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(SOLVED) According to your preferences do the following

pairs of products
According to your preferences do the following pairs of products According to your preferences,
do the following pairs of products serve as complements or substitutes? Do your answers
depend on the contexts in which the goods are used? Please explain each answer. a. Bread
and butter. b. Ballpoint pens and […]

Suppose bundles A and B lie on the same indifference Suppose bundles A and B lie on the
same indifference curve. Bundle C lies between bundles A and B, on a straight line that
connects them. The consumer’s preferences satisfy the Declining MRS Principle. Does the
consumer prefer C to […]

Suppose that in Calculus Problem 3 repair work costs 100 Suppose that in Calculus Problem 3
repair work costs $100 per hour, ads cost $100 per column inch, and you have $1,000 that you
can spend in total. Write down the constrained optimization problem you face. What is your best

Suppose that in Calculus Problem 2 repair work costs 100 Suppose that in Calculus Problem 2
repair work costs $100 per hour and you have $1,500 to allocate between repair work and
advertising. Write down the constrained optimization problem you face. What is your best choice
of repair hours and […]


John is a salesman for the local car dealership He John is a salesman for the local car
dealership. He can divide his 40-hour work week between talking to customers that walk in the
door and calling possible prospects. Let W be the number of hours each week he spends […]

Suppose that in addition to repairing your car you can Suppose that in addition to repairing your
car, you can also spend money advertising. If you repair your car for H hours and buy A column
inches of ads in the local paper, your benefit (the amount you receive when […]

Suppose that you can hire your mechanic for up to Suppose that you can hire your mechanic for
up to 6 hours in finely divisible increments. Your benefit and cost functions are B(H) = 4,000?H
and C(H) = 100H + 120H2. What is your marginal benefit when H = 4? […]


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