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ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LATIN AMERICAN HIsTory AND CULTURE SECOND EDITION Volume 2 c-D Jay Kinsbruner EDTTORIN GHIBE Erick D. Langer SENIOR EDITOR ‘CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS A port of Gole, Cengage Learning 62 GALE 0S CENGAGE Le Season Yor Sn Franca New ‘V. DANIEL ROGERS: Department Chain, Modern Languages and Literatures Wabash College MATTHIAS ROHRIG ASSUNCAO_ Department of History University of Bex LAURA ROJAS Research Assistant, Centro de Estudios Histiricos EL Colegio de México LADY ROJAS-BENAVENTE, Associate Profesor, Classics, ‘Modern Languages and Linguistics Concordia University DENISE ROLLEMRERG Doutora em Historia, Professora de Histirin Contempordinea Universidade Federal Fluminense EDUARDO ROMANO Professor Asociado Consulta, Departamento de Letras Instivuto de Literatura Argentina LUIS ALBERTO ROMERO Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas, Breuela de Politica y Gobierno Universidad Nacional de San Martin PABLO ROMO PLD Candidate in Human Rights Coordinastor del Observatorio de Ia Conflictividad Social en México CHARLES E. RONAN, SJ. Loyola University, Chicago ANNA CURTENTUS ROOSEVELT Profesor, Department of Antirropolagy University of Mlinois, Chicago J. MONTGOMERY ROPER Associate Profesor of Anthropology Grinnell College STEVE C, ROPP Profesor, Department of Political Science University of Wyoming KEITH ROSENN School of Las University of Miami JOSHUA M, ROSENTHAL Assissant Profesor, Department of History and Non-Western Cultures Western Connecticut State University KATHLEEN ROSS Department of Romance Studies Duke University IDA ELY RUBIN; ‘The Americas Foundation MARIA HELENA RUEDA Department of Spanish and Portuguese Smith College MARK RUHL Glenn and Mory Todd Profesor of Political Science Dickinson College RUBEN RUIZ. GUERRA Centro de Investigaciones Sobre America Latina y el Caribe Universidad Nacional Auténoma de México A.J. RUSSELL-WOOD Department of History ‘The Jobms Hopkins University HILDA SABATO Flisory Universidad de Buenas Airs, Argentina GEORGINA SABAT-RIVERS JAMES SCHOFIELD SAGER, Department of History Lehigh University SYLVIA SAITTA Universidade Buenos Aires— Conicer ELIZABETH SALAS University of Washington JORGE MARIO SALAZAR MORA Escuela de Historia Universidad de Costa Rica MARIA A. SALGADO Department of Romance Languages University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, SUSANA SALGADO Library of Congress RICHARD V. SALISBURY Department of History Western Kentucky University FRANK SALOMON Department of Anthrapolygy University of Wisconsin ~ Madison LINDA K. SALVUCCT Department of History Trinity University ‘BALBINA SAMANIEGO University of Salamanca CONSUELO NOVAIS SAMPAIO Universidade Federal da Babia KATHRYN SAMPECK Visiting Assistant Profesor, Stone Center for Latin American Studies ‘Tulane University ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY & CULTURE xi Pontificia Universidad Cavéica del Peri, Fondo Bai- torial, 1994, Hel CHIQUINHA. sz Gonzaga, Francisca Hedwiges. ASSES eee CHIQUINQUIRA. Chiguinquiré, a city of about 60,000 in Colombia’s Boyacé Department, is the seat of the shrine of the Virgin of the Rosary of Chiquinguiré. The painting of the Chiquinguira Virgin, showing her between Saint Anthony of Padua and Saint Andrew, has been dated at about 1550. After being neglected for some years, it was restored to its pristine state, according to witnesses, on 26 December 1586. Custody of the miracle: working image was given to the Dominicans, and an increasingly larger shrine was constructed over the centuries by the order. Until recently the Chi- guinquiré region specifically and Boyacé in general ‘were the major source of novices for the Domini- cans in Colombia. Since 1919, the Virgin of Chi- ‘quinguiré has been the patroness of Colombia. She has devotees in Venezuela as well. See she Dominicans. Andeés Mesanza, O.P., Nueva Setora de Chiguinguirds Y monegrafia biseiren de ese villa (1913), Pedro De Tobar y Buendla, O.P., Verdadere hirisa rela itm del origen, manifetacin y prodigiom renovacion bord soa y milagre dela imagen de la Sacrasisima Virgen Maria... de Chiguinguiré, 2d ed. (1986). Additional Bibliography Rojas Pea, Victor Rai La covonacén de a Virgen de Chiguin- ‘quirk Mensalidad religions ¢ inoaginario mariana, 1991- 1918: (isoria de Boyacd). Tani: Conssjo Editorial de Autores Boyacenses: Insciruto de Cultura de Boyacd, 2001. J. Leow Hsicurns eee saeeee see SEELEY CHIRIBOGA, LUZ ARGENTINA (1940-). Luz Argentina Chiciboga is perhaps the ‘ost accomplished contemporary Afro-Latina writer ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LATIN AMERICAN in Eouador. Bor in Esmeraldas on 1 April 1940, she has emerged as an integral voice in Bouador’s search for a pluralistic national identity. The widow of Nel- son Estupifén Bass (author of the first major Afto- Beusdorean novel, Cuando los gunyacanes florectan), ‘Chiriboga has established her own reputation with a series of important novels, The fist, Bajo ln piel de las sambores (1991), was translated into English in 1996 ‘with the title Drums ander My Skin. She contributed to the growing phenomenon of the neo-slave narra- ‘ive in her critically acclaimed novel Jonatis y Man- ela (1994). In the novel, Chitiboga rescues the memory of Manuela Sten2’s (Sim6n Bolivar’s com- panion) slave woman. This important novel rear- ticulates Afro-Beuadorean identity in terms of the country’s carliest national traditions. In addition to her novels and short stories, Chiriboga has ‘worked to document and preserve Afro-Ecuador- ‘ean identity and culture. In Didspora por los cami- nes de Esmeraldas: Décimas, cuentos, adivinanzas, leyendlas,coplas, refranes, dichos, rompecabeaas, tra balenguas, chiguale, arrullas, recetas de cocina (1997) she mines African disspora discourse to preserve the jokes, riddles, legends, sayings, tongue-twisters, and recipes that help define ‘coastal Ecuadorian identity. ‘See ato Liveratare: Spanish America, DeCosta-Wilis, Miriam. “The Poetics and Politics of Desire: Brorcism in Loz Argentina Chiriboka’s Bajo In pel de ls tassbore.” Afvo-Hispanie Review IA, 90. 1 (2995): 18-25; eal, Rosemary Gcisdorfer. “Bnerevists con Luz Argen- tina Chisibogs (Followed by Poems from Her Le contraportads del deo, Tesnslated by Rosemary Geiscovier Feal).” Afvo-Mispanie Review 12, no. 2 (2993): 12-26, O'Donnell, William B. “Bajo fa pied de lor tomberes: Post-Coloniat Bildungsromen.” Ia The Image of ‘the Onsider in Literasure, Media, and Society, edited by Will Wright and Steven Kaplan, pp. 131- 186, Pueblo, CO: Sociery for the Interdsciplinacy Study of Social Imagery, University of Southem Col corado, 2002. ‘ielina, Maria Carmen. “Jonasts y Manuela: La historia de ‘una amistad transnacionaly nica” Revise Tberoamer- cana 65 (1999): 681-695. 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