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Dear Ashna,

I’m blooming with excitement that you chose me to write this letter about your writing
journey. I am proud of how you developed as a writer.
I love how strategically you have made the appearance of the portfolio. For example, you
have included some beautiful images of trees and flowers. I liked how the background of each
essay was a different tree or flower. I am glad that you made this portfolio about yourself
because you love cherry blossom trees. I also like how you connected trees to your writing
journey. For example, each branch represents how you have grown as a writer. Overall, the
design of your portfolio brought a smile to my face.
While reading your essays, it took me back to many pleasant events that you wrote
about. I love how in your narrative and descriptive essays you added a lot of sensory details and
vocabulary. I love how your essay took me back to the vacations that we experienced. Overall,
your essays were very descriptive and informative, and I enjoyed reading them. I remember how
we used to peer review our essays, but that was the start of your writing journey, and I am very
proud that your essays are better. When you entered high school, your essays were good for
the time being, but your essays now are enjoyable to read.
In freshman and sophomore year, you struggled writing your essays and always used to
complain to me. 11th grade was your turning point in your writing; you understood the
components of an essay. Once you opened yourself and expressed yourself on the paper, that
was the moment you grew as a writer. You also now accept criticisms and suggestions for
improving your essays, and that is a very important trait as a writer, and you have achieved that.
Overall, you have successfully become a writer and still have more to learn and grow
throughout your life.
In your recent essay, you wrote that the word choice in any essay is imperative to make
your papers interesting and that throughout your life, your writing will keep evolving and that you
will never stop learning about how to write. I love how you included this in your essay to show
how vital growing as a writer is. I know you are confident and passionate about your writing, and
you will continue to keep working hard to continue to improve your writing.

Great job,

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