خطبة الهجرة

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‫اللهم ربنا لك الحمد ‪ ..‬الحمد الدائم السرمد ‪ ..

‬حمدا ال يحصيه‬
‫العدد وال يقطعه األبد ‪ ..‬كما ينبغي لك أن تحمد ‪ ..‬وكما أنت له‬
‫أهل ‪ ..‬وكما هو لك علينا حق ‪..‬‬

‫اللهم إياك نعبد ‪ ..‬ولك نصلي ونسجد ‪ ..‬وإليك نسعى ونحفد ‪..‬‬
‫نرجو رحمتك ونخشى عذابك إن عذابك الجد بالكفار ملحق ‪..‬‬

‫‪Praise be to Allah! Praise be to Allah, Whose generous‬‬

‫‪favors are endless.‬‬

‫‪I do praise Him and thank Him (May He be glorified), for‬‬

‫‪His blessings that are countless and His generosity that is‬‬
‫‪never ending.‬‬
‫ ونؤمن بك ونتوكل‬.. ‫اللهم إنا نستعينك ونستغفرك ونستهديك‬
‫ وندحض‬.. ‫ نشكرك وال نكفرك‬.. ‫عليك ونثني عليك الخير كله‬
.. ‫ونهجر من يفجرك‬

‫ ونشهد أن‬.. ‫ وحده ال شريك له‬.. ‫ ونشهد أن ال إله إال هللا‬..

‫ صلوات ربي‬.. ‫سيدنا ونبينا وإمامنا محمدا عبد هللا ورسوله‬
‫وسالمه عليه وعلى آله وأصحابه وأزواجه وأنصاره إلى يوم‬
.. ‫الدين‬

I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship

except Allah, the One, without associate −to Whom we
owe gratitude in the herein and the hereafter− and I bear
witness that our Master and Prophet Muhammad is the
Servant of Allah and His Messenger who is sent to the
whole universe to promote compassion and guidance.
May Allah send His Graces, Honors, Mercy, Peace and
Blessing upon him, upon his family, his Companions, and
the contemporaries of the Companions of the Prophet,
and all those who righteously follow in their footsteps
and thus were guided.
Dear brothers and sisters,

Now that we have just finished the holy days

of Al-hajj, we look forward toward another big
celebration that is coming our way.

In Few days insha’a Allah ta3ala, we will enter a

new hijri year followed by the amazing worship
of Ashoura’a ..

And as Allah subhanahu w ta3a’la says in our

holy book
‫وذكر فإن الذكرى تنفع المؤمنين‬
“And remind, for verily, the reminding profits
the believers.”
And Al-hijrah is another reminder for us that
every success requires hard-working mindset ..

If you look across the Islamic history, you will

find that the vast majority – if not all –
successes happened because of people who
worked hard .. and thought through every step
to land eventually with success ..

In today’s Khutbah, we will think through those

steps that made Prophet’s Hijrah to Al-
madeenah successful .. and it led us to see the
Islam spreading worldwide ..
But before we talk about The immigration to Al-
Madeenah, let’s take a step backward and
discuss an earlier immigration that happened to
Al-Habasha ..

In the early phases of the da3wah of Prophet

‫صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬
The Muslims have faced a lot of hatred, anger
and torment .. some of them lost their lives
because of these severe punishments that
has conducted over the Muslims .. from those
‫ أم عمار بن ياسر رضوان هللا عليهم‬.. ‫سمية بنت خياط‬
‫والذين قال فيهم الرسول صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬

‫صبرا آل ياسر فإن موعدكم الجنة‬

Patience the family of Yasser, Allah
‫سبحانه وتعالى‬
Has rewarded you with Al-Jannah

May Allah make all of us among its residents ..

While all of what was happening, prophet

Mohammad was continuing his da3wah and
thinking about all the ways to end the suffering
of the Muslim community
And Think about it ..
The Prophet could have ask Allah for a miracle
to end all of these pains ..

And Allah SWT is capable of terminating all of

this suffering and ending all of the lives of all
the people of Quraish or make all of them
Muslims at that time ..

Isn’t Allah capable? Yes, of course .. but that is

not the message that our religion came to
emphasize ..

There are miracles .. but Miracle are never a

Plan-A solution .. not even a plan-C solution ..

Islam came to tell us you have to work hard for

all what you get ..
Do your part, be sincere with Allah and Allah
will help you with the rest insha’a Allah ..

Prohpet Mohammad kept thinking and thinking

.. and guided the Muslims to do the first
immigration to Al-habasha ..

And the selection of Al-habasha was very smart

.. They had a very fair king ..
And Al-habasha back then was not part of the
byzantine empire .. and they suffered a lot of
oppression from the byzantines ..
So, Prophet Mohammad knew that this King
will understand and help the Muslims when
they reach out to him, because he was suffering
from a similar situation ..

Taking all of these items into consideration led

to a successful immigration and the saving of
Muslim lives based on scientific ways .. not by
speculations, guesses, or helpless approaches

There are lots of books that can be written to

describe how Prophet Mohammed organized
the immigration to Al-habasha to make it
successful and avoid the further losses of
Muslims’ lives ..
But let’s switch gears and talk about another
important immigration .. that Prophet
‫صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬
Organized to Al-Madeenah

And this is a huge topic as well but we will focus

only on the portions that are relevant to
Prophet’s hijrah himself ..

This planning started years before the actual

Hijrah .. and this is how planning should be in
such a big and successful event like this ..
Prophet Mohammad
‫صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬
Started talking to those tribes who visit Makkah
for Trading purposes ..

And he found out that the people of Yathreb –

which is the old name of Al-Madeenah- had
initial acceptance to his message ..

When he made sure that the tribes of Al-

Madeenah are the most suitable to his
message, he started making deals with them ..
not only one deal
They had
‫بيعة العقبة األولى وبيعة العقبة الثانية‬

And they announced they will obey prophet

Mohammad’s orders during the times of
hardships and the times of ease .. and that they
will promote Virtue and prevent Vice
‫يأمرون بالمعروف وينهون عن المنكر‬

Not until then, he didn’t start the execution till

he made sure that the plan was successful ..

When you have a proper strategy and

successful planning, people lives are saves and
better future is guaranteed ..
My advice to you is to never hear to a leader
who would tell you it went wrong because of
the people not because of my strategy ..

Because if he had a good strategy and proper

plan without micro-management, the people
would have executed correctly .. but if you
don’t have proper plan in-place, that is when
you open the door for people to take whatever
actions they want without a clear vision on
what to achieve .. and this usually leads to
disasters and terrible consequences ..

‫ ونفعني وإياكم بما فيه من اآليات‬.. ‫بارك هللا لي ولكم في القرآن العظيم‬
‫ أقول قولي هذا وأستغفر هللا العظيم لي ولكم ولسائر‬.. ‫والذكر الحكيم‬
‫المسلمين من كل ذنب فاستغفروه إنه هو الغفور الرحيم‬
:‫الخطبة الثانية‬

‫ ونشهد أن‬.. ‫ والشكر له على توفيقه وامتنانه‬.. ‫الحمد هلل على أحسانه‬
‫ال إله إال هللا ون شهد أن محمد عبده ورسوله الداعي إلى رضوانه‬
‫صلى هللا وبارك عليه وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا‬

Praise be to Allah for His beneficence, and for the

success He granted us and the obligation we owe
Him, and we bear witness that there is no god but
Allah alone with no partner and we bear witness
that Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger, the
one who calls upon us to seek His satisfaction. May
Allah send His Salat, Peace and Blessing upon him,
his Family and Companions.
To continue on the scientific matters that
Prophet Mohammad
‫صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬
Considered for Al-Hijrah

While prophet Mohammed was planning Al-

hijrah, he didn’t rely only on the deals with the
tribe representatives ..

He was keen on ensuring that the environment

will be ready .. and he realized that changing
the culture of a group of people is not an easy
job .. and it takes years and years to change it ..
So, he sent
‫مصعب بن عمير‬
As early as possible to teach the people of
Yathreb about Islam .. and to gradually enable
their culture to accept the Islamic traditions
and practices ..

These changes don’t happen in a day and night

.. It takes years and years to get people adapted
to a new normal ..
Not only that, while he is getting the
environment ready, he started getting his
companions ready to accept the idea of
immigration .. and he started pointing it out to
Abu-bakr when he said

“ ‫”على رسلك فإني أرجو أن يؤذن لي‬

Pointing out that is waiting for a permission for
a big event like Al-Hijra ..

And Abu-bakr
‫رضي هللا عنه‬
Got it and started getting ready for it ..

So, all of this pre-planning and planning

happened that led to this successful
immigration which with Allah’s blessing is a big
one reason on why we do have over a billion of
Muslims worldwide

I wish we had more time to talk about a lot of

other aspects with Al-hijrah but we will leave
this to later discussion
‫إن شاء هللا تعالى‬
‫ثم اعلموا أن هللا أمركم بأمر بدأ فيه بنفسه فقال عز من قائل "إن هللا‬
‫ومالئكته يصلون على النبي ‪ ..‬يا أيها الذين آمنوا صلوا عليه وسلموا‬
‫اللهم صل وسلم وزد وبارك على عبدك ورسولك محمد ‪ ..‬وعلى آله‬
‫الطيبين الطاهرين ‪ ..‬وارض اللهم عن صحابة رسولك أجمعين ومن‬
‫تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين ‪..‬‬
‫اللهم أعز اإلسالم والمسلمين وارفع بفضلك وكرمك رايتي الحق‬
‫اللهم أبرم لهذه األمة أمر رشد يعز فيه أهل طاعتك ويهدى فيه أهل‬
‫معصيتك ويؤمر فيه بالمعروف وينهى فيه عن المنكر‪..‬‬

‫‪O Allah! Forgive our sins, cover our flaws, make‬‬

‫‪easy our affairs .. and make come true our wishes in‬‬
‫!‪what pleases You‬‬
‫‪O Allah! Forgive our sins, those of our parents,‬‬
‫‪grandparents, their children, our wives and our‬‬
‫!‪children as You are All-Hearing‬‬
‫‪O Allah! We pray You for Your satisfaction and‬‬
‫‪Paradise and seek refuge with You from Your wrath‬‬
‫‪and Hellfire! We pray Allah for forgiveness! Allah is‬‬
‫‪the only god, the Living, the Subsisting, and we‬‬
‫!‪repent to Him‬‬
‫ربنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي اآلخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار‬
‫عباد هللا ‪ ..‬إن هللا يأمر بالعدل واإلحسان وإيتاء ذي القربى ‪..‬‬
‫وينهى عن الفحشاء والمنكر والبغي ‪ ..‬يعظكم لعلكم تذكرون ‪..‬‬
‫فاذكروا هللا العظيم يذكركم ‪ ..‬واشكروه على نعمه يزدكم ‪ ..‬ولذكر‬
‫هللا أكبر وهللا يعلم ما تصنعون ‪ ..‬وأقم الصالة‬

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