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Isaiah Miranda



So, before you start looking at the workouts let me explain a little about my style
of training that I found works for me and that I have been implementing for the past
couple of years. My style of training is higher volume work with a lot of sets, reps
and a whole lot of intensity! The rep range that I typically go for is anywhere from
8-12, to 12-16 reps, then sometimes on the lower end of 4-6 reps. I don’t ever really
try to go for 1 rep max’s because I believe it puts you at a higher risk of injury so I
don’t really think that it is necessary. So I typically start off my workouts with a
bigger compound movement like bench, shoulder press, bent over row, squat etc. I
start with these types of exercises because this is where your foundation is going to
come from. Also, typically with the first movement I do the most sets starting off
hitting some higher reps on the 12-16 range then increasing the weight and getting
into 6-8 range. Then after these movements I move to the accessory movements,
like shoulder raises, flies, pull overs etc. These I typically do 4 sets of and I am really
big on supersets, not only because it is more time efficient but also just from and
intensity aspect of going from one exercise to the next is just something that I love.
Now this does not mean you sacrifice reps by starting a set when your completely
out of breath and you’re just starting it to start. Remember you want your muscles
to fatigue first you don’t want to stop because your out of breath when you still have
some reps in the tank. If you find yourself like this take a couple extra seconds to
catch your breath then start the set and get after it. Now I kept the exercises
relatively simple because it’s important to get the basics down before you start
moving onto some of the more complex movements (I did this for a while before I
became a little more “Advanced”. Also, I have noticed that this style of working out
helps me out so much with muscle endurance, now at first I can pretty much
guarantee that your muscles will be fatiguing really fast but the more you train like
this your muscle stamina will improve a lot along with your strength.
Isaiah Miranda


It’s so important to remember that you get whatever you put into it out of
it. So, go into the gym every single day ready to work and push your body past its
limits every time. I always say you “Disciplined, Consistency and 100% Effort all
the damn time” This is the attitude and mindset you have to go into the gym with
every day. I am also a super strong believer in “breaking your body” what I mean
by this is not actually breaking your body lol, I just mean pushing past whatever
limits you think you have and doing those extra couple reps and putting more
weight on the bar the time’s you don’t feel like it because I guarantee you that
you are much stronger than what you think you are. At the end of the day to
simplify everything and not make it to complicated just train hard! It comes
down to effort and that’s all I really care about, you’re the only person that
knows how hard you are pushing yourself, so you should leave every workout
being able to tell yourself you gave it everything you had. (You should also be
applying this to every aspect of your life) Now this also doesn’t mean be careless
and hurt yourself and trying to lift way more weight then you can handle and use
terrible form. It is also super important to learn the difference between being
sore and being injured because most people confuse them and use being sore as
an excuse to not workout lol. Also make sure you have good form with every
exercise to limit putting yourself in a position to possibly injure yourself,
remember you want to be in this for the long run so learn your body and take
care of it (don’t be afraid to break form in the later reps and “cheat” a little but
you can “cheat” while also being safe) and have a good mind muscle connection
and really focus on the muscle your supposed to be working.

Most importantly, consistency is key. Most people start a fitness journey
extremely excited to see change and once they don’t see results within the first
couple of days, they stop. Trust me keep pushing yourself and on those days
where you want to stop and don’t feel like going to the gym, you have to hold
yourself accountable and have self-discipline and go. Remember it truly is a
privilege to be able to wake up every single day and have the ability to be in good
health and be able to physically go workout because unfortunately a lot of
people in this world cannot. The process just doesn’t include the gym remember
that, the kitchen and your diet play a HUGE role. You could go to the gym for 4

Isaiah Miranda

hours a day but if you go home and eat terrible what you do in the gym won’t

I tried to make the workouts as specific as possible and tried to use a

pretty common name for them but if you don’t understand something or are
confused don’t hesitate to reach out via my Email or Instagram DM and ask I’m
always free to help and want to help so definitely reach out. You will also find
tutorial videos demonstrating and explaining each of the exercises. I made the
plan for 5-6 days and more of a “Bro Split” but this was just so you have options
just in case one week if you can make it to the gym 5-6 days you have plenty of
workouts to choose from. But let’s say if you can only make it 3-4 days one week
you can easily just combine some of the workouts and take a couple exercises
from each, Or you can even make the plan into a Push, Pull, Leg split if you prefer
that instead. So, let’s say one week you can only go 4 days you can do the
Day1: Chest and triceps
Day2: Back and Biceps
Day3: Legs
Day 4: Shoulders
Day1: Chest and shoulders
Day2: Backs and biceps
Day3: Legs
Day4: Arms
PUSH: Take 2-3 exercises from Chest day, 2-3 from shoulder day and 2-3
Tricep workouts
PULL: Take 4-6 Exercises from Back Day, 2-3 exercises for Bicep
LEGS: Do whatever Leg day you like

Isaiah Miranda

Just like that you can easily turn the 6-day split into a 4-day split or a 3-day Push,
Pull, Leg split. That’s the reason I wrote it that way just so you have more
options and can switch things up when you need to

Tips/ hints:
• Mind muscle connection super important
• Control the weight it doesn’t control you
• Good form with every rep/ set (Don’t be scared to “Cheat” and break
form a little on the later reps to get some extra ones)
• DB- Dumbbell
• BB- Barbell
• SA- Single arm
• Static- one side is in the flexed working position while the other side
is performing the exercise
• Drop sets- I typically do a drop set with the last set of most of my
workouts, feel free to do add them in when you want, I didn’t write
them in for you, all depends on how you feel. This a great way to add
intensity to the workout
• Supersets- keep the rest time as short as possible in between the
exercises your super setting
• Range of reps like 8-12 or 12-16: Whenever you see this, add weight
every set so first set should be lighter (not easier) and hit 12 reps then
increase weight each set until you can only hit 8 reps)
• Working Sets: If an exercise says “4 working sets” this means you
warm up first then you go into 4 hard sets. So in total you might be
doing maybe 6 total sets, but 2 of them being warm up sets and the
other 4 are the sets that count

Here are the tutorial videos split up by body part:
Shoulders -
Legs -
Back -
Chest -
Tips & Hints -

Week 1:

Isaiah Miranda

Day 1: Chest/ Triceps

1. Dumbbell bench: 4 working sets x 10-16 (increase weight each set)
2. Superset: DB incline press 4 x 8-12/ Land mind Press 4 x 10-16
3. Dips (use machine if you need to) 3 x 12-15
4. Superset: High Cable flies 4x10-12/ Rope tricep extension 4 x 10-12
5. Superset: Low cable flies 3x12-15/ Push-ups x burnout

Day 2: Shoulders
1. DB shoulder press: 4 Working sets x 8-12
2. Superset: DB Arnold press: 4 x 8-12/ DB upright row 4 x 12-16
3. DB lateral raises 4 x 12-15
4. Superset: Cable front raise 4 x 12-15 (set up bar on cable machine and grab
it between your legs facing away from machine and raise in front of face)/
High cable rope face pull 3 x 12-16
5. SA cable lateral raise 3x 10-12 (control the weight with slow tempo)
6. Superset: Barbell shrugs 4 x 10-12/ Rear delt flies 4 x 12-15 (dumbbells or
pec dec machine)

Day 3: Legs
Warm up really well before starting workout
1. Barbell squats: 4 Working sets x 8-12
2. Superset: Leg press machine: 4 x 12-15 (legs shoulder width apart)/ DB
RDL’s 4 x 10-12
3. Single leg Smith machine Bulgarian split squat 3 x 12-16 (put one foot up on
bench or box behind you)
4. Leg extensions 4 x 8 -12
5. Superset: Hamstring curls 4 x 10-12/ calve raises 4 x 15-20
6. Walking lunges 3 x AMRAP (as many reps as possible)

Day 4: Back
(most important muscle group to control the weight, mind muscle connection)
1. Warmup with pull ups (switch grips around)
2. Superset: Lat pull down 4 working sets 8-12/ Rope pull over 4 x 12-15
3. Superset: Close grip lat pull down 4 x 8-12 (with V-Bar)/ Barbell or T-bar
row 4 x 10-15
4. DB row 4 x 8-10 (Single arm)
5. Machine row 4x 8-10
6. Superset: Seated cable row 4 x 8-12/ Back hyper extensions

Isaiah Miranda

Day 5: Arms
1. Barbell curls 4 working sets 8-12
2. Rope trice extensions 4 working sets 8-12
3. Superset: DB hammer curls 4 x 10-12/ EZ bar skull crushers 4 x 12-15
4. Superset: Bench dips 4 x AMRAP/ Spider curls 4 x 10-12 (Set up incline
bench and lean on it with your chest towards the top and arms hanging
5. Superset: Close grip push-ups 3 x burnout/ Chin ups x burnout (use machine
if needed, at least 8)

Day 6: Full upper body

1. Superset: Barbell bench 4 x 10/ Resistance band pull a part 4 x AMRAP
2. Superset: DB shoulder press 4 x 10/ DB rows 4 X 10 (Both arms at the same
3. Big Superset: 4 exercises 1. Lat pull down (whatever grip or machine you
want) 4 x 10-12 >2. DB lateral raise 4 x 12-15> 3. Pec dec chest flies 4 x 10. 4.
Close grip push-ups 4 x AMRAP. (only rest is walking to next exercise, 90 rest
after each round).

Day 7: Rest

Week 2.
Day 1: chest/ triceps
1. Barbell bench 5 x 12,10,8,6,6 (drop set the last one by half the weight and
double the reps)
2. Superset: Machine incline press 4 x 8-12/ Land mind press 3 x 12-16
3. Superset: Pec dec 4 x 12-15, Push-ups 4 x AMRAP
4. Superset: Low cable flies 4 x 12-15/ Dips 3 x AMRAP (use machine if
5. DB skull crushers 4 x 12-16
6. Rope push downs 4 x 10-12 (focus on the squeeze at bottom, turn wrist out)

Day 2: Shoulders
1. Hammer strength should press machine 5 x 12,10,8,6,6 (Drop set last one by
half the weight and double the reps)
Isaiah Miranda

2. Superset: Db shoulder press 4 x 8-12/ DB rear delt flies 4 x 12-16

3. Superset: DB lateral raise 4 x 15-20/ cable EZ bar upright row 4 x 12
4. Alternating DB front raise 4 x 8-12
5. Superset: Rope face pulls 4 x 12/ DB shrugs 4 x 10

Day 3: Legs
1. Superset: Walking lunges 4 x 10yards down and back/ DB RDL’s 4 x 10-12
2. Superset: Leg extensions 4 x 5 (3 sec hold on top) then finish 5-7 normal
reps/ Wall sits with weight 3 x 1 minute
3. Hamstring curl Machine 4 x 10
4. Superset: SL DB step ups 4 x 5 each leg/ Foam roller hamstring curls 3 x
5. Barbell squats 4 x 10
6. Calf raises 4 x 15-20

Day 4: Back/ biceps

1. BB rows 4 x 8-12
2. Superset: Wide grip lat pull down 4 x 8-12/ low cable rope rows 4 x 10
3. Superset: Reverse grip EZ bar pull down 4 x 12 (chin up grip)/ Cable rope
pull overs 4 x 12-16
4. Superset: SA Lat pull down 3 x 12-15/ Alternating Db bicep curls 3 x 10-12
5. DB rows 4 x 8-10
6. Low grip Machine row (gym should have this machine) 3 x 12 (if not set up a
cable on the floor and get one knee and pull cable to your hip)
7. Any kid of bicep workout you want to do 4 x 10-12

Day 5: Arms
1. Close grip Bench (can use smith machine to help with form) 5 x 10-12
2. Alternating bicep DB curls 5 x 10-12
3. Superset: Incline bench seated curls 4 x 10/ Overhead tricep DB press 4 x 10
4. Superset: Alternating DB hammer curls 4 x 8-10/ Reverse grip EZ bar tricep
extensions 4 x 12
5. Superset: Any bicep machine you want with any tricep machine 3 x 15 (Pick
your favorite ones and have fun)

Day 6: Push (optional)

Isaiah Miranda

1. Superset: DB bench press neutral grip 4 x 10 (palms facing each other)/

Push-ups 4 x burnout
2. Superset: Machine shoulder press 4 x 10/ Standing DB overhead press 4 x
10 (neutral grip, weight is going to be much lighter)
3. Superset: Machine incline press 3 x 10/ Seated DB lateral raise
4. Superset: High cable flies 3 x 12-15/ Close grip push-ups 3 x AMRAP
5. Tricep extensions 4 x 10-12

Day 7: Rest

Week 3
Day 1: Back/ triceps
1. T-bar row 5 x 8-12
2. Incline bench supported DB rows 4 x 7 (elbows back emphasize the squeeze,
weight should be heavier)
3. Superset: Lat pull down 4 x 10-12 (choose any bar/ grip you want)/ Tricep
extensions 4 x 10
4. Superset: Cable rope pull overs 4 x 12-16/ Low cable rows with V-bar 4 x
10-12 (Standing with slight bend in your knees. Get a full stretch in your lats
and then pull the bar into your belly button, think elbows back)
5. Superset: Machine hammer strength row 4 x 10-15/ DB skull crushers 4 x
6. Pull ups 3 x burnout (use machine if needed)

Day 2: Shoulders
1. DB lateral raise 5 x 10-20 (Start lighter then add weight each set)
2. DB front raise ½ - 1 rep 4 x 8-10 (half way up, then back down, then all the
way up is one full rep)
3. Standing DB shoulder press 4 x 10-12 (weight is going to be much lighter
than what you can normally do, since you just pre-exhausted shoulders with
the first two exercises)
4. Superset: Arnold DB press 4 x 8-10/ DB rear delt flies 4 x 12-15
5. SA cable lateral raises 3 x 10 (lighter weight really control it)
6. Superset: Seated DB shrugs 4 x 10/ Rope face pulls 4 x 12

Day 3: Legs
1. Superset: Machine leg press 4 x 8-12 (place feet wider then shoulder
width)/ DB RDL’s 4 x 12
2. BB squats 4 x 8-10
Isaiah Miranda

3. Superset: leg extension’s 4 sets x 10-12/ Hamstring curls 4 x 10-12

4. Superset: elevated heel goblet squats 4 x 8-12/ Elevated single leg reverse
lunge 4 x 6 each leg (for squats grab a 45lb plate place your heels on it and
toes on the floor and grab one kettle bell or DB and hold it right in front of
your chest below your chine and squat, and for lunges grab two 45lb plates
place feet in the middle of plate and reach one foot backwards into a reverse
lunge holding DB by your side)
5. Calve raises 4 x 15-20

Day 4: Chest/ biceps

1. BB incline press 4 x 8-12
2. Superset: DB flat bench 4 x 8-12/ DB hammer curls 4 x 10
3. Incline bench plate press 3 x 12-15 (focus on squeezing plate as close
together as possible)
4. Dips 3 x 12-15 (machine if needed)
5. Superset: Low cable flies 4 x 12-15/ Preacher curls 4 x 10-15 (single arm or
6. Finish off with 100-200 pushups as any sets as it takes (depending on how
you feel pick a number between 100-200 that is going to challenge you)

Day 5: Arms
1. Superset: Alternating DB curls 4 x 10/ Plate curls 4x 10
2. Superset: Alternating DB hammer curls 4 x 10-12/ Bench dips 4 x 20
3. DB skull crushers 4 x 10
4. SA DB preacher curls 3 x 8
5. Superset: Any machine bicep curls 3 x 8-10/ DB overhead extensions (palms
facing forward)

Day 6: Pull
1. Superset: Pulls ups 4 x burnout/ Rope pull overs 4 x 15-20
2. Lat pull downs 4 x 8-12
3. Superset: Seated cable row 4 x 10/ DB rear delt flies
4. Superset: EZ bar cable curls 3 x 15/ Plate curls 3 x 12
5. Superset: Machine rows 4 x 8-12/ DB shrugs 4 x 10
6. EZ bar bent over row 4 x 8-10 (pause for 2 seconds at top, control it down),
rope face pulls 4 x 10

Day 7: Rest

Isaiah Miranda

Week 4:
Temp week (3-4 second tempo on the DE centric movement to every workout!!)

Day 1: Chest
1. BB flat bench 4 x 8-12(tempo)
2. Superset: Incline DB press 4 x 8-12 (Tempo)/ Close grip DB incline press 3 x
3. Superset: Hammer strength decline press machine 3 x 12-15 (don’t worry
about tempo on this one)/ Dips 3 x 12-15 (use machine of needed)
4. High cable flies 4 x 10-12 (tempo and squeeze in middle for 1-2 seconds)
5. Superset: Low cable flies 4 x 12-15 (tempo and squeeze in middle 1-2
seconds)/ Push-ups 3 x AMRAP

Day 2: Shoulders
1. BB standing military press 4 x 10 (tempo)
2. SA Arnold press 4 x 8-12 (Tempo)
3. DB lateral raise 4 x 10-12 (tempo and hold at top for 1-2 seconds)
4. Superset: Plate front raise 4 x 10-12 (tempo and hold at top 1-2 sec)/
Alternating DB front raise 4 x 6-8 (don’t worry about tempo)
5. SA cable lateral raises 3 x 10 (tempo)
6. Superset: DB shrugs 4 x 8-10 (no tempo just squeeze at top for 1-2 sec)/ Pec
dec rear delt flies 4 x 10-12 (no tempo)

Day 3: Legs
(only tempo on squats)
1. BB squats 4 x 10-12
2. THIS ONE IS FUN!!! Big superset: 5 exercises 1. Leg press 3 x 20> 2.
Hamstring curls 3 x 20> 3. Leg extensions 3 x 20> 4. Walking lunges 3 x 8
each leg> 5. Calf raises 3 x 20 (no tempo, rest 2 minutes in between sets

Day 4: Back
1. BB row 4 x 10 (tempo and squeeze 1-2 seconds at top, elbows back pull the
bar beneath your belly button)
2. Lat pull down wide grip 4 x 8-12 (tempo)
3. Superset: Close grip lat pull down 3 x 12-15 (tempo)/ DB row 3 x 7 (tempo)
4. SA machine row 4 x 10
5. Superset: Seated wide grip cable row 3 x 10-12/ Standing low cable rows 3 x

Isaiah Miranda

6. Rope pull over 7 x 10-12 (no tempo but squeeze for 1-2 seconds at bottom,
only rest 30-45 seconds between sets)
7. Back extensions 3 x AMRAP (add weight if you can)

Day 5: Arms
1. Rope cable curls 7 x 10-12 (tempo, rest 30-45 seconds between sets)
2. Rope tricep extension 7 x 10-12 (tempo, rest 30-45 sec between sets)
3. Superset: Spider curls 4 x 10-12/ EZ bar skull crushers 4 x 10-12 (tempo)
4. Superset: Close grip bench 4 x 8-10/ Incline bench curls 4 x 10-12 (tempo)
5. Superset: Alternating static DB bicep curls 4 x 5,5, 7 together/ SA DB kick
back 4 x 10-12 (no tempo)

Day 6: (optional)
Choose one of the workouts from previous day 6’s

Day 7: Rest

Cardio options:
Super important remember your heart is the most important muscle in the body
so if you train it and take care of it, it will take care of the rest. I typically do 30-
60 minutes of cardio about 5-6 times a week, and I switch I up between long
runs, track workouts, cardio circuits, playing sports, boxing etc. honestly
whatever I’m feeling that day I do. To me being the best well rounded overall
athlete has always been my #1 goal so I always do a little bit of everything.

Interval Training - choose 4 exercises do them for 30 seconds each for 12-20 min
AMRAP (as any rounds as possible)

Exercise examples: Wall balls, ball slams, box jumps, row machine, jump
rope, BURPEES! sled pushes, resistance band sprints, treadmill sprints, battle
ropes, pull ups, ab exercise, jumping jacks, split jumps, Squat jumps,
mountain climbers etc.
1. Spin bike: 12-15 min, 30 seconds balls to the wall as fast as you can, 30
seconds normal recovery speed, repeat for the amount of time
2. Going on RUNS!!!!!- You can probably tell from my Instagram that this has
been my go to lately. Just lace your shoes up and get some miles under your
feet, you might not like running now but once you start I think you will learn
to appreciate it lol.

Isaiah Miranda

3. LISS (low intensity Steady State): walk on treadmill or step machine for 30-
45 min (incline on treadmill)
4. Outside cardio: Hill sprints, or running up bleachers as many as you can for
20-30 minutes
Abs: Work on abs maybe 2-3 times a week, it’s still a muscle group so give it a
day or two to recover after doing them.
1. Choose 4 exercises and do 4 x 10-15 (rest about 1 minute between every
2. Ab exercise options: sit ups, crunches, Russian twist, v-ups, planks, side
planks, reverse cable crunches, flutter kicks, scissor kicks, partner leg throws,
plate pushes, leg raises etc.

Food Options:
Lean Protein options:
1. Chicken breast: Super versatile meat, can cook it a bunch of different ways
and is naturally super lean when the skin is removed before cooking it. Has a
lot of vitamins and minerals that boost the nutritional value of your meals.
2. Egg Whites: this is a staple in any diet when people are trying to change their
physique, have absolutely no fat and super easy to digest.
3. Ground turkey: get at least the 93/7% lean turkey super easy to cook and can
season them a bunch of different ways, and can make a bunch of different
meals with it like wraps, sandwiches, stir fry, omelets etc.
4. Fat free Greek yogurt: Super high in protein, easy to mix in shakes for extra
protein or can have it has a complete meal, with some berries chia seeds and
some nut butter.
5. White fish: have many benefits and super lean a lot of easy to digest amino
acids that you can’t get from other meats.
6. Ground Chicken: super easy to cook and season and taste delicious
7. Protein powder: EHP Labs Protein Powder (Oxy Whey) super-fast digesting
and only 110 calories per serving. VANILLA ICE CREAM AND PEANUT
8. Sliced Deli meats: literally just the regular pre packaged deli meat you find in
the refrigerator section at the super market. Just check the nutritional label
and make sure it’s the less fat one (lower in calories) the one I get is usually
50-60 calorie per 2 OZ.

Isaiah Miranda

Fatty Proteins:
1. Salmon: Good source of protein and unlike other fatty proteins it isn’t high in
saturated fats. Great source of omega 3 fatty acids, benefits the heart, help
those who are at risk of cardiovascular disease.
2. Ground beef: 90/10% or leaner. Much healthier then people may think, has
plenty nutrients and antioxidants like Zinc, vitamin B6, and alpha lipoic acid.
These are what create antibodies and keep your blood sugar levels in line.

Carbohydrates: Carbs do not make you fat!!! Don’t be scared

of them.
1. Oatmeal: Slow digesting, blood sugar friendly and have a lot of fiber and low
in fat. Even has a little protein
2. Sweet potatoes: high in vitamin A, vitamin C, manganese, vitamin B6 and high
in fiber. Fiber helps digestion. Although they are plenty health benefits, some
people might feel bloated if they eat too much.
3. Jasmine rice/ white potatoes: since rice is loaded with carbs it fuels the body
and helps the normal functioning of the brain. Carbs are metabolized by the
body and turned into usable energy for the body. The vitamins and minerals
found in them increase the functioning and metabolic activity of all the
organs which further increase energy levels.
4. Quinoa: this food is much higher in protein that all of the other carbs listed.
For every 1 cup you get 254 calories, 4 grams of fat, 47 grams of carbs and 9
grams of protein. This food is also very high in manganese, magnesium and
iron. The cool thing about this food
is actually a complete protein source so if your ever vegetarian you could meet
your needs with this food.
5. Fruits: plenty of health benefits like polyphenols and other nutrients that can
be amazing for the immune system. And low in calories as well compared to
the other carbs listed.
6. Rice Krispy cereal: If your someone that craves cereal and loves a crunch try
eating rice Krispy cereal. Super clean cereal only 2 ingredients in it and has
no fat in it and digest very fast, I typically only eat this post workout with a
scoop of protein and some almond milk, great post workout meal.
7. Low calories wraps/ breads: I feel like when people are dieting they
completely think they need to eliminate any type pf bread, but that truth is
you do not and these are great for making super filling wraps or sandwiches
because you can load them with protein and a ton of vegetables and it will
keep you full for a while.
8. Pasta: Super easy to eat and a great way to get more calories in if you need

Isaiah Miranda

Fats: It is very important to have fat in your diet because you

do need it to survive lol. I typically do it a lower fat diet
because I preach “Low calorie dense foods” and fat does
have more calories per gram then protein and carbs (9
calories Per Gram, compared to protein/ carbs which has 4
calories per gram) but if you are someone who does enjoy a
higher fat diet here are some options of some good fat
options that I do incorporate into my diet every now and
1. Extra virgin olive oil: improves heart health, reduces risk of type two
diabetes, helps lower cholesterol, anti-inflammatory, helps improve
digestion, improves skin health, prevents gallstones.
2. Coconut oil: Lauric acid, Capric acid and Caprylic acid make up about 62% of
the oils found in coconuts. And 91% of the fat in coconut oil is healthy
saturated fat. This fat composition makes it one of the healthiest fats on the
planet. Also, it is easy to digest, not readily stored as fat and its processed by
the liver which means it immediately converted to energy instead of being
stored as fat.
3. Avocados: offer nearly 20 vitamins and minerals in every serving, including
potassium (controls blood pressure), Lutein (good for your eyes) and folate
(important for cell repair). Also, good source of B vitamins which help fight
off disease and infection. Also provide vitamin C and E plus natural plant
chemicals that may help prevent cancer.
4. Nuts: help provide a healthy heart, digestion and even help your blood sugar
levels. It’s important to know which nuts are worth the calories. Almonds,
walnuts and pistachio are the best when it comes to getting the healthy fat
benefits from them. So, almond butter can be an amazing substitute for
peanut butter because PB does not offer the same fatty acid profile, fiber and
doesn’t have as many anti-oxidants.

Vegetable and fruit options:

Eat your vegetables and fruits!!
I always say fill up on “Low calorie dense foods” that way you get full because its
a lot of volume without a ton of calories. Especially if your trying to lose body fat
and get leaner I definitely recommend eating a ton of fruits and vegetables. Not

Isaiah Miranda

only because their lower in calories compared to other food but also because
they have so many health benefits and micronutrient that you need.
1. While all fruits and vegetables have their benefits, and are good for you,
there are still certain ones that are much higher and much lower in calories
then others so its important to know which ones are higher in calories than

My top 7 lowest calories vegetables: For 100 calories serving

Lettuce- 700 grams
Cucumbers- 650 grams
Zucchini- 500 Grams
Asparagus- 500 grams
Tomatoes/Spinach - 450 grams
Mushrooms- 450 grams
Cauliflower- 400 Grams

My top 7 lowest calorie fruits: For 100 calories serving

Strawberries- 300 grams
Cantaloupe – 270 grams
Peaches- 250 grams
Blackberries- 230 grams
Pineapples- 220 grams
Plums- 210 grams
Apples- 190 grams

5 higher calorie vegetables: For 100 calories serving

Dry split peas- 30 grams
Edamame- 80 grams
Corn- 120 grams
Peas- 130 grams
Kale- 200 grams

5 higher calorie fruits: For 100 calories serving

Avocado- 60 grams
Passion fruit- 100 grams
Banana- 110 grams
Pomegranate- 120 grams
Grapes- 140 grams

Snacks: My favorite go to snacks

1. Fat free yogurt
2. Protein bars. Quest bars and Lust bars by EHP Labs are my go to. (be careful
with some bars because a lot of them can be really high in calories.

Isaiah Miranda

3. Popcorn – Smart pop brand (100 calorie per bag ones)

4. Fruit!!!- if you ever find yourself hungry during the day and need a little
snack to hold you over until the next meal eat fruit, so many benefits and way
lower in calories for the amount of volume you get compared to other snacks.
My go to are apples, preferably the ones from Panera lol
5. Vegetables are also a super low calorie dense snack with a lot of volume.
6. PB fit powdered peanut butter from Costco (absolutely delicious)
7. PB Fit and sugar free Jam Sandwich on any low-calorie bread (the lowest one
I have found is 40 calories in my local super market)

1. Drink a ton of water and don’t be afraid of “zero” calorie drinks, they taste
good and will stop you from drinking let’s say soda or juice that has a ton of
calories with no benefits.
2. My top favorite low “zero calorie” drinks:
- No sugar Monsters
- Body Armour “Lite”
- Propel flavored water
- Black Coffee (Starbucks Black iced coffee with 2 pumps sugar free vanilla
and 2 Splendas. “The “Isaiah Special” ☺)

SUPPLEMENTS: EHP Labs- Use code “Isaiah10” for 10%

off (Link to website:
Protein powder: “OxyWhey” Super-fast digesting and gets absorbed by the
muscles right away, perfect for post workout and mixes very well in shakes,
oatmeal etc. (Vanilla Ice Cream and Peanut Butter Cup are my favorite)

Isaiah Miranda

Protein powder: “Blessed Protein” If you do not handle whey protein well this
plant based protein is amazing (Vanilla Chai/Chocolate Coconut are my favorite)
Pre-workout: “RP Max” Stimulant based Pre workout, it definitely get you going
and is pretty strong but not over the top where your face is itching like crazy and
you want to jump out of your skin (Strawberry Daiquiri is my favorite)
Pump Formula: “PSI” Stimulant free pre-workout, perfect for days when you
don’t want any caffeine but still want a pre-workout. Helps with focus and helps
you get a pump, blood flow and doesn’t give you any jitters (Blue Raspberry is
my go too)
Fat Burner “OxyShred” Probably EHP Labs best product and maybe my favorite
as well. They offer a couple different version some with stimulants and some
without. I take the stimulant free OxyShred always before my cardio sessions
and sometimes even before my lifting sessions because it really gives me good
clean energy, gets a really good sweat going and has me locked in and focused
(Peach Ring flavor is amazing!!!!! Honestly the best flavor I have ever tasted)
Amino Acids: “Beyond BCAA’s: I always sip on this during my lifting sessions
and especially my cardio sessions. I also really advocate using this product if you
are already pretty lean because it helps a lot with muscle recover, hydration and
endurance (Passion Fruit is my favorite)
Creatine: “Crea-8” I get asked all the time if I take creatine and the answer is
yes I do I really believe that everyone should take creatine because it is
extremely beneficial. It is literally the #1 most researched and backed up
supplement that there is and is proven to 100% do exactly what it says it does
which is: Build lean muscle mass, improve strength and endurance, speeds up
recovery and helps with mental performance.

Some of my favorite recipes:

PROTIEN OATMEAL BABY!!! (about 450 calories)
- 80 grams of quick oats (1 cup)
- 70 grams of frozen berries (1/2 the serving size on the bag)
- Cinnamon (To taste, I like a lot lol)
- 1 Splenda or other sugar free sweetener
- 1 serving protein powder (EHP Labs OxyWhey Vanilla Ice cream is my
- Sugar free low calorie maple syrup (To taste, I do less than a serving)

Isaiah Miranda

- Fat free Whip Cream (Optional)

PROTIEN ICE CREAM (about 200 calories)


- 140 grams frozen berries (1 full serving)

- 1 serving protein powder (EHP Labs OxyWhey Vanilla Ice Cream and
Peanut Butter Chocolate are my favorite for this and EHP Labs Blessed
plant based Vanilla Chai Protein is very good)
- Handful of Spinach
- 1 Splenda
- Little Sugar free syrup (optional)
- Cinnamon (to taste)
- Handful of ice cubes (depending how thick you like it, I recommend
making it thick so it’s more like ice cream)
- Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk or water (just enough so it blends)

ULTIMATE BREAKFAST (about 450 calories)

Ingredients for omelet:

- 125 grams egg whites

- 60 grams tomatoes
- 25 grams spinach
- 1 slice fat free cheese (I usually find a 30 or 45 calorie one)
- 2 OZ sliced deli meat (I use 50 calorie per 2 OZ serving)

Ingredients for French toast:

- 4 slices low calorie bread (I use 40 calorie per slice one)

- 100 grams egg whites
- 3 OZ unsweetened vanilla almond milk
- 1 Splenda
- A lot of cinnamon


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