th December 1791 Why do you like him? abrliant composer his musics very important today “Remanterd Use in before months and years. Use at before times. Use on before days and dates. | was Mozart. He was, Scanned with CamScanner One night, my friend Karyn was at home alone. She was watching a horror film ‘on TV. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. Karyn opened the door. A gitt was standing there in a blue dress. Her name was Rosemary. She told Karyn that she lived in Karyn’s house when she was a child, Her voice was strange. Then the girl walked away. Karyn was very scared. Later, Karyn’s parents came home and she told them about the girl. Karyn’s parents were surprised. They said Rosemary died in the house in 1910. In the end, Karyn discovered that it was a joke! The girl wasn't Rosemary ~ it was her sisters friend. Karyn wasn’t very pleased. ned. @© Read the Model Text again. Tick () the things that are men ahorror film 7] ablue dress a boy Karyn’s mother and father alarge creature Karyn’s friend © Read the Model Text again and circle T (true) or F (false). Karyn was watching TV. 1 She opened the door. TIF 2 Karyn saw her sister in the garden. TIF 3. Karyn's parents knew about Rosemary. TIF 4 Rosemary was Karyn's sister, TIF 5 Karyn thought the joke was very funny. Scanned with CamScanner otch the time expressions in the box with the pictues, [jatecnd_tter yenight suddenly | — Now choose the words and phrases you want to use for a narrative. "1 Where were you? ‘onthe beach 2 What happened? we saw something / we heard a noise 3 What was the noise? aperson/an animal /acar ‘4 What happened after that?-_Liam went home / Liam disappeared | 5 What was the result? the noise was Liam / the noise was Liam's brother 1 “Later (One nigh?) Iwas. camping “with my fiends Liam, Jake and Tom.®Suddenly /In the end, we Jake thought it was F Use the information above to complete this narrative. Circle the correct words. ; 2 Later /In the end, we realized that Liam wasn't there. He !We looked for him, but we couldn't find him. We were very scared. 3 "Inthe end / One night, Liam came back. His brother was with him. We discovered that it was a joke! The noise wasn't an animal —it was ™ We weren't very pleased. (3 WRITE YOUR TEXT. Write a narrative. 4 CHECK YOUR Check your: Uormmar Clvocabuiary Cspeting Scanned with CamScanner

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