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Y.E. Litani, N. Hariyanto, M. Nurdin

Department of Electrical Power Engineering,

School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40116, Indonesia
TEL&FAX : +62-22-250-0935


This paper deals with the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) mapping as a part of decision
mechanism i d n t etermining
e f o hes pconomical
g i s easibility
a f
i n S u m a t rTah. e L C O E c a l c u l a t i o n i s b a s e d o n t h e d a i l y s o l a r i r r a d i a t i o n a n d e q
configuration o t d Pf p he p esired
T c V o Lower t t lant.
e o s he alculation
d u r a t i o n o f t h e b a t t e r i e s a s s t o r a g e i n t oT ha ec ccoaul nc tu.l a t i o n r e s u l t s h o w s t h a t t h e r e a r e
variations i t L n o aheP p COEp i sf a V i S ower f a ilant s n a everal re
equipments configuration.

Keywords: Equivalent Sun Hours, Solar Irradiance, Levelized Cost of Energy

1. Introduction producer i I n w ndonesia

s e hich till
e l e c t r i c i t y c r i s i s . R e g a r d i n
S o l a r p o w ie s r i g n e c nelectricity
r e e r a a is tSe i do nns umatra,
p g olar ower
continuously to provide the growing demand become a solution considering that Indonesia
of e lectricity.
Based o t dn o he fata has abundant solar irradiation.
btained rom
t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l E n e r g y A g e nIn c ypurpose
( I E Ato) facilitate
in the calculation of the
2012, there were 127.4 million people in theL C O E i n s e v e r a l l o c a t i o n s o f P V
A s i a l i v i n g w i t h o u t e l e c t r i c i t y w i t h plants,
4 9 % oa fcalculation tool is made.
t h a t n u m b e r , t h a t i s 6 3 m i l l i o n p e oThe
p l em, a ri ain
e o t nputs
c tf ahe t alculation
residents of Indonesia. size and equipments configuratio
Sumatra i o o ts l ne n f rhe argestdesired P atural
p Vp ower
esources P mlant. everal
inverters, converters, charger regulators, and
during the Equivalent Sun Hours (ESH) and
b a t t e r i e s w i t h d i f f e r e n t dse pl ie vc ei rf i incga tc io on ns ts a na tr ep o w e r f o r a s
provided in the calculation tool. The outputst i m e . S t o r a g e c a p a c i t y i s d e t e r m i n e d b y t h e
o f t h e c a l c u l a t i o n t o o l a r e t h e L C O E , Nsupply
P V , duration of the batteries. Buck Boost
IRR, Payback Period, and Break Event Point C o n v e r t e r s a n d C h a r g e C o n t r o l l e r s a r e u s e d
of the desired PV power plant. as supporting components to increa
The calculation of LCOE includes costs and
system performance. Figure 1 depic
e ner gy production throughout the life of rthe
eference system design for the PV powe
s y s t eT m
h e. L C O E i s c a l c uplants
l a in
t e10dlocations
u s iinnSumatra.
equation (1) [1].


d = Discount factor (%)
Cn = Investment cost, Operations and
Maintenance cost, Tax, etc
Qn = Energy output of the system
N = Life of the system Figure 1 PV Power Plant Design

The potential identification of the PV power

The components and specifications o
p l a n t s w i l l b e e v a l ucaot m e dp abryi n g t h e
power plants in all locations in Sumatra are
L C O E w i t h t h e F e e d - I n Ta r i f f o f r e n e w a b l e
identical w 3 Vith A B 80V olt2 M C us
energy regulated by Indonesian Goverment.
installed c aapacity,
0 h s nds .5 our
The economical feasibility will be valued by
NPV and IRR on the basis of discount rate
The P a V d rrayse eliver
c t t lectrical
states by Indonesian Goverment assuming
DC Bus during ESH and then the curren
that the selling price of energy is equal to the
flows into the storage banks throu
Feed-In Tariff.
DC/DC c onverters
a t t g t nd t o he ri
i n v e r t e r s . T h e
2. Reference System Design
Converters step the voltage down to charge
the storage banks. The storage bank
The desired PV power plants are On-Grid
being c harged
d E a uring
d f SH nd
s y s t e m w i t h b a t t e r i e s f o r s t o r i n g e n e r g y
0.5 hour for a specified time.
Latitude Longitude
No ESH (Hours)
3. PV Power Plants Locations and (degree) (degree)

Data 1 5.5 95 5.1

2 3.6 98.4 4.6

T h e r e a r e 1 0 P V p o w e r p l a n t l o c a t3i o n s 3i n 99 4.6

S u m a t e r a . T h e c h o s e n l o c a t i o4 n s h1.7a v e 4 . 101.5
8 4.7

hours average Equivalent Sun Hours. 5 0.5 101.4 4.8

Figure 4 s t hows
l o the P Pocations 6 f-0.9 he V
100.4 ower 4.9
Plants in Sumatra. 7 -1.6 103.7 4.6

8 -3.0 104.7 4.7

9 -3.7 102.3 4.8

10 -5.4 105.2 4.8

4. PV Array Tilt and Orientation


The tilt and orientation of the PV array is

calculated using the latitude of the PV power
plants locations. The angle of decl
is t he
d eviation
a o t s fngle d f he un
above the eqF
u ai gt ou rr .e 2 d e s c r i b e s t h e
position of the Earth in every season.

Figure 2 PV Power Plants Locations

Ta b l e 2 s h o w s E q u i v a l e n t S u n H o u r s d a t a
obtained from NASA for 10 coordinates in

Table 1 Equivalent Sun Hours Data for 10 Locations

in Sumatra [2]
Figure 3 The orbit of the earth and the declination  = hour angle in degree
at different times of the year [3]

The zenith angle of the sun is the differences

T h e d e c l i n a t i o n a n g l e i s c abl ec tuwl ea et ne d l aut si it nu gd e a n d d e c l i n a t i o n a
equation (2). describes is equation (5).

(2) (5)

where where
 = declination angle in degree  = elevation angle of the sun in degree
n = number of day in a year
The sun is shining on the location from the
The hour a is
t he
d ifference
b n North
etween if the azimuth
oon angle at the location is
a n d t h e d e s i r e d t i m e o f d a y i n t e r180°.
ms of a
360° rotation in 24 hours. The hour angle isT h e a z i m u t h a n g l e o f t h e s u n i s c a l c u l a t e d
calculated using equation (3). using equation (6).

 = hour angle in degree where
T = time of day in 24 hour format  = elevation angle of the sun in degree
 = declination angle in degree
 = latitude of location
 = hour angle in degree

The m aximum
p o i oower i t utput s
PV arrays are perpendicular to the incoming
sunlight. Therefore, the orientation
Figure 4 Sun angles, showing altitude, azimuth and
module is set equal to the azimuth angle of
hour angle [3]
the sun and the tilt of the module is set equal
T h e e l e v a t i o n a n g l e o f t h e s u n i s c a l c u lto
a t the
e d zenith angle of the sun. The reference
using equation (4). s y s t e m d e s i g n u s e d m a n u a l t r a c
m o d u l e s . T h e t i l t a n d o r i e n t a t i o
modules is changed twice a year
where 21st day of the month. The calculation results
 = declination angle in degree of the PV Array Tilt and Orientation
 = latitude of location shown in Table 1.
ESB Energy stored in batteries

Table 2 PV Array Tilt and Orientation DOD (%) Depth of Discharge

Latitude Tilt Orientation From ; To

EB Battery energy capacity
(degree) (degree) (N/S) (month)
PBO Battery output power

1 5.5 18.0 11.9 S N 4;9

B Battery efficiency

IBO Total output current of the batteries

2 3.6 16.1 13.9 S N 4;9
NBank Number of storage banks
3 3.0 15.5 14.5 S N 4;9
NB Number of batteries
4 1.7 14.2 15.8 S N 4;9
NBB Number of batteries in a bank
5 0.5 13.0 17.0 S N 4;9
PBBI Bank input power
6 -0.9 16.5 13.3 S N 3 ; 10
PBBO Bank output power
7 -1.6 15.8 14.0 S N 3 ; 10
IBBO Bank discharge current to DC bus
8 -3.0 14.4 15.4 S N 3 ; 10
IBBI Storage bank charging current
9 -3.7 13.7 16.1 S N 3 ; 10
IINV Inverter input current
10 -5.4 12.0 17.8 S N 3 ; 10
VB Storage bank voltage
Note : N = North ; S = South

For a system with load rated at 380 V, the DC

The calculation result shows that there are
voltage for a three-phase inverter is :
variations in PV module tilt and orientation
according to the latitude of the location.

5. Ratings of Components Calculation Total energy obtained by power plant :

[4] EESH = PC x ESH (8)

The power supplied by the PV generator to

The ratings of the components depend on the the grid equal to the energy obtain
design a c nd a ondition
t l o t Pt hep o wocation
e r p l a n t f d i he
v i d e Vd b y t h e t o t a
power plant. duration of the power plant (Equation 9).
The following nomenclature applies :
PS = EESH / (ESH+TB) (9)
VDC DC bus voltage
I n p u r p o s e t o d e t e r m i n e t h e n
Ma Modulation index of inverter
batteries needed, the input power and storage
VAC AC bus voltage
energy of the storage have to be calculated
EESH Total energy obtained during ESH
(Equation 10, 11, 12).
PC PV power plant capacity

PS Supplied power per hour PBI = PC – PS (10)

TB Battery supply duration

ESB = PBI x ESH (11)
PBI Battery input power
Isc (A) 6.4
NB = PSB x DOD / EB (12)
Efficiency (%) 12.6
The s t ora ge banks output a nd input c ur r ent
Lifetime (years) 25
have t b co e i alculated
p t d n urpose o etermine
the ratings of the converters (Equation 13 to
Table 4 Inverter (Replus-20000TL_3515025)
Cost (USD) 2,138
NBank = NB / NBB (13)
Power Rating (kW) 20
PBBI = PBI / NBank (14) Maximum DC Current (A) 44

Minimum DC Voltage (V) 480

PBBO = ((PBO x ESH) / NBank) x b (15)
Maximum DC Voltage (V) 1,000
IBBI = PBBI / VB (16) AC Voltage (V) 400

Lifetime (years) 5
IBBO = PBBO / VDC (17)
Table 5 Battery (Power Sonic PG-2V1000)
Input current to the inverters is the output
Cost (USD) 572.00
current o t s f he
b mtorage b t anks ultiplied y he
Nominal Voltage (V) 2
ratio of the inverter power rating and storage
Capacity (Ah) 1,040
output power (Equation 18, 19, 20).
Depth of Discharge 80%
PBO = B x PSB / TB (18)
Efficiency 97%

IBO = PBO / VDC (19) Lifetime (years) 5

IINV = IBO x (PINV / PBO) (20)

Table 6 Isolated Bidirectional Buck Boost Converter

(Tifomy Tech)
6. Components and Ratings
High Voltage Side (V) 450 to 800

Low Voltage Side (V) 19 to 36

The c omponents
u f t r sed s or he eference ystem
Power Rating (kW) 20
design is listed below in Table 3 to Table 7.
Cost (USD) 1800

Lifetime (years) 5
Table 3 PV Module (PowerFLEX BIPV 300W)

Max Power (W) 300 Table 7 Charge Controller (Outback 80A

Cost (USD) 450 12/24/36/48/60 V MPPT)
Length ; Width (mm) 5,750 ; 490
Nominal Voltage (V) 12/24/36/48/60
Vmpp (V) 53.9
Current Rating (A) 80
Impp (A) 5.6
Cost (USD) 589.84
Voc (V) 71.2
Lifetime (years) 5
BOS and Labor Cost : 0.8 $ / Wdc
T h e B a l a n c e o f S y s t e m ( B O S ) a n dTable
L 10
o r in 10 Locations in Sumatra
C o s t i s r e f e r r e d t o t h e B O S a nd L a bo r C os t
Location LCOE IRR
trend in Asia by GTM Research in 2014. No (USD/kWh) (%)

1 0.21367 723,773 9
Table 8 First Year Investment Cost
2 0.23654 -137,591 7

Price 3 0.23654 -137,591 7

No Component Units Cost ($)
($/unit) 4 0.23168 31,019 8

1 PV Modules 450 6,672 3,002,400 5 0.22692 203,215 8

2 DC/DC 6 0.22232 376,733 8

1,800 46 82,800
Converters 7 0.23654 -137,591 7

3 Charge 8 0.23168 31,019 8

1,769.5 46 81,397.92
Regulators 9 0.22692 203,215 8
4 Batteries 572.00 547 312,884 10 0.22692 203,215 8
5 Inverters 2,201 91 200,291

6 Land Cost 4.92 18,798 92,449.18 The calculation results show that there ar
7 BOS 800 2,000 1,600,000 variations in ESH and LCOE in 10 locations
Total Cost (USD) 5,372,222 in Sumatra.

The DC/DC Bidirectional converters, charge 8. LCOE Mapping in Sumatra

regulator, b a atteries,
i a r nd nverters re eplaced
every 5 years. F i g u r e s 4 d e p i c t t h e L C O E M a p p
Table 9 Operations and Maintenance Cost Sumatra. Red box indicate that the PV power
O&M Cost plant does not economically feasible.
No Component

1 PV Scheduled 10

Module Unscheduled 1

2 Buck Boost Converter 2

3 Inverter 2

7. LCOE Calculation Results

T a b l e c1 o0 n t a i n s t h e L e v e l i z e d C o s t o f
Energy calculated for the reference system
Figure 5 LCOE Mapping in Sumatra

9. Conclusion

The calculation results shows that there are

variations i t L n o Phe p COE
p i f V ower lants n
Sumatera for the reference system design, 7
out of 10 locations of PV power plants in
Sumatera is economically feasible.


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